Half-Life 2? What a disappointment ...

Chimaera_421 said:
i'm really dissapointed. half life 2 sounds like an awesome game however, how am i supposed to play the damn thing? i bought it, only to find u need an internet connection just to play singleplayer..... i'm not going to have net access on my pc for at least a year (i'm on the net at a netcafe) so i guess that money is wasted. i think its stupid for the valve and steam to autmatically assume everyone has an internet connection!
I think this could use it's own post so that Chimaera can find it later.

First of all, it's a good idea to read the box/system requirements before you buy.

Second, I don't think there's too much cause to be dissappointed. You can validate your HL2 from any computer with internet access, or so I hear. Possibly even the one at that net cafe. Ask how to do it in the help section.
DSDchemE said:
Spartan - So what would you consider Half-Life's genre to be? If it's not Sci-Fi? By your logic, what game would you consider to be truely Sci-Fi?

They say that Trinity and A Mind Forever Voyaging are true science fiction, but I haven't played either too much. So I don't know.

Give some examples, from your article, that show that Half-Life is not Sci-Fi (statements regarding Sci-Fi that directly contradict with points of the game).

I think the article speaks for itself. Half-Life just doesn't provoke any thoughts in me.

Mechagodzilla said:
Philip K Dick said that. It is his exact definition of science fiction. It is also a basic description of the events that happen in Half-Life 2.

It is my understanding that the "distinct new idea" also needs to be present before it's really scifi. Dick says in the beginning that "I will define science fiction, first, by saying what sf is not. It cannot be defined as "a story (or novel or play) set in the future," since there exists such a thing as space adventure, which is set in the future but is not sf: it is just that: adventures, fights and wars in the future in space involving super-advanced technology."

Sounds a lot like HL2 to me... adventures and fights in the future involving super-advanced technology.

To name one such idea in HL2, the metaphor of mandatory scientific transhumanism as a parallel to the merging of church and state is new to me.

I really don't see a parallel of that kind in the game.

How many people have made mods, games, movies, stories and all manner of other things either based directly on or inspired by both HL1 and (already!) HL2, with all-new results? I, for one, have. And those are just the people who have transformed thier creativity into some tangible media.

People have made stories for a lot of games, just look at fanfiction.net. Doesn't make it scifi.

Your assertion that Half-life 2 has no relevant critique because you believe your personal opinion should be the universal standard is basically the exact line of though that Half-life 2 is relevantly critiquing through the character of Dr. Breen.
I'd go out on a limb and call that irony.

I've never said that my personal opinion is a universal standard, so your irony is misguided.

1. the game has hardly even started
2. thers enough guides to help you out there
3. i dont know how long you have been waiting for hl2, but just because you are not having a proverbial orgasam all the way though it dosent mean its crap
4. unlike doom3 the atmosphere and settings will change more than once, so thers plenty more to come
5. this isnt a book! its a game! how many compex sub plots do you want two hours into it
I think the problem here is that Spartan (most logically and vocally) and others are comparing HL2 to the definition of "Good Sci-Fi". Trust me, I've read plenty that fits into the genre that doesn't merit the time I spent to read it. The things that have been prescribed by Mr. Dick's definition exist only in the best sci-fi stories I have read. But then again, the underlying values of it are present in all good literature.

At the same time, I cannot in any way believe that the structure of events in a story as it pertains to it's "classification" has anything to do with it's worthiness.

I submit "Ender's Game" by Orson Scott Card. Boy genius, constructed by Government interference, world united against alien invasion, high-level power struggle, famous old warrior mentor and time issues dealing with faster than light travel. Not an original concept in the bunch. But the execution and emotional weight of the characters makes the book an undeniable classic in my mind. People are far too worried about where a book or a movie or a video game fits into some predefined structure to care if they enjoyed it or not.

There's nothing wrong with not liking it. I think HL2 is the best FPS I've ever played. I think the production value is immense, the depth of gameplay and characterization is stunning, and the detail work is top-notch. On top of that, I really enjoyed playing it. Do I care if it fits any "official" designation of sci-fi? Not really. Won't take away from my enjoyment. I have quite a few friends who play Final Fantasy XII online. They swear by it, and love to debate the reasons why it is so good. But it doesn't really matter all that much. It's not my cup of tea, regardless of how well made it might be. I'm certainly not going to argue where it fits in the spectrum of literary definition.

