Got high today for the 1st time..

Then why do you do it?

And no, the government cant stop people from drug use, and they blatantly wont educate people about it. Haha come on thats ridiculous. 'How to get high, Vol.1'???

What part of 'its illegal' dont you get. Sure it shouldnt be a crime, im not against WHY people do it really, BUT im against it when they do stupid things or do it because they feel they have to.

I take it im a douchebag then? Oh ok cool. Always wanted a cool nickname.
I do it because I enjoy it and I like the way it changes up my thoughts. If I read a book sober, and then reread it high, I get an extremely good grasp of it. I do this for all school assigned books, because I can analyze much better if I've read it in both capacities. Also, it's fun. I like to watch a movie or listen to music - it makes it a lot more enjoyable.

And thats where the problem lies. There is nothing wrong with Marijuana. Its a plant that grows in the ground for god sake. Its the majority of people that use it. Come on, anything is 'seen as cool/hard' (and yes im acknowledging that not all do it for that) if you do something when youre under the age limit of whatever it is youre doing.

I know plenty of people that flunked out of their schools due to pot. And theyre in crappy jobs or are unemployed living in their cars or parents house. They kiss their lives goodbye just so they could be seen as cool, feel good (apparently) and help them sleep better at night. Yeah, good pros and cons weight there. That 8gram bag REALLY is better than the rest of your life.

Look at me now. I dont drink, i dont smoke or do drugs. Ive tried smoking and weed once each, and thats it. Im now 6 weeks into Uni and having the time of my life. Sure slag me off and whatever for being such a 'good boy and a nerd for going to Uni', but screw you as who knows, you may end up working for me.

No i dont want a medal, its an example of someone that DOESNT do drugs. If you take it in sensible amounts then fair enough. I have no problem. live your life how you want.

Dynasty out.
For someone who's just into Uni, you have pretty strong comments about people aged 13-17! You're only a year or so older yourself! I also don't see anyone here making fun of you for going to uni or for not smoking. The people you know that let pot smoking ruin their life? Stupid people that deserved it. It's their fault, not cannabis'. There is no such hold or addiction really that cannabis can hold over people like most other drugs - sure, psychological addiction, yadda yadda, but even that is very easy to overcome if you've got a brain.

But you just said it was impossible to overdose...
Sorry but you're not making sense. If smoking too much has negative effects, that's called overdose. Don't try to pull a loophole.

According to that loophole logic, it's impossible to overdose on anything because you shouldn't be doing that much anyway... :| Hence the word "OVER"
When we say 'overdose' we mean you've taken too much to the extent where you're either going to die or in real danger of dying. That's how the term is used for heroin, cocaine, and most other drugs. You can overdose on one puff of a joint, by your definition. Smoking too much only has negative effects if you're inexperienced.

Id like you to elaborate.

My opinion on people here that retaliate about the comments i made are blatantly between 13 and 17. Therefore, you instantly think **** off you twat you dont know me.

Yes its a generalisation...thats the damn point!!! Im not focusing on individuals. Jeez.
You're what, 19? It seems silly to me that you can take yourself seriously making a generalization about people only two years younger than you (yes, I'm only a few months from being 18).

Weed is allot healthier for you than booze.

With weed you preserve your ability to restrain yourself from stupid actions, it's just the stupid actions feel alittle more natural.

With booze, the stupid feels like the correct, and the polite feels like the retarded.
I disagree. For me, when I'm high, I'm far more conscious of my actions, so rather than reducing inhibitions, it actually increases them in a lot of cases.

I can do the same exact shit I do sober while I'm high. Complete control.

The only difference is that I'm actually floating a couple of feet off the ground.

A moron in general = a ****ing jackass while high.
Truth. You're probably 95% as functional while high as while sober, as opposed to about 40% drunk. And people who are idiots in real life are absolutely horrible while they're high because it just increases it.

I like my drugs like my booze.

Take as much as possible with a low chance of dieing.

Besides, it's the kids that smoke for no good reason at all that you have to watch out for.
I get the feeling that if you ever try mushrooms or acid you'll stop with the "take as much as possible with the low chance of dying" bit.

Crack is overrated. PCP BABY!
PCP is probably one of the most dangerous recreationally used drugs in existence, up there with methamphetamine.
I really want to get high sometime. I'll try anything once (except for that cyberpitz!), sounds fun. I just wish these anti-drug agencies wouldn't say so much bullshit, I have no idea what facts to believe and what to discard.
I don't want to try it because if it makes things that fantastic and intruiging, which I think I would enjoy immensly, well I'll just live the rest of my life wanting to experience it again, and I am NOT going to turn into someone who smokes it all the time.

So therefore, if I never try it, I'll never know how good it is, and I'll be content with what I have :|
Ok, got high about 1 hour ago from whatever time i'm typing this at...i must say thought, before this i was pretty buzzed off this weird foreign alcohol...

Anyways, i feel EXTREMELY relaxed and I feel that I want to go to sleep now. For some reason, I'm thinking about how people perceive me in this state.

