Games: Rate and Discuss

batman arkham asylum - 9/10

Just finished it and got to say I loved it. Probably one of the most suprising games to stand out this generation and should stand up with the big hyped franchises and considering at first I thought this game would be crap I am very, very pleasantly surprised and have played it straight through the weekend (I don't remember the last time I played a game that made me did that). Mark Hamill as the Joker is brilliant in this and it is for me the darkest I've ever seen the character since TDK (I've never read the comics TBH but I'm tempted to pick up arkham asylum comic).

I was surprised to see that the stalking part of the combat was more understated to the fighting as you only need to stalk if you are in an open area and the enemies have guns otherwise just beat the **** out of them :) The combat itself is surprisingly deep and is not just hammering one button, towards the end of the game you have to be quite good at countering to get anywhere.

The game essentially plays out in a semi open world like bioshock's with lots to explore. The riddler challenge was one of the highlights for me as it encourages you to actively explore the environment but it does not make ever make it really hard for you as you can find riddler maps to help you find secrets, which is a big help as it is a pet peeve of mine in games like GTA where the game just tells you to get 200 macguffins and doesn't even show you what ones are missing so this was a very welcome feature. I really urge those playing to do the riddler challenges as they really flesh out the game with the interview tapes and subtle nods to the batman world. Also for those of you doing the arkham spirit quest
you'll never guess who it is.

It does have some flaws but not enough to detract the whole experience:
- I would have like to see the more iconic batman villains established in this game. I quite frankly don't care about killer croc or bane I want two face, mr freeze etc. so to see them as only riddler challenges was a bit disappointing.
-the ending like bioshock's is where the game falls at the last hurdle. The last boss is too easy and the enidng was quite disappointing. Plus biggest issue is who the last boss actually is. Let's just say some fans won't like it (I know samon won't).

But really if you have not played this game yet get it now!

EDIT: forgot to say but the scarecrow sections in this are the closest I have ever seen to the iconic psycho mantis scenes in MGS1 since that game.
Nice to see I'm not the only one who enjoyed it :).
Nice to see I'm not the only one who enjoyed it :).

definitely not the only one
suppose i should've put my little writeup about the game in here instead of the batman thread but oh well

long story short, i was thoroughly entertained

Batman: Arkham Asylum
AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! Review


AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! is an indie game based on futuristic base jumping where there are flying cars, floating buildings, and apparently helicopter parachutes. However, this is where the story ends; there really isn’t any story to speak of apart from what you see technologically in each of the levels. While more background would be nice for those of us who enjoy reading about different worlds, it really isn’t necessary in this game. What little has been provided in the scenery is plenty, as you’re going to be concentrating on far more than those flying cars.


AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! starts off based on two simple premises: get close to a building, and you get a KISS. Stay close to the building, and you rack up HUGS. The faster you’re going, the faster you accumulate HUGS. Hitting a building on the side makes you lose control for a few seconds while you bounce, and hitting a building hard (or on top) makes your score void and you have to start over. While this looks like it could get stale very fast, the game gradually introduces new “abilities”, making it more difficult and essentially adding a learning curve until getting to the most challenging levels. This is one of the game’s best points; the way the levels are designed at the beginning gives a clear path for the player to follow, slowly making it harder and harder to choose the ‘best path’. Soon enough, there is no clear best path or clear hints in the description, so the player must make a decision on which way to go (and perhaps repeat the level to figure out if the other way is better). One thing I think could be added, however, is a "reset button". Right now, if you mess up, the only way to go back is to crash. Adding a reset button would make it far easier to simply start over when you feel you could've done much better and don't want to waste your time with the rest of the level.

New levels are unlocked via “cubes”. You’re given three tutorials and a starter level when first playing, and from there you can progress through either the right or the left (or a combination as well as going up top) with a "wheel" of several cubes, most of them levels, some of them tips and videos. On the far side of the wheel are the hardest levels (which give the most but also cost the most to unlock), while the ones near your starting point unlock abilities and teach you how to use them (and are cheap but don't reward much). This system works quite well; if you're getting four or five stars on the starting levels, you can power through to the other side. If not, then you can play around with a bunch of the cheaper levels to unlock until you "get it". One disappointment I had here is that if you unlock a level, it immediately loads it for you to play. While this is usually what you want to do, sometimes you just want to unlock the cube so you can unlock another (cubes can only be unlocked if you own an adjacent cube). It would be nice if it only unlocked it, then asked you if you wanted to play the level. However, this is a minor annoyance.

