Gears of War (X360) Discussion!

The last beserker fight was my fave


I kept shooting the gas tank, hoping for it too explode, so I moved to the back of the train and shot the berserker so he could run after me, that way I could dodge him, run up and keep shooting the tank while he was still on the platform. I almost fell on the floor laughing when I dodged and he ran right off the train :P haha that was great.
Meh. First time fighting the one on the train, the ugly bastard took me down with it. >_>
I was also wondering..what is the exact strategy to RAAM? :| I just shot him a couple times, ran to the troika and kind of kept firing at him in hopes that he would die.
Toss a frag at him, score a headshot or two with the Longshot, repeat. When you run out of frags, just unload on him with the Lancer or wait until the Kryll leave and continue with the Longshot. Also, stay within the lights, and when he comes toward you, try heading to the opposite end, and stay within cover as best you can while headshotting him when the Kryll leave him.
Oh....well I beat him but I think it was by luck. I'll try that strategy on my insane playthrough.


(Oh man that..rap..remix..thing at the end credits was god awful >_>.)
I just finished the game earlier this evening. I have to say overall it was impressive. However, it did feel a bit short. I can't wait to play a sequal.
Yeah >_> I hated that I had to go to the damn site though to get a basic intro to the game and how events kind of unfolded (When the imulsion mining started, the locusts came out and wtfpwned everyone).
I kept shooting the gas tank, hoping for it too explode, so I moved to the back of the train and shot the berserker so he could run after me, that way I could dodge him, run up and keep shooting the tank while he was still on the platform. I almost fell on the floor laughing when I dodged and he ran right off the train :P haha that was great.
What was the point of the whole gas tank? I shot it and nothing happened.
What was the point of the whole gas tank? I shot it and nothing happened.

Well dom tells you to shoot it and after like a bajillion shots (Didn't have any frags on me) it started to smoke, so I guess its just one way to kill the berserker >_> I like the "lol he fell of the train" strategy alot better though.
Well dom tells you to shoot it and after like a bajillion shots (Didn't have any frags on me) it started to smoke, so I guess its just one way to kill the berserker >_> I like the "lol he fell of the train" strategy alot better though.

I ditched him on the last train car after disconnecting it. You can get him to lunge off the train? Now that'd be funny to see.
Yeah he kind of ran after me when I disconnected it and somehow made it over D:
Got it, pluged it into the new 42 inch 1080p Telly. Finished it.

Think I'll be playing a fair bit more.
Got this today, think i'm about a third through act 2. Loving it so far :D Great game, great graphics.
Got it, but only done the tiniest portion. Didn't get to Alpha (I think it's alpha, y'know, those guys that are brown bread) team.

I love the little dash you can do to get from cover to cover, the effect of the camera going low and bobbing aorund, it's brilliant.

And I got gold. \o/
May I ask, the 48 hour free Gold that's supposed to come with the game, can you only use it with a new XBL account or can you use it with an already registered one?*Hopefully getting his copy today*
Me and a friend both bought it yesterday and we played from the end of act 1 to the end of the game in one night......

It was awesome :D
May I ask, the 48 hour free Gold that's supposed to come with the game, can you only use it with a new XBL account or can you use it with an already registered one?*Hopefully getting his copy today*
You can use it on your current profile. :)
Yayz! I hope to go a match against you guys when I get the game, now I just need to dig up that thread with all the XBL Gamertags ; )
After getting used to the controls the day before, yesterday was an epic co-op and multiplayer session that lasted until the sun came up. It feels like i'm coming down after a hectic party! Gaming withdrawal from over stimulation.

