Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

JNightshade: there is a new dedicated button for that...

The hotdog man: that's an old,old problem I did not hear from a long time. Have you tried hitting the bugfix button before posting it as a bug?
Hmm.. not yet i'll give it a shot and i'll tell you what happenes.

Edit: It worked, thanks for the suggestion.
I've read an unconfirmed rumor on an already compromised,outdated and suspect CSS site that said you can't "use" (see on other people's models? only in first person view?) customized models for CSS anymore. Does somebody here know something about it?

We're working on the 1.2H patch. Fixes as the much hated disintegration effect for the snipergun will be handled,but this patch is mostly aimed to rebalance the HEV Forms and have them more fun. You can suggest all you want,I have some ideas I'd like you players to judge:

1) increase the health limit to use the HEV Forms: like 70 health instead of 60 (please note: Solid Snake has now no limit,but this will change)

2) every form has now 2 (3 for big boss) unlimited weapons: they are both enhanced,endless and one is more powerful than the other. The idea is to make the more powerful one limited and yet less ammo consuming,as seen below:

smg1 is unlimited
m3 is NOT unlimited anymore,but consumes just 2 ammo per shot instead of 4 (so you can shoot 4 times before reload)

pistol is unlimited (and a little more powerful?)
crossbow is NOT unlimited anymore,but the arrow is explosive with splash damage
slam is unlimited

flaregun is unlimited
snipergun is NOT unlimited anymore,but consumes just 10 ammo instead of 50
napalm cluster is unlimited,and no other grenades or slam are available (this weapon will have half defusing time)

3) the Solid Snake form will be debugged and made a little less resistant to hits,other than that people seem to like it as it is. The problem is with the others: Big Boss has no distinct personality,he's just a walking sniper-rifle; Liquid has not enough attractive points and we're just losing the reason to use Gordon anymore. The plans to counterattack this situations are not completely defined yet,so I'm open to any advice.

attack power,machineguns,precision,BT

- logically,the 1.2H will contain the same 1.1 crosshair features: the crosshair can be seen only if you walk slowly,crouch (better) or...go in bullet time (new). Now in the 1.1 you can just feel that Snake and Big Boss have less BT than Liquid,but this will change drastically: SS will have "few" BT and BB will have mostly none at all. This should give Liquid the real upper hand in casual aiming,with his already perfect aim M4A1

- currently Liquid is the form with less armor. Has anybody noticed this? You get more damage while in Liquid form than in the others. This could be pushed even further,but I would also back it with healing headshots. Pratically,if you kill someone with an headshot,you get 3 or 5 hev armor points. As you can see,this matches the plan to have liquid the form of people who want precision and rewards from it.

- poison dagger: formerly a tazer,this could also be made as a tranquillizer pistol or snipergun. Pratically,secondary fire poisons the victim (lowering his health to 1,without killing him) and primary blow kills him. If you use this with the primary melee attack as Snake's dagger,you get just the primary blow that's the same of the crowbar one. This attack can only be used once in a while,it's very specialized but overally less powerful than the other forms melee attacks. Gordon has crowbar + stunstick,Liquid has the tazer ONLY,Snake has the dagger ONLY,Big Boss has the stunstick ONLY. The alternative is to take out completely the crowbar or any other melee from Liquid;

- Liquid could get Snake's AR2. I'm pretty sure nobody ever read its specifications on the readme or tested it for real,but know that Snake's pulse rifle is just a little less powerful than the M249 - nothing stands it. Yet,if you confirm this,there is the chance nobody uses it because Snake is a form aimed toward other goals. I have also other plans for this weapon: it could generate the combine ball just by depleting the whole primary clip,without an actual secondary energy core. And,the ball would explode just 0.5 seconds later: it would act as a smg1 grenade,pratically. This overpowered weapon should fit together with Liquid's M3 as the other attractive of this form: increased damage;

- can't use any kind of grenade or slam;