Cubes system




As seen in the title, the game obviously contains some humor and randomness. While some of it is quite good (I enjoyed the meditation and anti-meditation rooms), some of it is just stupid and irritating, as if the game was trying too hard to be funny. This is inevitably a side effect of trying to be humorous, but some of the attempts at humor are simply idiotic, with some moments leaving you with the thought "what the hell were they thinking?"

The art style and music are magnificently done. You truly get the feeling of falling when playing the game; there’s a sense of speed and momentum to your movements. The art style is varied, but repetitive enough that you can recognize what is what in the game. The music fits in perfectly with the levels, although tracks are repeated a bit too many times throughout. One thing to try is to look up for a second or two if you have some clear time; you’ll be amazed with how far you’ve gone and how “cool” it looks. However, the HUD does seem a bit too invasive for this type of game. It was easy to get used to, but it seems quite large when first starting to play. A small reduction in size could help visuals greatly.



Score and Winning

The scoring system is also quite simple. Everything is worth a set amount of points; the more stuff you do for more points, the better your score is. You can earn zero to five stars depending on your performance, with each star getting you a certain amount of "teeth" (the "money" in the game). There is also a top five in the leaderboard from the Steam servers; what’s interesting is that almost nobody is on the leaderboards of two different cubes, especially past the beginning levels. From this, and my own experiences, I can say that the top scoring spots will be fought over months from now as people explore different routes and different strategies, executing each one better and better. For the beginning levels, there’s a clear ceiling on how well you can do (so you can “master the concept”, then move on); on all others, there’s clearly a lack of one. Not only does this add to the replayability of an already massive game of 80 levels, it means the game will be competitive for months to come. Even getting five stars is no pushover; I can’t get past four or three on many levels, no matter how hard or how many times I try.


There are so many things done right with this game. The music in all the levels fits perfectly with the environment and the art style. The level styles are varied enough that you don’t get bored of the same environment every time, but can recognize what each object is. The learning curve is done incredibly well. Level names and descriptions provide subtle hints as to how to score well. The gameplay is simple to pick up, but addictive very difficult to master. The replayability is almost unparalleled for a $15 indie game.

The verdict? It’s $15. You'll get hours upon hours of fun out if it. Buy it.

(Or at least try your very best to win it in the competition!)
Shouldn't this be in the rate and discuss thread?
First off what should of been said is good review Kins and if the thread needs to be moved it will.
Batman Arkham Asylum - 9/10

It's either an 8 or 9, and considering this is the first game in a while that I've started again immediately after finishing, it gets a 9 :)

Not perfect, but a good, solid action adventure and the best super hero game to date. The combat system is excellent.
fear 2 reborn - 6/10

It basically just decent and that's it. If you like fear you get more of what you want if you don't then don't bother with it. This pack could have had way more potential though being able to play as a replica could allow for squad based combat or some sort of infiltration tactics once you've gone rogue but none of that is there.

Biggest problem though is that this is WAAAYYY too short!!! Also there is not even an attempt at scares here, alma appears literally twice, and if they are all clones why does the main character sound different to everyone else? Only real positive is if you really like fear then there are some advancements with the story (for those who don't wish to buy this):

paxton fettel comes back to life (even though monolith said they wouldn't follow the plot of the expansion packs they've basically copied it >_>)

Guilty Gear X - 6/10

As some of you might know I really want to play blazblue but that has not yet been released in the UK so I thought I'd give this a whirl first to try it out. I've found it kind of fun but only on the easiest settings, anything above that and I get my ass handed to me :( (I'm a pretty casual fighting game fan, only ones I was ever any good at where tekken and soul calibur) and the seemingly simple task of unlocking some characters is incredibly frustrating to me :flame:

I've heard blazblue is easier than this but still quite hard so all this has done is make me disappointed because I can see blazblue becoming one of those games that I am interested in but will never play because I'd hate the gameplay (bit like persona or silent hill).
PSP demo time:

patapon 1 and 2 demos: I can't play it, I just can't keep up with the rhythm. Seriously I just plain suck at it :(

medievil resurrection demo: I loved medievil 1 and 2 as a kid but this one disappointed me. The medievil games don't seem to have aged well, and this game is the exact same as the old ones. The combat is very simple and very repetitive (what worked in 1998 doesn't mean it will work now). Plus the game itself doesn't seem to have been ported over well to psp with framerate issues and poor hit detection. Plus some of the changes made to the style and humour of the game are inferior to the originals, alot of the humour just falls flat.

locoroco 1 and 2 demos: Both games seem to be the same game and they are really cutesy and you can't help but smile whilst watching your blobs slide around various contraptions all with a catchy soundtrack in the background. But actually playing the game just consists of holding L and R this means that either the game has to be played in quick, thinly spread bursts or the game quickly becomes boring.

