Half-Life 2 CO-OP

lol.. man i wanna do somthing so bad, im so mad theres no mods out yet ARG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok i will make another one


Wait about 5 minus got to open game and load
Right try this - I don't think it'll work at all but what the hey


Doubt it'll work but give it a go
Could someone also clear up the hosting/joining side of this? (Hi all btw).

I mean, clear, step by step on hosting and joining. because with the original instructions its not clear wether we need to use the command line switches or just the console commands.
JiMmEh said:
Right try this - I don't think it'll work at all but what the hey


Doubt it'll work but give it a go

192.xxxx.xxx addresses are for internal network use (like if u have a home network/router).

You need your broadcast IP.
Yeh but im reading it on steam forums, theres two sets of instructions, command line switches and console commands only. Do we use both or one or the other?
omg i was just in a server it was so fun, it was with the guy who asked me to jump up and down if i could hear him and i did
sniffy is doesn't happen when i play, it was proly a server overload.
Argh can you join games if your behind a router? I mean JOIN not HOST. I say this cus net_start shows my ip as my internal one not external.
vito was that the server daniel put up at the bridge?
that was pretty good, throwing barrels and sheets of metal up and trying to get them with the rpg, which i was shit at
but the other dude got them every time..bastard
So....Is this actually co-op?
I'll try to make a server, but no gurantees. I have a hardware firewall, and router, so probably won't be able to connect. I'll see what I can do..
OMG OJS YES THAT WAS IT i accidently rn off the cliff in the air boat and i think i froze it up im sorry! can me u and him do it again exactly like last time? that was PERFECT
daniel, that was me and ojs that were in that server with u dude
PM me and OJS the ip and well join this time i wont fly off the cliff again, and BTW any map is good man
IP, mode MP, dedicated No, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL

ok someone try and connect