- the M249 can't be used either;

stealth,dagger skills,traps

- as said the pistol should be a little more damaging and the crossbow be explosive with splash damage (that can affect you) as a little rocket. Also this pistol wouldn't be zoomed anymore (see Big Boss below for the reason) and the BT will be lesser (see Liquid above);

- dagger leap attack: if you jump and attack with the knife,you get an instant kill (please remember that in 1.1 Snake's jump has been lowered drastically);

- his bugbait is already quickly recharging: now we could make it spawn something bigger and badder,as a black headcrab or a bullsquid (note: bullsquid in 1.2 are poisonous,so they poison you and then kill you with a blow in 1 second if you're not aware). Actually,we could move this feature to poor old Gordon that has no reason to exist anymore;

- unlimited slams: since I've never seen them,can someone please tell me if these things are dangerous or not? Am I overpowering Snake if I give him unlimited slams? Maybe I should give him limited slams,and no other grenades available.

- FAMAS: as said in Liquid's notes,this form is no good with machineguns. So we bring Snake's AR2 to Liquid and viceversa (Liquid's AR2 is very cool but also weak). The famas could be Snake's smg1: weaker than the default one and 2x ammo consuming. Basically useless,but would help if you find the form too difficult to use because you have no machineguns. Let me know what do you think about this.

- the m249 can't be used;

zoomed weapons: eagle and sniper,fire weapons: flare and napalm,health regen

- mostly no BT at all but,big news,he takes the long lost ability of the old Revolver Ocelot Form. His eagle disappears. In its place comes a revolver with a telescopic aim,that shoots as a pistol (just a little slower),zooms,uses pistol bullets (2x shot) and does nearly the damage of a standard eagle. The zoom of this weapon has a little BT embedded;

- unlimited snipergun was too much,we're downsizing it to either limited but 10 ammo consuming,or 25 (maybe 25 is better);

- unlimited napalm grenades will be the only one available to BB form. No slams or proximities. Also,keep in mind napalms will defuse much earlier: it's more like a bomb now;

- stunstick: only Gordon and BB can use this weapon,and I'm not sure about BB. Surely,its primary attack would be far less powerful than Snake's dagger,so that you need to hold it and use the secondary attack in person to have it dangerous. I don't know,suggest me;

- BB could be the only owner of the berserk ggun. Are we sure this is a good idea? Wouldn't it be better if Gordon was the only one? As of now,only Gordon and BB have it.

this is a minefield,this form is becoming less and less used. There must be a reason to play this even if you're above the health requirements. Some ideas are:

-it's the only forms that has all the grenades,the stunstick,the slam,the m249;

-his snark bugbait firemode spawns something really bigger than the usual one;

-he's the only owner of the berserk ggun or...maybe...of the ggun itself (same reasoning for the bugbait);
Xdiesp: i have an idea for the gorden freeman form,
you can make him have something special above 95 health...
and you can make the BB only regenerate to 90 health, so you wont have the special gorden all the time..
henkjan: we could have the superggun always active on Gordon above 95 health...

BUT I had another idea too. What if the forms activated only BELOW 70 health? We could push then the blood loss to 20 instead of 30. The only problem of this would be that you would miss the requirement if you "accidentally" picked up an healthvial/healthkit
no no nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
that is a bad idea plz dont do it
Hmm, here's my take on this

Liquid: I think increasing his bullet time and lowering the others' is a great idea, the bullet time jump grates my nerves a bit but I can manage.

Snake: I think you should leave him the way he is but lower the power of his pistol, I found myself killing off whole hordes of enemies with that thing.

Big Boss: I think these changes are good, the sniper rifle is too powerful, making it limited is a good idea.

As far as health requirements go for what form I feel you should keep it at 60 and above. As for something special for gordon, I think you should have unlimited supergravity gun above 95 health. Maybe something with his guns too like extra damage or something but only at 100 or something.
not just extra guns and super ggun but also faster running, hier jumping. longer sprinting, better aiming,
super gravgun,and super crowbar for gordon!!

but henkjan wouldn't that make the gordon form a combination of the other three forms?

which isn't a bad idea actually
xdiesp said:
-he's the only owner of the berserk ggun or...maybe...of the ggun itself (same reasoning for the bugbait);

i like that idea of only giving the ggun to gordon... it gives a reason to be there and makes sense in a way because hes supposed to be a physicist etc
T.H.C.138 said:
super gravgun,and super crowbar for gordon!!

but henkjan wouldn't that make the gordon form a combination of the other three forms?

which isn't a bad idea actually
no because it's only activated above 95 health....
IF xdiesp will make it
how about make the m249 have a bigger clip size. hl2 really lacks weapons that you can just hose stuff down with. maybe have a clip of 100 shots or so before reloading but lower the damage
I know! why doesnt he add ALL of the Beta weapons in :) even some beta monsters would be nice (im takin the piss, but hey its a suggestion) i know u added teh flare gun which was a beta weapon.. so anyway good job, and can some1 post some nice Substance mod pics, my G-card is shit... so i would like to see Substance under a good g-card
Sufferin-rebel: calm with the B word,there's no leaked material in this mod. The new weapons come from games like CS,Blood and Diablo;

henkjan: I tell you why the superggun 95 idea is pointless: Gordon has *always* the superggun if he just pokes an enemy 3 times with the normal one,it's the berserk ggun feature.

Z0ltar: yes,he's physicist and indeed we need to give this kind of personality to this form's powers. No form has uber powers (they would become unbalanced) and yet all of them can be appealing,we have to stick with this mentality: so what next,after the gordon only ggun?

The hotdog man: Liquid's jump goes for sure. Do you ever use Snake's eagle or pulse rifle? What if Snake kept the smg1 together with a less powerful pistol?

I'm pretty convinced that the open wounds limit should be lowered to 20,it's not so easy to go below that compared to the current 30...

A good thing to discuss too would be the removal in toto of the health requirements,the last relic of the old HEV forms activation mechanism. I know the HEV Forms make the game easier if used well,we've done them exactly for that purpose: but countermeasures are still possible,like decreasing ALL the forms armors but Gordon's (that's another point for him!),like that a shot that hurts you 4 in Gordon,may hurt you 6 in Liquid.

Another important point is that when I first created the forms,they were hard to activate,hard to get and hard to switch between. The first and the second have been nullified,now you have all the forms since the beginning and you can just press a button to have them. The third however I still think it's necessary,because people are switching forms as weapons (they consider them unlimited weapons with legs,basically) and this is bad. We could time them: you can only select a different form in,say,5 minutes after the last switch. Or,less difficult to code,we can set that you can switch form only once per level: the problem is that many people out there don't realize that HL2 is made of many tiny levels (kids don't at least) but this idea can be boring.

The third idea is sadistic in the perfect fashion of the old activation mechanism,but works only with no health requirements: selecting a form,aka pushing the F1-F2-F3-F4 buttons,hurts you a great deal of damage,like 50 health. Things would become even more risky with the armor decrease,but yet not maddening because if Big Boss has healing crouch (and we could speed it up a little) and Liquid is going to have healing headshots,also Snake could have something similar. Either the fact that in this form healthkits are more useful,or importing the old Vamp form ability to leech life via dagger kills.

I prepared you this experimental configuration file that contains:
1) no health limits for any form
2) more damage taken for all the forms but gordon
3) the "hurt activation"
try it for a while (to remove it,just reapply the 1.1 patch) and tell me how does it feel
Xdiesp: i never said it was the super Ggun idea...
i said super gorden idea..
big diffrence, if u would just read what i said in the post befor that..
but i like the third idea
henkjan: the 1st idea (form switch timer) is not pratical enough,the 2nd idea (once per level) is not dynamic as people are already used to,the 3rd idea (hurt activation) simply scares off people. A 4th idea could be: forms are playable at any health range,but you need 100 health to switch them
I think the fourth idea is a better choice, it forces the player to make critical desitions on how they should play the level. Reason being that in any given level it's pretty tough to get to or stay at 100 health (possibly making it so only one switch is possible per 100 health stat) and you'd really have to guage your plan of attack, do you want to bust in with guns blazing, slealth your way in, or advance slowly but with heavy weaponry. The downsides to these are:

Liquid: He seems better suited for close quarters street to street combat, not exacltly my choice for say the coast mission

Snake: You're fast, but your weapons aren't as strong as the others' so it'd be pretty hard to take out whole rooms of enemies with weak weapons without taking a deal of damage.

Big Boss: You have strong weapons, and even a health regen to boot, but you're slow, have near no sprint, oxygen, or bt, and you can't exaclty escape a strider when you're basically walking along like it's a nice sunny day out.

Perhaps altering the forms further, I remember you saying before that bigboss had no personality, how about accenting those personaliteis of every character. Have liquid be the master of the offencive but defence isn't his strong point, snake the master of stealth but his weapons wouldn't be as useful in street to street fighting, bigboss, the ultamate survivor, big heavty guns but small ammo clips and snow movement. I know this is what you already have and is probably what your'e shooting for but perhaps adding more features that furhter accent these traits.
xdiesp said:
Sufferin-rebel: calm with the B word,there's no leaked material in this mod. The new weapons come from games like CS,Blood and Diablo;

hmmm i wonder where one of the shotguns came from? Even tho i saw it in the Coastline Bink Video :p
the hotdog man: a 4th idea expansion is the fact that you can still switch back to Gordon at any time (this form is returning to importance) so that if you find you've done a wrong tactical choice,you'll still feel the pain but not feel that much impaired. Anyway,keep in mind that the regen abilities that will be introduced in 1.2 will make this less of a bargain than it looks now. We can't modify the main clip of a weapon currently (I mean,dynamically as the forms switch): but we can modify how much bullets are consumed per shoot (this makes the reloads more frequent and the ammo consuming higher) or how many bullets you can bring with you in the stash (this makes you run out of ammo sooner during a fight). With the changes in the 1.2 arsenal,all the forms will be ready for battle at any time,even if specialized in the usual single fields. Liquid will feel badder and the healing headshots will help with BT. Snake's old gear will change with more range for the dagger,the leaping attack and the limited explosive arrow (no pistol damage increase): I am still unsure if taking out unlimited slams is right (but I could set that only in Snake form,when you pick up a grenade,it fuels 3 slam ammo instead of 1,this method could be used for BB's grenades too),anyway to support this form I plan to move Liquid's AR2 to Snake's smg1 and weaken it (the form should become more "everyday use"). Big Boss' is going to take a good flavour change with the new pistol-that-is-an-eagle and no more berserk ggun. Yet I'm not sure what to do the improve their personality,suggest me something! We've talked about the stunstick,does it do something more than a crowbar? The leech knife could be very well be given to BB as a survival tool,btw.

Suffering Rebel: it's the DX7 shotgun that you find in the HL2 copies all over the world. Try opening model viewer and search for weapons -> dx7 shotgun

ideas I've been mailed to further personalize the forms are:
- the snark bugbait spawns a different beast for each form (note,I wanted to get rid of the bugbait completely for all the forms but Gordon before): the choice is limited to fast headcrabs,poison headcrabs,manhacks,antlions,bullsquids,houndeyes
- launching manhacks as a secondary fire for *some weapon*
- ability to create friendly turrets
I need help---

I cant get the p900 gun to work...i see it there but when i select it i get nothing... just a blue line from the crosshair ;(

I there something wrong...im using the 1.1 patch
SWE Man: what's the P900? If you mean the real P90,it's not available anymore in Substance. Do you maybe weapon_p90,aka the M4 Colt Patriot Jackhammer? The fast shooting shotgun?

the 1.2 planning continues. It's no use I write another post the size of the bible to tell you the details,but we're working on 2 fronts to improve the form personality: A) give something new B) move or trash something old so that it covers a new role
Can't wait to see how this further developes, please keep us posted of any significant devolopements.

Edit: This had been nagging at me for a while, how about different vehical stats according to what form you're in. For example in gordon form you have beeter handeling or something. Maybe even different primary and secondary attacks according to form. Just a thorught.
DX7 sucks so good

OMG man you can say you beat it without cheating? I suck lol... Last time I played it I had trouble switching to the different types of nades etc. Did you have any luck with getting the weapons to work in multiplayer that would almost be sickening.... :afro: Did playing this mod make anyone else wish they wernt in a sp game frig I LOVE IT WOOT! ty dood for this awesome alteration :cheers:


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Has there ever been any talk of a multiplayer version of Substance? maybe something along the lines of the sven co-op, I remeber the online version of garry's mod alowed people to connect to SP levels like the coast run.
YuCHEAT and Jason Voorhees: at present time it's impossible,our main coder Jerry says we could only have this by converting ALL the code to a new SubstanceMP project. The problem is that after all the past months labor,he doesn't have the physical spare time to do this anymore: we all could use a helper here...

the latest idea to implement manhacks and turrets for the "smart guy form" Gordon Freeman is that the stunstick secondary fire spawns the first ones while the Jackhammer creates the second ones (wasting a lot of ammo because turrets need them).
I thought that transfering the code to mp form would be a pain, but I wanted to ask anyways. As for the SP system you guys are definitely on a role with this, I'm really amazed you can even fit all this lol ssstufff into one single mod, most expansions I've tryed or fully played have at around 30% new content and even thats a maybe.
Jason Voorhees: even too much stuff actually,the 1.2 really needs that HEV Forms Switch limitator to prevent confusion...we don't want this to become parodistic

the 1.2 intel I need to proceed with the coding is almost complete. Check these ideas and tell me what do you think:

- Liquid and Snake jump is higher;

- after recent developments,the crossbow is owned only by Gordon and Snake. Gordon's (who has no snipergun) impales while Snake's explodes. The electrocution post-death effect (which I don't want to waste) could go to Big Boss' tazer;

- Liquid and Snake have no M249,Snake has no flare;

- Gordon Freeman Form has no: eagle,M3,flare,snipergun,cluster napalm,slam;

- an immediate effect of Gordon Freeman Form having no snipergun,is that we lose the black scout sniper: what do you think? Would you prefer Gordon having the black snipergun and not the crossbow? This way the crossbow would be Snake only. If we lose the black snipergun,we also lose its "floating disintegration fatality",remember: but it could be move to,i.e.,the proximity headcrabs of Gordon;

- Gordon Freeman Form is the "smart guy" form: he has 100% bullet time,more armor,can summon an antlion with the bugbait,can summon a manhack with the stunstick,has the combat berserk ggun,the rpg,the proximity headcrabs,and he's the only one with access to both machineguns and shotguns. He lacks some good weapons,but he has the Jackhammer that Liquid and Snake lack - which also can summon a friendly turret.

- there is an effect I'm not sure *if* and *where* should be put. We can link either bullet time or sprint to an armor enhancer: I'll call this a shield. By link I mean that it can both overwrite it or just add itself to the original effect. My first idea was to take out Gordon's sprint and replace it with this,or slow it down and add this. Playing in BT + armor enhancer has no sense,it would be like having the enhancement for max 3 "real" seconds. But Big Boss has currently no sprint nor BT,by the way,but I was going to add a little more faster health regen for him linked to sprint
xdiesp said:
- Liquid and Snake jump is higher

only problem i have with this is that snakes jump was too 'floaty' before... if you can give them higher jumps but not make it feel so light that would be fine... also maybe you could make some areas inaccessible to the other forms? i realise that since youre not changing the actual maps, just the enemies in them that this would be hard or maybe impossible to do, but it could be another reason to choose those forms.

xdiesp said:
- Gordon Freeman Form is the "smart guy" form: he has 100% bullet time,more armor,can summon an antlion with the bugbait,can summon a manhack with the stunstick,has the combat berserk ggun,the rpg,the proximity headcrabs,and he's the only one with access to both machineguns and shotguns. He lacks some good weapons,but he has the Jackhammer that Liquid and Snake lack - which also can summon a friendly turret.

i like the changes youre making to gordon... hes really starting to get his own character. i still think he should be the only one with a ggun at all, and i like the idea that someone said before (i think it was you, xdiesp) that he could have more armour than the other forms (because of his HEV suit)

xdiesp said:
- there is an effect I'm not sure *if* and *where* should be put. We can link either bullet time or sprint to an armor enhancer: I'll call this a shield. By link I mean that it can both overwrite it or just add itself to the original effect. My first idea was to take out Gordon's sprint and replace it with this,or slow it down and add this.

good idea... same reason as before: HEV suit

xdiesp said:
But Big Boss has currently no sprint nor BT,by the way,but I was going to add a little more faster health regen for him linked to sprint

if you did that, and added + armour for gordon linked to sprint, then all the forms would have a special ability that you activate with sprint: Gordon - armour; Liquid - sprint; Snake - invisible; Big boss - regen. i think that would be cool
Zoltar: we could make Gordon walk faster,about midway between the old walk and the old sprint,and his sprint slower than walk but with the armor
good idea, otherwise people could just use it all the time (except when its recharging) instead of using it tactically
*took me a while to look everything over*

Liquid and Snake jump is higher

I can't really add anything for the higher jump mainly cause I couldn't get used to a higher jump but I know other people out do like it.

Gordon Freeman Form has no: eagle,M3,flare,snipergun,cluster napalm,slam

I like the m3 in gorden form and used it quite offen is place of the default shotgun, the napalm was a little useless to me mostly cause it seemed too weak, I had an idea for a cluster nade system:
I saw a nade system on I believe the "Project 22" mod, the cluster nade's first stage was exploding with a small blast(dmg could be set low enough to kill a headcrab perhaps), following to stage two, releasing 4 or 5 nades over a small 5 to 6 foot area, onto stage three, the nades explode at slightly different times seperated by only a few miliseconds, much in the way the old tfc hwguy cluster nades worked, as for the scout, slam and deagle, I have no problem with gorden losing them sence the "smart guy" mode gives him some good replacements.

The shield process kind of confuses me but the idea sounds good. Replacing gorden's sprint with the shield could work as well, I think also that gorden's walk "needs" to be faster, one reason I think is in the story clues, from eli's statement of "havn't changed one ioda"(I think thats how it's spelled)and gman saying that he was "sleeping on the job",so, being the same age now as he was in black mesa 10 years ago, his running speed shouldn't have changed, there for he would have no need for a sprint.
an old helper of mine is now developing a multiplayer mod on his own. I hope to be able to pass him some of our materials to help him and someway have Substance continue on MP (his gameplay tastes are similar),now that I'm leaving the scene with this final 1.2 patch.

Who knows,his mod could even contain a boost in the spawning area: imagine a diablo 2 necromancers battle in HL2,with tons of troops against each other at your command!
Arg. It dosnt show up in third party games
i put it in sourcemods and installed :angry:
tryed it several times still dosnt work
Saber15: is the HL2 original and have you rebooted? Anyway try this:
C:\Programmi\Valve\Steam\Steam.exe -applaunch 220 -game "c:\programmi\valve\steam\SteamApps\SourceMods\hl2substance"
And don't forget to customize your HL2 launch options as mentioned in the FAQ
xdiesp said:
Saber15: is the HL2 original and have you rebooted? Anyway try this:
C:\Programmi\Valve\Steam\Steam.exe -applaunch 220 -game "c:\programmi\valve\steam\SteamApps\SourceMods\hl2substance"
And don't forget to customize your HL2 launch options as mentioned in the FAQ
Do you mean That I Bought Hl2 or modified it?
and i did a search for steam.exe and it didnt appear i also looked in like 3 folders that relate to the HL games. Its a hidden folder isnt it?
z0ltar said:
good idea, otherwise people could just use it all the time (except when its recharging) instead of using it tactically
It is my weapon of choice in MP :$

xdiesp... i know this is probably going to sound pretty geyh but the vr-training changed my life and my view on the game period.... i upgraded my video and watched it learn the new shades textures and stuff I have no clue what else before my very eyes... It made me cry I love the game I love my card and I hate when I fail to protect assist command etc and one of my citizens rebels die, it hurts please keep the gordon freeman HEV as close as you can to the original code source what ever it is something about changing mr. Freeman makes me feel nervous i dunno the scanner veiw and etc... OMG that is remarkable... Always wondered what the puyrple black checkered boxes were... the crowbar is and always will be gordons weapon of choice mine was chromed out before my drivers got afu'd and the suit looked liquid silver it was pwnt... f3 already jumps higher for me:/ one thing maybe say like when you swing the stun stick and hold the alt it stays glowing maybe that could be = to f4 (BIG BOSS) :D crouching for the f1? I suggest some sort of R4G3 mode when you have to wittness a fellow peep get slain it really irks me when one of my bros gets wasted- the second I start to reload..... maybe that could be the screw a clip mode yuou dont have to reloadexcept for the rpg xbow since its dumb to have more than 1 shot out at a timne for those i would think (a grain of salt I am very green with the workings of the engine but am getting motivated to learn) Your mod is worthy of being called hl 3 Bro except we all know that would bring up the whole stink of hl creators not getting as much.... I'm just going to stfu there on that... o_0 where is the line between playing the game and living it drawn lol I got a rebel beanie and if anyone gets their hands on a gordon's_classic and or gravity_gun I would pay top dollar for them LOL!
How the frig did you get the different veiws nm I think that would be the part thats the coolest addon to any MP HL/source game....
scannerview in a TDM/DM probably wouldn't be a nice thing methinks alot of BSOD would be going down if I had that tool at my disposal xD
Str8 ^ I am in MP game every minute of a second of our lives even when I am afk alone driving I still feel the ping :,) much love to my brothers from different mobos (i say bros cuz i have never really actually seen a female in a MP game :X)
Now I simply despise watching combine push people around and I have no weapon.... So I either try to distract them by throwing the nearset crap i can pick up at them (which does nothing is useless;) or I sk_vortigaunt_health 999 npc_create_aimed npc_vortigaunt..... Is there any way to maybe say just grab a mofo and snap his neck? The only reason I really never had the urge to beat a game, I know that sounds lame but with this mod I am getting that itch again, ff1 (or 3 if u r a gamer and know wtf is ^ty japan:) for nes is the only game I lost sleep over to beat and felt actual satisfaction for veiwing credits... xdiesp ty.... Mr.U xD
Saber15 said:
Do you mean That I Bought Hl2 or modified it?
and i did a search for steam.exe and it didnt appear i also looked in like 3 folders that relate to the HL games. Its a hidden folder isnt it?
did you just install like hurry the frig up i wanna play quick this is too long defaul c:/valve c:/programs/valve?
mine is c:/omgthisiswareustart2haqme/steam.exe

if it doesnt sho in yet 3 rd party games delete yer blob
OMG CombineDestiny taught me about why the scenes are so dark I think man those combines would have bigger battieries you would think lol talk about frustrating trying to run from headcrabs and the screen goes completely black lol the total lack of ammo in substance makes it dam near impossible to beat without cheating :thumbs: Anyone gets a chance check out that CombineDestiny mod its mostly based on killing mosters methinks what I played was friggin hard I actually had to put it on easy and still got pist that the comp wasnt auto aiming for me LOL!!!!