Gman + scientist conversation, translated (partially)

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Jul 7, 2003
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Hi. Sorry if this is old stuff, but I've never been able to find a transcription on the web of what the GMan and the scientist are saying in the first level of Half-Life. So, I've been listening to the files and have been able to figure out some of it. If anyone wants to help me out I'd appreciate it! I put "..." where I can't hear what they're saying.

c1a0 sci mumble: "I've told you a hundred times how I'm opposed to ....?"
gmanmumble1: "This is not your decision to make."
gmanmumble2: "You must not get in the way."
gmanmumble3: "I wanted to meet and ask you what you want." (not sure about this one)
gmanmumble4: "If I had one, .... certainly."
gmanmumble5: "My employer's destined to lead." (again, not sure)
gmanmumble6: "You scientists ...."

So, nothing too interesting yet. Can anyone help me finish this? (And I know this is somewhat pathetic, but it's kind of fun and it's as close as I can get to HalfLife 2 right now)
Awesome work!
I've always wondered what they were saying.

"You must not get in the way." = Best G-man quote evar!
nice work, could never quite understand what they were saying
I always thought they just put useless mumbles .. not a real-voice-which-was-turned-to-mumbles
"My employer's destined to lead"

Ooh, creepy.
creepy, if true, but what if it finished: destined to lead, an expedition into xen (or what evr they called it). he might have been melodramatic saying "destined" when could have said "was ordered to" or "wishes"
Where do they say this? In the train or in the room?

Great work by the way.

Great Job man, I had tried "noclip" and fly to them, still couldn't get it right.
If this is true, and the G-man hired you to work for his employer (Breen and the combine) then you know that you must betray him in Half-Life 2 to join the rebels.
Whoa that's great.

I went through and listened to it after you wrote those and I heard it quite clearly now. I know the brain can infer sounds it's "told" to hear in things, but this was clear and obvious.

Great job in clearing that up! May reveal somethings we've been wondering about!

By the way, at the end of the scientist one the last word is "unacceptable"

Scratch the thing I wrote just now, it is 'opposed' :d. Nevermind.
I think the sci one is:

I've told you a hundred times how i'm opposed to pushing this equipment beyond the..."

damn, missed the most important word.
I'm still trying, but I'm not making much progress. I tried to run the files through a wave editing program to clear them up, but I couldn't do much with them. This is really hard!

New things I think I might have heard:

c1a0 sci mumble: "I've told you a hundred times how I'm opposed to this.... and (his?)...?"

gmanmumble6:"You scientists (and a fraud?)...."

I'll keep trying, though.
i bet everyone here would like to be a fly on the wall during that mumbling session :E
I'll be laughing when someone e-mails Valve about this and they say it was just someone mumbling into a microphone. But if it is true, then this is something really interesting...
SnowBall said:
I'll be laughing when someone e-mails Valve about this and they say it was just someone mumbling into a microphone. But if it is true, then this is something really interesting...

If that were the case then they mumbled exactly like how it sounds. Open up GCFScape and listen to em, you can hear the words pretty clearly without even using that wav clearer thing.
I can't upload for some reason, but the "cleaned up" wav files aren't really any better than the regular ones. Maybe someone who has some experience with clearing up muffled wav files could try.
I was thinking of e-mailing Valve about this, but who would be the best one for this sort of thing? Laidlaw? Gabe?
I doubt valve would tell us, they always seem to be reluctant to reveal ANYTHING that the fans are trying to find out. I think we'll just be stuck listening to them over and over.

I never thought that they were words before though. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. :cheers:
Damn, this is addictive! But I suck at it...

The best I can get for the last sentance is:

You scientists and a flag...suckers.

Not something the gman would say...
Yeah, I thought they were just mumbling too. I tried to listen, but the Gman kept giving me a funny look. And he didn't say anything when he was in the tram area....
actually I didn't even notice the Gman was in the beginning until the 2nd time i played.
Hey, thats pretty cool, I never noticed it was actual words.

If any of you want to see it, download Wally and open up pak0 in your valve directory. The sound files are in there and you can listen to them by clicking.

