Garden Gnome Achievement

Great screenies, gj. The gnome's expression makes me lewl.
Those gnome screens are making me lol. I guess its the expression of that little ****er or because he is so misplaced.

Dont you have some pictures with him in bloody places with corpses?
He does, in the first group, the gnome sitting amongst a pile of dead zombies...
Just launched that bastard.

100% acheivements, go me :hmph:
Those gnome screens are making me lol. I guess its the expression of that little ****er or because he is so misplaced.

Dont you have some pictures with him in bloody places with corpses?

You mean like...


  • evilgnome2.JPG
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  • mayihavesomecoffeetoo.JPG
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Also gnomes.


  • yesdoctorweunderstandwell.JPG
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  • advisors.jpg
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  • whiteforest.jpg
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Finally got the achievement. After much launching of Gnomissiles, hiding under trains and Gnomebie dodging, I finally managed to seal that little plaster aberration in with Lamarr and launch the rocket. I never want to see that little bugger again.

I figured out a way to keep the gnome in the car by the way. Just jam him into the back window real good and its actually quite hard to dislodge him. I drove through the whole chopper sequence without him moving an inch.
I'm currently taking gnome to white forest, ill take a few screenys tonight and post em.
I figured out a way to keep the gnome in the car by the way. Just jam him into the back window real good and its actually quite hard to dislodge him. I drove through the whole chopper sequence without him moving an inch.

It's really hard to get him to stick, plus any bumps and jumps your car makes will dislodge him. I've had instances where I've lodged him in and he stayed for practically the entire ride, but as soon as you hit a bump, he goes flying...

Still, I just finished the chopper scene by launching him again and again, then running back and getting in the car...
Can, someone tell me how they got their files onto the forum, mine are all too big...
The damn gnome ruined the whole trip, here we are, me and my honey doing this little guy a favor giving him a lift to his flight. But does he sit still? NO, he has to pop out at every other turn, 'I want to smell the flowers' or 'I need to go, look a bush'. Half the trip I have to keep my eye on him rather then the road just to be sure he's in his seat. Do you know how many poor zombies I ran over because I wasn't watching the road? Last time I do a gnome a favor.
don't kill me for bumping the thread but originally i found the gnome and launched it out the ceiling of the room its in hoping, you know it would end up in space.
can someone post a screeie of the gnome stuck in the back window of the car? I cant figure it out.:o
I tried that achievment, and I lost the gnome in some radioactive waste.
Also, how does ye get him into the back of the car?
Hey, I'm off for ages with a kidney infection, so I'll proboaly try that later.

While it isn't a perfect spot it is very, very useful. Go slow on the jumps, he will probably fly out anyway but at least he won't go as far. Remember you can use the handbrake to slide him back into position if it looks like he has gone too far back.

The achievment isn't as hard as you might think, between that car rear window trick and the three places you can saftly leave him and loop back to it goes by pretty fast. The hardest part (well for me at least) is the start of chopper sequence because they move your car and you have to put the gnome in quickly before it attacks, try to position the gnome near the spot where the car will be moved to before going in to kill the advisor.
While I'm at it I might as well post some of my favourite (edited/resized) screens I took while doing this achievement.






I managed to get the Gnome on the table during the epiphany. It required supporting it with a barrel, however :P

Oh and the bastard's so buggy, he kept shooting me across the map :angry:
The gnome is hidden under the bed in the room when Alyx talks to Doctor Kleiner.
I've made the gnome achievement very easily, how?
I was just shooting it far away with the gravity gun, also when the hunter chopper scene started, I've putted the gnome in Alyx leg's and i wasn't having any problems. At the end when you put the gnome in to the rocket Lamarr doesn't get out, she is still standing inside.

By the way Operational that were amazing pics of the gnome in half life 2 ep2, the pics are amazing, especially the one when Alyx is talking about the car, in that pic that means that she is talking about the gnome lol. Congrats!!!
I never realized this achievement. I guess I'd rather play through the game without carrying this around while this isn't part of the story, and this could be very frsutrated.