Half-Life 2 WILL be available on the 30th (or my mother's a "headcrab")

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Gabe has said a million times the store date and steam date would be the same!!!!"

he did say that before, maybe that changed. or maybe he said that for other reasons.

i remain hopeful about the steam 30th release. =D
At least iggy knows what I am talking about. And like I said, I don't think Valve is going to release the full game via Steam, perhaps only the single player and when the retail version is out you can download the MP part.

I think this may be true because when HL was initially released it was buggy and rushed and I think the SP was only available at the time too. Later via patches HL became complete.

I think Valve doesn't want to dissapoint the mass consumer market by releasing a 70-80% finished game. But I do believe they think the game is in good condition for shipping out via Steam because they know die hard fans want it and that we can be content just downloading future patches.

Steam gives the rest of the world, including magazine reviewers, some time to wait for a finished product and not be forced to buy a product that is somewhat unfinished. All in all, if I am right, I don't see why we should be dissapointed.

I reckon someone has hacked the valve building bringing down all power and communication, and someone hacked that account sending an email to most hl2 fansites.

And while we are panicing valve hq is trying to get their power back up?
The game is pushed back because STEAM sucks right now ! No way we're gonna see the game before November. !
"Gabe has said a million times the store date and steam date would be the same!!!!"

That was before the official delay of the retail version right ;)
Is there any point of releasing the Steam version the same time as the retail? I don't think so, it wouldn't really push Steam as an innovative product.
Originally posted by lhauert
"OK, so now the Half-Life 2 delay has finally been officially confirmed by Valve. They're, "currently targeting a holiday release," which is the same thing Vivendi told us back in July.
Like I've said (endlessly), I don't care for how Valve handled this situation. They should have confirmed the delay earlier, not one week away from HL2's supposed release. I think telling the European press at ECTS (less than a month ago) that the, "release date is unchanged," was irresponsible. Good marketing? Maybe. A nice way to treat your fans? No.
That being said, dwelling on the delay won't do anyone any good. Bitching and moaning about it won't accomplish a damn thing. The bottom line is that Half-Life 2 is going to ship eventually, and it's almost certainly going to be worth the wait. In the meantime, there are still plenty of other games and HL mods to play. "

Trust now...
I'd just like to say that, however arrogant he's been in the past, Fragmaster has conducted himself EXTREMELY well in the above editorial bit. He could've been very rude and gloating, but instead he focussed on how it was a shame that Valve hadn't been more open and was also very stoical about the fact that it's coming eventually so chill out and have a cup of tea.
Whatever your feelings towards him, all credit for this. Well done Fragmaster.
i need to go to bed, but why doesnt valve have a news section. when halflife2 was announced, it could have had one entry which states, the release date is sep 30th. then if this delay is real, they could just update their official website and change sep 30th. to holiday season or TBA.

why make it so complicated to email certain webmasters? im just saying if i was valve. id make it easier on myself and others by posting an entry in my news section that would clarify everything.
He only acted "polite" in that post because he has gotten SO much flak from his previous rants. He is WATCHING his ass....
I do have to agree with you there el Chi. Fragmaster really HAS conducted himself well ever since the news spread. I can't help but give him that.
"The game is pushed back because STEAM sucks right now !"

To what extent? I think most people have complained about having problems with the MP aspect of Steam. Recently it has been quite reliable for downloads. This somewhat furthers my guess that a possible HL2 over Steam will not have MP and will not be required to use Steam for single player.
i think its very possible we'll be getting something hl2 related on the 30th via steam. how many people actually think we'll get nothing new at all?
Originally posted by .5c0ut-WHoR3.

I reckon someone has hacked the valve building bringing down all power and communication, and someone hacked that account sending an email to most hl2 fansites.

And while we are panicing valve hq is trying to get their power back up?

why not hack their official website and post an announcement there?
I doubt we'll get a demo until an official release, whether via Steam or retail. It would just ruin the fun in my opinion. But I do think we'll get something out of Steam on the 30th, at the very least the benchmark program.
"The day of reckoning is near, my friends. Those who have walked in content and disbelief of the one called Gabe will be struck down. He hath proclaimed September 30th from the rooftops. He has answered query from newbie and haX0r alike. When the day of release cometh, we shall hunt those down who did not believe. They will be known as the "OMG THEY CHANGED THE RELEASE DATE ON HL2" newbies. You will be branded with 9-30 and will be outcasts.

Hear my warning you "OMG THEY CHANGED THE RELEASE DATE ON HL2" newbies."

I haven't had ANY problems with Steam lately. Not ONE problem. The only problems I did have was when hundreds of thousands of people were attempting to download something all the same time. This was witnessed in Americas Army and Star Wars Galaxies and that's just barely skimming the surface of launch problems.

