Half-Life 2 WILL be available on the 30th (or my mother's a "headcrab")

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Sep 24, 2003
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Man, why are people fa-reaking out? Seriously, Half-Life 2 will be available by the 30th, I am almost sure of it. I mean, look at the undeniable proof:

1.) NeoMaximus on release dates for Half-Life 2
(Background information concerning Neo: a user on the IGN Boards. He is a credible game designer/writer for Black Widow Games, a company that has relations with Valve. Really, the man does not talk out of his ass.)

""In countries like England, where the retail product will be available either simultaneously or close to the US release (we don't control those dates, only the Steam dates),"

This was Gabe's official response to a question asking why Steam is going to function as a sales mechanism for HL2 versus retail."

My interpretation: Didn't Gabe say the game will be release internationally at the same time? This statement from him proves it. Distribution of the retail game will vary from country to country, but Steam can guarentee everyone a copy.

"Vivendi has been firm about their date. They own retail distribution rights.

Valve controls Steam dates. They have been firm about their date.


My interpretation: Vivendi since, what, July they have stated that Half-Life 2 (retail HL2 because they publish it) will not make September 30, and they are in fact correct. However, Valve has been firm and has not made any announcements until now that September 30 will be the release date for HL2. Neo concludes with a witty remark that tells us to look for the obvious answer - On the 30th, Valve will more than likely release HL2 through Steam.

2. The OFFICIAL Half-Life 2 delay

From http://pc.ign.com:

"They have decided to push it back to the holidays, and did not state a new "in-store" release date"

HINT HINT - IN-STORE. Notice how IGN bluntly tries to tell its readers that the retail version has been delayed, but no news on the Steam release. Before I continue, let me reiterate a point made by Neo Maximus:

"Ponder this. Ever think Valve intended this kind of rampant rumor and discussion? Ever think parties close to Valve were encouraged to promote discussion in similar fashion."

Valve likes to have fun, there is no doubt about it, and you know what, THEY CAN because they very well know that the public is creaming their shorts just for a copy of the game.

Let's look at what Valve has done so far:

A) Not releasing any HL2 information up until 6 months prior the game's release
B) Been extremely quite since it announced HL2
C) Virtually no information can be found about HL2 on Valve, Sierra or Vivendi. All they offer is just preview context.
D) Have we seen any news on either of the previous mentioned sites about release dates or delays? No.

The result? "Rampart rumors" as Neo perfectly stated.

Now, about this OFFICIAL delay. Did you notice how Doug or Valve has made any further elaborate comments? Did you even stop and consider that maybe this OFFICIAL delay was to get the community in another hilarious uproar? Did you even think that Valve did this on purpose, maybe to kill some of the hype just to blow people away when they find out that Half-Life 2 will be released on the 30th after all?

3. A follow up to Neo Maximus

"Come the 30th, there won't be "right" and "wrong" folks about the release, just shades of gray."

My interpretation: You see, Valve wasn't wrong when it said they were going to release HL2 on the 30th, but then again, they weren't right, or in other words, specific about how HL2 was going to be released. Hence, shades of gray.

"They'll promise HL2 on the 30th, and deliver.... in a fashion. And they won't have lied thus allowing them to come out clean as a whistle."

My interpretation: Half-Life 2 will be released on the 30th...via Steam. And no one can blame them for a push-back because they didn't lie about its FIRST release.

"My only hope is that you haven't misunderstood what i've inferred, because one way or another, quite a few of you won't be happy on Sept 30th, while others will be completely happy."

My interpretation: A lot of us won't be happy on the 30th because the retail version won't be available. Then again, quite a few of us will still be satisfied to buy the game over Steam, even though there is a good chance we'll have to wait a while to download it. But like my previous interpretation mentioned, Valve never said you will have it by the 30th, only that the game will be available by the 30th.

Final Conclusions

I have really convinced myself that Half-Life 2 will be released on the 30th via Steam. I put together enough evidence to formulate a plausible theory. To conclude, remember when a HalfLife2.net user by the name of spitcodfry visited Valve. He noted that no one was busy, everything was calm. One could conclude the game was done and it was all up to the publishers to get the game out in stores. Well, we already know the answer to the retail release. But spit then asked Gabe if the game will be released on the 30th. Gabe, the coy business man that he is, replied, "We'll see..." with a slight chuckle. From that response and from a man who is dedicated to his fans, do you really think Gabe will really let us down on the 30th? In this user's honest opinion - no.

I don't know about you, push comes to shove on the 30th, I'll probably have my credit card ready and a nice cup of java as I'll sit in my chair eagerly trying to download me a copy of Half-Life 2. Cheers. :cheers:
Your denial is much more elaborate than mine.

