Gman + scientist conversation, translated (partially)

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g-man6: Your scientists aren't afraid, bye bye

Edit: changed it.
sci_mumble: I've told you a hundered times, how I'm (supposed)opposed to equippimming(?!?) this test to the high big big(pitch) level.
g-man1: This is not your desicion to make.
g-man2: This must be not leverement(?).
g-man3: I won't be giving you an answer you want me then.
g-man4: See, I had worries there, think that that wouldn't ... (?)
g-man5: My employers tend to be greed.
KoZZaK said:
Anguish, you are not anyway near the right things lol

Might be :D but listen to the end of the scientist's sentence, it does seem that he's saying "big big level" or something like that?
Fr4g L R0ck said:
When does this mumbling session take place?

Before the resonance cascade, the g-man and a scientist are argueing in a closed office.
anguished said:
sci_mumble: I've told you a hundered times, how I'm (supposed)opposed to equippimming(?!?) this test to the high big big(pitch) level.
g-man1: This is not your desicion to make.
g-man2: This must be not leverement(?).
g-man3: I won't be giving you an answer you want me then.
g-man4: See, I had worries there, think that that wouldn't ... (?)
g-man5: My employers tend to be greed.

None of those sentances make any sense at all. Atleast try to come up with somethings thats acually english ;)

Also, take a readthrough of this thread, a few of the sentances we all pretty much agree on by now.
Wow this is a raised from the dead thread. It takes part in an office near the beginning. Opposite the one where you can play with the light switch.
SnowBall said:
If this is true, and the G-man hired you to work for his employer (Breen and the combine) then you know that you must betray him in Half-Life 2 to join the rebels.

the Gman's employer is yet to be revealed. Definitely not the combine or Breem - Breem tries to convince you to switch sides at the end - the Gman uses you to destroy Breem - obviously enemies.
MrWynd said:
the Gman's employer is yet to be revealed. Definitely not the combine or Breem - Breem tries to convince you to switch sides at the end - the Gman uses you to destroy Breem - obviously enemies.

MrWynd said:
the Gman's employer is yet to be revealed. Definitely not the combine or Breem - Breem tries to convince you to switch sides at the end - the Gman uses you to destroy Breem - obviously enemies.

I don't realy think the g-man and breen are enemies. As Breen sais your contract was open for the highest bidder. G-man is kinda neutral, If Breen payed more (don't know in what gman would like to be payed) you would have been fighting for him.
Cybernoid said:
I used a special transmodulating alpha decoder device and managed to capture the entire conversation, which is actually much longer than it seems. This is what I discovered!

G-Man: So what's going on with Half-Life 2? Any progress?
Scientist: We've made some excellent progress with the physics engine.
G-Man: Physics engine! What! No one cares about that shit! Tresspasser sucked donkey balls anyway.
Scientist: Now, now, Tresspasser wasn't that bad. I think physics modelling could be the future! We could have flying scientists!
G-Man: Don't be an ass. Just make some more levels, apply some DirectX effects and release it... wait, who is that strange, bearded man behind the window?
Scientist: Oh, that's Gordon, the mute retard. I never understood what Laidlaw saw in him.
G-Man: Fascinating! Does it talk?
Scienst: No, that's the whole point. He communicates with gestures. Look, now he's extending his middle finger. I wonder what that means.
G-Man: I never suspected such things could be. But that gives me an idea! What if we could have real gestures and facial expressions in Half-Life 2! It would be wicked!
Scientist: Don't be a retard, no one cares about that shit. You're only going to shoot the NPCs in the face anyway.
G-Man: Well... well, you suck.
Scientist: I don't concur.

SnowBall said:
If this is true, and the G-man hired you to work for his employer (Breen and the combine) then you know that you must betray him in Half-Life 2 to join the rebels.

What makes you so certain the G-Man and Breen are working together?
i would have been cool if g-man talked in hl2, but u see glimpes of him walking around with his handy dandy briefcase, which makes him more mysterious
I think I have a new take on gman6, if anyone cares anymore.
One of these two, depending on if it is plural or singular:

You are scientists, and appaled, by that.
You're a scientist, and appaled, by that.
excuse me, but ... when the hell does a scientist talk to the Gman ???

I don't get it!
wilka91 said:
excuse me, but ... when the hell does a scientist talk to the Gman ???

I don't get it!

Stated sveral times, but in the start of half life 1 a scientist and g-man is having an arguement in a closed room (Its on the page before this one, do a bit of reading wont you?)
Scientist: I've told you a hundred times, I am opposed to pushing the equipment beyond the test levels!"

gman1: "This is not your decision to make."

gman2: "You must not get in the way."

gman3: "I won't be giving you an answer you want to know."

gman4: "If i had wanted this opinion I would certainly..."

gman5: "My employers don't agree."

gman6: "You're Scientists, and afraid, Shutup!"

gman4 is the ONLY one im not 100% sure of, im closer to 80% considering he DOES stop and look at you during this statement.

BTW for those who dont know where this happens, it occurs early in the HL game when you first come into the Black Mesa base, when you see the Gman talking to a scientist in an inclosed room, and you cannot get into the room.
can someone post the exact file location? I'd like to listen too.

Somebody already posted a .zip file available for download that contains all the files. Just read the thread dag nabbit!

