Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

UPDATE: I found the problem!!!, i didn't paste it right :flame: ....the load times are still a bit longer, what normally takes a minute takes about 3 minutes, i believe that is right isn't it?

U said ur maps folder was 400mb...well, ive uninstalled and reinstalled and put in saves loads of times....should i use gcfscape and get the whole sound cache and paste it into the substance folder?
quadomatic: I never extracted the soundcache from the gcfs,shouldn't be necessary!
xdiesp said:
quadomatic: I never extracted the soundcache from the gcfs,shouldn't be necessary!

well, is the load times about right? u did say ur cache was 400mb, mine is only 140mb
quadomatic: indeed 140 is far less than 400,but if you've completed HL2,didn't reinstall it and that's your cache,you can't do anything else but to use that... Loading times could be 50%,but that's already a good compromise compared to the previous >10 minutes

I have something fun for you. How the HEV Forms looked pre and post v1.0X delay.
http://ludus1942.ngi.it/thehevforms.html CURRENT
http://ludus1942.ngi.it/thehevformsvecchie.html OLD 3RD DRAFT
can someone post some high quality screenshots?
Or update with new screens on the main page
Inflame007: nope for now,can't edit my first post and the webspace is long gone... Anyway,how's with the houndeye model? Did you fix it?
how do i manually copy the cache? do i just copy over the maps folder from hl2 to the hl2substance folder?
Z0ltar: yes, just copy all the files in the Maps folder in wherever it is and pud it in the maps folder in Substance folder, is it clear? i hope so.
have a nice day :)
I dont' mean to stray from the current convorsation but how's 1.2 coming along, I just can't wait anymore.
do you know an irc client i can use apart from mirc? just you have to register that after a month + everything and im not to keen to do that
First of all, if you're using Internet Explorer, you must never touch it again after your http://www.getfirefox.com/

Then you go to http://update.mozilla.org/ and do a search for chatzilla, click download now.
Save it to whereever, then press ctrl+o while in Firefox, navigate to whereever you saved the file, and open that.
Click install now, once it's done installing, close the extension window out and close Firefox.
Restart Firefox.
Click here

henkjan said:
you should come to the chat room
There's never anyone in here. :(
yeah im already on firefox... i cant understand why everyone doesnt use it

thanks for pointing me to chatzilla: ive installed it but it seems my university network blocks the ports that irc works over, so it makes no difference what client i use :(
the hotdog man: no nooo noooooooo,the 1.2 will take time,we're all very busy with work and university and the 1.1 has just been released so don't be waiting for that - we're still in the mere planning as henkjan can confirm for me when I'm away
well some one told me that during decompiling it lost animation data and it it needs to be regapped.
so i need to figur how to fix this and I will be able to make him move.....
since in the console it sayes that the moving speed of him is 0!
oh and here is some thing I did to the combine solider!

now his all shiny and reflective....
also his eyes are nt glowing in the dark any more and I wont be able to fix it until Ill fined a beta tester with PSs
Inflame007: I do already reflections,bumpmapping and transparency in my skins. You can see the models don't move just by enabling ground in the HL model viewer: normally it should flows during animations
Xdiesp: somehow the crosshair bug has returned in the 1.1 you now have on your site, if i knew how i could add a screenshot then i would
f5 to take the screenshot (i think this is still the same in substance);
SteamApps\SourceMods\hl2substance\screenshots to find the picture;
find a free image hosting site (theres loads of them) ;
upload + post link here
henkjan: you must tell me what you have done to have it,I don't need screenshots. What the hell is the crosshair bug?
I think its the one where the crosshair goes off to the lower right side of the screen..but I could be wrong..
well, instead of a crosshair, you will see a bullet in the midle of the creen when u duck and when u walk slowsly
i redownloaded it but it doesend work
1.1 updated with HUD vertical line/bullet icon fixed and enhanced difficulty for the Italian Extreme skill setting. This one has never been explained too well in the past,so here's everything you have to know on it: Italian Extreme is best played on Vanilla,because it can turn out too difficult when you mix its effects (1) to the default Substance ones (2):

2x health and +30% armor for monsters
-25% health bonuses for the player
2X damage from the monsters
no headshots on monsters

regenerate lost health during fights,as covenants
recover all the lost health if a teammate dies
be immune to any other damage than one shot one kill
I'm sorry, man. But I have to get rid of the MOD.
The game keeps crashing back to the desktop in "Follow Freeman!" at the end, everytime a Strider fires it's Reality-Bending Cannon.