I have friends who can't get through a Vonnegut book, who think Lawrence of Arabia is too long and boring, who take no joy in the clarinet parts of "Rhapsody in Blue". I can't find myself to fault them for it. Like it or don't like it. Argueing minutia to attempt to validate your own tastes isn't going to improve it for anyone.

Just my thoughts on the discussion.
They say that Trinity and A Mind Forever Voyaging are true science fiction, but I haven't played either too much. So I don't know.

Perhaps, but both of them are interactive fiction. I class both of them as literature more than games.

It is my understanding that the "distinct new idea" also needs to be present before it's really scifi. Dick says in the beginning that "I will define science fiction, first, by saying what sf is not. It cannot be defined as "a story (or novel or play) set in the future," since there exists such a thing as space adventure, which is set in the future but is not sf: it is just that: adventures, fights and wars in the future in space involving super-advanced technology."

Philip K. Dick is wrong there to a degree. So-called "space adventures" have alwasy been a part of science fiction. Take Heinlein's "Starship Troopers," for instance. By what Dick is saying here--or at least, your interpretation of it--it would not be sf. But everyone else does include it as science fiction. Clearly, the definition you're pushing doesn't square with the definition used even by science fiction authors.
HadouKen24 said:
Philip K. Dick is wrong there to a degree. So-called "space adventures" have alwasy been a part of science fiction. Take Heinlein's "Starship Troopers," for instance. By what Dick is saying here--or at least, your interpretation of it--it would not be sf.

It can be sf if it qualifies in other criterias. Dick isn't saying that a story set in space with combat can't be sf.
RabidJester said:
People are far too worried about where a book or a movie or a video game fits into some predefined structure to care if they enjoyed it or not.

That's not the issue.
It can be sf if it qualifies in other criterias. Dick isn't saying that a story set in space with combat can't be sf.

I was aware of that, believe it or not. But "Starship Troopers" doesn't meet those other criteria. It's set in the future, it has advanced technology, and people are fighting aliens. There really isn't any "distinct new idea" in there. Certainly not one that is central to the book, anyway.
WTF is with these "sponsored links" in this forum?
Jeezuz... now my "pac-man" sig reference is now a "sponsored link"!!! I don't want this... I feel invaded! And not in the pleasant way one would imagine... :)
Yeah, HL2 was a huge disappointment. :rolleyes: That's why we all hang out at this fansite. We hate this game.
Spartan please tell me in the best detail you can HL2's story. I mean THE BEST DETAIL. Including everything that people told you. Everything.

If you can't well, then I just think you NEVER PLAYED HL2 overall. I think that you rushed right through it if you did play it.

Please tell me what genre HL2 is. IT HAS TO HAVE A GENRE.

I took my time with HL2. I talked to citizens, vortigants and everything. I looked at signs, overheard people talking. Wondered what the G-Man was doing with rebels. I just had one question mark in my mind the whole time. But guess what, so did Gordon Freeman.

If you hate the story well then, put the story into the best detail you possibly can and tell me how it sucks. If you cannot well... then you are simply blinding yourself from HL2's story because you want it to suck. Also when you say "This part sux" use exact dialogue from the game or near it. But I want it as DETAILED AS YOU CAN POSSIBLE MAKE IT. If you can remember one guy saying hi. Put it. If remember a scanner scanning you, and you are wondering what it was. Put it. If you see a combine and it tells you to put a can in the trash put it. If you have questions on whats going on, put it.
Okay Spartan, whatever. I put you on my ignore list so that it would be easier to skip over your posts. But I checked every once and a while to see if they had some value or merit. Now I'm confident that I am losing nothing in ignoring you entirely.

You said that half-life 2 is not 'true' science fiction because it has not social commentary.
I said that the classification of 'true' science fiction is entirely a matter of opinion... and then you agreed with me?

I pointed out socio-political commentary within the plot, and exactly where it is located, and your response, that I presume you expected to convince me of the validity of your opinion, was "I don't see it"?

You defined 'true' science fiction as something new and thought-provoking.
I point out how it is new, and that it is thought-provoking to people who aren't you. But that's not good enough for you either.

And you said that your personal definition of science-fiction wasn't being given universal application, while simultaneously saying that we should not call the game science-fiction simply because you did not personnaly feel compelled by it.

After all this, your entire point boils down to "Half-life 2 is bad because I say it is."

Half-life 2 clearly has a complex and detailed plot. It also undoubtedly contains theatrical/literary devices and an overall theme supporting a broader message. You haven't denied that yet. And, frankly, you can't deny that because you can't prove this negative.
All you can say is that you did not see or understand these elements, which is a fact no-one was denying in the first place. The closest thing to proof of your opinion is in the proportion of people who agree with you, and that number is very small indeed.

So whatever. Keep coming to the shrine of the game you dislike. Call it sub-par without clearly establishing what you consider par to be. Continue to fruitlessly dwell on your contempt. Dismiss the possibility that there is greater amusement to be had for your 50$.
And call us fanboys and whatever else just because we found value where you could not.

Remember, though, that it is nothing more than your opinion.
And I'm ignoring it.
I just finidhed it and I thought it was absolutely phenominal :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
Narcolepsy said:
Everyone has their "ideal game(s)". Based off of all the hype, people expect Half-Life 2 to be the perfect game for everyone. In reality, it's just the perfect game for people who games like Half-Life 2.

What people have to remember is to never believe hype. I took all i saw before i played hl2 with a pinch of salt, now i absolutely love the game, story, engine.
Mechagodzilla said:
You can validate your HL2 from any computer with internet access, or so I hear. Possibly even the one at that net cafe. Ask how to do it in the help section.

Think for a second about what your saying, then you'll realise its rediculous. If he registered his copy in the net cafe, then took it home, how does the fact he's registered get onto his computer without net access? :p
Minerel said:
Spartan please tell me in the best detail you can HL2's story. I mean THE BEST DETAIL. Including everything that people told you. Everything.

Uh, why would I bother?

If you can't well, then I just think you NEVER PLAYED HL2 overall. I think that you rushed right through it if you did play it.

Well tough shit. I played HL2 like everyone else and I thought the story sucked, period.

Please tell me what genre HL2 is. IT HAS TO HAVE A GENRE.

How tragic. I didn't realize that it needs to have a genre. Maybe it's an "FPS" game. Just a thought.

I took my time with HL2. I talked to citizens, vortigants and everything. I looked at signs, overheard people talking. Wondered what the G-Man was doing with rebels. I just had one question mark in my mind the whole time. But guess what, so did Gordon Freeman.

Gordon Freeman thinks, says or asks nothing. He just blindly stumbles through the game without caring how, when, why or where. The game is completely ridicilous and unrealistic due to Gordon's inability to say anything. No matter what crazy shit happens, Gordon remains silent. He doesn't ask what year it is. He doesn't ask where on planet Earth he is. He doesn't ask what the Combine is. And no one tells him. While you may call this spoonfeeding, I call it reality, realism and stone cold logic.

Eli is seemingly a good friend of Gordon, yet he never asks where Gordon has been and what he has been doing. You are basically told by the game: this is Eli. Eli is a friend of Gordon. And then you're off to Ravenholm. What masterful storytelling and pacing.

If you hate the story well then, put the story into the best detail you possibly can and tell me how it sucks. If you cannot well...

Who the **** do you think you are? Are you the supreme authority of HL2's story or something? Do you work for Valve (doubtful)? I don't have to tell you shit, and I won't tell you shit because I have absolutely no motivation to write a novel of HL2's story.

Hey, here's another viewpoint: if you need to me to tell you the story, it probably means that you didn't understand it, so you need someone to spoonfeed it to you! How about that?

Mechagodzilla said:
Okay Spartan, whatever. I put you on my ignore list so that it would be easier to skip over your posts. But I checked every once and a while to see if they had some value or merit. Now I'm confident that I am losing nothing in ignoring you entirely.

How's the view in your ivory tower?

You said that half-life 2 is not 'true' science fiction because it has not social commentary.
I said that the classification of 'true' science fiction is entirely a matter of opinion... and then you agreed with me?

It isn't true science fiction because I don't see any scifi elements in it. It's an action story set in the future.

I pointed out socio-political commentary within the plot, and exactly where it is located, and your response, that I presume you expected to convince me of the validity of your opinion, was "I don't see it"?

I don't see it because I don't think it's there.

