gold status next week still might be true

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The Mistress said:
We have allready had one on hl2fallout, that turned out real offical did'nt it, heh..

Im sure it will all come to light sooner or later, im betting it does'nt happan, but whatever.

seinfeldrules, i said "You" meaning anyone who beileves, not just you, so take a chill pill.

Official to me means an announcement on or The Fool's Gold stunt, and other copy cats, has already proven that forums can not be 100% trusted.

A press release from Viviendi would be the end-all.
Tredoslop said:
Or Gabe can come visit each and everyone of us individually.

I'd give him a smack in the head. I mean, someone faked using his account, and he didnt even dispell the rumours personally, he waited til someone else at Valve did. :(
I'll believe it when I see it on a store shelf and not before. In the meantime I've got plenty to do with Doom 3.
razorblade kiss said:
I'd give him a smack in the head. I mean, someone faked using his account, and he didnt even dispell the rumours personally, he waited til someone else at Valve did. :(

BIG DEAL! the guy has more important things to worry about than some prankster. hes not going to waste his time to dispell some joke that happened on an internet forum
bate18 said:
BIG DEAL! the guy has more important things to worry about than some prankster. hes not going to waste his time to dispell some joke that happened on an internet forum

More important things to do than tell millions of raving fans that that his account was haked, and that the most anticipated game of 2004's (if not EVER) gold date was fake?! Yeha, because that would be too much work. It would take him 5 minutes to tell us!
it seems most of you didn't even read the thread, the guys story is very sketchy, he says valve did NOT tell him that the game would go gold that week. they simply told him when they would be free for interviews and then the guy saw the "going gold" post on hl2fallout and then he decided that he would make a post claiming valve had given him exclusive gold info, when in fact they told him no such thing.

let's recap:

1) guy apparently gets told by valve that they would be going gold next week.
2) guy sees fake "going gold" post on hl2fallout.
3) guy makes post on teamradeon forum claiming that valve told him the game was going gold next week.
4) hl2fallout post turns out to be fake.
5) guy has to back pedal and changes his story from "they told me weeks ago it was going gold next week" to "well they said they'd be free for interviews that week so i made an assumption about the game going gold"
6) guys story is now very sketchy sounding.
7) ...
8) profit!
I went from 10 minutes ago, mad about hl2 gold date fake, to coming on these forums hoping to see something interesting, to being EXTREMELY excited about a gold date, to being mad about being hoaxed (sort of) again, and back to being mad about hl2 gold date fakes.

This drama is really getting to me.

Tune is next week, same damn channel, same damn time.
impunity said:
it seems most of you didn't even read the thread, the guys story is very sketchy, he says valve did NOT tell him that the game would go gold that week. they simply told him when they would be free for interviews and then the guy saw the "going gold" post on hl2fallout and then he decided that he would make a post claiming valve had given him exclusive gold info, when in fact they told him no such thing.

let's recap:

1) guy apparently gets told by valve that they would be going gold next week.
2) guy sees fake "going gold" post on hl2fallout.
3) guy makes post on teamradeon forum claiming that valve told him the game was going gold next week.
4) hl2fallout post turns out to be fake.
5) guy has to back pedal and changes his story from "they told me weeks ago it was going gold next week" to "well they said they'd be free for interviews that week so i made an assumption about the game going gold"
6) guys story is now very sketchy sounding.
7) ...
8) profit!

p'rahps he was scared gabe'd kick his ass for spilling teh bean$
Meh I'm not getting excited about it until VALVe confirms it.... This just pure speculation.....
IF this is true and i worked for valve i would be so mad...

if it is true and they are mad about it they could just change the date thats set.

But meh if this is true it means gold soon = sHm0zY's happy
Waiting for the graphic card so don't release the game just yet!
I would like to think that it's true ... But i'm not going to get my hopes up ...
BlueWhiteRed said:
I would hope that it's true ... But i'm not going to get my hopes up ...

Wednesday will be the essential milestone in development history and it will shock the forum, for good or bad
One question, when the game goes "gold" will it be on Steam? Or do we have to wait till the CD-Roms hit the shelves before they release hl2 on steam?
It will be on steam when the game is on the shelves. If they made the game downloadable before release date, many warez site would have hl2(before the release date)
Hmm... Warez. It'll probablly be kind of hard to do Warez with HL2 since the authentication for the game will be on Steam's Servers, won't it?
Ok, I'm out of the loop. Did Gabe at any point after the GOLD thread actually call/e-mail somebody and told them it was fake. I'm talking about Gabe N. not some employee of Valve.
The game goes gold, the entire game is preloaded on the computers, unlockable at the same time it is released at stores.
DannoHung said:
Hmm... Warez. It'll probablly be kind of hard to do Warez with HL2 since the authentication for the game will be on Steam's Servers, won't it?

Hackers are omnipotent and stubborn ****ers, what can you do
7) ...
8) profit!

Haha! :LOL: :thumbs:

I also think the radeon guy sounds a bit sketchy now, but I think we won't have to wait that long for HL2 anyway.
It WILL be out this year guaranteed, they won't want to miss christmas season...

Anyways, just chill people, it'll all work out in the end.
Wednesday will be the essential milestone in development history and it will shock the forum, for good or bad

What is happening Wed.?
Wednesday will be the essential milestone in development history and it will shock the forum, for good or bad

I'm gonna hold you to that.
I don't care anymore. I would rather spend my money on 48 bottles of beer than one game that's HOORed up and a silly drama queen.

Psshhh... HL2 or two cases of beer. I am leaning more and more to beer.
wonkers said:
I don't care anymore. I would rather spend my money on 48 bottles of beer than one game that's HOORed up and a silly drama queen.

Psshhh... HL2 or two cases of beer. I am leaning more and more to beer.

Nah, two cases of beer seems like a good idea but once you wake up from those two cases you'll be wishing you'd gone for HL2. Take it from me, a guy that drank a case of beer after having eaten a lot of chinese food. Brrrrrrr.
wonkers said:
I don't care anymore. I would rather spend my money on 48 bottles of beer than one game that's HOORed up and a silly drama queen.

Psshhh... HL2 or two cases of beer. I am leaning more and more to beer.

you can't be serious!! How can you say such a thing??
wonkers said:
I don't care anymore. I would rather spend my money on 48 bottles of beer than one game that's HOORed up and a silly drama queen.

Psshhh... HL2 or two cases of beer. I am leaning more and more to beer.
Ive seen alot of people talk like this, but if you really didnt want HL2 anymore why would you still be posting on a halflife2 forum?
I am iffy....I said leaning more and more to beer instead. I hope the game is soon. If it's past Sept...It's beer for me. At least that's a sure thing. And TASTY...mmmmm.."Fresh coool ALE!"

Oh..And I am from Canada where beer doesn't you Americans can just keep drinking your JD. I wouldn't drink your beer either.
wonkers said:
I am iffy....I said leaning more and more to beer instead. I hope the game is soon. If it's past Sept...It's beer for me. At least that's a sure thing. And TASTY...mmmmm.."Fresh coool ALE!"

Oh..And I am from Canada where beer doesn't you Americans can just keep drinking your JD. I wouldn't drink your beer either.

Not all of it is that bad. Euro bear is 100000x better. Most of the bear here in the us tasts like water.
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