Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

It works! XD Hm.. The only problem I have with this mod is that it kind of gets laggy in some gunfights, but otherwise it's a lot of fun. :D I like Bullet time.
Retributionex: look,it's an unpopular advice,but you sooner acquaint yourself with a lower resolution but a high framerate than an higher resolution with framedrops during gunfights (that will grow bigger and more populated)

henkjan: a sudden performance drop is unlikely to come from HL2... Have you installed any new software that may suck system resources? Or maybe you moved a lot of data and now you need some defrag. Try running an antivirus too. Anyway,here's the launch options:
-console -debug -heapsize [half or your ram x 1000; mine is 512 so I type -heapsize 256000]
actually you can even force it a bit,from some time on I started typing 320000 and got no problem of sort
I don't see why it's unpopular advice. :D Fun > Appearance, I believe. Back to playing. >_>
Henkjan: even if I have an unbearable amount of pages to study,I'll try updating the 1.1 patch today with those fixed levels. Tell me if I'm wrong,we need:
- the level in front of the town hall with the strider shooting its blue laser
- the level with the green ooze part,where that explosion happens behind you fightining the manhacks with stationary machineguns
Invisible Soldiers

Hi remember me?

I've reinstalled the games and Steam now and it doesn't ask for any missing models now.

But still there's some problems

some skins doesn't work
like one of those skins for the soldiers
the soldier whith silver armor has somehow turned invisible and only the gun and the eyes are visible
the same thing happened whith one of the skins for the super soldiers.
And the visions doesn't work either the game crashes when I try one of those. :(

Could you please tell what the problem is and what I should do about it?
Big boss vulcan minigun

This is VERY good game :) . But question is where is big boss minigun. When I play "big boss form" I only have the same old m249 machinegun, not minigun!!! Why :O ????
Did you update to the new 1.1 patch? If not, you can find it in the downloads seciton of the substance website. If so then try it again just to be sure.
please someone try the 1.1b I've just uploaded,check if:
1) do the assassins look a little more visible now? Try killing one and look at him at close range. Check at the bridge level:
load SBST_d2_coast_08

2) do the blue beams crash happen now? Try to complete the level on God mode just to be quick,stay sharp because after the first blue beams attack that originally caused the crash,there's another one toward the end. Jump there with this command:
load SBST_d3_c17_12

(I'll be with you having problems shortly)
ok xdiesp i dont crash anymore with the bluebeam, but did you fix the part where you fight against manhacks and there is an explosion behind you?i have to go no so i will check tomorow
The crashing bug's fixed when the Strider fires it's Reality-Bending Plasma Cannon after taking down the generators in the Nexus building and lowering that bridge??
That's awesome! I usually play the entire thing threw God mode. :)

I'll have to test this out, because I'm getting close to that part in the game right now.

When it crashed, the Strider hit that area where Barney tells you that you won't be able to stop the Surpressor from that spot.
henkjan: did you complete the blue beam level? because there's another blue beam later into it... <--- need confirmation!!!

the part where you fight against the manhacks is difficult to fix,I've experimented a lot so far and can't isolate the exact cause of the crash... I thought it was the explosion of the barricade causing that and it wasn't,it wasn't hitting something wrong (objects,npcs). It looks like some kind of general overload in that area. I'll try again something,otherwise I'll have to do the level from scratch (very bad for my limited time availability...)

what about the assassins,can you see them blue transparent? <--- need confirmation too


  • assassin.jpg
    10.7 KB · Views: 248
i have never had problems seeing the assasins
EDIT: and i dont think it was the explosion of the barricades doing the crash... it just happends..
patch updated to 1.1C,the crashes in the manhacks resistance level *should* be fixed now. Can anyone check please?
load SBST_d3_c17_06a

someone just reported the assassins are still 100% transparent,can somebody else confirm? (and have a screenshot)
xdiesp the manhack part crash doesend happen anymore (ty :p)
and i can see my assassins fine.. i can see them too mutch after the 1.1c.
henkjan: chance may be older gfx cards,with DX7 only,can only see opaque or completely transparent models and no blue translucent assassins. I'd like to hear something from the other readers here...

By the way guys,our valid helper Dale tried to set up a substance deathmatch direct port with the current 1.1: bad results (as foreseen by Jerry),way too bad!
this is something I've asked on a separate topic in general too: would you like a different intro/outro for HL2? If you do,how would you like it?
the assassins have regenerating shields,much like the Halo covenant. You have either to kill them in one hit or hit them very very fast
and xdiesp in the nova prospekt level at one of the parts where you have to set up turrets (the second time) will the turrets still shot your team mates? it kinda bothers me
hummm,yes,that...I'll see what I can do *tomorrow*,right now I have an exam to prepare for tomorrow morning. And let's not forget there's also that stage of the one harmless strider remaining!
When I went to the site today it said 1.1c was out but when I went to check on the downloads page it said 1.1b and it said it was updated 6/60. Now i'm not sure how this is all supposed to be dated but I don't think the dates go up to sixty. Don't mean to be a pain but just giving you the heads up that your downloads page should be updated.
the Hotdog Man: rotfl,the typos were indeed hilarious but all the files are already updated. Wacky text fixed