You defined 'true' science fiction as something new and thought-provoking.
I point out how it is new, and that it is thought-provoking to people who aren't you. But that's not good enough for you either.

Tought shit.

And you said that your personal definition of science-fiction wasn't being given universal application, while simultaneously saying that we should not call the game science-fiction simply because you did not personnaly feel compelled by it.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize that giving opinions on a messageboard is forbidden. Strangely enough, whenever I say that HL2 has a shitty story, everyone is immediately trying to correct me.

After all this, your entire point boils down to "Half-life 2 is bad because I say it is."

Also known as an opinion.

Half-life 2 clearly has a complex and detailed plot. It also undoubtedly contains theatrical/literary devices and an overall theme supporting a broader message.

Clearly? Oh, I see. And is this factual information?

You haven't denied that yet. And, frankly, you can't deny that because you can't prove this negative.

Oh, in that case: Half-Life 2 clearly has a shallow and undetailed plot. It also undoubtedly doesn't contain any literary devices, and it's overall theme says nothing. You can't deny this because you can't prove it negative.

So whatever. Keep coming to the shrine of the game you dislike.

I don't know if you heard, but HL2 has this thing called the SDK. Uh huh. You can make mods with it, even multiplayer mods. I've heard rumours that some people are interested in that kind of stuff, even if HL2's singleplayer didn't appeal to them.
i found gordon saying nothing in hl2 was bad but they compounded it by not telling u anything through the other characters.

I was tearing my hair out at times thinking "wtf is going on!! why the **** am i doing this!!??" lacked purpose & tension at times. best bit for me was entering the citadel and playing through it. Shame about the ending ....
That's right, Spartan, ignore the fact that your def of sf excludes some of the classics of the genre...
HadouKen24 said:
That's right, Spartan, ignore the fact that your def of sf excludes some of the classics of the genre...

Ok, I'll ignore it.
How anyone can find Doom 3 less boring than Half Life 2, is completely and utterly beyond my own comprehension. :S
I'm sorry, I didn't realize that giving opinions on a messageboard is forbidden. Strangely enough, whenever I say that HL2 has a shitty story, everyone is immediately trying to correct me.

Oh, in that case: Half-Life 2 clearly has a shallow and undetailed plot. It also undoubtedly doesn't contain any literary devices, and it's overall theme says nothing. You can't deny this because you can't prove it negative.

…It is easy to say something is shit, anyone who can wipe their own arse can say something is shit, but what I want to know, is WHY is it shit? Why is it meaningless? Why is it shallow? Missing literary devices? You are telling me there are no metaphors in HL2?

How would you make the story better?
wow, another me (also played morrowind right up till i got half life, also enjoyed doom, also enjoyed thief, etc)

i'm also disappointed in half life. don't get me wrong, it kicks ass right up until the end, but the end itself comes too soon. as it ended (and i won't give it away) i was mentally going 'yes, yes yes! something cool is going to happen now! i wouldn't expect this in any other game, but i've only been playing for seventeen hours!'

and then there was G-man, and there were the credits, and there i was, frozen in shock bcause... this couldn't be all of it. this whole storyline took me less than three days to complete, on normal/hard difficulty. playing-on average- five hours a day.

thats fifteen hours for eighty bucks (special edition). technology aside, that to me seems like a rip-off. if it weren't for the inclusion of hl1 and counterstrike source, i'd consider sending the package back and asking for a refund. how could a game with so much potenial that does so much... wind up so short?

:flame:i waited two years for three days of entertainment? :flame:
r1y23 said:
Doom 3 kept you at the edge of ur seat?! wow. Doom 3 was one of the most predictable games i have played in my life. It was scary for the first 20 minutes but then zombies coming out of closets got kinda old. The story also was nowhere near as good as hl2. But if your into the ultimate flashlight simulator then Doom3 is for you and hl2 is not.
ultimate flashlight simulator...
Choscura said:
wow, another me (also played morrowind right up till i got half life, also enjoyed doom, also enjoyed thief, etc)

i'm also disappointed in half life. don't get me wrong, it kicks ass right up until the end, but the end itself comes too soon. as it ended (and i won't give it away) i was mentally going 'yes, yes yes! something cool is going to happen now! i wouldn't expect this in any other game, but i've only been playing for seventeen hours!'

and then there was G-man, and there were the credits, and there i was, frozen in shock bcause... this couldn't be all of it. this whole storyline took me less than three days to complete, on normal/hard difficulty. playing-on average- five hours a day.

thats fifteen hours for eighty bucks (special edition). technology aside, that to me seems like a rip-off. if it weren't for the inclusion of hl1 and counterstrike source, i'd consider sending the package back and asking for a refund. how could a game with so much potenial that does so much... wind up so short?