I want you to be right, but wow.
nice read, just wait for Valve's press release,
Good post.
But **** me, if it ever comes out on Steam, Im not downloading it.
Bloody 10 megabit cable with 3 gig limit.
BUT did valve ever say they would release hl2 on steam and have it on shelves on the same day?
also remember that even those valve was calm, there was a guy working on a water problem right? i doubt he was workin gon a patch

These boards and many news sights have been easily swayed by a few false rumors, mich like they have over the past month.
I am not in "denial." I am just observing the facts. No one has yet to mention any delays with the Steam release of HL2. Only the retail delay has been mentioned. Seriously, why would they delay the Steam release? What's holding them back? On IGN today a user noted that the Steam server capacity has increased. What's to say it won't further increase over the next days?
but what about valve telling spit that peopel would be able to download hl2 1 week before it comes out on steam?
Well you posted a good argument, so for that I commend you.

I wish I had your faith.
"BUT did valve ever say they would release hl2 on steam and have it on shelves on the same day?"

Where did you read that? As I mentioned in my post Steam was a solution to those who could gain a copy easily or those who are impatient.

I forgot to mention, by releasing Half-Life 2 on the 30th only by Steam, this will give much credibility to Valve's new program.

If all goes well, Steam will prove to companies and to Valve themselves that distribution problems will be a thing of the past. I am sure if I was a developer I would love to have much control over my property as much as possible :cool:
"but what about valve telling spit that peopel would be able to download hl2 1 week before it comes out on steam?"

For the benefit of doubt, this could all be speculation on Gabe's part. Who knows, maybe they didn't want to risk giving away the surprise. Or did you ever think that the whole process of uncrypting the game to be playable on the 30th was a tad difficult or tedious?

I mean seriously, if Valve waited this long to keep the release date hush-hush, why would they spoil the surprise now?
Originally posted by Garp
Well you posted a good argument, so for that I commend you.

I wish I had your faith.

Diddo. There is a *small* chance this might happen. I'd be more than happy with d/ling it.
finally! some sense!!!!
i agree with everything you say ilove64.

also: in two days time we will have information form Toyko to clear this mess up.


i notice we still cant pre-order HL2 through Steam....
If it is released on the 30th via steam, then that's what I'll use. I already have a DVD burner, and can just burn the Folder onto a DVD disc. Of course I won't have the cool box/manual/bonus material BS, but I usually throw that stuff away the first couple weeks anyways.

Plus, I've never purchased a game online, I may like it. Sounds simple to me.
Originally posted by ilove64
"but what about valve telling spit that peopel would be able to download hl2 1 week before it comes out on steam?"

For the benefit of doubt, this could all be speculation on Gabe's part. Who knows, maybe they didn't want to risk giving away the surprise. Or did you ever think that the whole process of uncrypting the game to be playable on the 30th was a tad difficult or tedious?

I mean seriously, if Valve waited this long to keep the release date hush-hush, why would they spoil the surprise now?

there are 3 possibilities in the point i was trying to make:

1. spitcod didn't really hear that or made it up = possible 30th
2. gabe made it up or didn't really say it = possible 30th
3. gabe said it, spitcod heard correctly = delay

but whats the most plausible of the 3?
What is the purpose of pre-ordering of HL2 via steam? Like I said, wouldn't that give away the whole surprise? I honestly believe Valve wants to WOW us and giving away any obvious hints of a SOLID release date spoils the fun. Besides, pre-ordering via Stream is kind of pointless. You'll still have to wait to download HL2 the same way a person who purchases the game on the 30th. Another beauty of Steam, it defeats the purpose of pre-ordering, everyone is guarenteed a copy :bounce:
And another point. People have been complaining about Steam -- "OOOh what is this new-fangled device? I DONT LIKE BUYING AND DOWNLOADING GAMES OVER THE NET. I like to own teh box" [/end exaggeration]

What am I trying to say here? If people are almost forced to buy and download HL2 over Steam, don't you think they'll easily sucuumb to the idea of buying and downloading another game over Steam? As I already saw from one user's post, if it means getting HL2 on the 30th, the idea of downloading it over Steam doesn't seem so bad.

The result:

Valve is breaking in the future through smart marketing :cheese:
listen i want you to be right, but you have to defeat my points for your theory to make sense.
"plz pick one of the 3"

How does Gabe and spitcodfry being right = delay. I mean, seriously, I don't think Gabe is lying out of his ass. He is an intelligent, cunning developer. The whole idea of downloading to your harddrive, as I expalined earlier, could have been an idea they were pushing around. Did spitcodfry ever ask if that was set in stone or was that just an idea that sounded good at the time?

LACK OF INFORMATION, something we should ALL be used to by now involving HL2.
And besides, I am not calling spitcodfry a liar, but it wasn't like anything was set in stone (aka recorded). Don't you even consider that Gabe KNEW he was a HL2 fan and that he would more than likely (>90%) post what he learned via these message boards? I damn well know Gabe knew, and you think that just because he doesn't give us specific answers through email he'll do the exact opposite to a fanboy (no offense, I am too) that actually decided to mix things up a bit and talk to the man one on one? No. If anything, Gabe would be deceitful and sly as possible to ensue further hysteria.
Originally posted by ilove64
What is the purpose of pre-ordering of HL2 via steam? Like I said, wouldn't that give away the whole surprise? I honestly believe Valve wants to WOW us and giving away any obvious hints of a SOLID release date spoils the fun. Besides, pre-ordering via Stream is kind of pointless. You'll still have to wait to download HL2 the same way a person who purchases the game on the 30th. Another beauty of Steam, it defeats the purpose of pre-ordering, everyone is guarenteed a copy :bounce:

the purpose?

imagine the situation: 100,000 people+ downloading a (guestimate) 1.5 gig file at the same time.
it would take a long time and likely to crash the network.

sending it out slowly over a time would ensure everybody gets it. but of course you would have to have pre-ordered to have 'the drip'.
It's coming out on time... GUARENTEED!!!

Well I do believe Gabe mentioned that they always underestimate the bandwidth. But honestly, who's to say they'll take the risk and release it anyway? They'll back themselves up by saying, "Hey, we released it on the 30th." But 100,000. I dunno, you do have to consider one thing: There has been virtually no mass market ads for the CASUAL CUSTOMER. Only us die hard fans knows what may be going on. Besides, even us die hard fans still want an actual copy of the game and would rather wait then pay and try to download it.
HALF-LIFE 2 is delayed!!!!!!! It aint comin out on the 30th!!:borg: :borg:
I hope that the game is available via steam on the 30th but I'd rather have a finished product. If the delay is simply becuase of VU profit mongering then I'll be dissapointed with VALVe. It's their baby and they should have the clout to tell VU when to release the game.
The previously announced September 30th release date for Half-Life 2 is being pushed back. We are currently targeting a holiday release, but do not have a specific "in-store" date to share at this time. We will release that information as soon as we have confirmed a new date.

I am not trying to be in denial, I am just reading in between the lines.

Also, I await a confirmation from Gabe, the man himself. If he backs up Doug and also states that the Steam version will not be ready as well, then yes, call my mother a headcrab.
I don't even belive that E-mail is valid. Last time these same web-sites claimed they had "close personal insider info" and they all recycled the same fake news. This is no different. DIE DISBELIEVERS!

If it is true, I will eat my hat if it doesn't come out on the 30th in SOME form. Steam is READY if they start pre-caching the game soon.

PS, What is Valve doing on September 30th at Alcatraz with a boatload of Press? It's a LAUNCH party, not a delay party.... Geeez, they are trying to push HL2 and ATI cards. Why would they spend all the money to rent Alcatraz if everything wasn't on schedule....

Those easily swayed some times end up on the bottom...
Why would they be talking about having a Holiday Release Now???? If making more profit is the case, then why didn't they give a supposedly official release date more around thanksgiving/christmas rather than 9/30 ???
It all seems pretty fishy to me when back in May Valve announces the game to be available on September 30. In July, Vivendi declares it will delay the game (more than likely because of profit reasons). Valve still sticks with their date. In essence, both Vivendi and Valve are happy. Valve gets it game out to hardcore games, Vivendi gets their money from craving casual consumers over the holiday season.
I like to make another follow up by NeoMaximus -- he states that Valve probably won't make a true announcement until the 30th. That just leads me to believe that they will announce HL2 ready to be downloaded via Steam that day.
OMG I totally believe the same thing. Valve would be soooo smart to release HL2 via Steam on the 30th and then let VU Games publish teh game whenever the hell they want to.
Valve will make more money per unit by distributing via Steam... and who the hell wants to wait 2-3 months for a game they can download via Steam and play that same day?!
I WILL buy HL2 via Steam even if I can get HL2 a day before the retail copy... I NEED THIS GAME!!!!
Originally posted by ilove64
I like to make another follow up by NeoMaximus -- he states that Valve probably won't make a true announcement until the 30th. That just leads me to believe that they will announce HL2 ready to be downloaded via Steam that day.

you're going to be so so so dissapointed on the 30th.
It's wishful thinking, but what else have we got? I'm bored as hell, it's impossible for me to sleep right now, and I'm disappointed.
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