getting home on novemeber 16th

Jul 23, 2003
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how do you think you can see yourself getting home on the 16th. I wouldn't be surprised for me if the second the bell rings 9th period english i grab my backpack and plow through all the desks to the door. I'll pull out a giant 2x4 and hold it in front of me, mowing down everyone in my path.
I'll run down the one mile hill, most likely still holding the 2x4 swatting the people walking in front of me away into the road. then i'll toss the deformed peice of wood away and it will hit some car causing a massive pileup and diverting the police's attention from me as i run as fast as i can to my house.
I'm not leaving the house on November 16th.
heh my parents would never let me stay home from school for a game. thats why i feel sorry for anyone who will get in my way november 16th.... wait a second... maybe i could sleep when i get home the day before then play from 1-7!
Yeah, but you can't sleep for more than 4 hours during daytime. Just impossible. Maybe if you were ultra tired.
Too bad it's a tuesday. Thank good next day schools over at 12.
School will be skipped and and not to be missed. :cheese:

Half-Life 2 all day and all night. :bounce:
hunter-killer25 said:
how do you think you can see yourself getting home on the 16th. I wouldn't be surprised for me if the second the bell rings 9th period english i grab my backpack and plow through all the desks to the door. I'll pull out a giant 2x4 and hold it in front of me, mowing down everyone in my path.
I'll run down the one mile hill, most likely still holding the 2x4 swatting the people walking in front of me away into the road. then i'll toss the deformed peice of wood away and it will hit some car causing a massive pileup and diverting the police's attention from me as i run as fast as i can to my house.

Lmfao! Im not going to school on nov. 16 or the next day or the next.. I already cut 2/1.5 years of school. Few more days ahhhh not big deal :thumbs: :farmer: :bounce: :E :bonce: :p
I think I might take a college day. Depending on what time they release it on steam. I might jsut schedule a dentist appt then! ;)
November 16th I work day shift (I work swing shift at M&M Mars) so I'll get off work at 3, speed to the mall..get my preorder copy...then come home to play on my preloaded copy that I bought on steam lol.
ive been at school for the last dunno (year 13 now) haha school can ****ing wait for 1 gay day, this is half life 2 now, no more joking around!!!!! :cheers:
hehe i wish i had a car to drive home.

November 16th. Math class.

Professor: As you can see the square root of the crebople axis in conformance with the adjacent angles of sector Z is 12. What do you think?

lmao hunter killer good idead...hmm you could just get hit by a car breaking your legs, then you would be off school for long enough to give Half Life 2 a PROPER raping session, and youll be a few grand up sounds like a plan to me :farmer:
hell yea, i'll buy myself insurance break both my legs with a car, collect the insurance, reset my own bowns. stay home for a month, in which will leave me a proper amount of time to bash every living thing in the game with a cast iron radiator.
On the early morning of the 16th I'll arrive back home from a two week holiday in lovely Thailand (my honeymoon actually). While the wife has to go back to work the next day, I however will be playing it until sundaynight the 21st. The funny thing is: I didn't plan on taking the extra days off, but today I decided that I might as well, coz I had saved up a lot of vacation-days (or however that's called in english). That was about 10 hours ago, so I didn't even know about the golden news yet. In hindsight, that was a pretty good decision.

I'll prolly head off to the games-shop on tuesday, buy the game, but I won't install it. I'll be all woozy from the long flight and the jet-lag. That's not a good state of mind to enjoy the game fully. No, It'll be installed on wednesday morning while I am having a cup of coffee and some breakfast. Then I'll sit down, and play it until my hands feel sore and my eyes are all bloody and painful.
hunter-killer25 said:
how do you think you can see yourself getting home on the 16th. I wouldn't be surprised for me if the second the bell rings 9th period english i grab my backpack and plow through all the desks to the door. I'll pull out a giant 2x4 and hold it in front of me, mowing down everyone in my path.
I'll run down the one mile hill, most likely still holding the 2x4 swatting the people walking in front of me away into the road. then i'll toss the deformed peice of wood away and it will hit some car causing a massive pileup and diverting the police's attention from me as i run as fast as i can to my house.
Mr. Hunter_Killer

Is that you? If so PM me and we'll chat. Thanks man.

BTW, I have school, but then GAME TIME!
my day : its a tuesday so ill have a lesson 9:20 till 11:00 so ill probally come home about 12 pick up the package which contains the game from and proceed to my room to play it alllllllllllll night :D
Imagine if you get home and your pre-ordered copy is not there OMG !!!!!!!!!!!
:( I have to go on an art trip on the 16th, so I have to be at school by 7 and I don't get back till 5! ;( Noes!
dont worry! just take my approach. If you have something to do that day, smash everything with a 2x4 and run away and everything will be ok!
Depends on when it comes out, if tuesday before I start school. No school for me on tuesday. Otherwise I might skip wensday, but prolly not as those are so short for me.
Hmmm...unless I can manage to fake sick on the 16th (doubtful), I'll be going to school, and as soon as I get home, I'll be unlocking HL2......yum....but throughout school I will probably be looked upon as a raving lunatic, talking to myself...." 2..need caffiene...chicken...Mongolia....HALF-LIFE 2 MUTHA F*CKAS!"
I was planning on just talking the day off school when it was released, but I've paid for the bloody trip and I have to go ;( Damnit!
I will wake up at 6am Monday moring and wont go back to sleep untill 10pm on Tuesday.
So im sittin there in math class, impatiently watching the clock when I pull this crowbar outta my back-pack...

Teacher: "Mr. Bush...what are you doing..."
Teacher:"Calm down...who's Gordon Freeman?"
Me: "What the F*ck did you just say...that's blasphemy..."
Teacher: "Watch your mouth or your going straight to the administrator..."
Sweat starts to drip down from my brow...

Me: "The Administrator....Breen...he's here??!"
Teacher: "...?"
Me: " Take me to him..."
At this point all the kids in the room are either laughing or sitting there not knowing whats going on...

Teacher: "Well...if you really want to, i'll take you the to office..."

We arrive at the office...I wait patiently in the Administrator's office for him to show himself...
He walks in... taller than I thought.

Me: "So this is the administrator eh..."
Principle: "You could say that...yes"
Me: "Look like a pussy to could you rule our government...?"
Principle: "...?"

I rise from the chair..brandishing my crowbar...

Principle: " SRO (Student Resource Officer) get in here!, this kid has a weapon!"

The SRO walks in...he goes for his gun, but isn't quick enough, I come at him with a flurry of swings...screaming " WHERE'S THAT BEER YOU OWE ME!?!?!?!" The entire time...he is screaming something...but all I hear is " Don't tick me off Gordon!"...

He's I take his gun...kill the princip....Dr. Breen...then quickly rush through halls towards the parking lot...shooting whoever crosses my path....they're all just scientists anyway...I make it to my car...speed home...start up Steam...and not leave my room for another few weeks...thats pretty much how Nov. 16 is gonna go for me...
i've been planning on taking a week off from work when HL2 came out.

finally, i have submitted my vacation request, had it approved, and i'm all set for nothing but HL2 goodness for a whole f'n week.

yep, pretty sad....i know :dork:
On nov 16th i will be somewhere around delaware on the road driving to tennesee =( I hope i can get internet for my condo asap when i arive lol
Skeeze said:
So im sittin there in math class, impatiently watching the clock when I pull this crowbar outta my back-pack...

Teacher: "Mr. Bush...what are you doing..."
Teacher:"Calm down...who's Gordon Freeman?"
Me: "What the F*ck did you just say...that's blasphemy..."
Teacher: "Watch your mouth or your going straight to the administrator..."
Sweat starts to drip down from my brow...

Me: "The Administrator....Breen...he's here??!"
Teacher: "...?"
Me: " Take me to him..."
At this point all the kids in the room are either laughing or sitting there not knowing whats going on...

Teacher: "Well...if you really want to, i'll take you the to office..."

We arrive at the office...I wait patiently in the Administrator's office for him to show himself...
He walks in... taller than I thought.

Me: "So this is the administrator eh..."
Principle: "You could say that...yes"
Me: "Look like a pussy to could you rule our government...?"
Principle: "...?"

I rise from the chair..brandishing my crowbar...

Principle: " SRO (Student Resource Officer) get in here!, this kid has a weapon!"

The SRO walks in...he goes for his gun, but isn't quick enough, I come at him with a flurry of swings...screaming " WHERE'S THAT BEER YOU OWE ME!?!?!?!" The entire time...he is screaming something...but all I hear is " Don't tick me off Gordon!"...

He's I take his gun...kill the princip....Dr. Breen...then quickly rush through halls towards the parking lot...shooting whoever crosses my path....they're all just scientists anyway...I make it to my car...speed home...start up Steam...and not leave my room for another few weeks...thats pretty much how Nov. 16 is gonna go for me...

Wow. Can I be in your math class on the 16th?
November 16 is possibly the worst time for me...

November 15th - exam block

November 16th - exam block

November 17th - exam block

November 18th - normal school day

November 19th - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL EVER!!! :O :O

and then from the 20th - 25th it's schoolies

for anyone here who isn't australian, schoolies is like this absolutely MASSIVE party where all the grade 12's pretty much meet up in the one location... and go nuts for a week

no way in hell im missing any of this - I have to do exams, I WILL goto school on the last two days and I WILL GOTO SCHOOLIES '04!!!!


so I just hope that my exam block has the last day off so I can play hl2... all day long :D
I'm leaving school at 10AM and then I'm heading down to collect my HL2 and then I'll head home to my best friend...I think? But then it turns out I've got too much homework and I won't be able to play it until december 28th...
me: hey its lunch time, i'm gonna go down the road and grab some food *Runs out the door....Tires screeching*
Raziel-Jcd said:
Lmfao! Im not going to school on nov. 16 or the next day or the next.. I already cut 2/1.5 years of school. Few more days ahhhh not big deal :thumbs: :farmer: :bounce: :E :bonce: :p

Just how I feel! I'll go to my first two classes and then by then EB will be open. I'll have pizza ordered on the bus and Root Beer waiting at home. Anyone who interupts me will be met with a shotgun blast. My guess is the phone will be the first to go.
I'm gonna try to get a day off from work/school, and see what happens.
SixxHole said:
Just how I feel! I'll go to my first two classes and then by then EB will be open. I'll have pizza ordered on the bus and Root Beer waiting at home. Anyone who interupts me will be met with a shotgun blast. My guess is the phone will be the first to go.
LOL, i'm going to post notes growing increasingly more threatening down the hall *beginning of hall turn back, go away, beware.* *end of hall DO YOU WANT TO DIE?! DEATH WAITS FOR YOU! OPEN THE DOOR!*
Atomi said:
Yeah, but you can't sleep for more than 4 hours during daytime. Just impossible. Maybe if you were ultra tired.

last week i did not sleep for 48 hours..then i slept for 23 hours ^^ i came home at 10am went to bed and woke up the next morning LOL that was not a great days was missing
I won't be leaving my pc on the 16th, I'll wake up early and keep refreshing steam 'till it's unlocked then play all day 'till my eyes go bloodshot red and my legs are numb. And then some!