Garg vs. Strider

Garg vs Strider

  • Garg

    Votes: 98 43.0%
  • Strider

    Votes: 130 57.0%

  • Total voters


Aug 27, 2004
Reaction score
Two behemoths. Both crazy bastards that take forever to bring down. If you pitted these two against each other, who would win?

Personally, I think Big Blue would kick ass. He'd just knock out the Striders leg and stomp its mechanical head into dust.
I think batman kicks both their asses, any day!
its that blue tenticale thing that u see take out a combine solder....i think
cylyk said:
what does a garg look like?

Garg is the big blue crazy thing that shoots fire at you and has a big red eye in HL1. I don't know if he is in HL2.

And while Batman is cabable of kicking large sums of ass, I think he falls short of the ass-kickage level of Garg.
Bait said:
And while Batman is cabable of kicking large sums of ass, I think he falls short of the ass-kickage level of Garg.

Given the time, knowledge and money he has, he can kick anyones arse. Just ask Superman, but make sure you talk to him in his good ear.

A garg will use the legs of the strider as a toothpick.
I still want those Painkiller level bosses back :cheese:
The garg could easily be taken down with a few grenades in HL1...
Aknot said:
Given the time, knowledge and money he has, he can kick anyones arse. Just ask Superman, but make sure you talk to him in his good ear.


Me thinks this is how a confrontation between Batman and Garg would go:

Batman : OH NOES!1!! TEH GARG!1! I NEEd MY BAT-A-WanG!!
Garg: Rawr
Batman : AHH GaRG IS TOO MUCH!11!! HOW DO YOU DO iT GOrdON??!?+
Garg: *squish*

The End.

Now, I realize you all want to license this idea and turn it into a multi-million dollar prize winning movie film, but let me remind you who made this spectacular..........thing. Me.

OK, fine, I'm bored and sleepy. Not a good mix when given acess to a forum.
The Garg would probably win. But if the Strider AND Batman teamed up the Garg would of course be in for a serious can of woop-ass. Just think about all the kind of cool stuff Batman has in his utility belt. A Strider is not much to brag about if it's on it's own. Just throw out 12.091 bananas and watch the strider break-dance. (Litteraly if you will)
I hated that BASTARD in hl 1. . . Loved when you electricuted him ... badadom!!!
in an open area i think a fast moving strider would put up a good fight. if it gets one good shot in, the garg would pop.
I believe the first of the Gargs was scripted to only die by that power generator. The others could be killed with a bunch of grenades.
DrEvil said:
I believe the first of the Gargs was scripted to only die by that power generator. The others could be killed with a bunch of grenades.

Nope. :) I killed that one with grenades. It was the one I used to test whether you could or not.
Thats a close contest, if the strider gets a good shot at the Garg with it's main cannon, the Garg is toast. If the Garg gets upclose to the Strider, it'll make butterfly knots with it's legs.

I vote Garg, simply cause if they include it in hl2, it'll look phenomenal! :D
The Strider would own even the mighty garg. One shot from its cano and the garg is toast.
oh, i think it depends on how agile the striders really are
What if the Strider cuts the Garg in 1/2 with its laser beam? Plus Striders are taller than Gargs.
The strider couldnt take a garg down in 1 shot, and once the garg gets close he can just knock the strider down.

Garg Wins

--oh and hool10300...what is that thing in your avatar?
DrEvil said:
The final boss in Serious Sam was mind-blowingly huge too.

Hehe, I'm looking forward to it, been playing Serious Sam co-op with a mate at school, we're at the part now with the lava-boss, how far is that in to the game?
PvtRyan said:
Hehe, I'm looking forward to it, been playing Serious Sam co-op with a mate at school, we're at the part now with the lava-boss, how far is that in to the game?
Can't quite remember, but your position on the map should give an indication.

P.S. there are 2 secret levels, one more secret than the other.
Depends... are we assuming the Garg has the "more advanced" HL2 AI?
Garg would win, he would just knock down the Strider with his arms and flame him so he melts. :devil:

PvtRyan said:
we're at the part now with the lava-boss, how far is that in to the game?

IIRC there are two/three more bosses after the Lava boss, so there are a bit left before you completed the game.
Even though the garg was one scary mother in hl1, I think we're underestimating the striders. The laser and machine gun would be enough to take the garg out. The strider's legs seem to be really strong and flexible; could be used as a weapon. Striders are probably faster than gargs. I guess we'll just have to wait and experience them for ourselves.

God, I can’t wait for this game
It'd probably be a very even fight. Heck, I think I'm going to make a short comic story about this! :D

The winner?
