Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

Hmm. When I play this I cant see the weapons in the inventory at the top of the screen. They are too far left! I can only see the first two!
ok, it's this
Half-Life 2 - Substance Mod Footage
Filename:action.zipAuthor:(1)-_-_-_-(1)G-MaN(1)-_-_-_-(1)Size:26 MBReader Rating:Created:5/6/2005Updated:5/6/2005(2/5.0 - 3 votes)Downloads:190
Download Half-Life 2 - Substance M...Half-Life 2 - Substance Mod Footage Description
This is a movie with footage taken from the Half-Life 2 Substance modification featuring new weapons and gameplay
Don't worry sufferin, it works fine. I play substance a lot
that music video is totally dedicated to the Jackhammer! But the music doesn't make you feel as powerful as you do when you fire it. I remember when I was searching for the right ones,I had almost gone deaf: apparentely,all our weapons are nuclear arms derived! The only strange sounds that went through was Snake's eagle,but that should be removed in 1.2. Check the new website,still under construction though.

the speed of bullets is governed by a parameter,but the "bulletspeed" console one doesn't do the trick. Too bad,this slows us down but that's not capital. I just want to see what would happen if bullets traveled just a little slower in air,normally,and drastically slower in bullet time and Gordon's HEV Field,granting you the ability shoot dodge.

the VR Missions project has been thought by me to be simple to realize and 100% devoted to fun. Minor mapping skills are needed,the biggest deal here is good planning and gameplay resources. In fact all the maps have the same visual style,but they all have a very clear objective and various ways to achieve it. The Substance is gaming,here,nothing else. Here's how I explained to that mapper how a single map could be used for 2 different missions,if he added a surplus of elements in it for me to edit with my savegames tecnique:

- "Solid Snake - Sneaking - Knife 3" has you playing the level with the Solid Snake class,that can go invisible. He starts the level in the south of the stage and he needs to reach the north to hit the changelevel gem and proceed to the next stage. 2 seconds after he enters the stage,the VR music starts,together with the "Sneak to the goal without being discovered" message trigger. He's only armed with his knife and has 1 health,there are no weapons or ammo lying around. Only 4 enemies are patrolling their waypoints back and forth,out of the 20 total ones available in the "bulk" version of the stage. If he kills an enemy,his weapon dissolves so he cannot acquire any other. If an enemy sees him,the "failure mp3" music trigger fires,together with the "kill player" trigger and you fail the mission. If an enemy hears him,the "danger mp3" music trigger fires,together with another the spawns 2 additional enemies on the map too (following waypoints too). Snake cannot access the East and West portion of the maps because the forcefields entities are still active there,while they have been removed in all the other places. Once Snake reaches the changelevel gem and hits it,the "success mp3" music trigger fires,and 3 seconds later the "changelevel to level 4" trigger fires too.

- "Big Boss - Eliminate All - Snipergun 5" has you playing the level with the Big Boss class,that can regenerate health and has a bonus on sniping with any weapon. He starts the level in the west of the stage and he needs to kill each enemy in the stage for the forcefields between his position and the changelevel gem to disappear one by one. 2 seconds after he enters the stage,the VR music starts,together with the "Eliminate all and proceed to the goal" message trigger. He has 50 health and he's armed with his weak pistol and an heavy snipergun with lots of ammo. Additional ammo is located near the entry point. The enemies are many and heavily armed (12 of the total of 20 available) and their weapons do not dissolve when killed,so there's even more ammo available. As enemies are killed,more are spawned by triggers and start coming at you (you're in their waypoint route). Once Big Boss reaches the changelevel gem and hits it,the "success mp3" music trigger fires,and 3 seconds later the "changelevel to level 6" trigger fires too.
I just experimented a bit with Snake's explosive crossbow: it felt overpowered even if its shots were limited. I will lower its damage,limit its clip and try again,but the black snipergun that can only fire while zoomed would be better with this,if it consumed bolts
drool @ VR missions

mapping for those would be hard, since they have to work for different classes + objectives but if you can get it to work that would be sweet
xdiesp said:
Phfor: good idea the different fov,I'll see what I can do. Totally transparent is wrong,they should be also blue shaded. I'll fix it this monday

I don't know,I'd like Snake weapons to look more stealthy and less lethal but this is not easy to do. I could give him the tazer and lend the rambo knife to Big Boss. But the explosive arrow is really not your idea of stealth:in its place,possible alternatives are some sort of Nikita rpg (an idea to forget,since we can't switch cameras to follow the missile) or transform his smg1 grenade in something Splinter Cell reminiscent (like what? A splash extended electro dancing?). I'm not convinced.
y stealths were pink a very odd shade slmoat bubblegum it threw me off trying to aim at them even in bullet time when you get hit and the screen flashes so i used the mat_fillrate vision thingy, it works like a charm. Maybe Snake could have a bugbait that makes him no target like he was Combine Camoflauge or something to tell the truth it is all pretty close to perfect even with cheats some maps seem to find a way to keep you coming back I love it! $#%!@$# hehe I would like to see what I can do about getting an AoA-Tim-SubstanceMP mod going I think that would be just omg haha..... Imagine Night of a Million Zombies with your peeps the map never ends just keeps puking zombies depending on the level of the people on the server it may spawn canisters or antliongaurds etc.... I dunno I just thought the idea of that map being in a MP game was poon.....


