Gears of War (X360) Discussion!

I heard somewhere that GoW only uses 2 dynamic lights in the entire game. Anyone know anything about that?
I heard somewhere that GoW only uses 2 dynamic lights in the entire game. Anyone know anything about that?
Hahaha! Man, that is extremely interesting. Maybe in the generation following this one we'll see games with like 6 dynamic lights!! Think of how good that will look!!!
I'm going to shed some dynamic light on the situation, todays dynamic lights really don't shine like yesterdays dynamic lights, and that ladies and gentlemen, is disgusting. I demand referadum.
Just got out of a couple hours of MP ownage with Soupstorm.

I did well on Gridlock and Canals but on other maps Sonikers was king. I haven't even played the other maps we went through.

Some highlights.

One map Soup was about to get curb-stomped. I pull up my scope on my sniper rifle, pop the COG in the head like 1-2 frames before Soup got his head crushed in. Then I revived him and we won the round if I'm not mistaken.

Got my first double kill with a grenade tag.

Also the last few rounds Soup was on the other team and we were having a sniper war on Canals. When I kept killing him he sent me text messages over Live to the effect of:




It made me lol :D

Tons 'o fun.

EDIT: aww, text faces show up as smileys, forgot about that.
Hey, I was playing with Soupstorm earlier on Canals too. Whats your gamertag?
Hey, I was playing with Soupstorm earlier on Canals too. Whats your gamertag?

I was Science H Logic.

EDIT: You definitely got the better of me when I was running around like a retard on the other maps I didn't know but we squared off pretty even on Canals.
When I kept killing him he sent me text messages over Live
They were:

>: |

and >:0 !

You bastard :P

Haha, yeah, I remember you kept complaining about not knowing where you were in Clocktower, but you still managed to trump almost everyone in kills.

Dumb Dude, you and Amish are unreal in Gears. It's ridiculous.
This will probably be the game that makes me get a new XBLGold subscription heh.
So what are the MP maps like? Size, enviroment, etc? When I think of the MP maps I think of the small-ish maps that are on Halo 2. I hope they aren't. :(
3 days left.... then I can get my Gold sub. Damn Soup and Science, logging on everyday to the tune of GoW - I HATE YOU BOTH >: (
Consider yer self lucky - I have to wait til Christmas. :(
Dynamic lighting or not, the game still looks amazing.
Ok I finished the game last night and wow was it great. However my only complaint/dissapointment is that you never get to fight brumak!?! Before the game was released I was sure that he would be a main fight/boss in the game, but yet you only see him once and its only for about 10 secs. I was rather dissapointed cause he was one character that I was most interested in when I first saw the game. O well maybe he will get more gameplay time in the sequel!
So what are the MP maps like? Size, enviroment, etc? When I think of the MP maps I think of the small-ish maps that are on Halo 2. I hope they aren't. :(

MP maps are relatively small which is a good thing. This reinforces the teamwork requirement of the game and creates a few choke points. If they were big then the gameplay would fall apart and it'd suck.

As far as environments go. A city street, canal area, night-time fuel depot, clocktower ruin area, burial ground type place, a big stairway (one team starts at the top and one at the bottom), etc.

Gridlock (the city street) and Canals are my favorite maps to play right now.
It's certainly a pretty pretty and atmospheric game - played a bit over the weekend
Only real negative is that the singleplayer is Episode 1 short from what I've heard
WOOOOOOOOO! I finally was able to own that stupid last boss on the insane difficulty all on my own with no co-op help. OMG did it take me many many many tries to finally get the perfect run. It was so amazing. Now I can finally say that I was able to own this game on insane with no co-op help. Weeeeeee!
Ok I finished the game last night and wow was it great. However my only complaint/dissapointment is that you never get to fight brumak!?! Before the game was released I was sure that he would be a main fight/boss in the game, but yet you only see him once and its only for about 10 secs. I was rather dissapointed cause he was one character that I was most interested in when I first saw the game. O well maybe he will get more gameplay time in the sequel!
Hehe, was about to post the same. I remember seeing the first trailer and seeing it thinking "Oh shit.......F*ck yes!". Maybe we'll see it in 2.

And Amish, is there any way around the disconnect problem? You mentioned it was probably an unsupported router. I have both a Netopia and LINKSYS router.
Hehe, was about to post the same. I remember seeing the first trailer and seeing it thinking "Oh shit.......F*ck yes!". Maybe we'll see it in 2.

