Half-Life 2 CO-OP

Damn that crashed too! Maybe it doesn't like 5 players? I'll try ONCE more with 3 max players then off to bed, as I have work in the morning :(
Can we play HL maps on a CS:source game? that would be sweet going through the game with an M4
Couldnt the server maker just give himself godmode so he doesnt die and crash the server?
Lethal8472 said:
Couldnt the server maker just give himself godmode so he doesnt die and crash the server?

it's a little more complicated than that...
try, i'm not promising anything though.
Seems the max coop players may be 4 - although me keep falling from the top of the citidal levels probably didn't help!
Town 3 crashes too! :(

What levels have people got to work? SO far I only have got d1_town_01 to work all the way though without a crash!
type "impulse 101" in console, but the cheats have to be on in the server
haha col schwartz, you dropped a container on me, and i didn't die. It was me flying around you with my crowbar :p
daniel can u plz make one? like me and u and OJS did last time, cept u made another and it was full when i tried to join :'(
yea cause mine says
Half-Life 2
Map: deathmap1
Players: 2 / 8
Build 2187
Server Number 1
COM_CheckGameDirectory: game directories don't match (hl2 / hl2mp)Netchannel: failed processing message svc_ServerInfo.
when i try to connect
anestetic, host the server again, why'd you crash the srever Dalarmi, i was about to shot someone in the head with a rocket launcher
Fliko said:
anestetic, host the server again, why'd you crash the srever Dalarmi, i was about to shot someone in the head with a rocket launcher

I didn't mean to crash it, I guess HL2 MP can't take a lot of things moving around.