Half-Life 2? What a disappointment ...

O.G. GOaT said:
i say again, how is the story shit??? please explain, give examples of its shitness to back your arguement. also give examples of how you would make it better.

I've explained it a million times on these boards. One of the biggest reasons is that nothing in the game is ever explained. Even really, really, really simple things like "what year is it" aren't touched upon. Plus, the game's pacing is terrible. The beginning is too abrupt, the vehicles sequences are too long, and whenever you encounter friendly NPCs you are almost immediately forced to leave. The characters are completely worthless. Eli is supposed to be a good friend of yours, but you only see him a few times, and even then his relationship with Gordon isn't explored. He doesn't even ask Gordon where he's been. But hey, I guess he didn't have time - you suddenly have to run to Ranveholm for no apparent reason. The "little details" of the plot are usually hard to find and very vague. The big picture is completely missing.

Gordon's muteness only makes things worse. He can't ask relevant questions, or influence cutscenes in any kind of way.
Fair enough, everyone’s got thing to their own opinion, I respect that. But maybe if you just said you don’t like the story instead of insisting it is shit, maybe people would just leave you alone.

I personally liked the story, its no knights of the old republic or soul reever, (recent games I’ve played and remember liking the story) but they are not FPS, FPS’s are all about action, and story second. What you are asking for is a HL2 RPG, detailed story first, action (if you can call it action) last, and valve were aiming to create a fun action packed sci-fi/horror game, IMO they have succeeded.
You will only truly like the story if you let you use your imagination with a little bit of common sense. My opinion anyway.
The only people who will not like the story, IMO are people who don’t see their imagination as an acceptable answer. you either like it, or you dont, their is no point in forcing people to see through your eyes, that goes for everyone!
EricIce said:
But Half-Life 2 just isn't holding my attention...
Gaming is a diverse hobby. You can't expect to like every game released, even if it is highly praised by the industry. Just chalk it as one of the "I don't get it" titles and move on.
Spartan said:
I've explained it a million times on these boards. One of the biggest reasons is that nothing in the game is ever explained. Even really, really, really simple things like "what year is it" aren't touched upon. Plus, the game's pacing is terrible. The beginning is too abrupt, the vehicles sequences are too long, and whenever you encounter friendly NPCs you are almost immediately forced to leave. The characters are completely worthless. Eli is supposed to be a good friend of yours, but you only see him a few times, and even then his relationship with Gordon isn't explored. He doesn't even ask Gordon where he's been. But hey, I guess he didn't have time - you suddenly have to run to Ranveholm for no apparent reason. The "little details" of the plot are usually hard to find and very vague. The big picture is completely missing.

Gordon's muteness only makes things worse. He can't ask relevant questions, or influence cutscenes in any kind of way.

Although it isnt vindicated, this is your opinion and everyone should respect it and stop flamming you. Anyways, just because it doesnt conform with other games' storylines doesnt mean its bad. Yes, the game is vague and the big picture is missing. That I can fully agree with you on. Being left in the dark can be annoying for one person and intriguing for another.
Chiefi said:
Again, you don't seem to understand that people like Hl2 for what it is. Do you think we're trying hard to like Hl2, but in fact hate the game? Seriously, stop with the fanboy comments.

Quoted for emphasis.
Spartan said:
I've explained it a million times on these boards. One of the biggest reasons is that nothing in the game is ever explained. Even really, really, really simple things like "what year is it" aren't touched upon. Plus, the game's pacing is terrible. The beginning is too abrupt, the vehicles sequences are too long, and whenever you encounter friendly NPCs you are almost immediately forced to leave. The characters are completely worthless. Eli is supposed to be a good friend of yours, but you only see him a few times, and even then his relationship with Gordon isn't explored. He doesn't even ask Gordon where he's been. But hey, I guess he didn't have time - you suddenly have to run to Ranveholm for no apparent reason. The "little details" of the plot are usually hard to find and very vague. The big picture is completely missing.

Gordon's muteness only makes things worse. He can't ask relevant questions, or influence cutscenes in any kind of way.
It's ok to have an opinion, but at least recognize that ALL of this is just an opinion, not a fact.
Who ever says HL2 has no plot (or has plot) and did not explore and did not OPEN THEIR ****ING EYES WHILE PLAYING is ignorant, and should play Half Life 2 over again with a OPEN MINDS, EYES, AND EARS. Untill then, don't post here.