Again, I've encountered NO problems with Steam. My games run fast and fine and Steam connects just perfect.

*shrug* Maybe it's your (the bashers) end.

Might I add Valve has since taken note of that launch problem and has/is correcting it (more content servers and bandwidth).
If it was released on steam first, someone would hack it and release it a warez on the internet within days. Even honest people who don't usually download games will become download crazy (alot of people who want the retail version will be thinking 'why download for a price when i can do the same for free")... 56kers would be buying HL2 pirated CD's throughout the country.

Valve would lose millions.

It's a stupid idea... they are coming out at the same time!
steam has worked for me so far. it only rarely has problems for me
Originally posted by oldi1knoby
He only acted "polite" in that post because he has gotten SO much flak from his previous rants. He is WATCHING his ass....
Perhaps. But at least he HAS conducted himself with dignity. Unlike some other people <coughs> Dagobert<coughs>
And at least he's not in denial, oldi :hmph:

I'm actually going to stand by Fragmaster on this point and that's something I never thought I'd say, ever.
Hey, if anyone can decrypt HL2 after somehow getting it off of Steam then they need a tremendous pat on the back. Hacking isn't like you see it in the movies.. but you probably already know this, right?
fragmaster will be in denial of the hl2 release when its available on the 30th via steam =)

the information he's been recieving has been accurate for the retail release, not the steam release.
Do you think Valve, who would be well aware of such a possible threat, would not even try to prevent that? If they had stated they would have heavily encrypt the game if they were going to allow it be downloaded a week before its release, I am sure they would have done something against piracy. Besides, even if they do release the game side by side, Steam and retail, what would stop piracy then? It would only delay it and Valve would still lose money. No, I think it is going to be much more complicated than that. I don't think you are giving Valve enough credit.
Originally posted by iggy
fragmaster will be in denial of the hl2 release when its available on the 30th via steam =)

shut up, read my post....

you couldn't be more wrong
I read your post and you didn't convince me of anything..
No, you can't say you're right either. Are you some bigwig hacker who knows everything about how to make HL2 accessible that no one will go to the stores and buy it? I severely doubt it, you know nothing of what Valve can do to stop pirating, so stop acting like you know the obvious.
i really doubt steam will precache/download a $50 game before you decide to buy it. there shouldn't be any precaching of something you would need to pay for.

precaching free stuff thats automatically transferred to you (hl2 movies) is different, that stuff is precached.
Originally posted by iggy
the information he's been recieving has been accurate for the retail release, not the steam release.
I give up. I really f*cking give up. They're being released simultaneously or Valve will be breaking their contract.
Christ almighty.
el chi, you just can't prove that i'm wrong and its driving you nuts. i can't prove that i'm right either, but i have some faith left =D
What contract? In all honesty, not trying to sound like an ass, but I would like to see a contract.

Sierra/Vivendi is the publisher of the game, they are the ones supplying the money for making and marketing the CDs, packaging, etc.

I do not believe they have control whether or not Valve can release it in some other form through Valve's own efforts.
Originally posted by ilove64
Do you think Valve, who would be well aware of such a possible threat, would not even try to prevent that? If they had stated they would have heavily encrypt the game if they were going to allow it be downloaded a week before its release, I am sure they would have done something against piracy. Besides, even if they do release the game side by side, Steam and retail, what would stop piracy then? It would only delay it and Valve would still lose money. No, I think it is going to be much more complicated than that. I don't think you are giving Valve enough credit.

1)The encyption would only work while the game was being downloaded, before it was unpacked and installed. Are you that naive about the ability of crackers? lol. Name the last game that wasn't pirated.... oh wait.... there has never been one.
2)They WOULD most certainly lose more money on a just steam release. Most of the people in the UK don't have broadband and still really want HL2. They would buy it illegally without a bat of their eyelids.
3)They have said time and time and time and time and time again it will be released at the same time.
4)You are in denial.
5)Is your steam downloading yet? oh wait...no it isn't. You know why? BECASUSE IT ISN'T GONNA BE OUT ON THE 30TH!!!!
That's just it, not to pick arguments, but we don't really know thier contracts.
thats just it 64. the steam version probably competes with the retail copy, which would explain away some of this dodginess in the answers and confusion. valve and sierra might essentially have a kind of non-competing contract over the release of hl2. they had vivendi shut their cakeholes about the retail release a while ago, and perhaps they aren't allowed to talk about or market the steam release till after its done. it would explain alot.
Piracy can't touch HL2 as long as Steam is in control... You really think the crackers are going to hack the entire Steam database?