And Amish, is there any way around the disconnect problem? You mentioned it was probably an unsupported router. I have both a Netopia and LINKSYS router.

I run into it still, it's just pure luck when I do get into a game.

It usually takes me 3-4 join tries to get into a match.

Also I get the message that there's 0 matches being played and if I want to make my own. Then I pull the plug from my 360 and reconnect to Live again.
I finally played like 2 hours of this game

and is really cool I felt like satisfied aftet the game
too bad it wasnt on a hdtv

is kind of repetive but you dont bother of it and you want to keep playing,problably cuz is the first game that makes the duck-to-cover thing cool
the design of the enemyes is a bit crappy,however I only saw a few but they dont look that cool to me

and I love the chainsaw
I run into it still, it's just pure luck when I do get into a game.

It usually takes me 3-4 join tries to get into a match.

Also I get the message that there's 0 matches being played and if I want to make my own. Then I pull the plug from my 360 and reconnect to Live again.
Meh, lucky bastard. :hmph: My 360 seems to like disconnecting itself for no reason. Isn't it possible to plug the 360 into your computer?
Meh, lucky bastard. :hmph: My 360 seems to like disconnecting itself for no reason. Isn't it possible to plug the 360 into your computer?

I dunno.

Speaking of that though, I've been trying to stream media to my 360 and they cannot detect each other at all. Do you need a crossover cable or something? I thought they could just be on the same network. I think the problem is with the incompatible router again though...which sucks because my router is 1 version too NEW of a compatible router for it to work properly.
Ug, just got out of some really frustrating matches.

-One match I was on a team that had no microphones and apparently couldn't hear my cries for help at the sniper area in Gridlock that they seemed to love to ignore.

-Another match I had 2 people quit from my team after going afk for a bunch of rounds, consistent 2v4's didn't end well.

-And the most recent match was on canals, 3v3, one of our guys insisted on getting the sniper when he couldn't land a single hit (he beat me to it every time because he spawned like 15 feet ahead of me every round). Then 2 rounds in our 3rd went afk for the rest of the match.

Stigmata, where are you and those people we played with the other night? Those were some of the best rounds I've played yet. Good teamwork and communication and no idiots or afkers/leavers.
I'm afraid of using my mic on XBL heh, I probably sound like a tard what with my lameass Swede accent.:) But I still listen to what others say though.
Ey, just to clarify one thing, are weapons respawnable pickups or do you choose what weapons to take before each 'round' ala some form of class system?
Ah, Live players and accents. Seriously, I've yet to see the day I go on Halo 2 and actually get away without being questioned ''OH MY GOD ARE YOU BRITISH? MAN YOU SUCK... YEAH, YOU SUCK ALRIGHT... CUZ YOUR BRITISH.. YEAAAH!'' or ''Yeah, we may of lost that game BUT AT LEAST WE WON THE REVOLOUTION!!111''


My communicator is broke (can't hear through it and sometimes no one can hear me) so I've had to cellotape it to a pair of headphones so that I can hear people, which of course means I also hear ZROOOMMMMM POW! RATTA-TAT-TAT-TAT and other war noises, which can get quite annoying. No point in buying a new one as I'm getting a 360 one, but I find it an essential thing to have when playing on Live, BF2 espeically.
Ah, Live players and accents. Seriously, I've yet to see the day I go on Halo 2 and actually get away without being questioned ''OH MY GOD ARE YOU BRITISH? MAN YOU SUCK... YEAH, YOU SUCK ALRIGHT... CUZ YOUR BRITISH.. YEAAAH!'' or ''Yeah, we may of lost that game BUT AT LEAST WE WON THE REVOLOUTION!!111''


I've actually heard that once >_> I was in some clan for halo 2 ways back and we had a few members with accents. Needless to say we'd get lots of trash talking.


Most of the people I've played against well..suck. I guess alot of people playing online still want to run and gun. Had a guy who came up guns blazing behind me once and I just chainsawed him :|
next time someone talk to you like that say something like "and you where in that batle?"
Ug, just got out of some really frustrating matches.

-One match I was on a team that had no microphones and apparently couldn't hear my cries for help at the sniper area in Gridlock that they seemed to love to ignore.

-Another match I had 2 people quit from my team after going afk for a bunch of rounds, consistent 2v4's didn't end well.

-And the most recent match was on canals, 3v3, one of our guys insisted on getting the sniper when he couldn't land a single hit (he beat me to it every time because he spawned like 15 feet ahead of me every round). Then 2 rounds in our 3rd went afk for the rest of the match.