ehm,mostly off-topic but if you'd like to see where I live,this zipped website (if still working...) shows you a short trip on the seaside of my town on a winter day 2 years ago. Commands are like in Myst: click left or right to turn,center to go on
xdiesp, something is going verry weird when u update or change something in the site..
it automaticly turns the part you changed back to the old site.
so when u change something in the download section, it will be the old site
Wow, it's like i'm back in May tenth, but only when i'm in the downloads section... cool!! Anyway I can see the transparent blue on the assassins, just for confirmation's sake. Although I do have a dx8 compadable card so I guess it wouldn't make much of a help but jsut for the heck of it.
:eek: it was a,well,chronitons' flux causing the website to updated backwards in time! Now I only have to wait for Dean's updates to the screenshots' pages.
I absolutely LOVE the Metal Gear Solid elements you added!
Would it be too much in asking some infiltration oriented missions be made?
popularnerd: Woody and me are already working on the VR Missions
I have an idea. I've noticed that as you change forms your walk/run speed also changes. I was thinking how about putting "weights" on the weapons. For example, you would move considerably slower walking around with a rocket launcher then you would holding a shotgun. This would also change depending on what form you're useing, some people being stronger then others. For example, maybe big boss would be slightly more mobile with the rpg then would solid snake seeing as he seems to have much experence in heavyish weapons. Just a though, I think it'd make the game a bit more challenging overall, not that it's hell to get through anyway. Keep up the good work.
The hotdog man: really interesting idea,we have to develop that! Let's hope we get some news from our main coder in some time (he's been busy lately)

an italian modeler contacted me to work in Substance,I've been talking with him and maybe,sooner or later,we'll be able to have both HL2 hands on CSS weapons and a specific melee animation on them
I got a small idea for ur site xdiesp i was wondering if u could put "Systems recommended requirements" since this mod have 10x more stuff than hl2
Sufferin-Rebel: how does this sound? "System requirements increased to 1000 RAM and 2.5+ Ghz,medium detail"

as Henkjan has remembered,soon we'll be celebrating the 1000th post here on HL2Net: I'll invite the moderators for a "virtual" beer in here,but should you come for real in Milan (Italy) let me know! It's a pity that lately,planning and words apart,not a great deal of work has been done on the mod: exams and work,after months of procrastination,are really tearing me and Jerry apart. Because even if I'm devoted to the contact with the fans,it's only thanks to him if we can have all our coding work done. Anyway the 1.2 Final,the VR Missions and the new Intro + Outro will be done in the end.

By the way,I'm liking the idea to simplify the main menu into:
"Play HL2 Italian Extreme" (vanilla campaign at italian extreme)
"Play Gordon Tales" (substance campaign at hard)
One down, three to go...

I like the mod, it's a bit buggy with the solid snake modes but it adds alot of extra fun to the HL2 campaign. :)
so, a mod speaks.. if this was a type of forum, that u could spam.. we would be on 1000 by now :p... Anyway I was wondering.. Is the assassins.. HL:SOURCE Female Assassins? since i havent encountered them yet..
Uh, I just registered to this forum and just wanted to say hello to all, and thanks to xdiesp and the other guys that're working on this mod ^^
(I'm posting the post #999, whoa!)

@[Sufferin-Rebel]: I think it's the invisible combines with recharging shields: look here http://ludus1942.ngi.it/immagini/assassin.jpg
HAPPY 1000TH POST!!! :)
free beer for everybody,call me if you get in Milan!

I'd like to thank everybody that supported this project of ours over the past months,your help has been priceless. Fabio, Jerry, Mark, Smanu, Dean and Adam: thanks to you the mod has reached a new height I could never achieve myself alone. :D And all of you players that contributed with advices and rightful protests against my errors: thank you,I strongly think that both other modders and software houses could use very well (and more often) this kind of valuable close communications with their players base. A special thanks goes to you aficionados of HalfLife2Net,this place is the most civilised I found all over the net when it came to find a home for our official english topic (don't prove me wrong!).

:cheers: :cheers:

Look,this mod started with few ambitions,just an experiment to feel how City-17 would have felt if less lonely. Behind it stood a very simple idea: many big productions ultimately let you down because of a few elements,possibly a single one,that went wrong without no-one noticing. My goal was to make some kind of action patch,a small trick. No fancy media releases at all,no news for hype ungry websites,just a direct gift to players like me that still wanted more after years of waiting for the return of our star Gordon - aka the real substance of gaming (that's why the mod is called this way,not just because of the MGS reference).

80 days later I was completing the final 71th level of the game,the clash with Breen,in a complete psychophysical breakdown. :x I had spent God knows how many nights sleepless,people were storming me to stop by a little since Xmas,but everything was finally over. But if Jerry and the others wouldn't have been there to help me continue and transform the mod toward the new programming features and our beloved HEV Forms little class system,I would have probably let everything go soon after.

Now the lifespan of Substance is almost over,we are preparing the final 1.2 patch as well as a little VR Missions expansion and the new Intro/Outro for the series. I'm not angry,since everything must come to an end,I'm actually surprised we even managed to get here at 1000th post,after so much time! The support of the fans can be an incredible long-life elixir.

So,time for some more evolved modding to take our place on the scene...and for us to become past history. This boring,old school (people think I'm a castaway,a pariah,but I come from the Doom 1 editing school) modder has just a simple message for anyone coming after him: keep the fun variable and your players close to you,they're all you've got and all you need to succeed. :thumbs: