Got high today for the 1st time..

if you havent ever smoked weed and you call him a dumbass for trying it you need to stfu.

and to the OP, your first time high is very different from the high you get after you have been smoking awhile. If you keep smoking weed, you'll realize that when you do smoke your not "f*cked up" and you can function just fine(not perfect, but you can drive and shit if your not a moron).

It is alot safer than alcohol...

Alright do this for me, go get high as possible and go drive around, get pulled over by tell me what citation you get plus how much fun it was in the back seat of a cop car/in jail for awhile.
Tried it once. Not because i fell into peer pressure, just wanted to know what the fuss was all about. Had a joint to myself, didnt do anything for me, and i had never had a cigarette at the time either. Made me cough alot and the burning in my chest was like 'why the ***k do people enjoy smoking???'.

You smoke weed? Oh ok. Twat. Stop killing yourself slowly by trying to look cool. Smoking anything just sucks. So please, stop ****ing doing it around me? I mean, you can die in your way, just dont breath on me or smoke near me. Cheers. Loosers.
omg, relax, i was also drunk at the time so thats why i made a thread..jeeze you people are so judgemental

and i only tried it for my FIRST time, oh i forgot if you try weed the first time you're officially a stoner...

Also the first time you drink you're officially an alcoholic..

seriously, listen to how dumb yuo sound before posting
Wow, apparently there are a lot of closeminded idiots on the forums around now...

Really people, it's a lifestyle choice, not a crime against humanity. I got blazed last night before a school dance. I had a blast, got lots of tail, and watched and laughed while the drunk kids were pulled off the dance floor and brought in to the police station. If you can be responsible with a substance, then I say go for it.
By closeminded do you mean, not be idiotic enough to be a druggy?
if you havent ever smoked weed and you call him a dumbass for trying it you need to stfu.
If you haven't ever drunk out of a toilet that someone just did explosive diarrhea in and you call a person that has an idiot for trying it, you need to stfu.
omg, relax, i was also drunk at the time so thats why i made a thread..jeeze you people are so judgemental

and i only tried it for my FIRST time, oh i forgot if you try weed the first time you're officially a stoner...

Also the first time you drink you're officially an alcoholic..

seriously, listen to how dumb yuo sound before posting

Yeah, actually I'm suprised about people's reactions here.

There have been much worse drunk threads.

Actually, I've posted much worse drunk posts than the one you posted.

It's a laugh everyone, no need to be so uptight.
o noes another stoner..

A gift to you :P


Hehe, a war on drugs, lets be cool though guys, or this goes to the politics section and we're caught in a spiral of decline like you'll never believe. D:
haha closed minded americans. Weed isn't even really a drug. XTC is a drug, coke is a drug, crystal meth and heroin are drugs. Those things **** up your body, weed is just a plant.

But yeah, making a thread about it is kinda lame.
What was that I just heard? I think maybe it was the shit hitting the fan, or possibly me breaking things in my ecstatic rush to start posting in the drug thread where there are loads of stupid, misinformed opinions just ripe for the picking.

There's a slight difference between illegal and legal substances.
Yeah, one's legal and one isn't. It has really no bearing on the actual safety of the drug. Cocaine is actually technically more legal (Schedule II) than marijuana or psilocybin (Schedule I) in the US, and I don't think even the rabid anti-drug propagandists would go so far as to claim that cocaine is less dangerous or harmful than marijuana.

and where's your scientific research?
That marijuana is relatively safe (and most certainly safer than alcohol)?

Well, it's a self-evident fact to anyone that actually has bothered to research drugs rather than just spout off their misinformed self-righteous opinions, but for those that haven't, here's some scientific research (or rather, places where it can be found, you'll actually have to do a bit of work yourself):

By the way, did you know that the American Medical Association is in favor of decriminalizing marijuana? Probably not. Matter of fact, tens of millions of Americans, many of them responsible, working citizens, smoke pot regularly.

It is impossible to overdose on marijuana, whereas it is quite easy to drink too much alcohol (and hundreds of thousands of people die each year from this).

Marijuana alters your perception, it doesn't particularly impair it.

Bravo. You've managed to join the majority of brainless idiots. Good for you, enjoy your time with them.

I'm not going to comment on AKIRA's status just yet, but people who baselessly judge people negatively for smoking pot once are much more appropriately termed "brainless idiots" than people who've tried it. I don't care if you don't want to smoke for whatever reason, but it's narrowminded, ignorant, and stupid to call someone a brainless idiot for smoking a joint. I hope you never drink alcohol, because that makes you even stupider than someone who smokes.

k back lol..for the record i;m 17 not 14.