:flame:i waited two years for three days of entertainment? :flame:
well if you played 5 hours a day
Choscura said:
wow, another me (also played morrowind right up till i got half life, also enjoyed doom, also enjoyed thief, etc)

i'm also disappointed in half life. don't get me wrong, it kicks ass right up until the end, but the end itself comes too soon. as it ended (and i won't give it away) i was mentally going 'yes, yes yes! something cool is going to happen now! i wouldn't expect this in any other game, but i've only been playing for seventeen hours!'

and then there was G-man, and there were the credits, and there i was, frozen in shock bcause... this couldn't be all of it. this whole storyline took me less than three days to complete, on normal/hard difficulty. playing-on average- five hours a day.

thats fifteen hours for eighty bucks (special edition). technology aside, that to me seems like a rip-off. if it weren't for the inclusion of hl1 and counterstrike source, i'd consider sending the package back and asking for a refund. how could a game with so much potenial that does so much... wind up so short?

:flame:i waited two years for three days of entertainment? :flame:

You can't slate a game just because you finished it too soon.

I've had this game since release and I've still not fiinished it and it's not because I suck, it's because I'm not spending every minute of the day playing it, getting through it as quickly as I can.

People should learn to take their time, savour every little detail of the game.

I've played most other FPS's and HL2 is no shorter than any others. I can't believe people are saying it's too short :rolling:
wow, this is an active thread.

anyway, my real complaint isn't about story (not exactly my cup of tea- i like really gritty realism, splinter cell and thief are good examples- where shit happens and theres not much you can do about it)

i'm not complaining about graphics either. i played on a laptop (an emachines, no less) and had nary an ugly moment in the game (well, except maybe that headcrab town. that place was messed up).

i also wasn't playing it every minute of every day. fie hours isn't that much time considering i wouldn't have slept anyway (i sleep on average four hours every other day, if i don't forget). but even with those considerations, i think it was too short.

even then, all things considered, i think that- at the VERY LEAST- they should have killed you often enough that it took longer.the very last level i died once and failed once, and i wouldn't have minded dying or failing a few more times just to squeeze out the enjoyment while i still didn't know what was going to happen. on the flip side, i'm also glad that the game didn't have the affliction i call 'whatthehellengitis', where you can't figure out what to DO. at the very least, they could have put in some more interaction tools (melee attacks with non-melee weapons would have been cool, a'la call of duty, as would the ability to push things or kick them and possibly to swing from ropes/the barnacle creatures tentacles, or to use the gravity gun as a grappling hook). i don't think any of those things would have been too much to ask, especially considering the extra year and a half they would have had to do it in. if those had been in the game, i'd still be near the beginning, giggling with glee as i kicked the guards and ran away in the train station, only to pick up a bottle and throw it at them when they give up or finally catch me.

also perturbing is the fact that-despite clues- you can only speculate. what happens to alyx? does the resistance succeed? what the hell WERE the 'benefactors'? did the priest die? on some scale, leaving you with more questions than answers is a good thing: it means you always want more. on the other, it still bugs you that you don't know the answer. thats where i am: bugged that the whole game turned out to be an elaborate series of questions that we probably won't see the answer to for another seven years.
Gordon Freeman thinks, says or asks nothing. He just blindly stumbles through the game without caring how, when, why or where. The game is completely ridicilous and unrealistic due to Gordon's inability to say anything. No matter what crazy shit happens, Gordon remains silent. He doesn't ask what year it is. He doesn't ask where on planet Earth he is. He doesn't ask what the Combine is. And no one tells him. While you may call this spoonfeeding, I call it reality, realism and stone cold logic.

Odd, you've said before that you enjoyed the story and the way it was told in the original HL, but now you're saying you don't? Gordon didn't talk or ask questions in HL and you didn't mind, but now that he doesn't do it in HL2 either, it's a bad thing? Reaching for arguments are we?
Ok, I'll ignore it.

