Guess That Screenshot! (Take 3 or 4, I Think)

Zephos, one needs confirmation that ones answer is correct before posting a new image I think, and the first one to get the right answer gets to post the pic next, so technically it'd be me. But w/e.

That's obviously Resident Evil Zero.

Hehe, sorry :P
This one's easy compared to some of these :P


I may be jumpin ahead but this is my last chance to post this until Saturday cuz I'm goin to L.A. woooo!


And I still haven't gotten my answer back from the Neocron shot yet :\
@Beerdude26 Another World/Out Of This World and Dune 2.
So I've got two correct answers, that should entitle me to at least one screenshot seeing as how everyone's just posting them randomly anyway.

Here goes (ingame, and made by me):

So I've got two correct answers, that should entitle me to at least one screenshot seeing as how everyone's just posting them randomly anyway.

Here goes (ingame, and made by me):

Live a live?
Nice one! I didn't really think anyone would get that one, let alone the first contestant. :D
Because I have a screenshot to post. And I consider it etiquette to wait.
Darkstar? Something like that anyway.

Edit - Darkstar One?
Funnily enough, that is further away from your original answer. :hmph:

EDIT: No it's not. Damn you editing in the "2.0"