EX: Right now, my friends are aruond me as I'm reading this post word by word right now and all I can think about now is how they're thinking about me. Here's what I think they're thinking: "wow look at adam he thinks he's so high but I think he's not as high as he thinks he is because he's trying to act like they do on TV..."

But in reality, the way they express being high on TV is exactly how I feel right now..pretty werid eh?

Anyways..when I wake up and come back on here I probably won't remember all this and I'lll feel like a MAJOR FOOL for typing all this nonsense out.

My predictiojn of my reaction tomorrow: "WOOOWWW....WTF I SOUND SO ****ING STUPID LIKE A DUMBASS 14 YR OLD!!"



I was about to comment on this thread when Ennui said everything I was going to say.

It was a good thread. The 11 pages amused me. Ennui > dissenters
I really want to get high sometime. I'll try anything once (except for that cyberpitz!), sounds fun. I just wish these anti-drug agencies wouldn't say so much bullshit, I have no idea what facts to believe and what to discard.
If you want a lot of information on the actual experience of drugs, there is NO CONTEST that the best unbiased website is Erowid has a lot of information on how the drugs work and links to various research articles and media about them, as well as huge experience vaults with tens of thousands of trip reports.

a slightly less complex but still quite reliable resource for drug facts and health is

Both sites are fairly unbiased and just give information, rather than trying to slant drugs as positive or negative.

I don't want to try it because if it makes things that fantastic and intruiging, which I think I would enjoy immensly, well I'll just live the rest of my life wanting to experience it again, and I am NOT going to turn into someone who smokes it all the time.

So therefore, if I never try it, I'll never know how good it is, and I'll be content with what I have :|
It's not like it turns everything into golden roses and angel harpsongs. Really, you learn that being high is not always better than being sober, just in some situations. It doesn't really have that "OH GOD I WANT TO DO THAT AGAIN" quality. I don't know how to explain it really. Also, remember that this is just my personal experience and feeling about it, so it's not totally indicative of yours.
I get the feeling that if you ever try mushrooms or acid you'll stop with the "take as much as possible with the low chance of dying" bit.

Well, I was kinda just trying to poke fun at the fact that most uppers are far more easy to OD on than things like booze or weed.

But yeah, once I get my little LSA brew going (morning glories are blooming now :D), imma stick with the lowest dose possible then work my way up from there.

I'm not COMPLETELY retarded ye know D:
I really don't understand this idea that if one does something they like, they'll always do it and become addicted to it. That's like saying "OMFG TIHS CHCOLAT CUPCAEK IS SO AWESOME, I'M GONNA EAT THEMM AL DAY LONG NARF NARF NARF" (although you might think that when you're high).

If you have any amount of faith in yourself, then you should be able to control your intake of weed. Because let's get straight here: It's ****ing marijuana. You're not going to take a drag and then watch the pearly gates fling open while beautiful angels descend to softly massage your nether regions. (Try acid if that's what you're looking for.) You'll eat a bit more, you'll laugh a bit more, and you might have a profound thought or two.

Some common sense and some self-restraint is all you need. In fact, in all likeliness you'll never try it again. I dunno, all I'm seeing here is ridiculous self-depravation.

I mention common sense because anybody with the average IQ should know when the time or place to blaze is. For instance, I like to get drunk. I mean, blinding, shit-faced, collapse face first onto the stairs inebriation. I think the last time I did that was three months ago.
I sure as hell hope you're joking...
lol yes. My bro was...umm..big into that stuff. Lets just say....he got a lot of money and met his GF that hes had for idk 4 years now...who's step father got him an amazing job...where he makes a lot of money and Free College.
I cant believe im replying to this...
There are allot of you in here who think you are better than him because you have never smoked weed, you're wrong. You have no idea what you're talking about, not, im not saying you should smoke weed, or that he should. You should NOT smoke weed. However, he isn't a dumb ass or a waste of life for trying it. Most kids around his age experiment with this type of thing, and as long as they don't take it too far, which some do, and some don't. It generally isn't a problem. Any of you play HL2, if you take gaming too far, you become addicted to it, and you lose reality, all you want to do is the play the game, rather than get out into the actually world, you prefer it over reality, and you become a slave to it. The same is with a drug addict, and the same goes with anything, anything can be abused, and anything is potential dangerous. I remember when i used to smoke weed, when I did, my grades dropped, and I became lazy.. I quit smoking weed because of school, and it was definitely the right choice.
As far as weed being worse than alcohol, what a stupid argument, who cares which is worse for you? Which is worse for you, being hit by a car or a bullet? This is a very stupid argument, the fact is they are both harmful and they can both potentially do damage, this means that if you don't want any damage done to you, it makes sense to steer clear of both of them, instead of taking the one that does the least damage.
Those of you who have never done marijuana, you or no better than this kid, or anyone who does it, you just made a different choice, you very well may make a different choice about something else, that can destroy your life, in which HE may say no too. Neither of you should smoke marijuana, and netiher of you are better than the other.
i am drug free, just for the hell of it, i really do not think it would destroy my life.
I need to get high again. The first and only time I tried I was already drunk at the time so I didn't really notice the effects...

Not something I intend to make a habit of, just to satisfy my curiosity.