God helps those who help themselves


Oct 3, 2003
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Sayings by religious folk. "God helps those who help themselves" ? What a piece of crap. Muhammad Al Jim has just been blown up by a carbomb, both legs and arms torn off. He's deciding whether or not he should squirm his torso away from the fire. If he decides to squirm away God will give his bloodied remains a helping hand. If IT just sits there and awaits ITS fate, it's game over!

"God works in mysterious ways"

A bus full of 32 children with cancer visiting a circus crashes and they all die in the fire.

"God works in mysterious ways".

What the ****! Think about it.
Religion is full of little quotes to help the mindless follow nothing blindly. Most involve a form of blackmail preventing passage to eternal happiness. Just smile politely and ignore them.
Don't you know there ain't no god, it's just the devil when he's drunk
If god is real he'd understand the fact, that to have worthwhile life you need suffering.
If -> were.

Anyway, I think lePobz's advice is very wise: it's best not to discuss, debate, argue about religion with believers.
God works in myseriously cruel ways.

God as depicted by the leading religions, is the biggest narcistic cruel asshole ever in fiction.

The religious that portrait him as a good benevolent god that loves all his creations, happily ignore the other half of the Bible in which is he is shown as an evil bastard. But of course, that shouldn't be taken literally!
If god is real he'd understand the fact, that to have worthwhile life you need suffering.
Hey i totally agree with that. Otherwise there'd be no challenge right? That's what i said to a jehovas witness that tried to talk to me about peace everlasting in Gods new world. I said what is the point if there is no test ? People have no challenge in choosing between good and evil. She disagreed and sent reinforcements 2 weeks later to change my point of view. I wasn't there at the time, but pamphlets and such with colourful pictures of serenity were strewn all over the doorstep.

But suffering should be dished out in reasonable doses!
A bus full of 32 children with cancer visiting a circus crashes and they all die in the fire.

Well, its obvious he didn't like them already. He gave them cancer. They shouldn't have grouped together like that, it was an easy target for god.

It should be known I dont believe in god and that I thought this scenario was completely retarded if it was being used as evidence of gods cruelty.
Well, its obvious he didn't like them already. He gave them cancer. They shouldn't have grouped together like that, it was an easy target for god.
So just because God allows bad things to happen to people, he is an asshole? Come on, dont try and understand why God does or doesn't do certain things, I never understood how you people can try and comprehend that.

You think that if God has unlimited power, he should just help every single person that needs it? Who says God isnt under some sort of restraint to how much he helps or doesn't help people (Maybe there has to be balance between life and death, just because it is not biblical, doesn't mean its not true).

When people who have tumors, and then miraculously the tumor is gone, God isn't even brought up, (Which actually happened to someone I know) but when someone gets one (which also happened to someone I know, and they had it removed surgically) its always Gods fault?

I personally feel the world works at random, and sometimes God has his hand in things and othertimes he doesn't. I'm not going to call God an asshole because he doesn't heal everyone every day.

Once upon a time about 8,000 some years ago, that is the way the world worked way back when there was no Sin. God sadly felt that humans should have the right to free will, and we borked that up (which I dont try to understand, because if God is God, creating us as we are, he knew we would because its human nature to be curious) not saying its totally our fault, we were decieved, as we always are.

Just my opinion, not forcing it on anyone, so don't kill me.
*waits for mecha or ab to see the thread*
No one can explain God. God is whoever you want him to be and its that helps a lot of people gain a better state of mind and understanding of the world and of the universe.
So just because God allows bad things to happen to people, he is an asshole?

Yup. Just like you would be an asshole if there happened to be a guy on fire on the ground and you didn't use the bucket of water you were holding on him.

Come on, dont try and understand why God does or doesn't do certain things, I never understood how you people can try and comprehend that.

"God works in mysterious ways." Haha. Cliches.

You think that if God has unlimited power, he should just help every single person that needs it?

Well, he creates the problems. You see, diseases are a product of God, as diseases are virii and bacteria. And of course, evolution is all a hoax, so he made them.

Who says God isnt under some sort of restraint to how much he helps or doesn't help people (Maybe there has to be balance between life and death, just because it is not biblical, doesn't mean its not true).

Now you're just making shit up.

When people who have tumors, and then miraculously the tumor is gone, God isn't even brought up, (Which actually happened to someone I know) but when someone gets one (which also happened to someone I know, and they had it removed surgically) its always Gods fault?

Care to compare the ratio of magically disappearing tumors (which can happen without divine intervention btw) versus death by a tumor?

The other day I heard a story of Mexican fishermen, who spent 9 months at sea living off rainwater and raw fish. They were found and some call it a miracle by God...

Uh, men who lived in terrible conditions for months were luckily found, while thousands of people die on sea every year. What a miracle!

There's no medical cases of "miraculous" cures that can't be explained and need God's intervention to explain them. So until I see an amputee growing back his legs or arms, I don't have any reason to believe God cures anyone.

I personally feel the world works at random, and sometimes God has his hand in things and othertimes he doesn't. I'm not going to call God an asshole because he doesn't heal everyone every day.

I do.

Once upon a time about 8,000 some years ago, that is the way the world worked way back when there was no Sin. God sadly felt that humans should have the right to free will, and we borked that up (which I dont try to understand, because if God is God, creating us as we are, he knew we would because its human nature to be curious) not saying its totally our fault, we were decieved, as we always are.

You.. believe that? There was always "sin", nature is a horribly cruel place. Well, it isn't cruel, nature is indifferent, cruelty is just a result of that.

And "don't try to understand" is lazy, you just don't wanna find out the God portrait by Christianity doesn't make any sense. God is omniscient, but didn't know Eve would talk to the snake, or that the snake was there? God made man when he created him with the flaws that he KNEW would make us "sinners".

Unless you actually beleive the world is 8000 years old, to that I can only LOL.

Just my opinion, not forcing it on anyone, so don't kill me.

Opinions are overrated, perfectly fine to burn down an opinion when they don't make sense. Calling something an "opinion" isn't a get-out-of-jail-free card when it's BS.

No one can explain God. God is whoever you want him to be and its that helps a lot of people gain a better state of mind and understanding of the world and of the universe.

"Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence." - Richard Dawkins

Faith doesn't bring ANY understanding of the world, in fact, it DISCOURAGES thought and questioning.
"Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence." - Richard Dawkins

Faith doesn't bring ANY understanding of the world, in fact, it DISCOURAGES thought and questioning.
Very True and btw,

I can have faith that I wont die if a nuke hits me and explodes. I can have all the faith in the world. It really doesn't matter.. Minus an infintely small chance(however an infinitely small chance can be applied to everything), I am guaranteed to be be......... umm... killed....disingrated? gone? whatever word you want to use.

No one can explain God. God is whoever you want him to be and its that helps a lot of people gain a better state of mind and understanding of the world and of the universe.
How does it help the understanding of the world and the universe? If anything it discourages people to question the world and the universe around them.
God doesn't help those who just beg for a miracle. He grants miracles to those that try to make it themselves...
God doesn't help those who just beg for a miracle. He grants miracles to those that try to make it themselves...
Or maybe those who try to make it themselves simply succeed in what they were trying to do? No real miracle involved? It's simply hard work and taking some risks?
God doesn't help those who just beg for a miracle. He grants miracles to those that try to make it themselves...

Right on, fuck the Africans. Lazy bastards, just beg for food all day. GET A JOB!

Complete and utter bollocks.
Right on, fuck the Africans. Lazy bastards, just beg for food all day. GET A JOB!

Complete and utter bollocks.

I forgot to add "sometimes" in my post lol... OK so im not the best at giving religious lectures! but I still think religion is something necessary in today's age. i mean come on... who would we blame, if not God, for those starving Africans? ;)
I forgot to add "sometimes" in my post lol... OK so im not the best at giving religious lectures! but I still think religion is something necessary in today's age. i mean come on... who would we blame, if not God, for those starving Africans? ;)

Ourselves, for exploiting Africa in the colonial ages.
but I still think religion is something necessary in today's age. i mean come on... who would we blame, if not God, for those starving Africans?
Lets see...all the countries that went into Africa? Drained all there resources? Rewrote the boundary lines so they were completely screwed up and put togeather Tribes that were enemies? Then decided to pack up and leave?

Maybe the countries that helped make Africa much shittier than it already was at the time?
You know Portugal, U.S., France, Britian, etc..
Well, he creates the problems. You see, diseases are a product of God, as diseases are virii and bacteria. And of course, evolution is all a hoax, so he made them.

He didnt directly create disease, just like he didnt directly create sin. But since everything was created by God, sure thats easy to argue. And no, I believe in Evolution to be true, just not to the extent that a big bang created us over billions of years.