Does anyone else find GoW feels oddly familar, yet nothing like anything else you've played? The way you can stick to cover, swat roll around it, along gaps, dive for cover, hop over walls. It can look really fluid and graceful untill someone stomps on a head and pops it like a melon :)


does the sniper kill in MP if you get the reload spot on but only get a body shot?
I'll post this again since I dunno if I've posted it here yet

Played GoW at EB, felt like 'kill.switch' with awesome graphics
Just played for like 4 hours. Some of which Cyberman and Kamakazie joined me. We kicked some ass. I was owning like crazy in the beginning but then as time passed I slipped to the middle of the pack.
After reading 17 pages and then skipping to the last page I still don't care about this game. I don't see how anyone can say that co-op is the best thing about the game, if co-op is truly the best thing about a game then it's probably not worth playing co-op on.
My dad got it for his birthday (he's the reason my family are all gamers). I've not played it yet, but I love the art style. The marines and architecture are quite reminiscent of Warhammer 40,000, which I love.

-Angry Lawyer
After reading 17 pages and then skipping to the last page I still don't care about this game. I don't see how anyone can say that co-op is the best thing about the game, if co-op is truly the best thing about a game then it's probably not worth playing co-op on.

I'd say MP is definitely the best aspect. I've only played through the story once (on hardcore) and I don't really have a desire to do it again on Insane.
After reading 17 pages and then skipping to the last page I still don't care about this game. I don't see how anyone can say that co-op is the best thing about the game, if co-op is truly the best thing about a game then it's probably not worth playing co-op on.

That's, nice, but it's not an arguement, it's a statement of opinon based on no facts.

You don't see how co-op is the best thing? Try playing it with a friend, I did with my housemate and it's awesome.

When you're pinned down blind by 3 grunts wailing on your position, you're buddy a bit behind you to the left spots one making a move on your position, shouts 'To your left' so that as he round the corner you've already warmed up your chainsaw and seconds later you've turned a gameover moment into a well worked team kill. That's why Co-ops the best.

And to be fair, co-op is often the best thing about every game that comes with co-op.
Co-op is always fun - I had SO much fun playing Halo with a mate; I'd man the chain gun, he'd drive; I'd snipe, he'd advance forward; I'd distract the Hunter, he'd go for the kill, etc etc, vice versa, etc. I seriously cannot wait for more of this, but online and in a whole new game.

Anyway, my Live freinds list is pretty much all '... online in Gears of War' now. I'm not going to be seeing alot of freinds on Halo for a while, and I feel quite sorry for all my close mates who aren't getting 360's as our regular meet up's (''Live @ 9?'') are probably going to be pretty scarse now.
And to be fair, co-op is often the best thing about every game that comes with co-op.

Definately. A good game with co-op becomes a very good game.

I've been having great fun with GoW in single player, co-op and multiplayer. How many games can you say that about?
I've been having fun in SP but getting totally owned in MP, I guess it's because I don't play alot of shooters on consoles these days so my aiming is subpar, the sensitivity feels soso also, it'd been nice if they'd given you a slider instead of just 3 different settings.:)
Single player is a blast. I've yet to try it online/in co-op (maybe someones up for that later?). I'll look into it when I get back from the footy.

Did anyone expect the hammer of dawn to be a bit more..... kaboom? I was quite disappointed by the effect. (Works a treat though).
I expected it to be a bit more boom indeed, it was a dissappointment, looked sorta silly killing those huge monsters with this minimalistic beam imo, only thing I found unimpressive about the game is the shadowing system, I was expecting something like the stuff in the UE3 techdemos with dynamic shadows and what not, but I guess hopefully we'll see that in GoW2.:)
Awesome, awesome, awesome game in multiplayer!

*lets out a maniacs cackle of glee and revs chainsaw*
Just ordered this with a 360 for Christmas. 260 quid. Honestly, I haven't seen any of my freinds that got the game on Friday online in MSN at all. I'm pretty sure the ' in Gears of War' has stayed the same next to their names all weekend.
I've played hours and hours of this game at work. I LOVE it. Seriously, it makes me want to buy an Xbox 360.
I'm playing a match right now. Two poor Locust bastards got chainpwned by the same guy. My headset just let loose with an eruption of "OWNED BITCH" and "LOL NOOB".
Co-op'ed last night. That beserker was a breeze with a mate. :E