Half-Life 2 : Substance mod

Thats a bad thing ono this is a bad thing huh cuz now I am chomping abit and shouldn't post again? or maybe i should edit them all into one huh the times are hours as for the first one it was being done while saber posted if you check the clock am I in trouble is that faux pas Im srry:(
hey just found out about this mod, looks cool so i thought i'd try it out

question: i've installed the mod, now how do i apply the patch? (v1.1)
sorry if this has been answered before..too lazy to go through 50+ pages of posts :p
Obsidianz: extract in \sourcemods\ folder

Saber15: if your HL2 is original,then you must have steam.exe somewhere. The only thing that might change in the command line I told you is the folder tree,depending on you installation and language

YuCheat: Substance is made to be hard,even ammo-wise. Anyway,get in touch with the HEV Forms a little and you'll get it's quite easy now to get unlimited ammo for all the weapons you want. The Gordon Freeman contents you like so much will become exclusive to this form and enriched with others too,in 1.2

the 1.2 patch planning is over,the coding phase starts. If nobody else shows up to help,this will probably take weeks: the work's a lot http://ludus1942.ngi.it/12h.html (and this is just part 2!) and the coder is only one. So don't ask when the 1.2 comes out,we don't know!

This seems like I am looking a a huge picture with a magnifying glass my eyes are bleeding hah.... Seriously now are the levels unique in aspects that maybe we could incorporate the absolute nessecsity of changing forms? I am going to try the whole transforming thing again I must not have grasped the big gain in it besides BB that is nice ;) I am sure some peeps will step up to the palte and knock this next patch right the frig outta the park You just keep thinking up more Substance my brotha from a different mothaboard [borg] :) :p :angry: :farmer: :borg: lol
YuCHEAT: the HEV Forms are classes,you only have only to choose the one you think fits you best. All the game can be played indipendently with any form,even if only 1.2 will have them 100% powerful since the very start
YuCHEAT said:
Thats a bad thing ono this is a bad thing huh cuz now I am chomping abit and shouldn't post again? or maybe i should edit them all into one huh the times are hours as for the first one it was being done while saber posted if you check the clock am I in trouble is that faux pas Im srry:(

lol :D no problem i just thought it was a bit funny...

anyway, xdiesp: those changes sound cool, one thing though - there should be a limit to how many manhacks can be spawned. since you get free ammo for the stunstick that means you can just go on spawning them until you crash your pc:) also, 12 ammo sounds a bit cheap to spawn a turret but i suppose well see about that with playtesting.
last thing: since youre getting rid of the sound clips when you change forms, maybe their names could be flashed up on the screen instead?
z0ltar: the 12 ammo for the turret are shotgun buckshots,at least they're not so easy to come by. The stunstick's secondary manhack will act exactly like the snark,ammo wise: unlimited but slow recharging. My idea is that you can spawn one immediately,then wait something like 5-10 seconds to spawn another and then 30 seconds between each other spawn. I hope this will limit their survivability. The forms names will be pronounced still,when activated,it's just the music that goes away: pratically,if you hit the button you get the audio name and the hud color change,but no flashes,AUX dialogs and musics.
Idea: Controllable manhacks

With this you can explore the next area and possibly take out some unsuspecting enemies. But it will die fast and they will be hard to find and should only be used sparingly.
why explore the next area? we've played the game like 6 times over or more by now. I say make them more common to increase the fun factor
Zeus: Flyingdebris has a point here,there's nothing to explore anymore with an eye of kilrogg-like spell/entity... I tried something similar in the past: third person view to be effectively used in Solid Snake (pratically the ability to look around corners by applying to the wall like in metal gear). The problems that made me discard it were: the player model that wasn't shown and the fact that enemies are spawned as you progress touching "floor plate triggers" and immediately come at you. In the end,all you saw was people appearing and already coming at you
HI guys

This i a great mod i have a question i have found different 1.1 patches could someone post the right one here plz im a little confused.
Hi again i want to say your mod is awesome never had so much fun much better than regular HL2 how you can change into snake is so cool.I have a question is bullet time suppose to last for only a sec or two?
And is this a bug when i zoom in with a sniper i get this

wow imma have to find a stun stick that doesn't just give me a suit charge :/
i do believe that is to make the skin stand out against the background but that pic u sho seems way different than my metrocops... Not only do they morph into friggin rebels before my very eyes but they got some kinda grudge against me lol ITS ALL GOOD I KNOW WHERE THE CAN GOES ;) how many loading screens does Substance have? I found one that is just simply breathtaking a shot of a town and the wheat makes it so ugh... Any hopes on a remake of the vr-training? It's getting to easy now the only reason I get killed is cuz I screw up and let my peeps get killed = ~ kill
I have run a couple single player maps inside of substance is this a breakthrough? They are friggin hard be_a_rebel2.bsp is still beating my arse and I cheat lolz WOOOOOT
malik22- that's no bug. It's there to make it a bit easier to snipe. Enter "mat_luxels 0" into the console to turn that off. Xdiesp already went through this a while ago in the thread, but I don't blame you for not looking for it (thread is freaking huge)
JNightshade said:
malik22- that's no bug. It's there to make it a bit easier to snipe. Enter "mat_luxels 0" into the console to turn that off. Xdiesp already went through this a while ago in the thread, but I don't blame you for not looking for it (thread is freaking huge)

