Half-Life 2 Release Update

Apos said:
Nobody can call September summer. There are three months in every season. Summer is June,July,August. Period.

Which is exactly why it wont be released over steam first. Vivendi counts on fans going the route of buying boxes and collector's editions. If it were released over steam first, they'd lose a lot of sales.

If Vivendi were to do something like that all big fans of HL2 should buy over STEAM, denying such a shitty distributor/publisher is the right thing to do. Especally if CS:CZ was done in 2003 as stated here.
vivendi knows the only thing that matters is money,thats why the game will be released on summer(maybe july)when theres no school and kids are bored out of their minds.
whoohooo you reminded me that i only have one week of school left.
Przemek said:
I think Valve won't release the game on Steam before Vivendi releases it - it's supposed to be simultaneously [sp?] released over Steam and in stores... at least that's what I've heard a few months ago.

yes but stores dont open till later that day, steam can be operational at 12am if they wanted it to
Even if HLradio does get the release reported and out, and its what ValvE sincerely believes in etc etc,
there's no promise it'll be out soon after . . .cz is the perfect example.
Oh my God i want this to be true, i keep realising that HL2 is going to have to come out sooner or later and that i'm not just having fun waiting.
Well, I turned in (I live in Denmark, and didn't knew the exact time), but I just don't find their sens of humor funny, no offence to them, it is natually that everybodies humor don't mach. Hope they have something good though...

(NOTE: This was not bashing..... I hope?)
As to the radio news tonight, I strongly doubt any new information will come except something like "gold in the summer, release in the fall" with no dates. I hope to goodness I'm wrong.
Ah, maybe today is the good day when HL2's release date is announced, it's at 8 PM on the 12th of Saturday, 2004... all numbers are even, so expect something good ^_^
They are just saying HL2 will be gold in a couple weeks, then vivendi will release it before fall (or at the latest fall). I don't see why everyone is getting angsty about this. We've waited so long, I don't even care when it comes out, I'm the zen ****in master now. :cheers:
Evil^Milk said:
Ah, maybe today is the good day when HL2's release date is announced, it's at 8 PM on the 12th of Saturday, 2004... all numbers are even, so expect something good ^_^

unless im smoking crack, if sunday is the first day, then saturday has to be the 7th day, here in the US anyway. 7 being an odd number
hiln said:
They are just saying HL2 will be gold in a couple weeks, then vivendi will release it before fall (or at the latest fall). I don't see why everyone is getting angsty about this. We've waited so long, I don't even care when it comes out, I'm the zen ****in master now. :cheers:

ah fight club, if it taught us anything it is how to deal with adversity. It is quite similar to having a mate nailing a bird next door, you want to be doing it but the only way to handle the frustration is to keep calm, or play with yourself like a nasty chimp (read playing FC) :imu:
Anyone any clue on how to cope with daylight savings time?

it's 22:18 for me at the time of this post.. so what time would it be on for me? 1am? 2am? 3am?
!!! Please, could anyone post some kind of conclusion on the HL Radio news when it's done. I'm not planing to stay up all night so it would be nice to read the news tomorrow !!!

... and pleace just make it short with no bashing 'n shit :/
Orange said:
Even if HLradio does get the release reported and out, and its what ValvE sincerely believes in etc etc,
there's no promise it'll be out soon after . . .cz is the perfect example.

CZ is not a perfect example at all.

It was a POS. PC Zone laughed at how long it had taken to make and what was actualy delivered.

Then the game suddenly dissapears and comes out later next year...

are you people on drugs or are you realy deluded enough to think the game was finished but valve just sat on the thing for shits and giggles?
!!! Please, could anyone post some kind of conclusion on the HL Radio news when it's done. I'm not planing to stay up all night so it would be nice to read the news tomorrow !!!

Yes that would be nice.
Also I remember when they say it would come out in April, I was so pist off, then April came I'm steel pissed off.
!!! Please, could anyone post some kind of conclusion on the HL Radio news when it's done. I'm not planing to stay up all night so it would be nice to read the news tomorrow !!!

... and pleace just make it short with no bashing 'n shit :/

And in a new thread, plaese... It's easier to find then...
but half life 2 didnt appear on vivendi's fall/winter lineup list..
oh well
Vivendi and valve have a really bad relationship with eachother, they aren't fond of eachother.
tokin said:
Vivendi and valve have a really bad relationship with eachother, they aren't fond of eachother.

Any evidence? We know that Vivendi is probably not happy about Steam I can't thin of anything else.
There was some recent problems with hl2's release date and all with vivendi....lots of problems, i remember from certain reports and articles of just little comments.
poseyjmac said:
unless im smoking crack, if sunday is the first day, then saturday has to be the 7th day, here in the US anyway. 7 being an odd number

Er, it's the 12th today...i.e. Saturday the 12th...
I don't know why everyone is so intent on listening to the show. Everything 'big' they've promised in the past, except the interview with Merle, has turned out to be crap.
Well, personally, I doubt they will do anything more than announce the same news they already have, with a lot filler to pad it out.
of course thats what i think too, im just hoping it pans out to be more than that: stuff we already know. HL2 might very well be a few weeks away from being completed. and if they meet that deadline, of course it will ship "by the fall." i just want to find out if they have an official source for this information, not just speculation.
until tomorrow....for english people with sleep patterns that is. I am gonna be so pissed if it is all bogusness. Soon i shall have my hands on the game, except i am going travelling round Europe and then i have to gte a computer....grr
Show is starting soon, they are advetising some websites and listing their sponsors, etc.
damn it so close!

prolly gonna be BS though

1 min left!

right now they're playing music
it's a matter of seconds now... they're playing stupid music from alyx or something.

I love Alyx Vance
I want to get into her digitized pants
lol what a nice song...

nice song?! wait a minute arent they supposed to talk about the release date?!