gold status next week still might be true

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himself said:
always keep in mind that nothing is safe until you hold the game in yer hands and see the installation window pop up on your desktop :p NOTHING!

my pc usually crashes at that point so i'm still not gonna trust anything
Have a look at the times guys..

gabe's post was at 12:10am on the 28th

this ati guys post was at 12:52am on the 28th

we all didn't know it was fake until hours later..

hmm i say he is telling the truth about the interview..
Hi, I am Taylor Davis from Bristol Connecticut. I am basically a no one. But trust me. Soap Opera Life 2 is going gold next week. Even thought NO ONE AT VALVE has said this, or made this apparent. I am right. Why am I right? Because I'm the greatest bullshiter ever, but you fanboys will eat up anything about HL2 going gold even if its not freakin confirmed for Christs sake. I am making this up but ------> Gabe our glorious leader has emailed me saying :

"We aer teh Vlave and we are to be going gold on teh Hafl life 2 on firday so buy a soopur radoen ati graphicing card mmk. Thaskn for yuoor itnerset on Half Life2"

this guy could have been thinking it was gabe's announcement & so made the most.. only to find out it could be a hack? but a hack the same week gabe said it was going gold & this guy said it was going gold?

maybe it was real & gabe was just pissed after the gold party & found out the next day what he had done.. & so posted the other post about this guy hacking gabe's account..
mannequin said:
ATI guy made a new post, go read it everybody

Doesn't seem as sure as he did in the first post...hmmmm. And he's conviced that gabe post is real even when we know for sure it's not. Odd

Edit: oop...didn't see the third post he made.
Its his account, definitely.

I better make some things extra clear here, since my email inbox has been FULL of incoming mail from various Half Life fans wanting to know more about what I said.

This is all I know: We did an interview with Valve.... they gave us a time figure for when they would be completely free for doing interviews... and when that post was made by "Gabe", the time figure matched.

Its still my belief the game is going gold this week. But again, anything can change, as it all really depends on how Steam does.

But the game is done.

do you think its true ?
Its his account, definitely.

I better make some things extra clear here, since my email inbox has been FULL of incoming mail from various Half Life fans wanting to know more about what I said.

This is all I know: We did an interview with Valve.... they gave us a time figure for when they would be completely free for doing interviews... and when that post was made by "Gabe", the time figure matched.

Its still my belief the game is going gold this week. But again, anything can change, as it all really depends on how Steam does.

But the game is done.


I'm being misquoted, sadly.

In no way was I told the game was going gold directly from Valve, Joe simply told us that its a good possibility that the game would be going gold soon, and as strange as it is, it matched the time frame for when that post was made by "Gabe".

Well that's that cleared up then
From the firearms post

We are aiming for a Friday release of next week. All versions will be available for purchase on steam beginning at midnight PST.

Seems like he says it is being released next Friday. Could easily be a fake though.
seinfeldrules said:
From the firearms post

Seems like he says it is being released next Friday. Could easily be a fake though.

Was it confirmed fake yet?
Was it confirmed fake yet?

I just read through the 4 pages of that topic and no fake notice. It even sounds like an announcement Gabe would make. Here is the whole thing:

We are hoping a bulk of the clients preload before this coming wednesday as then we can begin to distribute any patches and bugs we fix during the mass preloading period. We are aiming for a Friday release of next week. All versions will be available for purchase on steam beginning at midnight PST.
seinfeldrules said:
From the firearms post

Seems like he says it is being released next Friday. Could easily be a fake though.

Ofcourse the Firearms mod forum post is a fake. Jesus Christ!!! Do you think Gabe would randomly sign up at a HL1 mods site that came out years(!!!) ago, and NOW tell us about a gold date?! Oh my freaking god. You guys are insane. I could go to the Science and Industry website, and sign up an account with Gabes name, and tell people its coming out. Not too hard! Let's wait until not "Gabe", but VALVE makes an official gold date announcement. I've never heard of an individual at a game company saying "we are going to announce going gold on this date". No no no. They announce it as a company, ON THAT date. It will be confirmed by many sites who received a mass email from Gabe.
I dont believe... mainly as its not valve that said it.

But I do see that its possable.
indeed razorblade. this firearms-forum post is a fake for sure.
seinfeldrules said:
Aight no need to get upset there razorblade. Jeesh.

The stupidity / gullability / ridiculousness of all you HL2 craving drooling foaming rabid fanboys is starting to bother me. I love HL2 , you don't see me going bonkers. Pull your ****ing selves together, get a grip, its a game, Wait for Valve to set everything god damn straight. *pardon my language, I feel it is in check at this point however, for emphasis.*
The stupidity / gullability / ridiculousness of all you HL2 craving drooling foaming rabid fanboys is starting to bother me. I love HL2 , you don't see me going bonkers. Pull your ****ing selves together, get a grip, its a game, Wait for Valve to set everything god damn straight. *pardon my language, I feel it is in check at this point however, for emphasis.*

You claim I am ridiculous, yet you proclaim love for a video game? Really. You need to calm down.