And I'm sure more than half the ppl on this forum have smoked weed so stfu all of you who saying things like "ur stupid" "Noob" etc...

To be fair, those of us that do (which is quite a lot of people, and many that you'd be somewhat surprised to hear) don't make threads about it. The thread is harmless but it did open you up to criticism from people who don't know what they're talking about (of course, I don't really think you know much about pot either, so I guess your decision wasn't too wise either).

Making a thread about it was silly because there's no reason to. Smoking does not make you inherently cool. It's just a decision some people make that doesn't affect their lives in any negative way unless they're completely retarded.

Well said. People wonder why it's called Dope.

Actually, no-one really calls pot 'dope' anymore. That term is mostly reserved for heroin nowadays, because after Reefer Madness in the 30s, people starting learning that marijuana actually isn't very harmful or dangerous and the extreme negative connotations reserved for the term 'dope' began to associate it with heroin more.

Tried it once. Not because i fell into peer pressure, just wanted to know what the fuss was all about. Had a joint to myself, didnt do anything for me, and i had never had a cigarette at the time either. Made me cough alot and the burning in my chest was like 'why the ***k do people enjoy smoking???'.
Many people don't get high the first time, for whatever reason.

You smoke weed? Oh ok. Twat. Stop killing yourself slowly by trying to look cool. Smoking anything just sucks. So please, stop ****ing doing it around me? I mean, you can die in your way, just dont breath on me or smoke near me. Cheers. Loosers.
So, ignoring that you called him a twat, I'm just going to assume you don't allow people who smoke cigarettes or cigars to be around you, and that you refuse to drink alcohol. Marijuana use cannot be rightly justified as 'killing yourself slowly' no matter how much you stretch the truth.

Wow, apparently there are a lot of closeminded idiots on the forums around now...

Really people, it's a lifestyle choice, not a crime against humanity. I got blazed last night before a school dance. I had a blast, got lots of tail, and watched and laughed while the drunk kids were pulled off the dance floor and brought in to the police station. If you can be responsible with a substance, then I say go for it.
I'm not sure how responsible that is but you make a good point anyway.

By closeminded do you mean, not be idiotic enough to be a druggy?
Someone who smokes weed sometimes is no more a druggy than someone who has a beer with dinner sometimes.

o noes another stoner..

A gift to you :P


We were talking about cannabis, not ecstacy. Not to mention that's a bullshit image anyway, ecstacy doesn't eat your brain.

Please. Bring it on.
haha closed minded americans. Weed isn't even really a drug. XTC is a drug, coke is a drug, crystal meth and heroin are drugs. Those things **** up your body, weed is just a plant.

But yeah, making a thread about it is kinda lame.

Weed is a drug, it ruins lives. I'm sorry but you sound either mis-educated or young.
Weed is a drug, it ruins lives. I'm sorry but you sound either mis-educated or young.
The irony of this sentence, particularly the mis-educated part, makes me simultaneously want to laugh, cry, and kill myself.
The irony of this sentence, particularly the mis-educated part, makes me simultaneously want to laugh, cry, and kill myself.

That's nice :)

There's no irony. A drug is a drug. I take it you're a user yourself as you seem to be in denial. It's ok you know, to admit that.
it[Weed] ruins lives.


BTW, I drink alcohol, have never done weed and never will, but I'm educated enough to know that weed is much less harmful than alcohol and even tobacco.
That's nice :)

There's no irony. A drug is a drug. I take it you're a user yourself as you seem to be in denial. It's ok you know, to admit that.

Ever drank coffee? Ever had some tea? Do you like chocolate? Ever had a beer?


This thread is crammed with hypocrites, incredible.
That's nice :)

There's no irony. A drug is a drug. I take it you're a user yourself as you seem to be in denial. It's ok you know, to admit that.

You're correct in saying that a drug is a drug. Marijuana is a drug, alcohol is a drug, cocaine is a drug, ibuprophen is a drug, psuedophedrine is a drug, heroin is a drug, caffiene is a drug, and any other substance with even the most mild psychoactive qualities is a drug. The irony is inherent in that you've been making a slew of misinformed and obviously uneducated statements about marijuana without backing them up in the slightest.

You're right, I have smoked marijuana before. I spent over a year reading everything I could about it, positive or negative, biased or not, before I made the decision to try it. That right there makes my decision far more justified than anything you can say against it, because you're being blatantly evident about your complete lack of knowledge on the subject.

I first tried pot several years ago, and I've smoked it probably on average once every two weeks or so since then, though obviously not with that sense of regularity. There have been periods where I smoked several times in a week, and periods where I haven't smoked at all for four or five months. Since I started smoking (in extreme, careful moderation) I've not only come a lot further as a person - obviously not due to smoking pot, but it did help on some introspective levels, and perspective is always nice - but I've also done excellent in school. I'm in the most advanced classes and I excel in them, as much as I ever did before I smoked it. I got a 2200/2400 (1520/1600) on the SAT, which is a very high, respectable score. I have a job, I get good grades, I have loads of friends I love, a lot of responsibility both online and in real life, and I'm generally happy.

I'm not saying that marijuana is at all or even marginally responsible for this. I'm saying that it hasn't had the slightest negative impact on me, and it doesn't on most people, other than either people who have absolutely no will or good judgement.
You're correct in saying that a drug is a drug. Marijuana is a drug, alcohol is a drug, cocaine is a drug, ibuprophen is a drug, psuedophedrine is a drug, heroin is a drug, caffiene is a drug, and any other substance with even the most mild psychoactive qualities is a drug. The irony is inherent in that you've been making a slew of misinformed and obviously uneducated statements about marijuana without backing them up in the slightest.

You're right, I have smoked marijuana before. I spent over a year reading everything I could about it, positive or negative, biased or not, before I made the decision to try it. That right there makes my decision far more justified than anything you can say against it, because you're being blatantly evident about your complete lack of knowledge on the subject.

I first tried pot several years ago, and I've smoked it probably on average once every two weeks or so since then, though obviously not with that sense of regularity. There have been periods where I smoked several times in a week, and periods where I haven't smoked at all for four or five months. Since I started smoking (in extreme, careful moderation) I've not only come a lot further as a person - obviously not due to smoking pot, but it did help on some introspective levels, and perspective is always nice - but I've also done excellent in school. I'm in the most advanced classes and I excel in them, as much as I ever did before I smoked it. I got a 2200/2400 (1520/1600) on the SAT, which is a very high, respectable score. I have a job, I get good grades, I have loads of friends I love, a lot of responsibility both online and in real life, and I'm generally happy.

I'm not saying that marijuana is at all or even marginally responsible for this. I'm saying that it hasn't had the slightest negative impact on me, and it doesn't on most people, other than either people who have absolutely no will or good judgement.

Lack of knowledge on the subject? lol, I've just given it up after many years use buddy.
Lack of knowledge on the subject? lol, I've just given it up after many years use buddy.

That doesn't mean you're informed about it. You can eat a burrito and not know what's in it or how healthy it is. You've demonstrated an immense deficiency in knowledge about cannabis, and I'm going to assume you just have no idea what you're talking about unless you show me otherwise.
Ah, so would you say that your life has been destroyed? Did you blame the Cannibis?
It is impossible to overdose on marijuana, whereas it is quite easy to drink too much alcohol (and hundreds of thousands of people die each year from this).

Marijuana alters your perception, it doesn't particularly impair it.

I saw a girl try to smoke 3 grams by herself. She definitely OD'd and spent the night hugging the toilet.
When I say "overdose" I mean die or be in danger of dying.

You can smoke too much and get uncomfortable, sometimes vomit (though I've never seen or heard of anyone I know getting to that point no matter how much they smoke) or become paranoid, but it's still not going to really hurt you, aside from the fact that inhaling smoke isn't the healthiest thing in the world. Even that (which is really the only health risk from marijuana, and even then not much of one, given the small amounts of weed smoked by most people) can be marginalized with various methods of intake (if you cook and eat it, you get no adverse health effects whatsoever, almost none from vaporizing, and significantly reduced from smoking it through a water pipe or bong).
Ever drank coffee? Ever had some tea? Do you like chocolate? Ever had a beer?


This thread is crammed with hypocrites, incredible.

Not to mention idiots, who cares if some 17 year old kid tries marijuana, the only person he's hurting is himself........oh wait!! he's not even doing that. It's not like he's hitting both ends of the bong from morning till night, give the guy a break. Does he not have the right to experience?
G-Dub, ready to admit that just maybe you're completely wrong about the light you've been casting on weed, or are you going to go ahead and debunk/disprove EVERYTHING I've said in this thread?