Half Life 2 has much plot. The only plot that is read to you easily is that a alien race took over the ****ing planned, a insane mofo is brainwashing your buddies, and you've got to stop them. To find the ORIGINAL AND IN DEPTH-PLOT, LOOK THE **** AROUND! Listen to everything. Comprehend. Then, compair to everything else Half Life related, like, Half Life. Then you'll start seeing more plot. Hell, I can bet you there is still some more plot we must decode from Half Life 2.

I know I sound like I'm flamming, but I'm really not trying. I'm so sick of these ignorant posts saying HL2 has no plot.

BTW Spartan, do you think Star Trek, Alien, and the book "Raft" (By Stephen Baxter. THE BEST SCI-FI ever IMO) are Sci-Fi?
The same narrative method worked in Half-Life. It does't work in the sequel. It's as simple as that.

How does it not work? It's exactly the same as the original. You don't know what's all is going on, and you don't ask anything either. If you enjoyed it in HL then I don't see how you couldn't enjoy it in HL2.

It's easy to say "Well... it's different!" or "It just didn't work!", but why don't you try backing up your views on this?
DarkDude said:
How does it not work? It's exactly the same as the original. You don't know what's all is going on, and you don't ask anything either. If you enjoyed it in HL then I don't see how you couldn't enjoy it in HL2.

It's easy to say "Well... it's different!" or "It just didn't work!", but why don't you try backing up your views on this?

HL2 has (or at least tries to have) more developed characters, and character interaction. The story has been made larger. It simply does not work that Gordon is mute. It leads to completely ridicilous situations. What's the point of having all these high-tech animated characters if Gordon has no response to them? Gordon could find out what's going on by simply ASKING someone. Or someone could tell him. Gordon doesn't even wonder where he is or why over a decade has suddenly gone by. It was different in Half-Life, because no one knew what was going on, and it didn't matter much because the only thing you had to worry about was to get out.
OD-Black_Fire said:
Who ever says HL2 has no plot (or has plot) and did not explore and did not OPEN THEIR ****ING EYES WHILE PLAYING is ignorant, and should play Half Life 2 over again with a OPEN MINDS, EYES, AND EARS. Untill then, don't post here.

Shut the **** up, retard fanboy. Crawl back to your hole.
Narcolepsy said:
It's ok to have an opinion, but at least recognize that ALL of this is just an opinion, not a fact.

Hello! Earth calling!

I never said that it's fact.
Oh, hello earth! How are you today? Yes, yes, I'm doing just fine. Just let me sit myself down with a nice serving of tea and crumpets - eases the stress in my joints, you know.

It's about tone. You didn't say it was fact, but you implied it. Or perhaps tone on the internet is often inferred rather than implied. Hmm...
I agree with the original poster to a degree. There were definitly times when I found myself searching for a bit of motivation to continue. But I found it. Like Doom 3, something kept me goin to the end. Expectations were slightly higher for HL2 for me so after I played it through, I did feel a bit disappointed. But I still loved the game. While I was playing HL2 I felt like it was a better game than Doom 3, but now that I've simmered on my vistory, I see it the other way.

Half-Life 2 is a great game. Did I expect the greatest thing since peanut butter and jelly in the same container? No. Expectations are a bitch and can ruin the experience if you're aiming too high and may have set me back in terms of HL2. Is Doom 3 a better game as the poster claimed it was?? No, thats opinion...the two are technologically on par with each other so it's up to which subject matter floats your boat. I'm a sucker for the supernatural so I'm naturally drawn to Doom 3 and its story.

When I beat HL2, I had and still have no interest in playing it through again. When I beat Doom 3, I played it through again the week after. My meaningless 2 cents.
Spartan, it's time to shut the **** up. Maybe you type like an adult, but your logic is something akin to an 8-year old's.

Okay, I'll give you a definition of Sci-Fi, as people today believe: A story which is set in an unrealistic but slightly feasible reality featuring futuristic ideas, technology or settings. So, the whole Alien series isn't Sci-Fi? Star Wars? Hey, everyone! All our favourite Sci-Fis are... guess what? Not Sci-Fi!

Ask anyone you know and we all know exactly what they'll say.

On opinion, you're telling us not to bash yours while ruthlessly beating ours into the dust. I can't comprehend any more bullshit than that. In that case, due to your logic and general idiocy, I deem your opinion "Invalid", until you stop deeming other's opinions that way.