Now isn't it interesting that the Gman wanted the resonance cascade to happen in HL1... However I get the impression that Gordon's impressive actions came as a surprise to the Gman in HL1, meaning that the Gman might not have been expecting anybody to actually reach the Nihilanth (who I believe is to the Xen what Breen is to the Humans, a liason between the combine and their respective race.) and then kill it...

Really makes me wonder if the Nihilanth's death in HL1 was the intended end result, or if it was just a bonus that the Gman is now capitalising on in HL2. Why does the Gman now seem quite intent on freeing races from the rule of the combine? Who's benefit does this serve? Who is trying to destroy the combine, and why?

Also makes me think that perhaps the combine taking over Earth was a direct retaliation to "the humans" (ie gordon alone) freeing the Xen from Combine rule. The above all makes one HL2 vortiguant's comment all the more interesting: "We knew that once the lesser master had fallen, the greater must fall in time too." I'm thinking now that each race taken by the combine has it's master, which is the "lesser master". The Xen had the Nihilanth, the Humans have Breen. Presumably there are countless more races with countless more masters who are all in the servitude of the combine, and whoever is the master of the combine is the "Greater master" that is mentioned. Maybe Gordon is destined to destroy the combine itself and free all the races previously controlled by it? Or perhaps Gordon is destined to destroy the combine so that the Gman's employers can move in and take all the controlled races for themselves?
SnowBall said:
If this is true, and the G-man hired you to work for his employer (Breen and the combine) then you know that you must betray him in Half-Life 2 to join the rebels.
Dude he
at the end of the game. How the **** do you expect to "betray" someone like that? lol.
This is what I deciphered from magnifying the sound wave files 300%

gman1: "This is not your decision to make."

gman2: "You must not get in my way."

gman3: "I won't be giving you an answer you want to know (hear sounds better but it doesnt sound like he says it)."

gman4: "If i had one, ?then yes? I would certainly..."

gman5: "My employers destined to lead." | Some say My employers don't agree | but if it was agree it would have to be "agreed" in the sound file so I lean towards lead as what he says

gman6: "Your a Scientist, and afraud, Ta Ta" others say you're Scientists are afraid but I definetely can make out an "a"
Listened to gman 6 a million times now. I'm 90% sure its "Your sciences aren't applied.... by that". All the syllables match up, and I'm pretty sure I hear a app sound coming from what I think is applied, just litsen over and over really closely. You can also here a b sound from the 2nd to last syllable. Could be wrong, but it makes some sense.
After listening to gman6 another 50 times, I think he says " god" as the last two syllables. This makes more sense then "by that".
Good work, that was worth a laugh Cybernoid i'm going to try something like that in another post.

Change the last G-Man comment to something else "i wish i had a gun right now so i could shoot you in the face"
I know I can DEFINATELY hear a super quick exhale in gman4, which is why I think that it's actually the dialogue of both the sci and the gman rolled into one wav to save on resources.
(try listening to it slowly using windows sound recorder)

scientist: I've told you a hundred times how I'm opposed to pushing the equipment to high incidence levels.
gman: This is not your decision to make.
gman2: you must not rufrufrufruf?
gman3: i want to give you a nice whooptyday? (maybe incident? maybe i just hearing incident a lot)
gman4: if i had one.... i would certainly
gman5: My employers doesn't believe -almost certainly
gman6: you're scientists, and afraid, so there?
or you're a scientist, and a fraud, *burps*
or you're scientists aren't applied, so there (not sciences)
Some of the sentances might be cut of and whatnot also, because they wanted to save space/resources and this conversation isn't supposed to make any sense anyways.
Wow this is very interesting. I thought it was just some random sounds. Good find.
Absinthe said:
sci mumble "I've told you a hundred times I am opposed to pushing this equipment beyond its test levels."
I'm quite sure we can all agree on this one. I'm pretty sure that's the exact wording, but even if it is wrong, you all get the jist of what he's saying.

gman1: "This is not your decision to make."
This one's also quite clear. More or less speaks for itself, so there's no need for interpretation on this one.

gman2: "You must not (nuh nuh nuh nuh)."
Not sure. I'll look back earlier in this topic and see if there's anything close.

gman3: "I won't be giving an answer you want to know."
G-Man clashes with the scientist again.

gman4: "If I had one (blah blah blah blah) I would certainly-"
G-Man cuts off right at the end. I played through that map again, and there are times when he suddenly just cuts off and stares straight at you through the window before resuming with the scientist again.

gman5: "My employers don't agree."
I understand how some people might think he says "My employer's destined to lead", but it doesn't seem right. Any other time, he always calls them "employers", thus being plural. If that sentence were to be correct, it would have to be "My employers are destined to lead", but that doesn't match the amount of syllables you hear. Also, it doesn't seem like much of a G-Man thing to say, if you ask me.

gman6: "You're a scientist, and afraid... (Wah wah)"
I'm completely lost on this one, and so the interpretation probably isn't correct. This one's tricky because his voice suddenly warps near the end of it.

I got it, don't know if its been said. In 4 he is talking about a subject to use, and then he sees you.
#4 sounds a bit like "if I had one reason to move him, I would certainly..."

Hmm, could he be talking about Gordon? ....
sci mumble "i've told you 100 times how im opposed to pushing this equipment beyond its test levels"

gman 1 "This is not your decision to make"

gman 2 "You must not tell anyone"

gman 3 "I wanted to inform you that"

gman 4 "if i had wanted to send gordon i would certainly have"

gman 5 "my employer's destined to lead"

gman 6 "you scientists are afraid, bye bye"
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