Stigmata, where are you and those people we played with the other night? Those were some of the best rounds I've played yet. Good teamwork and communication and no idiots or afkers/leavers.
rofl, that sounds terrible :(

I'm not sure where those guys are. I added them to my friends list, and I have yet to see them online again. (Probably because, unlike me, they have jobs.)

Garg: Don't be afraid to talk, I won't make fun of your crazy swedish accent! (also add me >:0 )
Hmm....I plugged in the USB thingy for my wireless router and loaded up MP and I managed to connect to all but 2 games last night. Don't know if this will work for everyone but if you can get your hands on a Linksys wireless router, you should be able to connect with little to no problems.

MP is so much fun. Got into a few good matches last night. It was a 4 vs 4 match on the Mansion map or whatever, and in the midst of one round both teams rushed to the bottom area of the stairs. One of the Locust players ran out of ammo and started running in circles around a dresser. He finally took cover behind it after he thought everyone had left the area. He began easing out from behind and as soon as he popped out I welcomed him with the Lancer's chainsaw. Chainpwned.

And it's a nice change from other multiplayer games, because teammates actually work together. :O Nearly every time I bled out I had an ally there to revive me. Gonna try and get it again this weekend.......

I've actually heard that once >_> I was in some clan for halo 2 ways back and we had a few members with accents. Needless to say we'd get lots of trash talking.


Yeah, it's just the way it is. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Americans. Not at all. To me, their just the same as me and the next guy; humans. You just get the odd few arseholes that are complete ignorant, arrogant bastards. I've played plenty of good games with Americans. It's only Halo 2 you get this probably which just concludes that half the players are about 10 years old and have found out use of the word 'gay' and heard some other guys saying ''Yeah, Britian sucks'' so they thought you had to hate it to be America. :|

Oy oy oyyyy.

Amish: It's not so much the maps being small really, I guess I should have included ''Are they as mind-numbling boring and completly the same with opposite ends, as well as being horribly small?'' Because thats what annoyed me with Halo 2 maps: how everything was identical on both sides of the map. S'lazy.
Yeah you really can't escape it :x. Its not limited to americans either unfortunately (Had a few british guys, call me fat because I live in america :| Cmon. I mean seriously wtf).

The map are all pretty good. I like the mansion the best. Love it when someone crouches behind a couch, so I can blast away at it and watch them try to run when I destroy there cover :D
I'm from Norway and I talk all the time. I **** up at times, but no-one ever notices. Frankly, I speak better English (grammatically) than most Americans.

My Gamertag is: Keisinger

Add me up, I'm probably getting the game tomorrow unless it gets lost in the mail :)
Yeah you really can't escape it :x. Its not limited to americans either unfortunately (Had a few british guys, call me fat because I live in america :| Cmon. I mean seriously wtf).

Aye, it's pretty childish on both ends really. I've had my arguements before, but I've never dilibertly started one with something like ''Oh my God, your American? HAHAHA AT YOU CUZ BUSH SUKS LOL'' It's going to be an on-going war, and I just hope it's not the same in GoW. It certainly isn't in BF2:MC, which I'm really glad for.

After a few hours of play I sometimes get dirty disc errors in GOW when I finish a match or change maps or something. Obviously there's nothing wrong with the disc...but is this possibly overheating? Should I return and replace my 360?
I got the same problem a few times, but it only did it when I turn on the 360 and once while online. It may just be the game. How long do you usually play?

Does anyone else have this issue? Don't know if it's the game or 360, but whenever I start playing, these white squares and black spaces appear and disappear constantly, and it worsens when the game is paused. Then it gradually lessens after you play a while, but it never stops.
It just happened to me a bit ago after playing for 2 hours. It sticks at a loading screen and I hear a kind of clicking sound from the DVD drive.
Sounds like your 360 is messed up.
Maybe. But it only does this with Gears of War.

It just happened to me a bit ago after playing for 2 hours. It sticks at a loading screen and I hear a kind of clicking sound from the DVD drive.
That doesn't sound good. Also, has it ever frozen up for a few seconds when you select Continue Campaign and the difficulty?
Maybe. But it only does this with Gears of War.

That doesn't sound good. Also, has it ever frozen up for a few seconds when you select Continue Campaign and the difficulty?

Nope. It only does this after I've played for a while and it always ends in a dirty disc error.
Gow finally arrived today, so far it's been great fun. Single player is better than I expected, especially fighting the Beserker. That'll certainly go down as one of my fave gaming moments of this year.