There's no medical cases of "miraculous" cures that can't be explained and need God's intervention to explain them. So until I see an amputee growing back his legs or arms, I don't have any reason to believe God cures anyone.

I agree with you on that too, growing up in church I have heard to many testimonies to number about people being miraculously healed. I have a hard time believing alot of it, probably 99% of it. and I have yet to see an arm or leg grow back or someone come back from the dead, but I still believe its possible.

And "don't try to understand" is lazy, you just don't wanna find out the God portrait by Christianity doesn't make any sense. God is omniscient, but didn't know Eve would talk to the snake, or that the snake was there? God made man when he created him with the flaws that he KNEW would make us "sinners".

I also said that If God is who we say he is, then he would have known we would fall to the temptation of the fruit. He created us to be curious, and so we are.

I still question alot about what the bible says and who God is, so dont call me lazy, I dont believe everything the pastor says, or everything I read in the bible and take it for its face value. God and the universe go MUCH deeper than just the Bible, there is ALOT more to everything than whats in that book.

Unless you actually beleive the world is 8000 years old, to that I can only LOL.

No, I believe the world is much more than just 8000 years old, I believe it is 4.55 billion years, just like scientists do, but I believe that from Adam and Eve to present is only an 8000 year time span. I have a whole theory on the history of our planet, and present day humanity, but ill keep that to myself.

Opinions are overrated, perfectly fine to burn down an opinion when they don't make sense. Calling something an "opinion" isn't a get-out-of-jail-free card when it's BS.

What exactly am I trying to get out of? Sounding like a fool? Sure so you think I sound like a fool, and I think you sound like you have your own beliefs, I dont agree with your opinion, but I respect it, because its yours. Just because I believe in God doesn't mean I agree with everything the church believes in.

"Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence." - Richard Dawkins

Faith doesn't bring ANY understanding of the world, in fact, it DISCOURAGES thought and questioning.

To some yes, but who said anything about Faith? Just because I have faith doesn't mean I dont question. Yes, im sure 95% of the "christians" out there can be described by that quote, but I dont think I am.

I think im quite open minded about many things, religious or not, and I have my beliefs and my faith, but I am not so ignorant to ignore facts like evolution, and carbon dating of the planet, and so on. Being healed without divine intervention, as you put it, is true, I know.

The human body is truly amazing, and I believe God created us the way we are, the way our body works, as well as the way our bodies can sometimes "Miraculously" heal itself. So your right, Divine Intervention may not always play a part in Miraculous healings, but everything points back to a creator, may it be man or God.
The human body is truly amazing, and I believe God created us the way we are, the way our body works, as well as the way our bodies can sometimes "Miraculously" heal itself. So your right, Divine Intervention may not always play a part in Miraculous healings, but everything points back to a creator, may it be man or God.
Or maybe we were created due to a chain reaction?
I mean every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
A reaction = action.

Therefor everything around us, every thought, and everything is due to a chain reaction that started who knows how long ago?

I am talking on an atomic level.

I'd also like to quote someone from another forum,
Some say that mankind has free will, so destiny is impossible... but for all you know, everything you say, think, and do could already be written into destiny. That's the only type of destiny I would believe in if I were convinced it existed. Destiny is just that, destiny. EVERYTHING written down. To the last detail. To the last atomic movement, from the beginning of time until the end of it. Destiny could be a sort of proof of the existence of "god" (if you could prove it existed).

So next time you think you're making a decision, it could be already written into destiny that you would make that decision. And then you'd think about it and decide for something else just to go against destiny, but your decision to do that would be written down too. And then if you're smart enough you'd realize that too. And that would be written down too.

It's all great, isn't it?
Lets see...all the countries that went into Africa? Drained all there resources? Rewrote the boundary lines so they were completely screwed up and put togeather Tribes that were enemies? Then decided to pack up and leave?

Maybe the countries that helped make Africa much shittier than it already was at the time?
You know Portugal, U.S., France, Britian, etc..

that was my point... i ment "who do you think we would blame" and the underlying answer was "ourselves!"
I play deuces with God and Jesus on thursdays. God cheats :hmph:
I found it funny, on a church board...

"Fear God, then bow to Gods will."

I thought God was a good guy, why the HELL would you fear him? Isn't that what Hitler and Stalin did? Great, we have a Dictator communist in heaven.
they don't mean fear as in be afraid of, but respect and honor

i grew up in a christian family
They why say "fear him" rather than "respect and honour him"?
Becuase thats not what it means at all, just modern day christians try to expalin everything away with stupid excuses.