GAmespots final hours delayed ?

However, since Valve has already released the software development kit for the Source engine upon which Half-Life 2 is based, some crafty techie is likely cooking up a workaround to the authentication process.

But even before the Source SDK was released, fervent Counter-Strike source fans had hacked a version of Counter-Strike: Source that would allow you to play without being authenticated online for LAN parties. So it's likely that somewhere, someone is already strolling the streets of City 17, crowbar in hand.

lol, Gamespot really know how to make shit up dont they?
It is just a simple mistake. The person who wrote the story about the early sales obviously didn't check before he wrote it and assumed the Final Hours story was going to be released the same night the game is. The countdown to the story on the page is correct. Tomorrow at 3:30pm.
hmm.. doesn't matter tho right?
i mean to fit the delay theme and all.. its not too far fetched, is it? :p

/me ducks and hides :E
mine says 17 hours.... *shrug*

[edit]: Make that 16 hours, 50 some odd minutes, plus seconds. :cheers:
My counter now says "1 hours, 47 minutes 13 seconds" though it's moved from its old location to the top of the page. Weird, since it said 17 hours just a little while ago.
I tried the windows clock trick, and it does alter the timer, but you just get a 'this event has passed' message when you run the clock right down :(
meh, whatever. let's just assume it'll be out friday.
let me enlighten you guys:

To read more on Half-Life 2 now, check out our previous coverage. But for a behind-the-scenes look at the conclusion to the years-long Half-Life 2 saga, be sure to check out the exclusive feature "The Final Hours of Half-Life 2," which will go live at midnight Tuesday morning PST next week on GameSpot.

edit: you can read a page as teaser though
You can enlighten us all you want: the actual page still says 3:30PST November 12th, which for the unitiated, is a FRIDAY.
I'll go on record right now as saying that the reason for the 9/30 announcement was to focus Valve on finishing the game by that date. By announcing a public release date, and etching it in stone, Gabe was trying to push the company into finishing the game instead of any more Source improvements or game design.

Unfortunately, Gabe (and the rest of Valve) seriously underestimated the remaining work, and by the time September rolled around, they knew it was a hopeless cause. At that point it was just a matter of trying to find the least embarrassing way to say, "um, yeah, we're gonna miss our ship date. sorry."

(I'm never wrong.)
What good is this on tuesday? Ill have raising the bar by then.

Gamespot dropped the ball.
-8 is for the West coast. There is no 'standard' GMT offset, as it differs depending on nothing more than where you live.

Actually, most forums use the default GMT setting unless you specify otherwise.
If you're using Windows you can just right click on the little clock on the lower right, click "Adjust Date/Time," then "Time Zone" in the new window. You can use the drop down menu to determine what GMT time zone you are in. Theoretically it should already be set to it though unless you're computing 2000 miles away from your computer or something.

Don't forget to click Cancel so you don't save any unwanted changes.
Hey guys ....rember when doug lombardi said that hl² will be released earlier when it cames earlier in the stores??? he said that it will be reeased on the same date!!!! maybe valve has confimed gamespot that they want to releas it today!
It's fixed now.

Still targetting friday 12th november, 3:30 pm EST
omg! the final hours leaked! they're delaying it till 2005
the guy gots to rewrite the whole article
How long left? I cant see the countdown on the gamespot page.

Got a link to the image?