Thx man how about bullettime is it suppose to be so short? sry for the dumb questions Im new to this mod.
900th post ;)

malik22: yes,and in the 1.2 Snake and Big Boss will have even less or no BT at all. If you want more BT,use the Liquid Snake Form that has a lot of it: 300%. Check the readme for details

yucheat: there are 5 backgrounds: Breen the Big Brother,the Wheatfield,the Soviet poster,the bombed Dome and the INGSOC logo. I will place them in the screenshots gallery of the new website

good news,our friend Dean is using his webdesign skills to set anew our ugly old notepad site: the first results are already very good. Thanks to Authority we also have individual shots of each weapon.

as Malik has noticed,last in a long list of people,the snipergun has the blue grid effect that's supposed to look virtual and highlight models on terrain. This has been received 30% good and 70% bad: would you take it out,or not? Remember that Big Boss is gonna be the only one with the snipergun at all (the black scout snipergun goes away) and we already removed the disintegration effect. I vote for NO,remove it. Anyone for YES,keep it?

as you know,Substance start menu starrs a nazi-commie-like fanfare taken from the movie novelization of "1984",by Orwell. Personally I'm not hearing it anymore,because when you're starting HL2 100 times a day,you get bored of repetitive findings very fast. But I put it there to give the mod personality,even if at the time the multiple backgrounds weren't there and you always saw the Breen/BigBrother one,that's directly tied to that music: it's Breen in fact that's supposed to be speaking. If we take out the music,it won't be wasted: it will be heard as the first tune you hear when you click on set Substance Levels On (did you ever notice that those 2 buttons work as a juke-box that plays all the game's tunes?). Anyway,I vote for YES,keep IT. Anyone for NO,remove it?
xdiesp said:
900th post ;)

malik22: yes,and in the 1.2 Snake and Big Boss will have even less or no BT at all. If you want more BT,use the Liquid Snake Form that has a lot of it: 300%. Check the readme for details

yucheat: there are 5 backgrounds: Breen the Big Brother,the Wheatfield,the Soviet poster,the bombed Dome and the INGSOC logo. I will place them in the screenshots gallery of the new website

good news,our friend Dean is using his webdesign skills to set anew our ugly old notepad site: the first results are already very good. Thanks to Authority we also have individual shots of each weapon.

as Malik has noticed,last in a long list of people,the snipergun has the blue grid effect that's supposed to look virtual and highlight models on terrain. This has been received 30% good and 70% bad: would you take it out,or not? Remember that Big Boss is gonna be the only one with the snipergun at all (the black scout snipergun goes away) and we already removed the disintegration effect. I vote for NO,remove it. Anyone for YES,keep it?

as you know,Substance start menu starrs a nazi-commie-like fanfare taken from the movie novelization of "1984",by Orwell. Personally I'm not hearing it anymore,because when you're starting HL2 100 times a day,you get bored of repetitive findings very fast. But I put it there to give the mod personality,even if at the time the multiple backgrounds weren't there and you always saw the Breen/BigBrother one,that's directly tied to that music: it's Breen in fact that's supposed to be speaking. If we take out the music,it won't be wasted: it will be heard as the first tune you hear when you click on set Substance Levels On (did you ever notice that those 2 buttons work as a juke-box that plays all the game's tunes?). Anyway,I vote for YES,keep IT. Anyone for NO,remove it?

First thing first

901st post ;)

and yes remove the blue grid and no dont remove the music, P.S i use the juke box for music on some of the action scenes it was a nice thing u put in there xdiesp keep up the good work, and jesus! This thread keeps HL2.NET going :D
I second that notion, the grid seems near useless when you're trying to snipe the stealth assasin dudes (unless that was supposed to be the effect). Also please do keep the jukebox thingy.
I vote:

Blue grid - its not that hard to see models anyway, and it makes the game lok a bit Tron, so i have to vote to remove it. even though im not THAT against it, im more against than i am for.

Menu music - KEEP IT. im a fan of this myself, when i hear it i just know im playing substance. xdiesp i can tell its supposed to be breen btw, its really well done. also where did the voice come from because i dont remember breen saying any of that stuff in the game
the music and the speech are from the movie "1984",based on the book "1984" by George Orwell..

keep the music....ditch the grid
May I also suggest that you somehow integrate carring over health, ammo, armor, etc in between levels. I figure if you're only going to be reset with different ammounts of stats each level, it defeates the propoise of acutally going through the levels at all. In that all the ammo, health, etc you conserved is meaningless in the end when it's all taken away from you. I know this has come up quite a few times and i'm sure your'e tired of hearing it all the time but in recent palythrough's i've found it a bit frustrating when all my work had been for nothing.
The hotdog man: the 3 prime evils of Substance were the Linking Entity,the Hub Problem and the Stats Portability. The first one has been tamed in 0.32 and now is the selector of the modified/vanilla campaigns. The second one has been put asleep in 0.84 but you still can see its effects when you backtrack to a previous level in the modified campaign. The third one is still at large: but,during the last roaring days of the 1.0X development,I had worked on an experimental way to solve it. I will recover my notes,let's hope for the best
I wish yoiu large quantities of luck in retreving and refineing your notes to hopefully one day slay this beast of an evil.
here's an idea: if you can't fix the portability problem, at least let us start out with more ammo. I'm sick of finishing a level with all health and all ammo, then starting the next one with almost nothing. One of the things I love about HL2 is that it feels like one long adventure, rather than a series of levels (load times aside). Starting off with low/different ammo stats kinda ruins that feeling.
The UselesS would use scanner view to see the stealth doods (gotta love the floaty gun skin) I was wondering are the hi explosive nades sticky? Sometimes they stick sometimes they don't. At most I would say they only stick if you really chuck them, i.e. zombie's head, but then it is a whole cm floating off it's head to the same affect tho I got sk_zombie_health at like 300 r something LOLO ALL SP MAPS OWN IN SUBSTANCE ty again for doing it right (nooffense valve steam wutever) a game this beautiful and it is still missing the vitals so sad.... FOREVER FORWARD eh?
my notes suggested creating a "Portkit": it's a medkit that sets all of your health and ammo values to certain ones that are stored in the config.cfg files,written there at the moment of the level transition. Pratically,when you change level your previous stats get memorized and later,entering the new level,they are given back to you by the Portkit strategically placed under your feet.

I've heard from Authority,who's doing that MP mod with Substance elements on it,that his work is going on steadily. Also,the new website graphics by Dean are almost complete. Woody is instead a mapper who will now try to create an expansion to Substance to recreate the Metal Gear Solid VR Missions. Fabio,the mapper that did the VR training map,is working on another too.

YuCheat: yes,they're sticky to models but they must be aimed well. This kind of grenades will have +50% defuse time in 1.2: that way you must use tactics if you don't want the combines to spoil you and run away. You'll have to trick them by throwing the grenade without being seen,or sneak on them to stick the bomb on their backs,and aim precisely at them before firing.
you could make a "walk verry slow butten" so that no one will here you, and you can sneak on them, to cut them with a knife or poisen them, pretty idea huh? :D
henkjan: if stealth = invisibility,then it needs to consume AUX power not to become unbalanced (think of walking through a battlefield with that on...and no worries) and you wouldn't get much far with Walk Slowly on. If stealth = audio muffle,then this is already working: combines are mostly deaf to your steps (Metal Gear Solid style). Even if we set that they don't hear you ONLY if you walk slowly (Splinter Cell style) there's like 3 places in the whole game to use that feature. The underlying problem is that HL2's levels have not been done with stealth in mind,they're very straight-forward and it would be quite cheap by me to re-edit the levels just to add enemies with their backs on you for sneaking purposes. I abandoned a previous "stealth in the darkness" idea (Thief style) exactly because there weren't enough places to apply it. Snake's stealth is good because it can be played anywhere...

listen,what if we make Snake's stealth just a little slower than his walk?
I wouldn't make it slower then his walk, but a tad slower would be nice cause at times I found myself flying off staircases and floating around in the air, thus wasteing precious stealth power.
next question. Can you see the assassin model? It should be a floating blue shaded transparent armor with eyes and gun fully visible. Since some people complained they were only seeing floating guns,I wonder if I should have the blue armor a little less transparent
I only see a floating gun (and maybe eyes- I can't remember right now). Anyway, make it less transparent.
I had the same problem with one of the combine elite models, once I replaced the models with the gcf originals, they showed up fine
Jason: it's because there is a kind of stealth elite too

ok,this sunday/monday I will update the 1.1 patch for you to test if with less transparency,you can see the enemies better. Anyway please,just to check it,try finding one of these assassins and kill him: then approach him dead and take a screenshot
Eyes and a gun, it's all I see. I found it annoying, but I thought it was deliberate.

Also, ever think of changing the field of view when using rifle scopes? A slight fisheye effect may make a halfway decent replacment for the "grid effect" you already implemented.
Phfor: good idea the different fov,I'll see what I can do. Totally transparent is wrong,they should be also blue shaded. I'll fix it this monday

I don't know,I'd like Snake weapons to look more stealthy and less lethal but this is not easy to do. I could give him the tazer and lend the rambo knife to Big Boss. But the explosive arrow is really not your idea of stealth:in its place,possible alternatives are some sort of Nikita rpg (an idea to forget,since we can't switch cameras to follow the missile) or transform his smg1 grenade in something Splinter Cell reminiscent (like what? A splash extended electro dancing?). I'm not convinced.