I think that the scientist says "I've told you a hundred times that I'm opposed to pushing the equipment beyond its capabilities."
I e-mailed Valve but I haven't gotten a response and I don't think I will. They've not responded to my e-mails in the past.

I've pretty much hit a wall with these files. The remaining parts are too difficult to decipher, and using a wave program didn't help me at all.
They are so distorted, it's easy to imagine you are hearing something one second and something completely different the next.

As far as the scientist file, I think I hear "beyond safe..." at the end. So it's probably "safety thresholds" or something.

gmanmumble4: He could be saying "If I had one, it could support the Southwest certainly."
"If I had one with me, ...."
"If I had one wish, it should be ..."

gmanmumble6: Could be "You scientists own a proud ..."

Nobody take my translations as being solidly proven or anything please. These files could say almost anything. Help is appreciated!
I used a special transmodulating alpha decoder device and managed to capture the entire conversation, which is actually much longer than it seems. This is what I discovered!

G-Man: So what's going on with Half-Life 2? Any progress?
Scientist: We've made some excellent progress with the physics engine.
G-Man: Physics engine! What! No one cares about that shit! Tresspasser sucked donkey balls anyway.
Scientist: Now, now, Tresspasser wasn't that bad. I think physics modelling could be the future! We could have flying scientists!
G-Man: Don't be an ass. Just make some more levels, apply some DirectX effects and release it... wait, who is that strange, bearded man behind the window?
Scientist: Oh, that's Gordon, the mute retard. I never understood what Laidlaw saw in him.
G-Man: Fascinating! Does it talk?
Scienst: No, that's the whole point. He communicates with gestures. Look, now he's extending his middle finger. I wonder what that means.
G-Man: I never suspected such things could be. But that gives me an idea! What if we could have real gestures and facial expressions in Half-Life 2! It would be wicked!
Scientist: Don't be a retard, no one cares about that shit. You're only going to shoot the NPCs in the face anyway.
G-Man: Well... well, you suck.
Scientist: I don't concur.
gmanmumble6: "You(/your) scientists aren't afraid...."?
I've told you a hundred times how i'm opposed to pushing this equipment beyond the..."

I think it's:
beyond the "...." levels

still missing the important word .. :/

or is it beyond the questionables??

:: EDIT ::

here are the files .. for those who can't find them


    76.7 KB · Views: 876
I'm pretty sure that those words have been somewhat "censored" out for a reason.

I've been listening to them and then looking at any translations you guys have made and quite frankly, it could be almost anything. Yes, your sounds that are made are similar but I'm thinking that VALVe does NOT want us to know... just to wonder... :stare:
I think the scientist one is:

I've told you a hundred times how i'm opposed to pushing this equipment beyond it's test levels.
jabberwock95 said:
I think the scientist one is:

I've told you a hundred times how i'm opposed to pushing this equipment beyond it's test levels.

I think you got it .. :thumbs: gj ..
jabberwock95 said:
I think the scientist one is:

I've told you a hundred times how i'm opposed to pushing this equipment beyond it's test levels.
So far, my best guess is:

I've told you a hundred times how I'm opposed to pushing the equippment beyond acceptable levels.

Basically the same thing.
Mechagodzilla said:
So far, my best guess is:

I've told you a hundred times how I'm opposed to pushing the equippment beyond acceptable levels.

Basically the same thing.

from what i've heard, i think you're right...
i can only make out the scientist one and the "Its not your descision to make" the rest have me stumped
Mechagodzilla said:
So far, my best guess is:

I've told you a hundred times how I'm opposed to pushing the equippment beyond acceptable levels.

Basically the same thing.

Mmmmm, I think thats too many sylabbles for that sentance... If you take the last big mumble as 'acceptable' there arn't enough sylabbles to make 'levels'.

Oh well, back to the listening for me I guess...
I think the last one is..
"You scientists I applaud.. Tata."
Hehe. I bet if one of the guys at valve saw this thread, they'd be like... ??? thier just mumbling people.... lol
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