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I finally found a good substitute for the normal shotgun: http://www.counter-strike-dl.com/download-726.html It will be used by Gordon only. I have yet to solve Snake's crossbow dilemma: but maybe the right answer is "let it be" and leave it unmodified. You see,unconsiously in the 1.2 I had in mind I gave a further element of differentiation to the forms: Liquid has no special FX weapons,Big Boss has the 2 flaming weapons (flare + cluster bomb),Gordon has the 3 disintegrating weapons (Ggun/SuperGgun,Snipergun,ProximityHeadcrab) and Snake has the 2 electrocuting weapons (tazer,crossbow)
I've started several "which weapon/game mechanic would import from a game of your choice to HL2" threads on various forums,and received several interesting ideas. You can of course suggest this all the time,let me know if you have any idea

I don't know how this could be useful, but I noticed that, in the crossbow DLL file (in the hl_dll folder) the airspeed of the crossbow bolts is editable. This could make for some cool options (like having the crossbow in one suit be a different model, that fires faster-moving bolts, etc.).

Oh, and that shotgun model is cool, but in my opinion it could use a reskinning.
I agree with the above poster, a reskinning for that shotgun would be nice. Looks a bit too plain to me.
Man I took too much time away from hl2, anyways, I put the updated patch in and I have to say, the blue outline is rather nice, it forces me to look harder for to be able to really see them now. I had a few skin ideas that I think look a little better suited for a metal gear style game:

Gordan's Default Pistol

Snake's socom

Liquid's m14a

Those are just a few skins that caught my eye, also that shotgun skin looks good, and I too agree it could use a reskin.
ph33r the proximity headcrab :D

Jason: the fight for best Snake's 1.2 machinegun is between that FAMAS and the current Gordon's smg1 in silenced mode. Gordon's pistol is loved by players,it won't be changed at the moment. That sig pro animations are jumpy,you wouldn't like it. I hope a new good silenced pistol is release within a month,since the old Snake's MK23 is not usable anymore
cool xdiesp, but is the conversion bugbait fixed? because i realy like it :p
and any news from Jerry?
henkjan: Jerry is alive and fights with us. The Bugbait Conversion is not bugged,it just works that way until 1.2

here's a good feature we could add to the black snipergun,if we want to leave it as it is,meaning the only snipergun with still grid and disintegration: allowing shooting through any object or wall! Then you would use Scanner vision with it,pretty in theme with the "smart guy" form if it would be only for Gordon

another funny feature we could add to 1.2 Gordon could be that proximity headcrabs ammo are no longer grenades,but actual headcrabs! You kill one,you get one ammo.
i'm happy, good idea xdiesp
:) i finaly got the feeling something is happening
Heh, I like the headcrab idea, very inventive, keep up the good work!
Another thing:
I love the STI Executive model, and I think it'd be cooler as a desert eagle/something else. I have this image in my head of an "STI .70 Experimental" (or something like that) pistol. Ammo would be reeeeeeeeeally rare, and it would hold very little in its magazine. However, it does massive amounts of damage, and makes a huge boom when fired, making you feel like f*cking GOD.
you two should join our IRC channel once in a while to have a simpler talk about things you would change or not. I live in europe so it's 0.10 AM right now,and I'm mostly online in the evening. In example today we were talking about a bonus HEV Form that could be made accessible once you complete the game once. One with all the most powerful weapons,the stealth and sprint,infinite aux power,health regen...everything. But you need to beat the game once,before you can use it. We could name it IRONMAN Hev Form
hmm Uber L33T play Form, Where the only weapon you get is a chainsaw :D and everything u hit will be reduced to gibs :) But it would need coding for HL2 :D
new coding is not a problem,finding a chainsaw model is...
Oh, I dunno. I think reducing enemies to gibs could be kind of a bitch code-wise. That is, if you want them to retain body parts (like the zombie gibs). Making them burst into a pile of bloody organs, Half-Life style, wouldn't be that hard.
an enemy that gibs is an enemy that when it dies,it doesn't spawn 1 ragdoll of the whole body but 2/3/more ragdolls of its body parts. It shouldn't be that hard finding a modeler just good enough to cut the combine and citizien models in 3 parts (head,torso,legs) to have gibs...try helping me publicizing the idea around
xdiesp said:
an enemy that gibs is an enemy that when it dies,it doesn't spawn 1 ragdoll of the whole body but 2/3/more ragdolls of its body parts. It shouldn't be that hard finding a modeler just good enough to cut the combine and citizien models in 3 parts (head,torso,legs) to have gibs...try helping me publicizing the idea around

