GTA San Andreas




holy **** thats sweet...thx for the pics :D
the last one has a eazy e feel to it lol.
Mr-Fusion said:
If it's anything like the other games just use your own mp3s.

Yeah, thank heck for that and the PC version. Don't think I could stand listening to that much rap :hmph:
I can't remember where i read it but I'm sure I read something about the protagonsit being a white mancunian(person from Manchester, England, UK) called Macca. Either that or I could by all rights be talking out of my arse. I'll have a looksie and see what I can dig up.

I'm looking forward to this game, I loved the music in the last few games especially Vice City. I'm into a bit of Rap though I don't suppose I'm into the really hardcore stuff. Seems like a good setting for a GTA game. I wonder what stuff they can add to this game to make it different. Oh and they better not leave bikes out of this game, I loved riding around on the bikes in vice city.
Must be lots of rap music in this game since there's nothing better. :D This game gonna be so damn great and fun.
Sorry to drag this thread away from talks of the soundtrack...but my Game Informer came in the mail today...and there's a 10pg. article on GTA4 that you all may be somewhat interested in.

-San Andreas is a State, not a city.
-3 Major cities will be included in this state modeled after San Fransisco, Los Angeles and Las Vegas.
-3 Cities will have countryside between them (they won't be just empty drives, there will be stuff to do).
-"San Andreas will implement dynamic difficulty based on your performance, sometimes easing the challenge to allow players to advance past troublesome objectives"
-"the new AI allows you to recruit a gang to accompany you on missions." (You can instigate a 4-man drive-by)
-You can rob houses ("Houser warns that these jobs will require real skill and planning. In other words, don't expect a burglary to be as easy as a simple carjacking."
-Working Casino(s)
-Eating plays a factor for your physical state - Eat too much and you get fat and your stamina may be lower - Go work out at the gym to gain muscle and agility
-Aiming system will be reworked to some extent
-AI is improved (ex: carjackers may attack in gangs, surrounding your car, possibly just beating the crap out of it for a bit)
-Total area said to be around 4-5 times larger than Vice City.

Ok.. since I started typing this post I left the computer and my Game Informer is somewhere the "4-5 times larger thing isn't exact...but for sure they said 4-? times larger.
holy shit, realy, thats sounds cool, makes me want the game more.

i hope its all true, some mags like to make stuff up (incase you hadent noticed)

thanks for the info

10 pages? any more pics?
burnzie said:
holy shit, realy, thats sounds cool, makes me want the game more.

i hope its all true, some mags like to make stuff up (incase you hadent noticed)

thanks for the info

10 pages? any more pics?

There are some pics. All this info is straight from an interview with someone from Rockstar (Sorry, don't have the mag right now so I can't get the name or position).

They have the 4-man driveby, a pic from the bottom of a chopper. Not too much really showing off graphics. One pic shows like 7 guys surrounding a car, one of which is kicking the fender in and they seem to be messing it up. There's a pic of some of the characters. They didn't directly come out and say it, but I think the main is black..because a couple of his best friends are black. There's also a pic with the caption, "Eat too many donuts and Johnson will come out like this" <--Something to that effect. The pic is a chubby guy walking across the street away from a donut shop.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
I want to have that tatoo cleavage girls children :naughty: :naughty: :naughty:

Am I the only one who doesn't know what he's trying to say here?

Anyway, I can't wait! I better pre-order this one so I don't have to wait an extra month again because they've all been sold to the people who pre-ordrerd and none were left for me.
WHYY GOOD!? WHYY!!..why must i be in the army just when Hl2 and GTA: San Andreas is shipping!! WHHYY...but hey atleast i can buy the game on nice price :]
MAN I WANT THIS GAME!!!! i wonder if you can go on a killing rampage on a tricile?

it seems that you can do practically anyhtin on this new game...
I wasn't impressed with the screenshots as they looked almost exactly the same in the style as Vice City. However, the above features look amazing and would make this game a must have. Too bad I will never buy a Playstation :( . Anyone knows if this will be an exlusive to the PS2 like the others (an xbox owner can dream, can't he?)
So lemme guess, October release for gaystation and maybe a spring 2005 release for PC??
chu said:
So lemme guess, October release for gaystation and maybe a spring 2005 release for PC??

yeah, this game is the last under sony's agreement tho,

why hate playststion, i have both pc and ps2 and love them both, i have no idea why pc gamers have a set against consoles

all i care about are the games, not which medium there on

(imo gta is much better suited to a console enviroment)
burnzie said:
(imo gta is much better suited to a console enviroment)
Don't make me eat your console alive and scream in laughter. :cheers:
burnzie said:
i have no idea why pc gamers have a set against consoles

It's not just PC gamers hating consoles for no reason. It seems like gamers automatically hate whatever system/game they don't own. It's what is known as the "sour grapes syndrome".
- The graphics engine has been tweaked. Smog will be present in LA, and real-time reflections on cars, windows, and mirrors, as well as new techniques like radial lighting, which allows for more realistic shadowing, and soft-shadow lighting for interior levels will be present.
- Everything in the game now has independent models for day and night to give better lighting and shadowing.
- The game will have ragdoll physics, or “impact animation” in Rockstar’s words.

- As for vehicles, there will be pimped-out lowriders, and 90’s versions of some GTA3/VC cars will return.
- There will be bicycles.

- Characters from the past will return.

- In the Las Vegas city, you will be able to buy and build a casino - and then run it.
- You can then gamble your money in the casino.
- Your character can dual wield pistols and potentially other weapons.
- You need to eat to retain your stamina. If you eat too much fast food, you become fat and pedestrians mock you for being fat. You also run slower. To remedy this, you can go to a gym to exercise.
- You can now rob homes. The robberies will require skill and planning, however.
- You can recruit gang members and use them to do four person drive-by’s. (seen here)

- The choice of weapons will match the time in which the era of the early 90's.

Artificial Intelligence
- Enemy/pedestrian AI will be greatly revamped and they will think more logically. You can't beat someone to death in broad daylight and not have people notice and react.
- Your enemies will be smarter, which will make robbing houses take a lot of skill.

- There will be a rap station, but there will be a variety of other stations as always.

some info on GTA: San Andreas. Someone on another forum pointed me to this site--> GTAGaming which is where I quoted that information from. It's off of the front page I believe
Wow, this game looks just like GTA3 AND Vice City... wow gotta hand it to Rockstar for working hard to bring us some new stuff.

Oh wait no no no, sorry, the graphics are "sharper". Yea I see it now. Sorry bout jumping to conclusions, seems as though Rockstar has given us a NEW game and now just something that looks like it could be a user mod... I mean come on, the graphics are "sharper" now. What else can we ask for?

And yes, I love the series but i think its time for Rockstar to come up with a new graphics engine! :sniper:
As for other music genres, I heard that The Streets had recorded a song for the soundtrack (50 Cent has too), as well as Shaun Rider doing some voice recording (so some UK people are included - a gang possibly, but unlikely). Early 90's music reminds me of woeful pop tunes but amazing rock stuff like Nirvana etc. Anyway possible stations :

Pop - Madonna, Janet Jackson, MC Hammer ;)
Dance - Beastie Boys, Frankie Knuckles, Massive Attack, Bjork
Rock - REM, U2, Nirvana, Pearl Jam
Metal - Metallica, NIN
Hip-Hop - all that have been mentioned
Talk Show - probably two stations.

Anyway, reading in PSM mag, San Andreas is where the Bullitt car chase happened, so I expect Rockstar to have implemented that into the game (maybe a Mustang too). Adding the gangs, it seems to be integrating elements of GTA2 into the gamplay, as for the media factor of a black protagonist - the BNP and stupid right wingers are guarenteed to have a field day on it - though some clever Rockstar marketing could make things interesting, as they are bound to be aware of the controversy surrounding the race issue, guns and violence in games is old news to the media as it covered back with Doom, Postal and GTA1, but they will have their knives out - it is quite a shame that there have been no black protagonists prior to this game.
burnzie said:
yeah, this game is the last under sony's agreement tho,

why hate playststion, i have both pc and ps2 and love them both, i have no idea why pc gamers have a set against consoles

all i care about are the games, not which medium there on

(imo gta is much better suited to a console enviroment)
GTA VC is better on the PS2? Well, other than being able to add custom cars, do even more insane stunts, higher resolution, etc, etc,'s 50 reasons the PC version is better.


PC Gamers hate consoles becasue: Low resolution, crappy controls, crappy/outdated graphis, non-upgradable, no MODing/customizations, etc.
phantomdesign said:
GTA VC is better on the PS2? Well, other than being able to add custom cars, do even more insane stunts, higher resolution, etc, etc,'s 50 reasons the PC version is better.


PC Gamers hate consoles becasue: Low resolution, crappy controls, crappy/outdated graphis, non-upgradable, no MODing/customizations, etc.

Actually the Xbox version looks and sounds better than both the PC version and PS2 version. I own the PC version of GTA III and Vice City, and I also own the Double Pack for Xbox.
Get this... i may become a tester for GTA: SA!!! The game's being developed by Rockstar North who are based in Edinburgh and that's where i live!!!

The contract is for 4 months which lines up nicely with the release date for SA. It also says "leading games company" which i doubt could be anybody but Rockstar, I can't think of any companies in Edinburgh that actually make games other than them...

I will be either phoning this guy to get more details on who the testing is for, or maybe i'll just send in a CV and see what happens.

Best summer job EVER!

spinkitten said:
As for other music genres, I heard that The Streets had recorded a song for the soundtrack (50 Cent has too), as well as Shaun Rider doing some voice recording (so some UK people are included - a gang possibly, but unlikely). Early 90's music reminds me of woeful pop tunes but amazing rock stuff like Nirvana etc. Anyway possible stations :

Pop - Madonna, Janet Jackson, MC Hammer ;)
Dance - Beastie Boys, Frankie Knuckles, Massive Attack, Bjork
Rock - REM, U2, Nirvana, Pearl Jam
Metal - Metallica, NIN
Hip-Hop - all that have been mentioned
Talk Show - probably two stations.

Anyway, reading in PSM mag, San Andreas is where the Bullitt car chase happened, so I expect Rockstar to have implemented that into the game (maybe a Mustang too). Adding the gangs, it seems to be integrating elements of GTA2 into the gamplay, as for the media factor of a black protagonist - the BNP and stupid right wingers are guarenteed to have a field day on it - though some clever Rockstar marketing could make things interesting, as they are bound to be aware of the controversy surrounding the race issue, guns and violence in games is old news to the media as it covered back with Doom, Postal and GTA1, but they will have their knives out - it is quite a shame that there have been no black protagonists prior to this game.

Did you just make up that list of songs? It would be pretty godly is Pearl Jam could make it on the soundtrack, but they're pretty stingy about licensing their songs out to ANYTHING, which is a good thing.
phantomdesign said:
GTA VC is better on the PS2? Well, other than being able to add custom cars, do even more insane stunts, higher resolution, etc, etc,'s 50 reasons the PC version is better.


PC Gamers hate consoles becasue: Low resolution, crappy controls, crappy/outdated graphis, non-upgradable, no MODing/customizations, etc.

I disagree completely - GTA is a console game though and through. One to be played with your mates while sitting on the sofa and playing 'pig killer' :) That alone more than makes up for higher res, better gfx (which isn't the case on the Xbox btw)

As for controls - driving using a keyboard just plain sux. GTA isn't a twitch aiming type of game and doesn't need, or benefit, from mouse look. A decent joypad is the way to play GTA.

So infact it looks worse on the pc (compared to the Xbox), has worse controls and just isn't as much fun - as GTA has always been a game to be enjoyed with others.

(plus GTA looks like a tiny model on a monitor - even with everything maxed out on 1600*1200 - like driving through a mini cardboard city. As opposed to a massive, solid feeling chunky metropolis on the Xbox :) )

It's true that adding songs and having mods is pretty much exclusive to the PC - not that this really adds to a game like GTA ..... well maybe slightly ;)

To get back on topic - liking the look of this game, being able to rob houses sounds great fun.
Ahhhh, fanboy alert!!! Just kidding ;)

Warbie said:
I disagree completely - GTA is a console game though and through. One to be played with your mates while sitting on the sofa and playing 'pig killer' :) That alone more than makes up for higher res, better gfx (which isn't the case on the Xbox btw)
That's true, but how about playing with 24+ other players online?

As for controls - driving using a keyboard just plain sux. GTA isn't a twitch aiming type of game and doesn't need, or benefit, from mouse look. A decent joypad is the way to play GTA.
Using the keyboard is actually insanely easy after 5 minutes, plus you can always just buy an analogue joypad, or use the PS2 - PC convertor thingy.

So infact it looks worse on the pc (compared to the Xbox), has worse controls and just isn't as much fun - as GTA has always been a game to be enjoyed with others.
I don't see how it looks worse... PC games will ALWAYS look better than their console equivalents.

It's true that adding songs and having mods is pretty much exclusive to the PC - not that this really adds to a game like GTA ..... well maybe slightly ;)
The mods like skins and new models may not add much, but mods like MTA actually add a HUGE amount to GTA!
It's more detailed on the XBox StardogChampion - textures have been redone - models look better. Nothing massive tho.

I agree that using a keyboard is pretty easy - but a joypad is better in this case. I suppose u could switch from mouse and keyboard to joypad everytime you get in a car, bit of a hastle tho.

That multiplayer mod sounds fun. However, quite a few ppl i've spoken to say it's a bit crap really, not living up to the concept at all. Plus nothing compares to playing in the same room as your mates - even if you're all on comms.

We'll have to agree to disagree :)
Warbie said:
I disagree completely - GTA is a console game though and through. One to be played with your mates while sitting on the sofa and playing 'pig killer' :) That alone more than makes up for higher res, better gfx (which isn't the case on the Xbox btw)

As for controls - driving using a keyboard just plain sux. GTA isn't a twitch aiming type of game and doesn't need, or benefit, from mouse look. A decent joypad is the way to play GTA.

So infact it looks worse on the pc (compared to the Xbox), has worse controls and just isn't as much fun - as GTA has always been a game to be enjoyed with others.

(plus GTA looks like a tiny model on a monitor - even with everything maxed out on 1600*1200 - like driving through a mini cardboard city. As opposed to a massive, solid feeling chunky metropolis on the Xbox :) )

It's true that adding songs and having mods is pretty much exclusive to the PC - not that this really adds to a game like GTA ..... well maybe slightly ;)

To get back on topic - liking the look of this game, being able to rob houses sounds great fun.

mainly the point i was getting across.

i own both versions, and i enjoy the mods, but i found it much more enjoyable on the ps2, i also love the xbox ver of gta, but i can only play it when i get a chance to nick the xbox from work

anyway i cant wait for october to roll around

sabre89 said:
If the soundtrack has rap I WON'T buy it.

Hate hate hate rap.

you wont play the game because of 1 radio station. thats a little sad for you :(

i guess you will miss out then

i couldnt give a shit if the whole soundtrack was the ketchup song playing over and over again, i still wouldnt missout on my copy of this killer title

you can always turn the radio off if you dont like it ;)
burnzie said:
you wont play the game because of 1 radio station. thats a little sad for you :(

i guess you will miss out then

i couldnt give a shit if the whole soundtrack was the ketchup song playing over and over again, i still wouldnt missout on my copy of this killer title

you can always turn the radio off if you dont like it ;)

finally somebody sees my ways... :D
just because i dont like the hl2 music from the e3 stuff (which sounds like porno music IMO, besides the toolshed part). does not mean i will not buy hl2 because of the music. cause i know that its not final and its not all of it, just like in GTA there is OTHER music because of radio stations.

GTA VC had rap, did not mean people did not buy it. they just changed the radio or turned it off if they didnt like it.

good post burnzie :cheers:
:cheers: I'd be so happy if they implemented the Crips and Bloods as two gangs in this new one. That eating and work-out system kind of gets to me... Now we have to work-out to outrun the po-po or esle we get fat, too much spending time on that. Something that'd be cool though if they added like an experience gauge, like the more you fight the better you get at it... the more drugs you sell the better drug dealer you are and so on :O .
Warbie said:
It's more detailed on the XBox StardogChampion - textures have been redone - models look better. Nothing massive tho.

I agree that using a keyboard is pretty easy - but a joypad is better in this case. I suppose u could switch from mouse and keyboard to joypad everytime you get in a car, bit of a hastle tho.

That multiplayer mod sounds fun. However, quite a few ppl i've spoken to say it's a bit crap really, not living up to the concept at all. Plus nothing compares to playing in the same room as your mates - even if you're all on comms.

We'll have to agree to disagree :)

Ahhh, I didn't realize the XBox port got a bit of a make-over.

