Guess That Screenshot! (Take 3 or 4, I Think)


Now there's a head scratcher...
I Remember Heady!! Omg Best Game Ever For Sega!!!!!!!! Yayayaya Off To Download It Now!
I Remember Heady!! Omg Best Game Ever For Sega!!!!!!!! Yayayaya Off To Download It Now!
I less than three that game also. Still have the cart in my parent's house. Sadly, i'm not 1337 enough to beat the game without save states. The last few acts are insanely hard :(

edit: Samon is preparing to post the next screeny. Line Jumpers will be shot!
can i just post a screenie i got here?
i have a random screenie that i would like to post. do i still have to guess one right to post my own?
god i've never found ne1else that plays it so i just posted it...
There's a reason for that- the game is ass. And not great, vida guerra-esque ass. We're talking Numa Numa guy ass.
ehh, its free and people sell the gold for cash
AIDS is free, but I wouldn't mess around with it...

lol....yes runescape is the worst game ever and THERES A FRIGGIN MEMBERSHIP FEE!!! who on earth would pay that for a game thats so boring and the graphics look terrible.
I remember that game, Sacrifice, you broke the no UI rule though..:p
Sacrifice's a good game ^^
how about this....sorry its kind of small.

should be an easy one....
Damnit, I knew that!

First one is that weird genetic game involving collecting genes? Umm... Genestealer? Evolve? I forget.