And to top it off, you compare HL2 to... Morrowind? If I'm not mistaken, Morrowind is an RPG. Role-Playing-Game. Coming off your example, HL2 is also a role playing game. Gordon does everything you can mkae him do with a keyboard and mouse, and nothing more.

Spartan, if you think I'm typing crud, then go look at your own posts.
NapalmAndFriends said:
Spartan, it's time to shut the **** up. Maybe you type like an adult, but your logic is something akin to an 8-year old's.

And how is that?

So, the whole Alien series isn't Sci-Fi? Star Wars? Hey, everyone! All our favourite Sci-Fis are... guess what? Not Sci-Fi!

Star Wars is more like a space adventure, yes. I don't know about Alien.

Ask anyone you know and we all know exactly what they'll say.

And why would I care?

On opinion, you're telling us not to bash yours while ruthlessly beating ours into the dust.


And to top it off, you compare HL2 to... Morrowind? If I'm not mistaken, Morrowind is an RPG. Role-Playing-Game. Coming off your example, HL2 is also a role playing game. Gordon does everything you can mkae him do with a keyboard and mouse, and nothing more.

Where have I mentioned Morrowind? And even if I have mentioned it, so what? I'm not the one who is proclaiming HL2's story to be the alpha and omega of storytelling.

Why are you here? A really simple question that needs to be answered. :)
Spartan said:
Why wouldn't I be here?
Well that was fast. :|

but to answer you...
because you seem to hate Hl2 with all your heart. I mean you spend hours here (don't say you don't) arguing with us, trying to make us understand you hate Hl2. I don't get why.
Chiefi said:
Well that was fast. :|

but to answer you...
because you seem to hate Hl2 with all your heart. I mean you spend hours here (don't say you don't) arguing with us, trying to make us understand you hate Hl2. I don't get why.

It's a bit confusing. I don't like Doom 3 but i don't go on Doom 3 sites to tell people that. They don't care and i really can't be ****ed making sure Doom 3 fans are aware of my opinion.
Chiefi said:
Well that was fast. :|

but to answer you...
because you seem to hate Hl2 with all your heart. I mean you spend hours here (don't say you don't) arguing with us, trying to make us understand you hate Hl2. I don't get why.

The problem with fanboys is that they can only think in black and white. You either hate the game so much that you'd want to go to Valve and strangle the developers. Or you worship the game and you'd want to go to Valve and give everyone a blowjob. There is a middleground. Honestly.
Spartan said:
The problem with fanboys is that they can only think in black and white. You either hate the game so much that you'd want to go to Valve and strangle the developers. Or you worship the game and you'd want to go to Valve and give everyone a blowjob. There is a middleground. Honestly.

Of course you had to bring in the "fanboy" comment. That aside, I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Are you implying you didn't hate the game? If so, then why the constant negative comments? Why all the arguing?
Spartan, if you're confused as to what I'm saying, go back and read your posts. WIthout taking crack or drinking alcohol, and then re-read again what you said about Sci-Fi. If so much of what we love as Sci-Fi ISN'T, then surely HL and HL2 are RPGs.

And as to why you'd care what anyone would say is that I'm aking you to ask your friends, family, workmates, ect. Do you care what they have to say?

Black and White. That was a shallow thing to say. We know HL2's story isn't genius, be we do know that it's there for anyone who WANTS TO KNOW, and will ACTIVELY TRY TO SEARCH IT OUT.
Again, to my referance to HL2 as an RPG, you know what Gordon knows, and he's been in stasis or 10+ years. Everyone else assumes he's been off fighting the Combine somehwere half a planet away.

I apologise for swearing at you, Spartan, but it is really silly to come to a HL2 board and bash the game.
NapalmAndFriends said:
Spartan, if you're confused as to what I'm saying, go back and read your posts. WIthout taking crack or drinking alcohol, and then re-read again what you said about Sci-Fi. If so much of what we love as Sci-Fi ISN'T, then surely HL and HL2 are RPGs.

Wait... if something that you think is scifi but isn't scifi, it means that Half-Life is a roleplaying game? I think you're the one who should stop drinking.

And as to why you'd care what anyone would say is that I'm aking you to ask your friends, family, workmates, ect. Do you care what they have to say?

They don't know anything about scifi, so their opinions aren't going to change mine.

Black and White. That was a shallow thing to say. We know HL2's story isn't genius, be we do know that it's there for anyone who WANTS TO KNOW, and will ACTIVELY TRY TO SEARCH IT OUT.

Keep dreaming.