As long as you don't give some reason for thinking that Starship Troopers is sf, given its apparent lack of "distinct new ideas," your definition has a serious problem.
heres an interesting theory about science fiction, but don't bash this before you think about it. it could also possibly pertain to fantasy as well, but only in theory.

science fiction portrays a story- through multiple types of media, interractive or not- that define a new heirarchy. a new set of rules. at the basis, science fiction is a big 'what if', including details of non-human accomplishment.

if somebody can point out how this is wrong, i'd love to see it.
yeah i see your point. But HL2 doesn't have story which you can easily figure out without even playing half of the game..
If the story is so obvious... don't you think THAT IS BORING?
I don't say the story is too complicated... it just makes you think why/how that happened while you play the game..
Once you finish HL2, at least you will know the story in HL2 I don't know about later but...
Doom3 was so predictable.. limited action of monsters.. same patterns..
but with good graphic.. that's it..
I wanna say that you try to finish the game first...
People who say the story of Hl2 is boring/non-existent/etc... are probably the same people who say that Stanley Kubrick's "2001: Space Odyssey" is bland.
Gordons_nan said:
People should learn to take their time, savour every little detail of the game.

Also known as The Fanboy's Method of Artificially Prolonging the Game.

DarkDude said:
Odd, you've said before that you enjoyed the story and the way it was told in the original HL, but now you're saying you don't? Gordon didn't talk or ask questions in HL and you didn't mind, but now that he doesn't do it in HL2 either, it's a bad thing? Reaching for arguments are we?

The same narrative method worked in Half-Life. It does't work in the sequel. It's as simple as that.

HadouKen24 said:
As long as you don't give some reason for thinking that Starship Troopers is sf, given its apparent lack of "distinct new ideas," your definition has a serious problem.

I've never read it so I don't know.

Chiefi said:
People who say the story of Hl2 is boring/non-existent/etc... are probably the same people who say that Stanley Kubrick's "2001: Space Odyssey" is bland.

They have absolutely nothing in common, so I don't know why you even mentioned them in the same sentence.
Spartan said:
They have absolutely nothing in common, so I don't know why you even mentioned them in the same sentence.
They do have something in common or else as you said, why would I even mentioned them in the same sentence. Both stories aren't told directly. The story isn't shown in your face. You need to search for clues and interpret them on your own.

Spartan said:
Also known as The Fanboy's Method of Artificially Prolonging the Game.
Who the f-ck are you to come on a Half-life 2 forum and call us fanboys. Are you that much of an idiot to understand that we appreciate Hl2? Why do you waste so much time here telling us Hl2's story sucks? All you're doing here is arguing, arguing and arguing. Find an other hobby and get the f-ck out.
Chiefi said:
They do have something in common or else as you said, why would I even mentioned them in the same sentence. Both stories aren't told directly. The story isn't shown in your face. You need to search for clues and interpret them on your own.

Except HL2 doesn't have much of a story, and what little there is is told in a very poor and unconvicing fashion.

Who the f-ck are you to come on a Half-life 2 forum and call us fanboys. Are you that much of an idiot to understand that we appreciate Hl2?

There's a difference between appreciation and blind fanaticism.
Spartan said:
Except HL2 doesn't have much of a story, and what little there is is told in a very poor and unconvicing fashion.
Of course Hl2's story isn't deep if you compare it to "2001: Space Odyssey" or anything similar. But if you compare Hl2's story to Half-life's story, Hl2 has a much deeper story. That's not an opinion, it's a fact. To me, the way the story is told is brilliant, but that probably makes me a "blind fanboy".
Spartan said:
There's a difference between appreciation and blind fanaticism.
Again, you don't seem to understand that people like Hl2 for what it is. Do you think we're trying hard to like Hl2, but in fact hate the game? Seriously, stop with the fanboy comments.
hype/overhype?! i'm still waiting for a commercial :hmph:
Spartan said:
Except HL2 doesn't have much of a story, and what little there is is told in a very poor and unconvicing fashion.

There's a difference between appreciation and blind fanaticism.

i say again, how is the story shit??? please explain, give examples of its shitness to back your arguement. also give examples of how you would make it better.