My system cannot handle it. As I feel like taking it out and beating it down with a Sledgehammer, because I wanted to see ALL of the Substance Mod, how do I uninstall this?
I've removed the "hl2substance" directory from SourceMods.

I will never download and install another HL2 mod, until I get a better system then this.
Beavermon: you should just go to the part after that, because i have that crash too.
just use the noclip cheat and go to the next stage as fast as you can, because if u typ the map in console it will automaticly load the vanilla version...
and yeah i do think steam causes lag..
that sucks
You got the crash too? I've been trying everything.
I'm at the part where after you kill the Combine Soldiers, pass that area, go down the stairs, turn the corner, and let the map load.

I've been trying to use the Liquid Snake Form, since it's the fastest in walking speed.

Does it also crash in that torn-down building where you got to "get to the horse" to meet Barney and Dog to gain access down and into the Citadel? You got to let the Strider use it's cannon twice or your stuck fighting in that building.
you don't have to use noclip: just use a cheat or load the following level by the New Game Menu.

level of the horse
load sbst_d3_c17_13

first level of the citadel
Our Benefactors chapter

by the way,those levels are really edited at a minimum. There could be something wrong with the savegames,I could have to redo them all over maybe. Can you tell me exactly in which level do you keep crashing and if it is solved by the Bugfix Button? <-- have you tried this before? I have another test for you to try: try loading the same stage in vanilla version:

vanilla level of the horse
map d3_c17_13

and tell me if it crashes too
I was able to noclip. Had no problems with crashing after that.
But in the Citadel, I don't understand why the Volderguants (spelling?) where attacking me.
I thought their friendly. Are they under Combine Control or something?

I think in Substance some of the Vorts decided to side with the Combine after Eli gets captured..as usual,I could be wrong
This is a bit off-topic, but...
I've been trying to figure out how to edit the amount a weapon's clip will hold, along with the damage it does and it's name (as it appears on the HUD). I tried to make a weapon_357 file in the folder "scripts" to take care of the damage and clip size changes, and put a slightly edited hl2_english file in the resource file, but it didn't work. What am I doing wrong?

(thanks for your help)

Also, I can't figure out how you gave certain weapons infinite ammo. The only clue I've found is the command "use insert weapon here"...
JNightshade: check all the console commands that start with "sk" to see a lot of easy to change feature,or open the cfg files you find in the Substance directory. The unlimitedness of certain weapons is a fact of code: they reload their clips by taking 0 from their stash. But there's a chance that setting "-1" to clip size in the txt,it could work
forget infinite ammo... how do you change the name of a weapon? I figured out how to with mods (edit the english file under resources) but I couldn't get this to work, even after making a special english file for HL2, AND a scripts folder.

...all I want is my .50 Magnum...
i know you can get a quick patch for cs:s to make it show the real weapon names... just a .txt in one of the game files. maybe you can get something similar for hl2?
JNightshade: 2 ways to change the name of a weapon. The easy way is to open scripts\weapon_x.txt and change inside its label name. Write it in capital letters or they'll be difficult to read,like .50 MAGNUM. The difficult way is to open resource\half-life2 english.txt OR hl2substance english.txt OR half-life2 yourlanguage.txt and change the name alias for the Colt 357/Desert Eagle to .50 MAGNUM

Henkjan: about that sudden problem with zooming of yours,here I have uploaded:
the oldest 1.1 patch http://ludus1942.ngi.it/files/HL2SubstancePatch110205.zip
and the newest 1.1 patch but less compressed http://ludus1942.ngi.it/files/HL2SubstancePatch11.zip
I can assure you that neither of them gives me that weird problem

updated the 1.1 with a minigun in the place of the left handed Big Boss m4a1.
minigun was fine first, but after a while, it didnt shoot normal
and the fire doesend come out of the minigun, the fire is next to the minigun..
and it looks like the minigun is aiming to the left... when the crosshair is in the midle
that's just a few things i noticed :P
EDIT: i will try to find out exactly what is wrong with the minigun's shooting
now the minigun shoots a little more to the right. The minigun different shooting you saw is just the secondary fire that switches firemodes as in the alyxgun,a pro like you should know this!
erm... how do you make left-handed weapons right handed?

(I'm pretty sure this is my last question)
In water hazard, at the end of the map where, before you can proceed, you face an ant lion guard inside a tunnel after I kill the guard and try to go onto the next level it doesn't load instead I hit one of those invisible walls. Sorry I couldn't describe it any better.