Again, to my referance to HL2 as an RPG, you know what Gordon knows, and he's been in stasis or 10+ years. Everyone else assumes he's been off fighting the Combine somehwere half a planet away.

Even if they make that assumption, they'd still ask about it.
hey...guys...science fiction...a genre invented in the last...oh, lets be safe and say about 150 years. Science fiction is /fiction\ revolving around /science\. There are no "authorities" you can call on to define it further than that with any modicum of certainty or credibility. All you guys are really doing is arguing about other peoples opinions on a topic that has little to no real wieght. I honestly dont mean to belittle anyone here, I just think you guys shouldnt get so uptight about this...oh well...continue ranting at each-other at your liesure...
Digitox said:
hey...guys...science fiction...a genre invented in the last...oh, lets be safe and say about 150 years. Science fiction is /fiction\ revolving around /science\.

A scifi story doesn't necessarily have science in it.
according to whom, Spartan? If science fiction has no science aspect- how is it not merely fiction?
heh... I think we could easily win the award for "argument least likely to get girls to dig you"
Digitox said:
heh... I think we could easily win the award for "argument least likely to get girls to dig you"

true, but we could use the prize money to get all the planning permission for all the digging we like! :naughty: :LOL:
Yea shooda completed the damn game before posting a topic like this
In the end all the debate over whether the storyline was suffucient is completetly a matter of taste. Sure it was more than a bit sparse- but it wasnt designed to be a narrative... it's a blasted game. On a different note, a story can be well crafted and not interest someone in the slightest, or you can really be gonzo about a particular style and love something even though in the back of your mind you know it's absolute drek. I think I fallow the latter path when the story of HL2 is in question. I get all misty-eyed when I hear a story of alien oppression and creepy experiments...I cant help it. But oh well, you think the game is garbage for most likely the same reason I dont particularly enjoy opera- it might be masterfully crafted- it's just not my style at all
"Knowledge, especially that gained through experience."

"An imaginative creation or a pretense that does not represent actuality but has been invented."

The word SciFi is often misused.

Science has everything to do with Half-life and many other games\movies, its nothing more than the collection of statistical data over time.

Fiction has everything to do with Half-life and many other games\movies, its nothing more than the conception of events that have not happened yet or could not have... ACCORDING to science. Which, like I stated before is nothing more than "what we have seen".

If i made a movie and the "good guy" threw a gernade at the "bad guy" and he deflected the gernade with his mind using telekenetics, I would consider it SciFi.

Of course there are many movies and or games that are hybrids so to speak... one could contradict me and say Blah Blah Blah gunfighting movie never happened but it but it wasnt fiction, which is why I say the "term" SciFi is misused. Although theres the action genre for those.
Spartan said:
Found it...

It's a different medium, yes, but I don't see how that matters.

A game that made me emphasize with the characters? Chrono Trigger (I know - it doesn't have faceposer or DirectX shaders). Final Fantasy VII also comes to mind.

Scifi literature, obviously. I don't know anything about modern sf, I only read old (1900-1990 or so) stuff.

It's not a matter of technology. It's the opposite of technology. Even text adventures can be a hundred times better than most literature, or have stories that surpass most films.

It's a shooting game that takes place in the future, like Doom.

Just decided to pull my finger out and read the previous posts, I half agree with you. You have got to under stand that their many different types of sub categories found in all genres. there are many types of horror, comedy, thriller and many categories science fiction.

The two common (ones I noticed)
BASIC science fiction is fiction that SHOWS, not describes the impact of science or technology on people. This is the most common and most easy science fiction to produce and sell to a target audience through movies and FPS games.

COMPLEX science fiction not only shows, but describes in detail the impact of science or technology on people. (sort of what you said here, I think)

“We have a fictitious world; that is the first step: it is a society that does not in fact exist, but is predicated on our known society; that is, our known society acts as a jumping-off point for it; the society advances out of our own in some way, perhaps orthogonally, as with the alternate world story or novel. It is our world dislocated by some kind of mental effort on the part of the author, our world transformed into that which it is not or not yet. This world must differ from the given in at least one way, and this one way must be sufficient to give rise to events that could not occur in our society -- or in any known society present or past. There must be a coherent idea involved in this dislocation; that is, the dislocation must be a conceptual one, not merely a trivial or bizarre one -- this is the essence of science fiction, the conceptual dislocation within the society so that as a result a new society is generated in the author's mind, transferred to paper, and from paper it occurs as a convulsive shock in the reader's mind, the shock of dysrecognition. He knows that it is not his actual world that he is reading about.”

this is often hard to accomplish and mostly found in RPG’s and book novels, big fat can be used to build a house books. (don’t get me wrong I like to read books)

Half life is in my opinion (and the majorities view) is that is classed as science fiction stroke horror action first person shooter.