Valve said that offline single player and LAN would be available in the future. In the mean time they are free to release HL2 over steam and say "Hell, make a copy for your friend! He can pay for it over steam and doesn't even have to download anything!"
I am not in denial, I am just convinced, based on facts, that it will be available through Steam.

I do not ignore the fact that I could be very well wrong, but I will not feel like an ass because I reasonable evidence to support my theory. And this is all a theory, a statement that has yet to be proven false or right.

But I still disagree with you about HL2 being mass pirated. I am confident that Valve has thought of some way to stop most of the pirating of this game initially. I do not think they would want to risk jeopardizing its release being that vulnerable.
Originally posted by iggy
el chi, you just can't prove that i'm wrong and its driving you nuts.
NO actually. What's driving me nuts is that for the longest time, people have been claiming it'll come out on Steam first when the fact of the matter is that Vivendi aren't that stupid as to let that happen as many people would just buy it through Steam= no money for Vivendi. Therefore, it'd be in Valve's contract that they must be released simultaneously.

Sorry, hate to burst your bubble but that one was never a "design decision"; simply Capitalism in motion.

Certainly, if the release date HAS been pushed back 2 months Vivendi CERTAINLY wouldn't let Valve release it on Steam come the 30th.
Originally posted by pHATE1982
1)The encyption would only work while the game was being downloaded, before it was unpacked and installed. Are you that naive about the ability of crackers? lol. Name the last game that wasn't pirated.... oh wait.... there has never been one.
2)They WOULD most certainly lose more money on a just steam release. Most of the people in the UK don't have broadband and still really want HL2. They would buy it illegally without a bat of their eyelids.
3)They have said time and time and time and time and time again it will be released at the same time.
4)You are in denial.
5)Is your steam downloading yet? oh wait...no it isn't. You know why? BECASUSE IT ISN'T GONNA BE OUT ON THE 30TH!!!!

1. Please! Taking a game off of a CD (an iso) and putting it into a serious of .rar files for easier downloading and then producing a crack is nothing compared to decrypting highly encrypted files that HL2 would be in. As I said, it's not like in the movies and it would take years for a super computer to crack it without the key. It's not something script kiddies would do over night like they usually do.

2. I disagree on that comment. I think more people per population in the UK have broadband than in the US. The US is actually when it comes to how many have broadband compared to those that don't. I'm fairly sure that the UK has a high rate.

3. This, I've heard.

4. Stop being an asshole. This is like the only argument you people have against some of us who are just being logical about it.

5. It could start at any moment. Who knows what the hell it's going to do.
Originally posted by ilove64
Do you <Snip> enough credit.

I know that valve are gonna be doing everything in their power to stop hackers releasing HL2 early. However i also know several reasons why hackers try to hack/crack software etc. early:1) They like the challange. 2) They are anti-multinational cooperations.

re 1. There are several examples of this. There was one antivirus company (i believe) that bosted about 'the best protection ever', this immediatly made it a target for hackers/crackers and has been an up/down server ever since. You want more examples, ask and you shall recieve. :)

re 2. I think a lot of people not fully aware of how steam's gonna work with HL2 will see it as a way for valve to control consumers more (although it's not the case). As with windows XP, lots of hackers will try to be the first/will want to crack it.

I realize that hacking steam is going to be extremely difficult, that much is obvious, however all hackers need is their knowledge and time. This said, i myself am not a hacker/cracker (honest), but i am aware of what drives them and of how quickly they can work if they want to.

NB: For the record, i hope that HL2 does not get cracked before a retail release if it's released on steam sooner. If it is i'll certainly not be downloading it.
El Chi- Actually, I thnk they wouldn't lose as much as you'd think. I for one will be buying a subscription if it comes out over steam first, then canceling that and buying the retail when it comes out. Valve would get more money from me, and Vivendi would get the same amount. And I'm quite sure a lot of other people would do the same.
Originally posted by BlazeKun
Piracy can't touch HL2 as long as Steam is in control... You really think the crackers are going to hack the entire Steam database?

Valve said that offline single player and LAN would be available in the future. In the mean time they are free to release HL2 over steam and say "Hell, make a copy for your friend! He can pay for it over steam and doesn't even have to download anything!"

Oh how naive you are.
All a cracker has to do is remove the steam checks. I'm betting it's as simple as cracking the .exe using a hex editor, and replacing a few essential files.
Do you realise how popular this game is?
Do you realise how talented crackers are?
Anything a developer can think of will take a top notch a couple of days max to match!
I reckon if it was released on steam there would be about 50 cracker groups all racing to do it first... because if they did they would become truley 1337
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