gold status next week still might be true

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Annihilator_91 said:
VALVe is bound to say something about this matter if it is false... If they keep quiet, well... :D:D:D:D:D:D

Just like they told us the gabe post was fake right?

oh wait.... they didnt and we are still waiting.

So i wouldnt put too much faith into your theory.
Dougy said:
Just like they told us the gabe post was fake right?

oh wait.... they didnt and we are still waiting.

So i wouldnt put too much faith into your theory.

They said it was fake....on the Steampowered forums. Gabe didn't but some employee did.
Dougy said:
Just like they told us the gabe post was fake right?

oh wait.... they didnt and we are still waiting.

So i wouldnt put too much faith into your theory.

They DID say the gabe post was fake, they did so on the steampowered forums.

--oops, already said.
himself said:
"this bs" was just one fake announcement from gabe's account.. its still a fact that hl2 will go gold very very soon. and next week is a very likely date in my opinion.

How is it a fact that "hl2 will go gold very very soon"? Not one person from VALVe has said anything about a gold date or anything like that. No one but the guys at VALVe no for sure what the deal is with this game and that is the only fact we know for sure.
riTuaL said:
How is it a fact that "hl2 will go gold very very soon"? Not one person from VALVe has said anything about a gold date or anything like that. No one but the guys at VALVe no for sure what the deal is with this game and that is the only fact we know for sure.

read the thread again, its someone from ATI confirming this, which is pprobably better than Gabe confirming it
How can HL2 go gold when CS:S is still being bug tested? It would be logical for HL2 to go gold after CS:S finishs bug testing.
The thing is, no matter how many fake messages we get, it doesnt mean the game wont go gold damn soon, it cant be much longer now, theres just so little left to happen.
talem said:
read the thread again, its someone from ATI confirming this, which is pprobably better than Gabe confirming it

Shut up talem, who are you? Just b/c some guys on an ATI FANSITE (YES I SAID FANSITE!) are telling you that they had some exclusive interview with Gabe and he told them it was going gold next week means nothng. Why would Gabr share information like that with and not any other big gaming mags or websites? It doesn't make any sense.
riTuaL said:
Shut up talem, who are you? Just b/c some guys on an ATI FANSITE (YES I SAID FANSITE!) are telling you that they had some exclusive interview with Gabe and he told them it was going gold next week means nothng. Why would Gabr share information like that with and not any other big gaming mags or websites? It doesn't make any sense.

wow dont things so seriously man , get anger managment pleasee lol
riTuaL said:
Shut up talem, who are you? Just b/c some guys on an ATI FANSITE (YES I SAID FANSITE!) are telling you that they had some exclusive interview with Gabe and he told them it was going gold next week means nothng. Why would Gabr share information like that with and not any other big gaming mags or websites? It doesn't make any sense.

Maybe they did.

Truth be told, it's all speculation at the moment. Let's just wait and see what happens.
remember what Erik Johnson posted on one of the forums regarding HL2?
something along the lines of "theres more pre-loads to come"
if u take what he said into consideration... the release points to somewhere around early October... at the earilest..hmm.
Like I've said before, don't expect any info regarding HL2 completion AT LEAST untill the CS:S beta is done. Even then, it may take some time to pre-load and iron things out for the big release.
Or, the game could be preloaded while HL2 is in Gold state. He said that it would preload over the next couple of weeks. Not months. No point in preloading the entire thing and then having people wait a month until they can play it, is there?

Edit: Bait, CS:S source technically doesn't have to finish since most bugs have been found out and the ones that haven't will be patched through Steam once you instal the game (no choice).
Well, it wouldn't make any sense to me for Valve to release HL2 with its multiplayer component in a "beta" stage. Sure, it's pretty playable now, but look at all the bugs they've found. There are bound to be more. I think Valve wants to make sure that once HL2 is out the door, they don't want any nasty surprises popping up.
What do you know? maybe CS:S IS DONE. We know nothing, going gold next week is the only thing we can go for right now. Lets just hope that it happens :)
Yes, but there's been silence for a while now, well officially anyway. No progress reports, no new media, nothing. (Gold fake wasn't really official). Plus, say someone buys HL2 2 months after release, I'm sure there will be tons of patches released for it by then, you can't squash all the bugs, although I'd wait longer for a less buggy release. Also, there's that PCG review that people are starting to forget about. A lot of signs point to a mid to late september release.
Perhaps his password was "Radeon"


Gold next week would be on schedule i think. they have beta tested most of the bugs out of source with their own testing and cs:s. The time has come. The game is done.
Well we will see, there is 7 days for now that HL2 goes Gold at next week.

