Got high today for the 1st time..


Feb 6, 2006
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Ok, got high about 1 hour ago from whatever time i'm typing this at...i must say thought, before this i was pretty buzzed off this weird foreign alcohol...

Anyways, i feel EXTREMELY relaxed and I feel that I want to go to sleep now. For some reason, I'm thinking about how people perceive me in this state.

EX: Right now, my friends are aruond me as I'm reading this post word by word right now and all I can think about now is how they're thinking about me. Here's what I think they're thinking: "wow look at adam he thinks he's so high but I think he's not as high as he thinks he is because he's trying to act like they do on TV..."

But in reality, the way they express being high on TV is exactly how I feel right now..pretty werid eh?

Anyways..when I wake up and come back on here I probably won't remember all this and I'lll feel like a MAJOR FOOL for typing all this nonsense out.

My predictiojn of my reaction tomorrow: "WOOOWWW....WTF I SOUND SO ****ING STUPID LIKE A DUMBASS 14 YR OLD!!"

One puff is too much.

Don't worry, Akira. I'm sure your little brother will understand you were too high to pick him up from his basketball game.
Ok, got high about 1 hour ago from whatever time i'm typing this at...i must say thought, before this i was pretty buzzed off this weird foreign alcohol...

Anyways, i feel EXTREMELY relaxed and I feel that I want to go to sleep now. For some reason, I'm thinking about how people perceive me in this state.

EX: Right now, my friends are aruond me as I'm reading this post word by word right now and all I can think about now is how they're thinking about me. Here's what I think they're thinking: "wow look at adam he thinks he's so high but I think he's not as high as he thinks he is because he's trying to act like they do on TV..."

But in reality, the way they express being high on TV is exactly how I feel right now..pretty werid eh?

Anyways..when I wake up and come back on here I probably won't remember all this and I'lll feel like a MAJOR FOOL for typing all this nonsense out.

My predictiojn of my reaction tomorrow: "WOOOWWW....WTF I SOUND SO ****ING STUPID LIKE A DUMBASS 14 YR OLD!!"

Quoted to preserve awesomeness. Have a good night :D
One puff is too much.

Don't worry, Akira. I'm sure your little brother will understand you were too high to pick him up from his basketball game.
Don't worry. I'm sure he can sell enough crack to get a cab.
Akira; you will come back into this thread the next day and realise that your cranium is feeling rather hollow.
haha, the feelings he described are actually very very familiar :D

I saw that guy in your avatar at a UFC-type match in the summer.

And I saw Ricky and Julien at my Cousin's wedding in August.


I haven't seen anyone else around here who liked those crazy guys.
"This was the final nail in the coffin for the pro-drug lobby"
Holy retarted member Batman, I think I feel a banhammer coming on!
Really Robin, I thought it was just the after effects of AKIRA's stupidity
That's kiond of ironic, I also got high for the first time today, and it was an hour before I made this post. Just what the ****. I knew I was high when I thought someone was screaming at me but no one was there. I just laughed at it.

And I wonder if the people in here condemning this, ever had a drink containing alcohol. If so: STFU hypocrites.

And I wonder if the people in here condemning this, ever had a drink containing alcohol. If so: STFU hypocrites.

There's a slight difference between illegal and legal substances.
Alcohol in large quantity's is probably a lot worse than weed (includes weed in high quantitys) if you think about it.

in terms of safety nothing > weed > alcohol
Would you rather die from alcohol poisoning or have schizopthrenia in twenty years or neither?
I'm not on anyone's side here.
Yes the legal stuff is heavily taxed :P

:) heh

Did you hear they want to raise tax on booze in the UK to reduce the amount teenagers can buy... HELLO????! Stop them buying it in the first place instead of punishing the rest of the population!
There's a slight difference between illegal and legal substances.

Yeah, the legal one in this case causing thousands of direct and indirect deaths per year, the illegal one being largely harmless unless massively overused on a daily basis for an extended period of time.
Ok, got high about 1 hour ago from whatever time i'm typing this at...i must say thought, before this i was pretty buzzed off this weird foreign alcohol...

Anyways, i feel EXTREMELY relaxed and I feel that I want to go to sleep now. For some reason, I'm thinking about how people perceive me in this state.

EX: Right now, my friends are aruond me as I'm reading this post word by word right now and all I can think about now is how they're thinking about me. Here's what I think they're thinking: "wow look at adam he thinks he's so high but I think he's not as high as he thinks he is because he's trying to act like they do on TV..."

But in reality, the way they express being high on TV is exactly how I feel right now..pretty werid eh?

Anyways..when I wake up and come back on here I probably won't remember all this and I'lll feel like a MAJOR FOOL for typing all this nonsense out.

My predictiojn of my reaction tomorrow: "WOOOWWW....WTF I SOUND SO ****ING STUPID LIKE A DUMBASS 14 YR OLD!!"


Ok.... That was random.
and where's your scientific research?

Do you really wanna claim marihuana is as harmful as alchohol? As for evidence, look at those who use medicinal marihuana, MS patients smoke several joints a day, every day, for years. And it benefits them.

And look up deaths by alcohol. Besides, ever heard of a "dad comes home high on pot and beats up wife and kids"? No? Me neither.
k back lol..for the record i;m 17 not 14.

And I'm sure more than half the ppl on this forum have smoked weed so stfu all of you who saying things like "ur stupid" "Noob" etc...
k back lol..for the record i;m 17 not 14.

And I'm sure more than half the ppl on this forum have smoked weed so stfu all of you who saying things like "ur stupid" "Noob" etc...

You're stupid, I've never smoked the shit and never will. Stupid ass.
Bravo. You've managed to join the majority of brainless idiots. Good for you, enjoy your time with them.
And I'm sure more than half the ppl on this forum have smoked weed so stfu all of you who saying things like "ur stupid" "Noob" etc...
Perhaps so, but not all of them who smoke weed make lameass threads about it on the intarnets.
if you havent ever smoked weed and you call him a dumbass for trying it you need to stfu.

and to the OP, your first time high is very different from the high you get after you have been smoking awhile. If you keep smoking weed, you'll realize that when you do smoke your not "f*cked up" and you can function just fine(not perfect, but you can drive and shit if your not a moron).

It is alot safer than alcohol...