Gone Gold

Very surprisingly we haven't been told anything yet so we're going to get confirmation first :O
Finnaly....oops...im gonna explode...
WOOHOO! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! When I saw the title of this topic I thought this was just another lame 'where is the announcement' or 'is it now gold'. But this time it's true. Finally we have a solid releasedate :D
Omg Rofl Yes! Let Us All Celebrate!!!!!111!!!!1!!!!!!111111111
Excellent.... though I expected Nov3-Nov5 for the release, having Nov 16 is much better than having no date at all.
After 6 ****ing long years of sucky games (few exceptions...) finally the mother of all games is here
Gamespot just lauched that shit too =]
Tres cool, you guys are gonna love HL2, its hella fun to play!

Whoop de do Tarantula town!

its being released on a saturday?
is that date for the us, or the world?


the wait is so very nearly over :D :D

/me high fives everyone
THE END IS NEAR!!!!! :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:
now we can relax a little bit,finally KNOWING when it will be in our grasp...international holiday,anyone?

VALVe Day..HL2 Day..something

BTW,is there any info on when steam purchases are playable/unlocked..I know on the retail release date..

what I mean is, at 12:01 AM on november 16th,or do we do we have to wait until when the store opens