Since really, you need to respond to what I've said, or you're admitting that I'm right.
"Matter of fact, tens of millions of Americans, many of them responsible, working citizens, smoke pot regularly."

So I'm guessing you went door to door and asked all these people?

Matter of fact, marijuana is illegal right now and will be frowned upon until certain time if it ever becomes "legal"

No to both questions?

So where's your evidence that lives are ruined explicitly by Cannabis?

G-Dub said:
Let's agree to disagree cos I'm really not trying to prove a point but comment on someone's post.

Ok, that's fair enough since this is OT anyway. (There's a lot of other threads on this subject).
G-Dub, ready to admit that just maybe you're completely wrong about the light you've been casting on weed, or are you going to go ahead and debunk/disprove EVERYTHING I've said in this thread?

Since really, you need to respond to what I've said, or you're admitting that I'm right.

No, I think the fact that you've had no negative response from smoking it (mentally, health wise, socially, whatever) has given you a set of horse blinkers on the subject. Therefore, I could say the same for you, casting the wrong light on weed.

Let's agree to disagree cos I'm really not trying to prove a point but comment on someone's post.

The fact that you think not responding to you is admitting you're right is very immature, maybe I don't want to talk to a closeminded person.
"Matter of fact, tens of millions of Americans, many of them responsible, working citizens, smoke pot regularly."

I hightly doubt that figure is exaggerated.
Matter of fact, marijuana is illegal right now and will be frowned upon until certain time if it ever becomes "legal"

unjustly.....I can't believe your paper thin point of view is based purely on it's legality.
Big deal, you friends "ruin life" is an isolated incident at best.

I know a number of people who smoke MJ on a regular to semi-regular basis, it's never stood in the way of their work, school and ambitions.
unjustly.....I can't believe your paper thin point of view is based purely on it's legality.

How dare someone not want to be given a ticket and/or land in jail for awhile, HOW DARE THEY!
Big deal, you friends "ruin life" is an isolated incident at best.

I know a number of people who smoke MJ on a regular to semi-regular basis, it's never stood in the way of their work, school and ambitions.

Not yet anyway.
Bravo. You've managed to join the majority of brainless idiots. Good for you, enjoy your time with them.

You're an idiot.

Well said. People wonder why it's called Dope.

You're an idiot.

They're right you know.

You're an idiot.

G-Dub, as much as I'd love to rip your head off over this subject, I think Ennui's doing a good job already. I'm sorry your friends are retards. I really am. I'm sure every time they smoke, snort, or inject something into their thick, stupid skulls, it burns you up real good. Your pathetic, self-righteous whoreshit is entirely understandable in that regard.
But you're still a clueless pissant.
How dare someone not want to be given a ticket and/or land in jail for awhile, HOW DARE THEY!

yea...way to take my comments out of context. If you don't want to smoke marijuana for any number for any number reasons, go ahead. It makes no difference to me. But, don't assume that those who do are less closed minded or just want to experiment are idiots or are throwing their lives away.

Not yet anyway.

You think it's an inevitability? I know people in their late 40's with successful jobs who smoke MJ. When will their lifes be ruined?

It's not addictive, it's almost harmless, your argument is purely bias.
No, I think the fact that you've had no negative response from smoking it (mentally, health wise, socially, whatever) has given you a set of horse blinkers on the subject. Therefore, I could say the same for you, casting the wrong light on weed.
I was advocating these things long before I ever smoked it. Also, the personal experience with it was only included in my reasoning when you brought it up, saying that you figure I'm a "user". But you're right, I've not had personal problems with it, and beyond just listlessness and irresponsibility, I haven't really seen anyone's life ruined from it. That's probably because I don't know anyone who is absolutely retarded enough to let pot ruin their life.

Let's agree to disagree cos I'm really not trying to prove a point but comment on someone's post.
No problem with that.

The fact that you think not responding to you is admitting you're right is very immature, maybe I don't want to talk to a closeminded person.
Feel free to not talk to me. I was pointing out that you haven't contested any of the multitude of points I've made in favor of my opinion, and you've offered little evidence to support your contrary opinion. Remember, anecdotal evidence is mostly useless. However, since we're agreeing to disagree, I couldn't care less, though my statement still stands, because from an argumentative standpoint you haven't particularly done anything.

"Matter of fact, tens of millions of Americans, many of them responsible, working citizens, smoke pot regularly."

So I'm guessing you went door to door and asked all these people?

also, look at table 3 here, and keep in mind that this is just the people who told the truth:

this too:

this is a good read: