Half-Life 2 release hour confirmed

I think it's time for people to learn the 24-hour clock. All this am and pm drives me mad. Mad I tell you! ;)
Hectic Glenn said:
Good for us Brits, wake up refreshed...then play all day! get a good nights sleep before :D :imu:
Damn right, cant fookin wait :D
qdlaty said:
Omg sorry 4 that but i must ask...
I live in Poland thats GMT+1 and i suck at this time madness so it will be unlocked thru steam at 9PM 16th November ? Or its gonna be at 8PM ? omg

If poland is GMT+1 then it will be released at 09:00 or 9AM

12am is 00:00
Gmt is 8 hours ahead
so 08:00 in the UK or 8AM
Brisbane time in Australia is Gmt + 10 so 18:00 or 6PM
Raziel-Jcd said:
Even if they break it you wont be able to play. It will get unlocked at that time. If you but it early you will just have the cd and box etc :frog:

This hasn't been confirmed yet
Raziel-Jcd said:
Even if they break it you wont be able to play. It will get unlocked at that time. If you but it early you will just have the cd and box etc :frog:

I'm sticking with this 'VALVe will unlock it earily' thing :P Haven;t seen anything from them though about it.

Back on topic.... weeee 7pm
Raziel-Jcd said:
Damn you people are crazy. I sleep like 2 hours a day or less during the summer. Pull all nighters all the time. + during the weekdays ill probably go to sleep around 4am etc. wake up 7am. Hl2 comes out im not going to sleep for days!

(my record is 5 days no sleep) (thats also 5 days infront of comp)!

No were not crazy, we have lives beyond gaming and have responsibilities to tend to. You sleep 2 hours in the summer all the time??? I seriously doubt that, since your body would be in serious trouble with too much of that kind of sleep pattern. I will play the game a bunch but I am not going to be playing it around the clock each day for I want the game to last somewhat during my first experience, we waited all this time for the game to have it be over in a matter of days kinda sucks, but I understand your enthusiasm for I am very excited to play this game too.

By the way, since you seriously lack sleep all the time, expecially the amount that you lack during the summers, it is very unhealthy and you ill probably not live as long as us so therefore in the end when were old, we will get to play hl2 longer because we live longer, so there !!!! :)
YamatoTwinkie said:
This hasn't been confirmed yet

Valve wont unlock it early for a few people. They must keep their word on it being released worldwide at the same time. So it has been confirmed somewhat.
It's nice that I come back and find out that nobody knows how to tell the time anymore.
maximus0402 said:
No were not crazy, we have lives beyond gaming and have responsibilities to tend to. You sleep 2 hours in the summer all the time??? I seriously doubt that, since your body would be in serious trouble with too much of that kind of sleep pattern. I will play the game a bunch but I am not going to be playing it around the clock each day for I want the game to last somewhat during my first experience, we waited all this time for the game to have it be over in a matter of days kinda sucks, but I understand your enthusiasm for I am very excited to play this game too.

By the way, since you seriously lack sleep all the time, expecially the amount that you lack during the summers, it is very unhealthy and you ill probably not live as long as us so therefore in the end when were old, we will get ot play hl2 longer because we live longer so there !!!! :)

Trust me its posible. I always had trobal going to sleep. Its not like i CANT sleep its more like i feel its a wast of time. If i sleep for like 2 hours and i wake up by myself (meaning no outside interference) I will be as good as sleeping for 9 hours. Its just how i am. I dont need much to get me going again. There are times i sleep a lot 9+ hours but its very rare. I dont get sick (once a year, 2 max/ nothing big ether) When i feel i need to go rest i go to sleep. But if im excited, waiting for something, friends over, doing something i like. I dont feel tired untill i stop.
Yay \o/ ! Its like 1000am here in Finland, so I can just skip school and drive like crazy the 5 kilometers to the nearest game shop :)
Who cares about arts or mathematics anyway, there are more important things in life.
3am sux...stupid valve having their office in seattle..
im getting up at 2:30
it'd probably be easier to just stay up though
yAY! Christmas just got qwnde!!

haha I'm celebrating Half-mas this year! blllllhh :p

I'm from cologne ..
been to france score shops and they say 17th november :/
Admin_Winnuting said:
Although if it were to come out here at 6pm, And I got a copy before the shops closed, That would be good for me, I get up at around 5-6pm now, And just play the computer all night... Thats what happens when you dont have any school for the rest of the year.

That means that you will have to wait untill the following day (17th) here in australia. Unless you have steam.

If you got it before the stores shut at 4 or 5, then you would unlock steam an hour early for everyone around the world.

These dates dont really matter, its almost guarenteed that some store will start selling the game early, thus unlocking steam for everyone.

I guess thats one of the good things about forcing you to logon in order to even play single player. If somone bought the game 3 days early and didnt logon to steam, it wouldnt be unlocked.
Ah well looks like HL2 will be waiting for me after school....... :)
There won't be any midnight sales for Half-Life 2 when we change from 15th to 16th november, with the release coming up in less than 2 weeks.

That makes no sense. If it's released at 12am PST then for us here on the US west coast there will be midnight sales.
Hehe...looks like im dumping school on 16th...ill wake up and tramtadaaa...09:00 and here i go !!! YEAH !!!
Hmm I have to leave for college at the exact time it comes out... but I finish four hours later so it does'nt matter.

