Gastrointestinal problems

Question since it seems like people here are having their colons removed left and right:
Do they take out the whole thing or just part of it? Cause it seems like you'd need to keep at least some of it???
He had to have part removed more than once, but they think they got all the bad parts out.

Basically, its as long as an American football field or something right? So they just cut a few feet of bad stuff out and reattach it. Basically, was a patch of intestine that was 'eaten away'. :(

He went through years and years of problems, but since the second surgery, he's been doing fine for many years now. He can have coffee and everything.

During the treatments he was on steroids for a long time and so he was eating like crazy. He got a little overweight temporarily.

I remember he had to have Xray reactive fluids (Barium) or something so they can see inside him and he would complain on how absolutely ****ing horrible it tasted.
I didn't get my appendix in a jar, but I did take it to the carnival.

Did you find your UC was better after you had your appendix out? Aparnlty that's quite common.

Just had mine out a few months ago now and the UC hasn't popped up for a long time :D

Another thing I did was cut out all booze from my diet, didnt drink for 2 years and it really seemed to help, but having been in remission for about 1.5 years now I started to have a little tipple here n there.
Well they know more than you and anyone on here.

I wouldn't have spent the best part of 8 years not only treating myself for IBS and CFS but curing both too with no useful help whatsoever from doctors, if they knew what the **** they were talking about. I saw a total of 7 of them, including 2 specialists, who all had completely different opinions of what was causing my illnesses, from obesity (I was 75kg) to advanced alcoholism (I didn't drink) to old age (I was 34). In all cases they passed the buck to a colleague, right up the line, until the final specialist gave up on me and told me to 'ride it out and hope it gets better' after countless blood tests/scans/xrays, because none of them had a ****ing clue as to the causes. I learned shitloads more from forums full of people suffering the same illnesses than from doctors, and I won't even go into the misery they have caused my sister through incompetence, so don't try to make out that people with letters after their names who drive Mercs and Lotuses are made from angels that grew from the tears of baby jebus.

You'll be telling me the Police are doing a great job cutting crime next. :rolleyes:
Well they know more than you and anyone on here.
I know you're not taking a total unquestioning stance on doctors, but c'mon man. They really don't know everything, and they also have their obligations to medical suppliers and the pharmaceutical industry. It's really kind of sickening, but you need to have a critical mind when dealing with doctors who are making very important decisions about your life.

As for my appendectomy...this happened only a few months ago while still in remission, so no, I didn't notice much of a difference--I'm still in good health just as I was before.

There are tons of resources available for people with Crohn's and Colitis, CCFA being one. If you ever used Livejournal, there's a great C&C community called We Got Guts. Raz, if you think you may have symptoms for either disease, go there and I'm sure some members will help you figure it out.
You're full of zingers lately, Raz. ;D

I must have some worms up in my butt!

If I were in incredible pain and shitting blood, I'd rather take my chances at a ****ing hospital than plead my case to a forum full of anonymous people. Yes, I know doctors can get it wrong and are capable of gross negligence, but if you were involved in a car accident or something the only chance you have of surviving would be via these doctors you hate if you haven't been killed already.
If I were in incredible pain and shitting blood, I'd rather take my chances at a ****ing hospital than plead my case to a forum full of anonymous people. Yes, I know doctors can get it wrong and are capable of gross negligence, but if you were involved in a car accident or something the only chance you have of surviving would be via these doctors you hate if you haven't been killed already.

I'm not shitting blood, and I'm not in pain from shitting. I'm in pain from digestion problems from the foods in my system.