Ok an actual game now:

infamous - 6.5/10

Okay I'm late to the party with this game but I am really underwhelmed with this one. I've not finished it yet so I may change my feelings (I'm about 2/3 of the way through the good campaign and still need to do the infamous campaign). The game starts out very slowly with alot of the missions at the begining basically being introductory missions to other side missions and only after some time does the story pick up but story development is still very slow and doesn't hold my attention to keep pushing through the game.

The problem for me is that the game is very repetitive, it is my own equivalent of assassin's creed (at least assassin's creed did something different and I found the story interesting). The powers are simple and are really just electricity based versions of your standard game weaponry (shotgun, sniper, grenade etc). Most missions are either something that would be mistaken for a side mission or are those really ****ing irritating substation sewer levels. I've done 6 of those ****ers and I know there are more :flame: I've only had a few missions that have broken this mould.

As for the eternal debate of infamous vs prototype, I would pick prototype any day. It had lots of varied powers, the missions were varied and had seemed to have some purpose behind them and as bad as the story really was it still was kind of engaging.

PS: For me Rico from KZ2 is one of the most annoying game characters of all time but Zeke from infamous really gives him a run for his money.
As for the eternal debate of infamous vs prototype, I would pick prototype any day. It had lots of varied powers, the missions were varied and had seemed to have some purpose behind them and as bad as the story really was it still was kind of engaging.

Varied missions? Were we playing the same Prototype?
The side missions weren't yeah but I found the story missions more varied than infamous.

BTW I've played more of infamous now and I am actually at the 3rd last mission. It has really picked up now and became much more enjoyable. Powers are getting more powerful and interesting, story is now finally getting fleshed out and even the karma choices are getting alittle more interesting.

I still think overall I prefer prototype but I would maybe now give infamous about 7 to 8 /10
Braid - 9/10

It was a good game with some tricky (but very logical) puzzles. My main complaints are that it was very short, although for $5 I can't complain too much, and I also found the story to be extremely confusing. Even after finishing the game and reading all the secret hidden books in the epilogue (or at least I think I got them all -- I can't really tell), I still have only a vague sense of what was going on. As far as I could understand, the epilogue books were about

Tim being a overly-controlling super-creep who locked a princess in a castle he built? And some of the secret books seemed to be about his mother and a candy store?? What the heck!
Maybe I have poor reading comprehension or something.

The puzzles themselves were fun and implemented very well, with music indicating whether you were going backward or forward in time, and slowing down when appropriate. I also like how they implemented the past-you-shadow-person, although a timer showing how long that effect lasts would've helped since I ended up repeating one part at least 20 times due to poor timing even though I knew what I needed to do to solve the puzzle. I also ended up solving a couple of puzzles by luck which was strange. For the more difficult puzzles, I found that trying fresh again after a couple of days helped a lot -- usually it turned out to be something obvious that I hadn't thought of before.

The art style and music was really awesome.

IN SHORT: Really good puzzles with neat time manipulation tricks. Puzzles actually make sense. Storyline was too confusing. But overall, highly recommended.
Infamous (the redux review :P ) - 7/10

Okay the game surprisingly picked up alot at the end for me. Powers got much better (that lightning storm is so ****ing cool), the story was much better (kessler I thought was a VERY good villain and I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with the next one now), and missions were not all the same or merely longer side missions (some of the side missions I noticed had more original ideas than the early missions). I am now actually going to play it on the infamous campaign after getting some of the trophies.

Although playing it more I noticed a problem that became very prevalent towards the end of the game: this game is glitchy as hell :O

Seriously about 3 times I feel through the map, one of the dead drops wouldn't play first time, side missions would appear on my minmap but not the main map, and some enemies would be stuck in their death animations constantly. Not too many glitches that get in the direct way of the gameplay but they are definitely there.