PS. You are going bonkers.

I'm being misquoted, sadly.

In no way was I told the game was going gold directly from Valve, Joe simply told us that its a good possibility that the game would be going gold soon, and as strange as it is, it matched the time frame for when that post was made by "Gabe".
That is all that I need to get me excited again. Sure people will argue that "soon" means absolutely nothing comming from Valve but the fact is that if Valve did not expect that bit of information to get out to the public then it actually makes it a bit more credible to me. They supposedly gave out the first release candidate to Vivendi nearly a month ago. There has been plenty of time since then for Vivendi to test, send it back, and for Valve to send in another again.

Since after the release candidates come gold then it certainly seems like "soon" could well be within the next two weeks.
I wanna see this on the news page to be honest.
If it makes the news page, I beleive it :p
seinfeldrules said:
You claim I am ridiculous, yet you proclaim love for a video game? Really. You need to calm down.

PS. You are going bonkers.

So anyone who loves video games (HL2) is ridiculous? No, thats not what I said. I said a few HL2 fans have gone mad, including yourself. Believing anything you read, anywhere. THe stupidity of these few HL2 fans is so bad. It makes our community look horrible. I'm sure all the Doom fans are laughing. Their games release date was never announced. When it was done, the gold was announced, and 2 weeks later it was out! HL2 on the other hand is like an evil soap opera and all you fools are buying into it. It's why the CS community is so hated. Full of immature gullable cry babies. Excuse me for venting. This will be my last "angry" reply.
I think we can all assume that if this game doesn't go gold within the next 2wks or so then it won't be out until xmas.
So anyone who loves video games (HL2) is ridiculous?

I'm saying anyone who can 'love' a video game needs to take a reality check and look at the more important aspects of your life. Also, I love it how you completely missed the part where I said "Could easily be a fake though". Seems your reading ability isnt quite up to par. I didnt know firearms was a year old mod or whatever because I really havent followed HL that long.
Don't believe ANYTHING from any fan sites. Get the news from Steampowered, it's probably the only news related to the "Truth."
tokin said:
I think we can all assume that if this game doesn't go gold within the next 2wks or so then it won't be out until xmas.

That doesn't really have any solid evidenc. Why would they delay the game for another 3 months if they don't go gold within the next two weeks?

I belive Vivendi wants the game out more then anyone, since they aren't in the best financial situation, and their financial situation will improve greatly once HL2 is released and bought by millions of people.
I think it's 50/50 I don't want to get over excited just to find out that it wasn't true.
I have one last question about the firearms post. If it were really a fake, how did he manage to get the Valve Software below his name. I'm looking for an honest answer.
seinfeldrules said:
I have one last question about the firearms post. If it were really a fake, how did he manage to get the Valve Software below his name.
are you serious? it's a user-definable custom status. even though it's not set up here, it's a common feature in vbulletin forums.
are you serious?

Hence the question... Thanks for the answer, I have just never been on a forum with a custom status before you reach XXX number of posts.
I agree with guy that needs to chill out. Your pretty stupid thinking that its real, why on earth would they post about it on a random hl1 mod forum?
Can we all just stop speculating and wait, there's not a shortage of that lately, for an official announcement?
Your pretty stupid thinking that its real, why on earth would they post about it on a random hl1 mod forum?

God, I never said it was real. I just like gathering all the information I can before making final judgement. If you have a problem with it, dont read my posts.

PS: I checked and couldnt find a spot to add a custom title.
omni said:
Can we all just stop speculating and wait, there's not a shortage of that lately, for an official announcement?

We have allready had one on hl2fallout, that turned out real offical did'nt it, heh..

Im sure it will all come to light sooner or later, im betting it does'nt happan, but whatever.

seinfeldrules, i said "You" meaning anyone who beileves, not just you, so take a chill pill.
You know, it's so weird to me. After being delayed just days short of a year, it's hard to believe that HL2 is almost upon us. It still seems so distant to me that I cannot grasp the concept of playing it in a matter of a few weeks, or less. I don't know about anyone else, but HL2 just seems completely and utterly out of my reach at the moment.

BTW, my friend got a ATI 9600XT when he built his computer not that long ago, and get this, he's GIVING his voucher to me! :naughty:
Kiva128 said:
They don't have to finish preloading to go gold. They could go gold and during the time it takes to manufacture and ship the cds, they could preload the rest of the stuff. That I believe would result in a simultaneous release.

Could happen, I guess we should just wait and see what happens this week.
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