Half-Life 2 may be Done

Tiddalick said:
Whats the thing say at the top right..

Something on sale Sept 22??

That's the next issue of the magazine ;)
i have been tricked too much this weekend i wont believe this.
Cellllllllebration started, c'mon! Lets all celebrate and have a good time!
:thumbs: :O
Actually - remember that yahoo games domain very definately said that "we'll have a HL2 review in weeks!" and the release date they reported was also......21st september 2004! :O
i hope nobodys dissen Australia.....Austalia is a kick@$$ county....

Hungry_Gamer, where do u live?
PC PowerPlay rocks, pure and simple. Better than "PC Games Addict", the Aussie wing of the PC Gamer empire...
Yeh, occasionally every week I go to the local Newsagency to check out the PC Powerplay and read new info on HL2
cadaveca said:
part of the reason i spent $600 on my videocard was because of this game, and it being included free. Fact is, i have not received my game yet, so the claims on the box "FREE INSIDE!" are false advertizing. I'm a patient man, and now 'a days my kids take more and more of my time each day, and that leaves less for games. But I MADE time for Doom3 and Half-Life2.... I even spent some good cash on upgrades so they would all be in the best visual splendor...and with HL2 ...

I have never played it. I am really beginning to think i never will.

I am beginning to believe that i have benn scammed out of some of my hard-earned cash. Wonder if i could start a lawsuit, and get my money back, that they conned me into spending?

Funny. becasue they did not imply anything. You paid for a card with a free game when the game becomes available. Nothing more nothing less, but feel free to attempt to waste your time and money.
I'm really guessing a GOLD announcement this week. But, i'm just hoping :thumbs:
lazicsavo said:
It's curious that Gabe never actually said the Gold hoax was fake himself. Valve is awfully tightlipped these days.

PS: Did anybody actually write an e-mail to gabe about the gold thingy and got a reply.

I wrote Gabe only to get an email from him today, but as you said, he was very tight-lipped over whether or not the Gold-hoax was a fake (which we all know it was). Go and read it in the Valve Information Only sticky at the top of this room.

Anyway, I tend to believe your theory of Valve holding back information until the very end. For example, maybe the reason he isn't denying it is because they plan to go Gold very soon, and by making a big deal out of this hoax, he could ruin the excitement generated by a Gold announcement?

Just a theory.... :thumbs:
Has anyone e-mailed Gabe about the Pc PowerPlay add?

If its false he'll quickly dis-miss it with an e-mail, if its real he'll likely not reply.
OmegaBlue said:
Has anyone e-mailed Gabe about the Pc PowerPlay add?

If its false he'll quickly dis-miss it with an e-mail, if its real he'll likely not reply.
i dont think Gabe will reply about that ad.
Ooer, I might pick up PCPP just for that pic! Nice spotting guys. I'm still optimistic it's going to be released Sep 30th (last years release date). I bet on it. It has to be done, preloading, movies.. these media stunts (gold announcements).. it goes into the "this is VALVe PR booklet" major stunts, and it's paying off.

I work in a computer store in South Australia and every second person who comes in has an opinion of HL2's release date.. it's nearly as bad as this forum :) One guy came in today and said "my friend in the US says it comes out in 2 days". If only :rolleyes: worked in real life :)
I emailed Gabe about the Australian article and included a picture...
I love how some people are equating a fake internet posting about the HL2 release to an actual in-print announcement. If it's printed, there is a much greater chance that the message is real as opposed to someone snagging Gabe's forum account and making something up on the INTARWEB!

Doombringer said:
I love how some people are equating a fake internet posting about the HL2 release to an actual in-print announcement. If it's printed, there is a much greater chance that the message is real as opposed to someone snagging Gabe's forum account and making something up on the INTARWEB!


Nobody has based these theories off of the Gold-hoax post made by Gabe earlier this week. Maybe if you could make a change from being so ignorant and actually read a thread before you comment in it, you would know this. But seeing as you're too lazy to do it yourself....

hmm, looking at the picture...i'd say...we have to stay calm!
I wasn't on the forums too much yesterday so, what aout the guy at ATI? He posted on that forum and said that it would go gold next week, what happened?
It was a guy on an ATI fansite. After he heard the gabe announcment was fake, he backtracked and said that all he was told was that it'd be "soon" with no actual details.
moving this to rumors/speculation as there's simply no real proof its real, just a guy on an ATI fansite.
Has anyone noticed the grammar on the magazine page is incorrect? The correct phrase would be "It's done!" and not "Its done!" This detracts a good bit from the reliability of the photo, IMO. That is, unless there are any other Aussies who have the mag and can take another picture. :)
Ok so its nothing to do with the ATI guy

still speculation until its confirmed properly and I think it would be a big deal everywhere

Thats to the guy who made a report, not the previous poster :)