I came to like this more that I would almost rate an 8/10 but cos of how crap I found the start of the game it gets a 7. I really don't think it came anywhere close to the other high scores most reviewers gave it though.
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition - 7/10

Barely as funny as I remember it, the game probably deserves an 8/10-ish score if i'd been coming at it fresh (because the puzzles are so well designed in the first place, you simply don't forget their solutions). I just feel the 'Special Edition' didn't go far enough. Good work on the soundtrack, typically mediocre on the voice front (I was never a fan of the voice cast, so keeping it the same for continuity's sake isn't the essential it's been made out to be), the visual side of things was rather more hit and miss. The backgrounds are almost uniformly beautiful (though some shapes in the melee forest seem to be poor interpretations of the originals, and some text has a horrid clipart look to it). Other aspects, didn't thrill me quite as much. Of course, the counter to this argument is that, since the original game is accessible via F10, why does it matter that the new version isn't a perfect . Well:

1) I, and everyone else am purchasing this game to play the new version, not to play it in its original form which, honestly, is a game that 95% of people who play the SE are going to have already played and probably owned.
2) The main gripe I have with the visual side of things is probably a consequence of the seamless integration.

Specifically, the character animation bugs me. Now the character designs in the extremely low-end origins of the series have always been radically reinterpreted by the later hi-resolution 2D and 3D games, and it's past the point where Guybrush's bizarre headshape is worthy of comment. But there is no reason in a proper remake why these characters should get such a limited range of key-frame animations and absolutely zero in-betweening. Unless that is, the trade off was between having a new version that perfectly synchronises with the original (probably sharing large amounts of code with it), or it's a trade-off for the detailed shading that the characters have (unlike the cel-animated look of the far more expressive Curse characters). I personally would have sacrificed either the shading or the F10 toggle for a well animated game, acknowledging that having the old-version around was useful when dealing with the cumbersome, hidden verb table / inventory screens in the new version started to get annoying.

Realistically of course, the lack of fluid character animation probably has something to do with the limited money and resources this out-of-nowhere remake doubtlessly had. I just feel that when it comes to remaking games, there should be none of the 'count your blessings' talk that a new instalment of a well-loved series usually inspires. Certainly not a regrettable purchase, but there's no denying it could have been better.
Resident Evil 5 - 8/10

When I first played this game on the 360 I struggled with the awkward controls and stopped playing on the second level and decided to wait for the PC version. I'm glad I did as the controls on the keyboard and mouse are much easier for me, even though the mouse control still has a slight shake to it so that your aiming isn't as precise to make the game too easy.
First the bad stuff. Resident Evil 5 is not remotely scary, which comes from one of the biggest pussy's ever when it comes to games. The combination of setting most of it during the day and taking out all of Resident Evils trademark jump shocks mean that it's basically no longer survival horror and more an action game. Those looking for scares should perhaps stick with Dead Space.
I also found the inability to move and shoot quite puzzling at first as I did the real-time inventory screen that no longer pauses the game. Sheeva was also quite dumb most of the time.
The longer I played though the easier the controls started to become and ended up working quite well, it wasn't long before I was throwing Chris around as if I never had any control troubles at all and the real time inventory actually isn't that bad once you realise you can just use on button press to equip item rather than going through the usual procedure.
I thought the visuals in this game were brilliant. The cut scenes really stand out as they are generated in real time using the engine, not the low res pre-rendered crap RE4 PC employed. Character models have decent polycounts and the texture work on some of them makes it hard to believe this came from a console.
Voice acting for the first time ever in an RE game is actually pretty decent and the story is the best one in an RE game since RE2 as it ties up all the loose ends with regards to
Wesker, Umbrella and the Spencer mansion
The gun-play is extremely satisfying although once you have a couple of favourites you'll never need to use the other variations which inevitably end up being less powerful than the ones you've spend money on upgrading.
There is also the Mercenaries mini game once you have finished the story mode to give the game a little extra life (video below).

The game does have it's faults, and the lack of any scares will disappoint some fans of earlier games but it's a solid action game and it's good to finally tie up all the loose ends that have trailed throughout the RE franchise.






Voice acting for the first time ever in an RE game is actually pretty decent and the story is the best one in an RE game since RE2 as it ties up all the loose ends with regards to
Wesker, Umbrella and the Spencer mansion
I know the only way is up when it comes to Resident Evil and voice work (and also that it always seems really rude to discuss ratings in this rate and discuss thread), but it's still pretty awful in number 5.

Even if you excuse the actors for having to deal with a rubbish, rubbish script full of 'look out's, ridiculous main-character pleas for reason with batshit insane antagonists and 'NOOOOOOOOoOOOoo!!!!' moments that put Vader to shame... even then, Sheva's actress sounds like she was trying to cram every single English accent ever known to man into one recording session, and she succeeded to the extent that she sounds like no human being ever recorded. And Chris sounds like a plank of wood, so I suppose they inadvertently got the character correct. Some of the secondary characters weren't terrible, but then you don't have to listen to secondary characters all the time :P

As for the quality of the story:
It ends when you crash land in a ****ing volcano.
Reductive as it is to say 'nuff said', it's mighty tempting.
As for the quality of the story:
It ends when you crash land in a ****ing volcano.
Reductive as it is to say 'nuff said', it's mighty tempting.

While I'm certainly not going to say RE5 has a good story, I would like to point out that in RE4 you were basically an Anime character who was recruited to rescue the President's Daughter. RE5's is at least better than THAT.

Even if the game's art style is silly (Chris's biceps are larger than his goddamn head), the characters are bland at best, and has pretty blatantly racist overtones. I dare say it's the best Resident Evil game to date.
While I'm certainly not going to say RE5 has a good story, I would like to point out that in RE4 you were basically an Anime character who was recruited to rescue the President's Daughter. RE5's is at least better than THAT.

Even if the game's art style is silly (Chris's biceps are larger than his goddamn head), the characters are bland at best, and has pretty blatantly racist overtones. I dare say it's the best Resident Evil game to date.


What the hell? Resident Evil 5 is easily one the worst games in the series. Yes, it's a fun romp with a friend, but the story (inb4 "lol story in a resident evil game") is one of the worst, mind bendingly bad pieces of garbage I have ever seen in a game. Not to mention you punch a boulder at the end.

Now, I may be saying this just because I grew up with the broken games that are the beginning Resident Evil games. But in no way is 5 better than 4, in any way.
While I'm certainly not going to say RE5 has a good story, I would like to point out that in RE4 you were basically an Anime character who was recruited to rescue the President's Daughter. RE5's is at least better than THAT.
But that's not a story, that's a premise. With RE5, you're just a bad enough dude to join a counter-terrorist special forces unit and fight the terrorists. Then the game essentially develops in exactly the same way surely?


Cliche, or cunning self depreciating commentary?
I'd hesitate calling anything about Resident Evil 5 "cunning".
I know the only way is up when it comes to Resident Evil and voice work (and also that it always seems really rude to discuss ratings in this rate and discuss thread), but it's still pretty awful in number 5.

Even if you excuse the actors for having to deal with a rubbish, rubbish script full of 'look out's, ridiculous main-character pleas for reason with batshit insane antagonists and 'NOOOOOOOOoOOOoo!!!!' moments that put Vader to shame... even then, Sheva's actress sounds like she was trying to cram every single English accent ever known to man into one recording session, and she succeeded to the extent that she sounds like no human being ever recorded. And Chris sounds like a plank of wood, so I suppose they inadvertently got the character correct. Some of the secondary characters weren't terrible, but then you don't have to listen to secondary characters all the time :P

As for the quality of the story:
It ends when you crash land in a ****ing volcano.
Reductive as it is to say 'nuff said', it's mighty tempting.

Which has what exactly to do with tying up all the threads of the previous RE games?

As for the voice work, it's head and shoulders above even RE4. While it's nowhere near the quality of the work in B:AA it's still on par with most games. Not something you could ever level at previous RE games.

Now, I may be saying this just because I grew up with the broken games that are the beginning Resident Evil games. But in no way is 5 better than 4, in any way.

I found it far superior, but that could have been to do with the PC port I played, even though it was modded to hell.
He's saying that (despite the fact that it ties up loose ends) RE5 is poorly written and has a bad story, and this is reflected through several things, such as your helicopter crashing into a volcano and you punching a boulder in the end.
He's saying that (despite the fact that it ties up loose ends) RE5 is poorly written and has a bad story, and this is reflected through several things, such as your helicopter crashing into a volcano and you punching a boulder in the end.

Punching a boulder hardly has anything to do with the greater story though. As for the volcano, I don't really have a problem with it. Then again, this is Resident Evil were talking about so I am making allowances here. Compared to the earlier games this is a ****ing masterpiece :D.
Good lord I've agreed with Stemot? What's the world coming to? Quick, someone shoot me in the face!
lol story in a resident evil game

Baldur's Gate II - 9/10

I've been replaying it again and gorramit this game is just as good as I remember it being when it came out. One of the best CRPG plots ever (though it does love its tropes) with great script and voice acting. The characters are all well developed and engaging. Even the requisite Paladin manages to avoid being a one-dimensional cliche by being a bigot and a bad husband and father. There's enough a whole lot of humour, especially with the party NPC interactions - which also add to the already great replayability due to the sheer number of combinations.
While not as free-roaming as its predecessor BG2 still allows you enough freedom through much of the game to stop you from feeling rail-roaded.
The gameplay is solid, especially if you use some of the many mods out there to improve the sometimes ropey enemy AI. Character creation gives a good range of options, though not so many to risk being overwhelming as the Neverwinter Nights games can be. One criticism I would make of the game (as well as most D&D based CRPGs) is that the number of NPCs doesn't come anywhere near to covering the available character options, exacerbated by a few characters being redundant (three NPCs are a combination of mage/thief). You have the option of creating an entire party in the same way the protagonist PC is made but in that event all of the (superb) NPC dialogue and subquests are lost, or you work with savegame editors to try and adjust the existing NPCs.
Many mods are available to improve the aging game, such as adding widescreen and high-resolution support, unofficial bug fixes and the previously mentioned AI upgrades to name a few.

An excellent RPG which has stood the test of time. The only thing which stops this classic from receiving 10/10 is the need for mods and the limited NPC options.
I couldn't care less for Resi's story. Resi 5 just wasn't that good. It wasn't an advancement on Resi 4 at all, the devs just seemed to copy/paste everything from 4 and slap in some co-op. Ultimately, a major disappointment.

Resi 4 is still one of the best games I ever played btw.
Yeah, re5 was a major disappointment for me: complete copy paste design but done inferior (crap inventory, forced co-op and heck let's face it africa IMO just does not feel like resi leading to a total absence of any scares). Plus although it ties up resi plot lines it is not done effectively
ozwell spencer is finally shown and doesn't do anything and wesker dies but the game hardly makes that feel like an accomplishment and they just fly off into the sunset >_>

So if you even care about RE plot then it still disappoints, wesker's plot was even crap. He's the series' biggest villain and after all this time I expect more than that crap plan (plus it didn't even seem to work either).
RE5 is one of the most enjoyable co-op games i've played. The contrast between the co-op and the obviously broken single player is huge, which is a shame, but it doesn't stop the game being excellent when played with a friend.
I couldn't care less for Resi's story. Resi 5 just wasn't that good. It wasn't an advancement on Resi 4 at all, the devs just seemed to copy/paste everything from 4

Which is exactly the same thing they did with RE2 and 3. It's how the Resident Evil series has always worked.
Is it me or do all RE games suck? I played RE2 which was reasonable, RE4 which was unplayable and 5 just looks boring
Which is exactly the same thing they did with RE2 and 3. It's how the Resident Evil series has always worked.

Citing old mistakes to justify new ones?


Resident Evil 5, as Warbie said, is a very fun and quality cooperative game. Resident Evil 4 is a better game overall, I'd say, for atmosphere and general polish all around. The writing and story in both games is atrocious. I cannot speak for any earlier Resident Evils.
Citing old mistakes to justify new ones?

Not at all, it's just a staple of the series and not something which should suddenly be held against one specific entry into the series when the whole series is guilty of it. It's something you come to expect from the series that the game mechanics and enemies are always pretty much the same. RE4 started over with new enemies and RE5 is simply carrying on the tradition of the original trilogy of games. I am not defending the decision made by Capcom to do this again, only that it should come as no surprise from a franchise that revels in it.


Resident Evil 5, as Warbie said, is a very fun and quality cooperative game. 1.Resident Evil 4 is a better game overall, I'd say, for atmosphere and general polish all around. The writing and story in both games is atrocious. 2.I cannot speak for any earlier Resident Evils.

1. You've got to bare in mind I am comparing the PC versions. I think it common knowledge by now that the PC version of RE4 without mods is far from how you describe it. Any atmosphere the console versions had was lost on the PC in a mess of no lighting shaders (European version), low res pre-rendered cut scene .avi's and badly implemented PC controls and associated HUD graphics.
Which means for me as a PC Gamer, RE5 was a much better game than RE4. I have never played the console versions of RE4.

2. It's even worse. If you had played any of the original trilogy you would see how much they have improved in terms of VO acting and story. In fact the reason RE5 has so many loose ends to tie up is due in no small part to RE 1-3's amazingly large plot holes and poor writing. RE 2 was still brilliant though.