Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Released

oh man.. i wanna play it!! my problem isn't steam.. it is, that i am sitting at work at the moment and won't have time to try it tonight either.. have to wait until tomorrow night.. aaahhh.. can't .. . . stand .. . the .. . pressure .. . . .....

ah.. and to all the haters: just a little patience would have been good.. u see.. a fix is already out. give valve some peace. i also make mistakes sometimes (yeah.. wouldn't have believed it, huh? *g*).. but if everytime i made a mistake everyone would come screaming at me, how i suck.. i guess i wouldn't bother trying to fix anything after the third outrage of an impatient crowd... just my opinion. don't take it personal. :)

(yeah.. i know, my attack against impatiant people kindof contradicts to my first sentence.. haha.. :upstare: )
50% of the time I play DM I'm getting crash to desktops with the "memory cannot be read" error, CS:S and HL2 both run fine. My RAM is tested and is fine as well.

Oh well, suppose we'll have to wait for another "fix"
we11er said:
w00t, just woke up to find this! GJ Valve!

Same here :D I'm home sick with a fever/cold thing, so i guess i'll have to try this later if i'm feeling a bit better :dozey:
I got an 'updating' thing, and now everything runs.

However, everything is also acting very... er, laggy. It's not laggy per se, in fact, I was the only one in any HL2DM server I could find, that had a 70ms ping. However I'm seeing a lot of replaying of animations ie. reloading is playing 3 or 4 times before it completes. And my HUD is all messed up too.

Oh well, at least we've made, er, progress.
Will you need to have steam online to run the SDK once its downloaded? I keep having to borrow a network connection to run HL2 and the old SDK as i dont have the net in my uni room and its pissing me off!
This is fantastic, thanks valve

But still i cant beleive more people didnt realise what the surprise was after the mutiplayer was 'found' in the half life files. What ya think valve were just gona leave a half finished multiplayer in there :lol:
Still haven't touched steam (online) since the day I installed HL2. Played in offline ever since (on my laptop) - and am very wary of going near that convoluted piece of crap thanks to the reports of EVERY patch/update/addon causing more and more problems.

valve, what is wrong with normal patch releases?

1. They can be mirrored and downloaded by choice not automatically
2. As they are mirrored you wouldn't get the bandwidth issues everytime you release something on steam
3. Steam is invasive and annoying and has done little to combat warez.
4. Those pirates with warez copies are now (apparantley) enjoying a faster game due to steam emulation, shorter loading times, no stuttering etc... that is just way out of line. The paying customers get shafted time and time again, while the freeloaders get to play HL2 closer to how it was supposed to be played -without the annoying ergonomic issues.

I will never buy another steam game, and probably not a source engine game if the sound issues is in all of them. Steam is fine for those that want to pay to download games but part of the fun of owning a game is having the package and a sense of something tangible you own - not just some data on a H/D.

Enough already - just fix the ****ing problems before relasing more stuff to complicate matters.. (maybe this is another way to get people to buy the game while avoiding the issues). When you have HL2 working as well as the illegal copies apparently do then add the DM content. *sigh*
Whew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hell yeah, finally some multiplayer I'll enjoy! I love HL2!!!!
SCREENSHOTS! plz, im still waiting for my CE, (and thats good cause HL2 would have ruined my exams ;) )


post screens and vids. com on guys com on
Awesome, I was hoping to wake up to an update. I was correct and now when I don't feel like CS:Source I can play HL2:DM.
had "connecting steam account: XXXXXX" for the last 30 mins and its dloaded 7megs so far *cries*

how large is the steam update itself if anyone knows? I assume this is whats dloading like crazy in the background.
wow thats fun,, I want the coast maps to play on :)... port the coast maps!....

the deathmatch is lollerskates all round... hilarity on wheels ... thanks valve :)
this is freekishly fun! The lag is wierd with all the physics and i feel like the maps are just way too small for 32 players :D

But i guess thats what the 5k is for, that will get people pusing out some top notch shit.

I cant wait for more game modes, dm is fun but there has to be other mades or it will get tiresome.

p.s. the crossbow on hl2 is unimpossible, you just fire and hope, you could be the most insanely skilled person in the world at hl but its still impossible to predict somones exact path on an online game. I do think we need a instant hit sniper, if only for ctf modes or something. But as much as some people whine because they are too shit to outsmart a camer sniping is an essential part of online games imho
lol i love this game, im making maps for it lol :D i wish you could download maps off the servers, that would be good. trouble is it would lag :/

Dammit!! Why did it have to validate today? I'll stop now. W00000000000T!!!!!!!!!
This is realy great thanks valve , btw anybody know when dedicated servers are ready than i can run a decent server that just would be great to play.
Oh god, yay. Oh yay, yay, yay. No more crappy ass CounterStrike with obnoxious 14-year-old-AOLers for meh! YAYAYYAYAYAYAY!

Dude, $5000 for a mapping contest... 0_o... you can count me in for that one!!
Hey wow, valve listened to the general outcry! Coolness! I'm a very happy boy.
Huh. Just occurred to me that I could also grab DM, since I've bought the game. I blame it on my fever.
Siadanfaosnofsonfsanoon Yesssssssssss Sdnffdnofsondfon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111!!!!!!!!! Fmoefosdmofmo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111111111
Oh noes. I bet its a huge file. I sooo hope it is included in the packaged version by christmas when I get the game else ill be pissed, im not going to bother with downloading huge files on my 56k