But is a basic sci-fi or a complex sci-fi? In my opinion it is a cross of the two.
Here is why…

Science fiction is fiction that describes the impact of science or technology on people:

Yes, this is found in half-life. The technology is the teleport device that allows transportation to different universal dimensions, dimensions that present day theories that predict exist. This then introduces a technological superior culture, the combine.

We have a fictitious world; that is the first step: it is a society that does not in fact exist, but is predicated on our known society

A good way to predict our societies behaviour in the future is to look at our history, so what happened back in the day when we empire building Europeans started to find loads of good land owned by a culture with who was less technologically sophisticated and militarily weaker then themselves? (I.e. Africa/ the Americas/Asia etc) what did we do? On the most part we invaded enslaved the culture and took their land and pillaged the natural resources for our own gain.
So this is what our ancestors had done, who is to say a technological superiors alien race who is empire building wont do it again to the whole planet? Half-life 2 shows this possible future, its not just shooting stuff, this is the story. Sadly not in too much detail but it is their, the whole game is based in this alternate reality of earths future.

We as a human race are becoming too dependant on technology, computers, cars, TV remotes, etc, we are becoming dependant on technology to do stuff that when back in the day we did by hand. Organisms evolve to suit their environments, so how will human race evolves as it lives in an environment of dependency to technology? The answer is the combine, (you will understand if you saw the thing breen was talking) here is what you was looking for Spartan…

“We have a that is, our known society acts as a jumping-off point for it; the society advances out of our own in some way, perhaps orthogonally, as with the alternate world story or novel. It is our world dislocated by some kind of mental effort on the part of the author, our world transformed into that which it is not or not yet. This world must differ from the given in at least one way, and this one way must be sufficient to give rise to events that could not occur in our society -- or in any known society present or past. There must be a coherent idea involved in this dislocation; that is, the dislocation must be a conceptual one, not merely a trivial or bizarre one -- this is the essence of science fiction, the conceptual dislocation within the society so that as a result a new society is generated in the author's mind, transferred to paper, and from paper it occurs as a convulsive shock in the reader's mind, the shock of dysrecognition. He knows that it is not his actual world that he is reading about.”

…the combine is a possible look at what the human race will become after a few million years living in a technology dependent environment. Here is your “fictitious world; that is the first step: it is a society that does not in fact exist, but is predicated on our known society;”

If you look more closely you will understand that half-life2 is true science-fiction Yes the story dose not go into too much detail, but it gives you enough to get a basic understanding. Get that>? A basic understanding of what is going on, I understood the narrative and I’m more close to dumb then smart.
O.G. GOaT said:
I do not understand, give examples.

The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick, for example, doesn't involve science.
Narcolepsy said:
Everyone has their "ideal game(s)". Based off of all the hype, people expect Half-Life 2 to be the perfect game for everyone. In reality, it's just the perfect game for people who games like Half-Life 2.
I just want to quote this post for truth! :thumbs:

Amazing post! I used to expect Doom 3 to be THE GAME, but it's not my cup of tea. The same case might happen to some people here with Half-Life 2, like Spartan.

But really, complaining won't solve the problem. Constructive critisism in the other hand, does help.
Spartan said:
The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick, for example, doesn't involve science.

I see. I just read the description the book sounds interesting, I may have to read it one day.

sooooo, the book is kind of set in an alternate reality, right? But some people would argue that a small element of science is present.

There are many scientific theories that there are billions of billions of different realities sandwiched on top of one another, all running the same timeline but with minor difference (I.e the dinosaurs not dying out leading to a reptile intelligent life instead of humans/ me having ginger hair instead of black/or nazi germany winning WW2)

Although there is no active scientific technology being used in the books narrative, the narrative is conceived by using a scientific theory of alternate realities.

This is my opinion anyway you are free to disagree.
alpha_crusis said:
I just want to quote this post for truth! :thumbs:

Amazing post! I used to expect Doom 3 to be THE GAME, but it's not my cup of tea. The same case might happen to some people here with Half-Life 2, like Spartan.

But really, complaining won't solve the problem. Constructive critisism in the other hand, does help.
Thanks Alpha. :)