Gibbing combine = instant win

How about a Quake 1 style grenade launcher? Or a Quake 1 style rocket launcher (ie fast shooting with a halfway decent amount of ammo). This may make the RPG more interetsing for some of the other HEV forms.
Okay, I have a few complaints and a suggestion.
1. Big Boss' Sniper Rifle can crash game to desktop if overused.

1. The Friendly Fire thingy needs to be toggled on/off. I perebally hate FF and I want it off at all times. Just before, we where in the Nexus building. I threw a grenade at a turret, and it bounced right over towards Barney and exploded.
Since then, he's been trying to kill me. It was a mistake! (Fortunally I was finally able to get Barney over to where he opens the door to the roof) The same goes for the Rebels. They too shoot at me if I accidently hit them while trying to kill the enemy. It's their own darn fault for being in my line of fire anyway!
This thing needs to be toggled in the next version.
I have a problem with this mod.. I install it and install the patch, and when I go to steam to run it, it stays at the "Loading Half Life 2" window and never starts. Is there any way to fix this?
xdiesp: about the ironman hev form, maybe you should make it that it is only accesible
when u beated the game on italian extreme skill. because doing it on easy is just too easy. and when u finaly did it on italian extreme, you can have alot of fun
henkjan has a very good point there..I may have asked already,but is there a way that ONLY the ally you shot would shoot you? and only as much damage as you dealt out?

it does kinda suck getting whacked by a buddy who got tagged by a bouncing plasmaball behind you..or the grenade situation as mentioned by BeaverMon
beavermon: I'll rise the Friendly Fire toleration to gunshots (in 1.2) but can't do that on plasmaball killings: that is something you should avoid with skilled shots,after all combine elites have that weapon as well and you don't see them wiping out their whole squad with it. Try and explain to your friends you kill them by error without them getting angry! I'm not sure we can toggle it on/off right now

henkjan: the average player finds the IEx mode way too difficult,after all this time you're far than expert of Substance and that's why you find it easy... Something we should try to set is that Vanilla has automatically IEx on

Retributionex: try reinstalling and customize the launch options as explained in the FAQs in the readme and the site. Do other mods work? Is steam original or cracked? See if you can make it start with the direct shortcut:
C:\Programmi\Valve\Steam\Steam.exe -applaunch 220 -game "c:\programmi\valve\steam\SteamApps\SourceMods\hl2substance"
Please note you won't have "c:\programmi\" but another drive and folder depending on your configuration

Phfor: we could have the RPG secondary fire slower,but able to launch more missiles one after another (as of now,you can only fire one and then another once it explodes). The only news about grenades is that I'm planning to transform the bugbait conversion (only owned by Snake,now) in a CHAFF grenade,with another skin for the grenades,splash effect and that autoreloading ammo system
Ok, I'll try to do that. But how do I change the launch options? Do I change Half Life 2's options, or do I try hl2substance's launch options? Also, I'm using the store bought Half life 2, and unless Counter Strike: Source counts as a Mod, this one will be my first Mod with Steam(I used to have a bunch of Mods, but it was before steam so.. Unimportant info just given. :p) Also, do I leave the quotation marks in the direct shortcut? >_< Really hope it works, this mod looks like a lot of fun and normal Half life 2 has kind of gotten dull the 16th+ time through. :D
Retributionex: yes,the quotation marks are included but it's important that you change the directory tree as you have it in your language. The launch options should be the ones of HL2 normal,just leave them there afterwards because they're very good for performance on any level/mod (like the upcoming Lost Coast). Just press right button on steam/HL2 -> properties -> launch options
i was thinking that when u use the Chaff grenade.. Robotic enemies.. Striders, Gunships, ETC will not shoot u.. by basically usin Trigger Ally blah blah, then after 30 seconds the stance will be bak to enemy.. plus what would be interesting, A Gonome Chainsaw Wielding Zombie :D
Sufferin-rebel: consider also that combines too are biomechanic. If we can't have converted foes that follow you as a squad,the 30 seconds would be very good

xdiesp /ME sailing to the 1000th post :D
ha ha ha i bet you'll reach 1000 posts real soon, i can't believe this topic has 64 pages!!! oh, by the way, i tried out your mod, it's pretty cool
xdiesp what is the best launch options i can have? because my hl2:substance sudden, without a reason, started to lag -.- and because that i suck!