Half-Life 2 WILL be available on the 30th (or my mother's a "headcrab")

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Originally posted by ilove64
Half-Life 2 will be released on the 30th...via Steam. And no one can blame them for a push-back because they didn't lie about its FIRST release.
How many times? It's not coming out through Steam first. Seriously.
Listen, I am not saying this is right, but I am just stating it is very plausible with the facts and logical thinking I have backed it up with. But if my theory will be shot down, I will have lost some respect with Valve and with Gabe for letting the fans down. But then again, Gabe doesn't seem like the kind of guy to do such a thing. Even according to spitcodfry he mentions how dedicated Gabe is to the community. Obviously everyone must know that otherwise he wouldn't bother replying to hundreds of emails he must receive a day.
"How many times? It's not coming out through Steam first. Seriously."

Okay, and where's your proof?
Well, I would think he would recite the recent delay email as it appears to be legitimate.
Why wouldn't HL2 be released through Steam first... think about it.
Steam hasn't even really been used for all of what it is intended for. Sure we can play MP games thru Steam etc. But not one person has purchased Valve games via Steam yet, and that is one of the main concepts behind Steam... so that Valve can sell their games directly to the customer, skip the middle man, Steam takes care of that now.
What better way to get Valve's newest creation off to a great start than with the release of the most anticipated game of 2003?!
As I mentioned more than once, READ BETWEEN THE LINES. He mentioned the delay of THE RETAIL version. I am going out on a limb and assume that via Steam we will only be able to download the single player mode. This gives Valve more time to polish the game up for an official release in stores. Besides, and be honest, I think we all care just to play the single player and it would tide me over until the MP mode was released.

And doesn't everyone agree that this sudden delay just pisses everyone off? I don't think Valve would want to ruin their reputation with a game with so much hype being delayed a week before its official date. I still believe they are going to deliver on the 30th.
that is a limb. now where did they say they would release a SP only version on steam
"What better way to get Valve's newest creation off to a great start than with the release of the most anticipated game of 2003?!"

Exactly, it will bring more people in and become more familiar with Steam. By releasing it via Steam people will probably start latching onto the idea that downloading games is the wave of the future. I mean, wouldn't you want to be the first company to get this idea to become successful? Look at Sony? For a couple of years now they are trying to develop a way users download games, and if I am not mistaken, that was the method they intended to use for the PS3. Of course no one liked the idea, but Valve is smart and I bet they can convert people to this idea with HL2.
"that is a limb. now where did they say they would release a SP only version on steam"

That claim was my own speculation. I was just trying to offer a plausible suggestion that releasing HL2 via Steam on the 30th wouldn't be such a bad idea, and that releasing only single player mode would make even more sense why the official release date of the retail version would be available later on this holiday season.

But I do have some back up I suppose. NeoMaximus was trying to prove a point that HL was originally released as a single player game only, and that it was rushed. He wasn't sure about the game being initially released as single player, but I do know that the game was rushed. Do you think that if Steam and broadband (more wide support) was available back in 98 that Valve would have released this single player HL over Steam and would have waited to release a more complete HL? I do. It makes sense - it relieves the pressure off Valve to release a 100% product on time and it makes people happy with a somewhat unfinished copy.
Like you said, people are so pissed that HL2 has been delayed. I seriously doubt that Valve would do that to their truly crazy fans.
They probably just decided it would be in their best interest to let VU Games keep their wild ideas about a holiday release for the retail copy, and release on Steam themselves on the release date they set.
The 9800XT was supposed to have HL2 bundled with it, which will be released on the 30th. Maybe the only way to get HL2 before the "holiday season" is to be at Alcatraz and get one of those bundles, or to buy through Steam.
Steam sounds good to me.
Ah, another good point! ^^ Thank you. You do realize that ATI will more than likely release their new card with HL2 weeks, if not months before the retail version? I mean, if they didn't, what was the point of a million dollar contract? ATI knows they can push their cards if they released HL2 well in advance of the official retail date. I am assuming that the copy bundled with the card will be the same copy that will be released in Steam.

Guys, it all makes sense and most everyone can be happy, look here:

Valve keeps their promise and they end up being successful with pushing Steam as a next-generation tool of gaming
Vivendi will end up making more money via holiday season
ATI is happy because they can push their cards due to the delay
Most fans are happy that they do indeed will be able to obtain a copy of HL2.


I am really confident when I say that this retail pushback was planned from the beginning.
but in a way valve would be screwing many of the community by releasing it on steam only. because some people wouldn't be able to download it even if they wanted to. itd be like gabe sentencing you to be living in a dark prison with only bread and water for 2 months while watching on the outside as other people enjoy gourment food and drink
Wow, I hope that somewhere in all this hopeful speculation we have found the answer behind this whole diabolical scheme on so many levels.
Valve keeps their promise and they end up being successful with pushing Steam as a next-generation tool of gaming
Vivendi will end up making more money via holiday season
ATI is happy because they can push their cards due to the delay
Most fans are happy that they do indeed will be able to obtain a copy of HL2.
People think the whole delay was all due to $$$. What you just said totally proves that theory... I hope it's true!!! :D
I would like to get that 9800XT....
Ah, but wait, Gabe said they would release a demo after the release of HL2. Who's to say he won't release a demo after the Steam release to keep people happy? I am sure that would make people very happy, along with the benchmark program to. I am speculating of course, but even if there was no demo, you can't be mad at Gabe or Valve. They said it would be available on the 30th and if they deliver, you can't be pissed off. It has been your own fault for depending on the retail version to be released on the 30th and it has been your fault for ignoring the countless people at Vivendi for saying the retail version will be delayed. One way or another, Valve and ATI will give you a chance to get HL2 before the retail hits the shelves. Be thankful they might not even give you anything at all.
the 9800xt will have a voucher for a copy of HL2 which can be redeemed after HL2 is released, the 9800xt launch is september 30th, but the card wont be available for two to three, maybe four weeks afterwards.

HL2 will not be on steam on september 30th, nor will it be on steam october 1st..nor oct. 2nd...don't fool yourself into thinking it will, you're just setting yourself up for a let down.
Originally posted by Xtasy0
HL2 will not be on steam on september 30th, nor will it be on steam october 1st..nor oct. 2nd...don't fool yourself into thinking it will, you're just setting yourself up for a let down.
The glass is always half-full IMO. Always half-full.......
"People think the whole delay was all due to $$$."


Come on guys, look what they have done for us:

They have provided us with HL1, a marvelous game that has been embraced by millions of people across the world, and they have given users the ability to create wonderful mods such as Counter-Strike and Day of Defeat.

Now, they just spent 5, read it, 5 BLOOMIN' years to give us a breakthrough, solid followup. They also have spent relentess hours to answer questions from the community and show the community, like spitcodfry, they are all about the fans.

And you guys are complaining because they want some extra dough? FOR SHAME!
"Half-Life 2 WILL be available on the 30th (or my mother's a "headcrab") "

Your a Headcrab!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh:
"the 9800xt will have a voucher for a copy of HL2 which can be redeemed after HL2 is released"

"Your a Headcrab!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Ah, I own a headcrab. Check yo' grammar fool.
oh yea! And your mother is a headcrab to! Because HL2 is not going to be available on the 30th
No really! your a headcrab!


hmm.. so am I ! DOH!
Oh jeez, the guy with the rocking smiley has OWNED me with his amazing rebuttal. Maybe it is time for me to get a headcrab.
lol!!! maaaan, smile a bit! Im only joking
As well as I, I just get tired of using smiley faces to know that I am joking. It is 4 A.M. here and I just don't care :P (Okay, back to on-topic)
I am hoping hoping hoping that we will still get our beloved HL2 on September 30th.
There is enough reasonable doubt that the email was fake, and there is enough for me to make assumptions that Valve has something up their sleeve.
I hope that HL2, even just the SP would be cool, will be released via Steam on the 30th so we won't all be sitting around dwelling on the fact that we want HL2 soooo bad.
I'm going to wait until the 30th before I give up all hope, and until then I will keep hoping for my precioussss. *snicker*
But I'm off to bed, at 3:16 I tend to get a little tired. Hope I don't have any nightmares about the "delay".
jesus, stop getting my hopes up you lot, face it we aint getting it any time soon. :/ prove me wrong pls someone, for the love of god.
I am just unsure how Half-Life 2 has not received an official letter. I dunno how City-17 beat them out.
It's fake!! I can't help it! The email was fake or there is something strange going on with VALVe!! I can't feel it, I'm having one of those phsyic Cleo moments! That and the mods know something.
"jesus, stop getting my hopes up you lot, face it we aint getting it any time soon. :/ prove me wrong pls someone, for the love of god."

I am not trying to get anyone's hopes up. You guys just give up too easily over a vague email. If it mentioned Steam than I would bet it was a done deal that we wouldn't see HL2 any time soon.
You fail to see the blindindly obvious truth that if the game is freaking finished and available on Steam in a couple of days it wouldn't be pushed back to a "holiday" release - it'd be in stores in a couple of weeks. There's no way the publisher would just sit on the game for no reason whatsoever.

It's nice to see people are still blindly ignoring the mountain of evidence that it's not coming.
You guys are funny!

"In Gabe we trust"..


Way to go Valve !! Very professional...
Well there is no god (entirely different topic, nuff said), so Gabe is all we have right now. Well, him and wishful thinking.
"OK, so now the Half-Life 2 delay has finally been officially confirmed by Valve. They're, "currently targeting a holiday release," which is the same thing Vivendi told us back in July.
Like I've said (endlessly), I don't care for how Valve handled this situation. They should have confirmed the delay earlier, not one week away from HL2's supposed release. I think telling the European press at ECTS (less than a month ago) that the, "release date is unchanged," was irresponsible. Good marketing? Maybe. A nice way to treat your fans? No.

That being said, dwelling on the delay won't do anyone any good. Bitching and moaning about it won't accomplish a damn thing. The bottom line is that Half-Life 2 is going to ship eventually, and it's almost certainly going to be worth the wait. In the meantime, there are still plenty of other games and HL mods to play. "

Trust now...
"We are currently targeting a holiday release, but do not have a specific "in-store" date to share at this time."

i think the specific mention of the 'in-store' date is just too odd of a thing to say. there is no mention from doug about a steam date, so i remain hopeful about the 30th. =)

Gabe has said a million times the store date and steam date would be the same!!!!
I could go with that tale.

Its an elaborate ploy by hey could all be sitting back laughing their heads off.

When people walk into shops on Tues looking they could get the suprise of their lives when they see a copy.

Now that would be a WOW factor
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