MTA is still fun though even with it's problems (one being it's almost impossible to kill someone with a ping over 100). But it's still a lotta fun, maybe not QUITE as fun as with your friends.
x84D80Yx said:
finally somebody sees my ways... :D
just because i dont like the hl2 music from the e3 stuff (which sounds like porno music IMO, besides the toolshed part). does not mean i will not buy hl2 because of the music. cause i know that its not final and its not all of it, just like in GTA there is OTHER music because of radio stations.

GTA VC had rap, did not mean people did not buy it. they just changed the radio or turned it off if they didnt like it.

good post burnzie :cheers:


personaly, i love R'n'B and hip hop aswell as good ol' Aussie punk rock and pub rock, and any other rock form the 60's and 70's, i have a wide taste in music, that dosent include techno/trance shit as well as teen girl pop

RnB is great at clubs, tho most of them round my area play mostly techno :(
dunno if anybody know about this...but

- The game is more serious than the others, but the elements of comedy are still there.
- A full staff of reasearch personnel at Rockstar have been studying Las Vegas, San Diego, and Los Angeles for months to ensure that they truly capture the feelings of these cities.

- The game will not take place in Los Santos(Los Angeles), San Fierro(San Francisco), or Las Venturra(Las Vegas). It will take place IN ALL THREE as well as the countryside in between.
- Los Angeles will be called Los Santos, San Francisco will be called San Fieero, and Las Vegas will be called Las Venturra.
- Each city is about the same size as Vice City.
- Not all cities will be open at the start of the game.
- The entire game will be about four to six times as large as Vice City.
- San Fierro (San Francisco) will have hills. This city is more driving based.
- You can drive from LA, through the countryside, up a mountain, into San Fran, and onto Las Vegas.
- Driving through the desert won’t be empty and plain with a couple will be vibrant and alive with weird things to see.
- There will be a lot more buildings with open interiors.

- The graphics engine has been tweaked. Smog will be present in LA, and real-time reflections on cars, windows, and mirrors, as well as new techniques like radial lighting, which allows for more realistic shadowing, and soft-shadow lighting for interior levels will be present.
- Everything in the game now has independent models for day and night to give better lighting and shadowing.
- The game will have ragdoll physics, or “impact animation” in Rockstar’s words.

- As for vehicles, there will be pimped-out lowriders, and 90’s versions of some GTA3/VC cars will return.
- There will be bicycles.

-Five years ago Carl Johnson escaped from the pressures of life in Los Santos, San Andreas...
a city tearing itself apart with gang trouble, drugs and corruption.
Where filmstars and millionaires do their best to avoid the dealers and gangbangers.

Now, it's the early 90s. Carl's got to go home. His mother has been murdered, his family
has fallen apart and his childhood friends are all heading towards disaster.

On his return to the neighborhood, a couple of corrupt cops frame him for homicide.
CJ is forced on a journey that takes him across the entire state of San Andreas,
to save his family and to take control of the streets.

Liberty City. Vice City. Now San Andreas, a new chapter in the legendary series.
Grand Theft Auto returns to the PlayStation®2 this October

- In the Las Vegas city, you will be able to buy and build a casino - and then run it.
- You can then gamble your money in the casino.
- Your character can dual wield pistols and potentially other weapons.
- You need to eat to retain your stamina. If you eat too much fast food, you become fat and pedestrians mock you for being fat. You also run slower. To remedy this, you can go to a gym to exercise.
- You can now rob homes. The robberies will require skill and planning, however.
- You can recruit gang members and use them to do four person drive-by’s.

- The choice of weapons will match the time in which the era of the early 90's.

Artificial Intelligence
- Enemy/pedestrian AI will be greatly revamped and they will think more logically. You can't beat someone to death in broad daylight and not have people notice and react.
- Your enemies will be smarter, which will make robbing houses take a lot of skill.

- There will be a rap station, but there will be a variety of other stations as always.

sounds hella good :D :D
- San Fierro (San Francisco) will have hills. This city is more driving based.

This is very good news. I was really annoyed at how flat Vice City was.
Damn, that sounds amazing!

But does anyone know if the cops do actually chase other NPC now (which annoyed me in GTA3 and Vice City)? I didn’t see it in x84D80Yx post.
x84D80Yx said:
dunno if anybody know about this...but

sounds hella good :D :D

Yeah I posted the exact same thing on a previous page in this very thread :D