Games youre most looking forward to

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Me, gotta say:

1. Half-Life 2 (big shocker eh?)
2. Max Payne 2
3. Call of Duty
4. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Oblivion Lost
5. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2)
6. Resident Evil 4 (GC)
7. Fable (X-Box)

And I guess Ill be interested to see how Doom III turns out, though I have low expectations on everything other than the graphics engine. And no, I didnt "forget" Halo 2, I just simply am not looking forward to it, and I feel the original is the most overrated FPS ever *puts on flame retardent suit*.

Half-Life 2
Doom III
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
MGS: The Twin Snakes
Resident Evil 4
the god damn remakes of RE2, and 3 they promised (and not some shitty re-hashes)

and yes... duke nukem: forever.
Shit I forgot DNF, even if it is vaporware.....
Bad news for the RE2/3 remakes, there not gonna happen, Capcom has stated that the best youll get is the ports for those 2 games, which sucks, since REmake was gorgeous.
Originally posted by Sgt.Igneri
Call of Duty
BF Vietnam
Far Cry
MOH Pacific assault
Halo 2

I also forgot BFV, damn Im slow today.
I WAS looking forward to MoH:PA since MoH:AA was so amazing, but not so much anymore since most of that team is now making CoD.
Originally posted by Bass
Shit I forgot DNF, even if it is vaporware.....
Bad news for the RE2/3 remakes, there not gonna happen, Capcom has stated that the best youll get is the ports for those 2 games, which sucks, since REmake was gorgeous.

I know, and they've already released em, but they said after RE4 they'le consider it again, and probably do it
On the Duke Forever subject, I fully expect a statement released from 3DRealms shortly after the release of HL2 stating that they have decided to switch engines again, and will be starting from scratch with the Source engine, and with a guaranteed release date of sometime in the 21st century ;)
lol, but atleast we'll get it!

actually if they wtiched to source then re-do the game we'd have it in a year and it would rock
All the above plus Van Buren (Codename for Fallout 3), StarCraft: Ghost and World of WarCraft
Hey man I love your sig, its so true, Al Gore never looked so good hahha
Yeah, but its not like in my top 5 or anything? Why do you ask? Not a fan of 1942? Dont worry you wont insult me Im not a crazy fan of it, and Id rather play MoH:AA anyday
He said so didn't he? I am to, the new player models look sw33t! (sry)

*EDIT* oops, to late
The thing I love about Battlefield is the scope and idea of it, but sometimes the actual experience falls flat on its face, maybe its too ambitious
BF has been my fav. game since it came out, i play its mods every day. Vanilla BF is too corrupted. If they could only release an SDK, it could actually survive through the release of HL2. BF:V looks pretty cool, and since the EoD team is practically dead with only 3 members, BFV is the only choice.
The problem I usually find is that the servers I join the "teams" dont function at all like teams should and everyone just runs around doing their own thing
Well thats the same for DoD, MOH, etc. too. Call of duty will force you to work together in teams, which will be great. I usually play with clanmates in BF, though i just quit my most recent clan. I want to join NSF, iman old friend of them.
But at LAN's it ROCK! I'm going to a LAn next weekend and we'll probably play BF/DC 'til we drop:cheese: :cheers: :bounce: