Gman + scientist conversation, translated (partially)

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Geez I'm in the "I can't really make out much of anything" crowd. I think SOME of this may be similar to "subliminal messages" on CDs/records. Once someone plants the bug about what something says, it's hard not to hear it. But who knows?

I would think, if valve wanted some clues to be in the speech, they would have made them mumbled in parts (to make it dramatic so you wonder what was said), but clear in others so we could hear it and get facts/clues/info. In other words: why would they record actual lines if they would be so muffled and unintelligible?

Like with the scientist; that one is by far the most clear and it's pretty easy to understand the majority of it (enough so you know what he is meaning at the very least). And that one would make the most sense since Gordon knows the test was pushed too far, and now he would know by who.

Would be good just to know if there is actual speech there. I doubt Valve would give away WHAT was said, but I wonder if they would at least say SOMETHING was actually said in the first place.
Scientist 1:
I've told you a hundred times how I am opposed to taking this equipment beyond acceptable levels.

Gman 1:
This is not your decision to make

Gman 2:
(this is all I can make)Vnnm Vnnnnm ummm num um nak nak nuk

Gman 3:
I wont be giving you an answer (you want to hear) -or- (just yet)

Gman 4:
If I had one good ?idea? maybe that would ????

Gman 5:
My employers dont agree with that

Gman 6:
You're a scientist and afraid, shut up!

This is what I was able to hear, only thinks I could make out pretty good I wrote, if I really wasnt sure I put ?word? or ????? Gman 2 does not seem like anything of this language to me. Sounds like a bunch of vnmmmm and naks.

Opinions on my findings appreciated.
Dont forget people, the G-man doesnt speak normally. He stutters and has a lisp. Might wanna take that into consideration for some of these.
of course he does

that is why I dont know if he says (just yet) -or- (you want to hear) from my previous post because he is a very shady speaker, very tricky to decipher his talking..

Also I dont see how anyone can make out anything said in Gman 2. Gman 2 is by far the most mumbled junk of all.
Hey, I just gave another listen, after pretty much giving up the other day. Here's what I'm thinking currently:

Scientist: "I've told you a hundred times how I'm opposed to the pushing of this equipment beyond safety (thresholds? It's 2 syllables)

Gman1: "This is not your decision to make."
Gman2: "You must not get in the way."
Gman3: Either "I wanted to meet and ask you what you want." or "I won't be giving an answer to what you want."
Gman4: "If I had one witness support your half-wit ???"
Gman5: "My employer's destined to lead."
Gman6: "Your science is in a flawed ???" or "You scientists...??"

What's most maddening is the 6th one. What the hell could the end of it be?? It sounds so much like "bagah!!" but I can't even think of a word that sounds like that or ends in it.
I listened to Gman 4 more and I changed my translation:

If I had one good guess maybe that was ?sent in?
Ok and I have formed basically what they are talking about.

Scientist is very opposed to pushing equipment beyond the levels allowed.
Gman informs him it is not his decision.
Gman than tells him to not interfere.?(Not Sure about this)?
Sci Talks.
Gmans says I wont be giving you an answer just yet.
Sci Talks.
Gman says That he guesses it was sent in/for.(refering to this pure sample, I believe)
Sci Talks.
Gman says My employers dont agree with that.
Gman insults him and tells him to shut up.
-End of Conversation-

Half of it still sounds like gibberish nonsene to me. Especially the last word of gman 6. What the hell could it be?!

I think Valve should tell us. I assume nobody got a reply to their emails? I wonder if Valve even know? It was 5 years ago, but they might have the original script around somewhere. That's assuming we're not just listening to two people told to 'mumble into a mike'.

We really need HL2... Somebody send Valve a link to this thread, so they can see how desperate we are!
Ok, I've decided the last 2 syllables of gman6 must be some kind of wierd joke by valve. It's just too bizarre.
I will not trie to understand cuz I even cant understand very good the normal voices
I've aked this before, but I didn't get any reply. Where do this conversation take place? In the room or in the train?
The_Monkey said:
I've aked this before, but I didn't get any reply. Where do this conversation take place? In the room or in the train?

This conversation takes place after you get off the train, but before you cause the resonance cascade. It happens in a room you walk past, you can see G-man talking with a scientist in the room, but you can't open the door and enter...

Load up the game dude, I am sure you will remember it...
G-MAN 6: "You scientists drive Fords... Bugger!"


G-MAN 6: "You're a scientist who likes frogs.. Whalah!"


G-MAN 6: "Your science is not allowed... Wanker!"

what you think??
man can anyone send me the sounds of what the nihilanth said ?
denlife7 said:
This conversation takes place after you get off the train, but before you cause the resonance cascade. It happens in a room you walk past, you can see G-man talking with a scientist in the room, but you can't open the door and enter...

Load up the game dude, I am sure you will remember it...

Of course I remember it. That's what i meant with "the room".
what i think gman6 is

you scientist i applaud, bye bye
you have to remember that this is behind a glass so it'll be dulled out more so if you turn your speakers down some you can see where im coming from. after the i it seems like he stops abruplty, making it seem liek there's another word.. this is just my guess tho
Ok, heres wat ive got:

sci mumble-"I told you a hundred times I am opposed to pushing the equipment beyond
the test level"

gman1-"It is not your decision to make."

gman2-"You must not get in the way."

(I think)gman3-"I won't be giving you an answer you want."

gman4-"If I had one______certainly."

gman5-"My employers destined to lead."

gman6-"Youre scientists arent afraid, so there!"

I'm 100% sure of sci_mumble and gman5.
can anyone send me the nihilant sounds.
i want these sounds
1. "what have you done"
3."you can never know the truth"
4."die you will all die"

well can someone give them to me ?
I think I figured out gman4! My brother helped me solve this one, hes got a better ear than me. Im pretty sure hes saying: "If I had one of those new suits, I would certainly". Could someone give it a listen and get back to me?
There is a very old thread where people discussed these mumbles, I will try and find it. From memory though, this is what people came up with back then:

gman1 "You must not let the system collapse." (Not convinced by that though)
Could fit in to the story in that the G-Man is telling the scientist to turn off safety systems (which would fit in with Rosenberg saying the system was sabotaged.)

gman2 - Can't make anything of that.

gman3 - "I want you to give me an answer you won't regret."
Self explanatory message there.

gman4 "If I had one do ... detonate?"
Could fit in with the nuke he eventually detonates?

gman5 "My employers think it's greed." (Not convinced by that either.)
Can't see how that would fit in to the story.

And I think Kon has number six, "You scientists earn applaud, ha-ha."
The scientist relents to the G-Man's demands, and he is pleased.
I just had a listen; this thread has gman1 correct, but I think the older versions of gman3 and gman4 are closer to what is said.
What i think.

Scientist:- Ive told you 100 times im opposed to pushing this equipment beyond maintenance(?) levels.(I think that ones pretty much a dead cert.)
Gman1:- This is not your decision to make. (Pretty sure with that one too.)
Gman2:- Nah nyah na na na nah na.(Not a clue.)
Gman3:- I wont be giving you an (Not sure about the rest.)
Gman4:- If I had wanted you/your (Not sure about the rest of that either.)
Gman5:- My employers destined to lead. (I agree with some others in the thread on that.
Gman6:- You scientists (And a frog tata?)

(btw im new so hi.)
Just an idea. I tried this myself just to see if it was possible but didn't have the time to figure out what they said. Start the game, go to the room with the G-Man and the scientist, use the weapons cheat and use the crowbar to break the glass , it doesn't clear it up that much but it does help.
sci mumble "I've told you a hundred times I am opposed to pushing this equipment beyond its test levels."
I'm quite sure we can all agree on this one. I'm pretty sure that's the exact wording, but even if it is wrong, you all get the jist of what he's saying.

gman1: "This is not your decision to make."
This one's also quite clear. More or less speaks for itself, so there's no need for interpretation on this one.

gman2: "You must not (nuh nuh nuh nuh)."
Not sure. I'll look back earlier in this topic and see if there's anything close.

gman3: "I won't be giving an answer you want to know."
G-Man clashes with the scientist again.

gman4: "If I had one (blah blah blah blah) I would certainly-"
G-Man cuts off right at the end. I played through that map again, and there are times when he suddenly just cuts off and stares straight at you through the window before resuming with the scientist again.

gman5: "My employers don't agree."
I understand how some people might think he says "My employer's destined to lead", but it doesn't seem right. Any other time, he always calls them "employers", thus being plural. If that sentence were to be correct, it would have to be "My employers are destined to lead", but that doesn't match the amount of syllables you hear. Also, it doesn't seem like much of a G-Man thing to say, if you ask me.

gman6: "You're a scientist, and afraid... (Wah wah)"
I'm completely lost on this one, and so the interpretation probably isn't correct. This one's tricky because his voice suddenly warps near the end of it.
7h3-7w34k3r said:
Just an idea. I tried this myself just to see if it was possible but didn't have the time to figure out what they said. Start the game, go to the room with the G-Man and the scientist, use the weapons cheat and use the crowbar to break the glass , it doesn't clear it up that much but it does help.

Or just use noclip. But really, it's just easier to extract them from the game itself.
Huzzah! I love an impossible arguement, so here's a go.

c1a0_sci_mumble: I've told you a hundred times, I am opposed to pushing the equipment beyond the test levels.

gman_mumble1: This is not your desicion to make.
gman_mumble2: (??)
gman_mumble3: I don't think anyone else knew what you have.
gman_mumble4: If I had wanted the answers of half-wits, certainly.
gman_mumble5: My employers don't grieve.
gman_mumble6: (??...) scientists, and (...??)

I'm pretty sure that number two is just a collection of mumbles thrown in to make the conversation longer. I can't make ANY sense out of it. And I'm not too sure about number four. Number five sounds like "GUH-reave," which is slightly odd, but adjusting for freaky G-man speech, I think that makes "grieve."
I think we can all agree that gman6 is "You scientists, and, a frog, WAWA."
BraveFencerKirby said:
Huzzah! I love an impossible arguement, so here's a go.

c1a0_sci_mumble: I've told you a hundred times, I am opposed to pushing the equipment beyond the test levels.

gman_mumble1: This is not your desicion to make.
gman_mumble2: (??)
gman_mumble3: I don't think anyone else knew what you have.
gman_mumble4: If I had wanted the answers of half-wits, certainly.
gman_mumble5: My employers don't grieve.
gman_mumble6: (??...) scientists, and (...??)

I'm pretty sure that number two is just a collection of mumbles thrown in to make the conversation longer. I can't make ANY sense out of it. And I'm not too sure about number four. Number five sounds like "GUH-reave," which is slightly odd, but adjusting for freaky G-man speech, I think that makes "grieve."

To me #2, like in the first post, sounds like "You must not get in the way"
gman2 sounds to me like: "Are you using that mod? Phenomenon..."

I'm pretty sure Gman5 is not "My employers destined to lead." but "My employers don't agree"
Actually, could those last words of Gman2 be... "Gordon Freeman"?

It's the same amount of syllables.
Gman_mumble6 is weird, why did something about scientists and a frog. That dosen't make sense. Gman_mumble5 does sound like "My employers don't greive". It seems like G-Man's having a conversation with himself, there isn't a back and forth conversation between him and the scientist mostly it's just him talking.
Mr_W said:
Gman_mumble6 is weird, why did something about scientists and a frog. That dosen't make sense. Gman_mumble5 does sound like "My employers don't greive". It seems like G-Man's having a conversation with himself, there isn't a back and forth conversation between him and the scientist mostly it's just him talking.
Maybe he's hearing voices who's telling him to kill them all, kill them all! Everybody must die! Mwuahahaha!

Sorry, what were you saying?
K, i just wasted 15 mins<<----(so PLEASE do something with it) on trying to translate.... here's mine

gman_1:this is not your decission to make - 99% sure
gman_2:we must not "......." - 50% sure
gman_3:i won't be giving you an answer you would expect - 75% sure
gman_4:if i had one more year than that would certainatly - 90% sure
gman_5:my employer is destined to lead - 100% sure <<<!!!
gman_6:we/you scientists aren't affraid/applied, (bye bye?) - 75% sure
scientist:i've told you a 100 times how am i supposed to take these equipments behind the test level? - 75% sure

-sorry for bad spelling! i'm kinda excited about this lol :P
this is the best I could make of it:

Gman 1: This is not your decision to make.(that one was easy)

Gman 2: I have no idea, but the last bit sounds like "gordon freeman".

Gman 3: sounds like "I want this to at least last a few years" but I can't really tell.

Gman 4: i'm almost certain that the first bit is "do we have a problem" or "do you have a problem"

Gman 5: sounds like the "my employer" bit, but I don't think so.

Gman 6: sounds like a buncha horse manure.

the scientist one is a no brainer
GMan1= This is not your decision to make.

GMan2= You must not get in the way.

GMan3= I want you to give me an answer to what you want.

GMan4= If I had wanted to then I would certainly.

GMan5= My employers destined to lead ( Breen and the Admin.)

GMan6= Youre a scientist and a fraud. Ta Ta

Scientist= Ive told you a hundred times, how am I supposed to push the experiment beyond its test levels?
sroom2 said:
GMan1= This is not your decision to make.

GMan2= You must not get in the way.

GMan3= I want you to give me an answer to what you want.

GMan4= If I had wanted to then I would certainly.

GMan5= My employers destined to lead ( Breen and the Admin.)

GMan6= Youre a scientist and a fraud. Ta Ta

Scientist= Ive told you a hundred times, how am I supposed to push the experiment beyond its test levels?

I agree with these :D. Although.. I think Gman 3 could be (basically VERY similar) "I won't be giving you an answer that you want"

Probably what you put though :]
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