I don´t think so that there is lots of bugs or even any problems, nasty bugs must be killed weeks ago.

But just wait and see....
BigWalnutZ said:
i was actually laughing out loud when I read this, guess i have a stupid sense of humor,.,..
ahahah thats funny! =D
Lucifer said:
Well we will see, there is 7 days for now that HL2 goes Gold at next week.

I don´t think so that there is lots of bugs or even any problems, nasty bugs must be killed weeks ago.

But just wait and see....

how long does CS:S beta officially have left on steam before it gets taken off.. ? anyone :cat:
clarky003 said:
how long does CS:S beta officially have left on steam before it gets taken off.. ? anyone :cat:

Valve never gave any dates?
As expected when we did an interview with Valve not long ago (we couldn't say anything), the game will be going gold.

-team radeon guy

this is pretty exciting and makes sence, ati most likely would have been told to wait for valve to announce it to spill the beans and thought that the post on hl2fallout forums was the anouncement ergo spilled the beans beans :cheers:
yes ... it makes sense ... gold next week maybe! :cheers:
It could be true - I mean ATI has very friendly relations with valve - in fact HL2 is probably the first game to most probably have the "ATI - Get in the game" to rival all nVidia titles - and valve has even gone as far as advertise ATI's X800 series in the game's posters (remember the ruby poster before the strider battle?). I can see that ATI is directly intrested in valve's progress as nVidia was with D3's.

So there is a reason for them to have an idea when HL2 is going gold.

logic people
As expected when we did an interview with Valve not long ago (we couldn't say anything), the game will be going gold.

I tihnk some of you are reading this incorrectly. He could be saying that he couldn't say anything about the interview he had with Gabe. And in turn, he expects the game to go Gold soon by some information he may have gotten, but we don't know what that info is..
bate18 said:

logic people

Erm have you ever thought that they might release cs:s after half life 2 ?
On a seperate disc ?
Or better yet, release CS:S with Hl2 and come out with patches for it? NO WAY! Patch a game? Who does that?
lemmingzappa said:
Erm have you ever thought that they might release cs:s after half life 2 ?
On a seperate disc ?
They said it's being packaged with Half-Life 2... maybe that's why people don't think that?
lemmingzappa said:
Erm have you ever thought that they might release cs:s after half life 2 ?
On a seperate disc ?

not only that but CS: S final will probly only be one CD big while Half Life 2 is 4 CD's. it should take only 1/4 the time in production. not only that but it seems as though CS: S is very much more stable then last week at this time. i wouldn't be surprized if this is the last week CS: S beta is open.

BTW: not only that but Steam can also update last minute bugs even when the final version goes out for shipping.
That's what I said. They can patch the game. It's not that hard. Talking in short sentences. Is funny.
hmm, this game seemes pretty certani about what he was saying...but then again...everything could've changed by now.
Some Info:

Check this post out, in contrast with what the ATi guy is saying:

Scroll down to Gabe's post.. This is the same post that was displayed on the actiontrip web:

Now Take a look at Gabe's profile at Firearms forums... ONE post.. and amazingly that post was to inform people about the Gold date.. on the Firearms forums :dozey: not likely..

Three things could have happened (and can happen):

1. It actually IS Gabe, and the game IS going gold on friday!.. not likely that it was Gabe though..
2. It was just some punk that made this account, with Gabe's name.. but amazingly he guessed the correct date :) (assuming the ATi guy is right) .. that is a little more likely..
3. This is all just another joke on us.. the ATi guy doesn't know shit and the firearms post is just bullshit.. the game ain't going gold this week...

So.. what do you think??
Ralph: Valve makes my head hurt o_O :rolling: :/Ralph
crazy people those Valve people.. But hey whatever rocks there boat... :) Im happy if it goes gold .. hehe
ferd said:
hmm, this game seemes pretty certani about what he was saying...but then again...everything could've changed by now.

...yeah...and i might actually be able to understand what exactly it is you said there...
always keep in mind that nothing is safe until you hold the game in yer hands and see the installation window pop up on your desktop :p NOTHING!
i dont belive what any of them are saying now

ill just wait till the fkin thing is sat on the shelf now :(
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