I just realllllly hope that the game is released on time in Carlisle. We're uptop, but we're nevertheless the arse of the UK. I want to be able to get the 9:30 train into town and buy the game, then go home and play it until my eyes bleed.
So this means like 9:00 AM in Sweden, right? Hmmm... I guess I have to tell my girl to have sex/snuggle/talk before that hour because after the release of HL2, I'm going 100% geek for a week!
ItchyFish said:
I got schoool nooooo.

Should i skip the day?

Hey, I skipped most time in school and I turned out just fine. =)
Currently studying Swedish at a university. =)
Raziel-Jcd said:
Valve wont unlock it early for a few people. They must keep their word on it being released worldwide at the same time. So it has been confirmed somewhat.

. . .Then Vivendi has to keep their word as well. However, this isn't going to happen, as some stores are bound to get (and sell) HL2 early. Vivendi breaking their word=Valve breaking theirs.
hmm.. just wondering.. has anyone emailed Gabe or someone else at Valve to confirm this?
now that we know the exact release date, could someone update the HL2 countdownwallpaper (the green one STEAM looking) :p

Sweeet! I get home from work at about 6pm (East Australia) so that will work out perfectly - might have to take the next day off though!

So, even if retail stores sell boxed copies early, it won't matter 'cos those people will still have to activate through Steam just like those who purchased through Steam...right? Steam or Retail, we all have to wait for it to be unlocked by Valve...?
YamatoTwinkie said:
. . .Then Vivendi has to keep their word as well. However, this isn't going to happen, as some stores are bound to get (and sell) HL2 early. Vivendi breaking their word=Valve breaking theirs.
technically it would be the retailers who would be breaking the scheduled release date. Which means HL2 released over Steam faster then we think :E
I better have my rail of coke ready... gotta play all night long... *sniff*
Schikitar said:
Sweeet! I get home from work at about 6pm (East Australia) so that will work out perfectly - might have to take the next day off though!

So, even if retail stores sell boxed copies early, it won't matter 'cos those people will still have to activate through Steam just like those who purchased through Steam...right? Steam or Retail, we all have to wait for it to be unlocked by Valve...?

No. If somone buys the retail early and goes home to install and register it, steam will be unlocked for everyone world wide.

Almost every game has instances where a store sells early, and steam will be unlocked if somone buys it. This is because of the fact that you are forced to logon to steam to play the game at all. That means some guy could walk in off the street to a store that has released early, and take it home and try to play it. They have to unlock steam to allow this person to play it.

It has been confirmed that steam will be unlocked the second somone buys a retail version and trys to install it. So we all pray for a store to slip up, or somone who works at a game store to take one for the team.
FISKER_Q said:
Just in from boomtown.net (sorry it's danish at the moment, sorry for starting a new thread about it as well)

Valve and Vivendi has decided that the sales can't start before 12:00AM PST. And it will follow that timeline the world over.

GMT = 8:00AM, CET = 9:00AM, Australia = 6:00PM

Stores are told to hold off the release until those hours, probably to prevent any users being mad about not being able to play(since it will be locked).

Source: www.boomtown.net (Danish version, so wait for translations)

I did a brief translation

Written by Jacob H. Nielsen(Herold), Translated by me :P

Any english people are free to do any grammar and/or spell checks on it :P

the time is 16th november, 9:00AM GMT+1
9AM GMT+1 = 7:00PM Sydney

and isnt GMT+1 the same time as CET... 9AM...?
one day before i have a plan to sleep really well!!!

first, i will go 7 hours to school. study a bit at home after school, eat something. after that i will go muay thai training, make some hard workout and sparing. after that go to girlfriend, **** her till she cries, go home sleep like a man and boooooom there is HALF LIFE².
Raziel-Jcd said:
Trust me its posible. I always had trobal going to sleep. Its not like i CANT sleep its more like i feel its a wast of time. If i sleep for like 2 hours and i wake up by myself (meaning no outside interference) I will be as good as sleeping for 9 hours. Its just how i am. I dont need much to get me going again. There are times i sleep a lot 9+ hours but its very rare. I dont get sick (once a year, 2 max/ nothing big ether) When i feel i need to go rest i go to sleep. But if im excited, waiting for something, friends over, doing something i like. I dont feel tired untill i stop.

I'm going to go ahead and presume you don't have a full time job. Trust me, things change when you have to start earning your living. School doesn't count, it requires precisely zero concentration and absolutely no physical labour.
Zio said:
So 3am for us Eastern Standard Timers?
you got it. i'm conflicted - do i stay up and not sleep, or do i play it on tuesday. I'm leaning towards staying up for the launch, maybe playing a tiny bit, then sleeping and playing the next day.
Spiffae said:
you got it. i'm conflicted - do i stay up and not sleep, or do i play it on tuesday. I'm leaning towards staying up for the launch, maybe playing a tiny bit, then sleeping and playing the next day.
Do you have some kind of an alarm clock? Set it for like 2:55 and go to bed a bit earlier then usual and then when the alarm goes off you can go play for a while.
Spiffae said:
you got it. i'm conflicted - do i stay up and not sleep, or do i play it on tuesday. I'm leaning towards staying up for the launch, maybe playing a tiny bit, then sleeping and playing the next day.

I'm in EST as well. My plan (if i don't have any MAJOR tests on that Tuesday) is to go to sleep early (about 9:00) and sleep until about 2:30. Then, i'll wake up and play Half Life 2 until I have to leave for school at 6:45!