Half-Life 2 WILL be available on the 30th (or my mother's a "headcrab")

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Originally posted by pHATE1982
And Valve care if it gets cracked now because if it isn't available on retail... which i would guess would count for over 90% of the sales. Not all those 90% of buyers are gonna suddenly go over to steam. Alot will get cracked versions...

Yeah not a lot of the 90% would get it over steam.... 89.9% of them would wait for retail.
I still think the majority of sales will come from retail, Valve won't be losing much.
Originally posted by bslinger
If Valve used their money to make the game, why wouldn't they be able to dictate the terms of the contract with Vivendi? Perhaps the contract all along was that they'd have a three month period where they would sell exclusively over Steam? This might've been a gamble for Vivendi, but with HL2 being such an anticipated game, they're going to make a lot of money even without those sales. As somebody else said, it's only going to be the fans who download from Steam, since there hasn't been much marketing around it.

Anyway, I'm reasonably confident there'll be some sort of release on the 30th, I'm definitely sceptical of this email, and I'm going to be waiting impatiently for the next week to find out what happens, heh.

Good arguments IloveN64, by the way, good to see there are still people who have hope. Like you, I'll be waiting on more trusted sources before I believe there has been such a delay. If there is any delay, I can't believe it'll be for three months as has been suggested.

I have to agree with you on two points... finally huh? :cheers:

The three month deal thing with vivendi could be possible i guess. A bit stupid from my perspective, but possible non the less.

And i too am sceptical about the email... hell this argument could be over nothing when both retail AND steam are released on the 30th, LOL

(yeah right :-P)
Man, I am not hating anybody who doesn't agree with me. I think it is perfectly healthy people are skeptical.

Still, I think we all need another official announcement, this time from Gabe and Valve as a whole specifically that the retail AND steam releases will be delayed until further notice.
Originally posted by BlazeKun
Yeah not a lot of the 90% would get it over steam.... 89.9% of them would wait for retail.

Yeah right.... thats the biggest bunch of BS i've heard today :-P
Do you realise the size of the cracker community.
Try out a page such as sh***reactor, and see how popular they are, lol
I am not denying the power of cracks, they are extremely abundant if you know where to look.

But I am still standing firm that Valve will take the risk of piracy.
Originally posted by ilove64
Man, I am not hating anybody who doesn't agree with me. I think it is perfectly healthy people are skeptical.

Still, I think we all need another official announcement, this time from Gabe and Valve as a whole specifically that the retail AND steam releases will be delayed until further notice.

I agree here, there does need to be an official statement in the next day or so. A crappy email doesn't cut it for me...
Originally posted by ilove64
Man, I am not hating anybody who doesn't agree with me. I think it is perfectly healthy people are skeptical.

Still, I think we all need another official announcement, this time from Gabe and Valve as a whole specifically that the retail AND steam releases will be delayed until further notice.

This is just further evidence to the cause... The e-mail apparently said "in-store" with the quotes... What other company has EVER said something like this? None. What other reason could they have said something like this other than if it had further signifigance?
Originally posted by bslinger
If Valve used their money to make the game, why wouldn't they be able to dictate the terms of the contract with Vivendi?
That's a very good point, and one I hadn't thought of. I guess we'll see. Maybe I'm wrong, but the fact that Valve have alwasy said a simultaneous release... But then they always said 30th September...
Yeah, "in-store", it's like you are bluntly pointing out what's being delayed. And if that's true, I understand Doug's humor towards his "infamy" statement because I don't think we're in for a sudden dissapointment yet. I find it funny -- I was totally against Steam and not even hyped about it. But now, after this whole ordeal, I am actually eager to buy HL2 over Steam; I am up for a new experience now.
"Maybe I'm wrong, but the fact that Valve have alwasy said a simultaneous release... But then they always said 30th September..."

Nothing is set in stone when it comes to marketing, things change.
"The previously announced September 30th release date for Half-Life 2 is being pushed back. We are currently targeting a holiday release, but do not have a specific "in-store" date to share at this time. We will release that information as soon as we have confirmed a new date."

It doesn't say anything about retail being pushed back though. It says HL2 is being pushed back. Indicating ALL versions. And the "in store" in quotations is there because it is generalisation meaning available to buy in stores, online, over steam etc etc
Originally posted by ilove64
Yeah, "in-store", it's like you are bluntly pointing out what's being delayed. And if that's true, I understand Doug's humor towards his "infamy" statement because I don't think we're in for a sudden dissapointment yet. I find it funny -- I was totally against Steam and not even hyped about it. But now, after this whole ordeal, I am actually eager to buy HL2 over Steam; I am up for a new experience now.

Where exactly did you see the stuff about "infamy" ? I haven't read that line anywhere.
Okay, now I think you are really dwelling to far on the meaing of "in-store" If something is quoted like that I am assuming they are trying to be specific. Not quoted would almost lead me to believe they ARE generalizing like you said.
on City-17.net they have a quote beneath the email.
Originally posted by pHATE1982
"The previously announced September 30th release date for Half-Life 2 is being pushed back. We are currently targeting a holiday release, but do not have a specific "in-store" date to share at this time. We will release that information as soon as we have confirmed a new date."

It doesn't say anything about retail being pushed back though. It says HL2 is being pushed back. Indicating ALL versions. And the "in store" in quotations is there because it is generalisation meaning available to buy in stores, online, over steam etc etc

Maybe this is a way of saying "expect a steam release date soon" ? Could be both versions WERE pushed back. Steam a few days/weeks, and retail a few months?
"Today, September 23rd, 2003 - a date which will live in infamy - the game Half-Life 2 was suddenly and deliberately delayed by Valve Software." is the quote.
It says HL2 being pushed back....

You can't argue with that. Its being pushed back...

If it said "in store" date pushed back i'd believe you :-)
It was taken from City-17.net, the only place where I found it, which could mean the email might be somewhat shady (though I doubt it):

"Today, September 23rd, 2003 - a date which will live in infamy - the game Half-Life 2 was suddenly and deliberately delayed by Valve Software."

Do you not see the humor? Look at the context: Suddenly and deliberately. In other words, ON PURPOSE. If that doesn't sound like scheming I don't know what does.
I fully agree that evidence points that steam will have half life 2 on sep 30th and one another reason that would be good that the hard copy is delayed or the thought that it will is that more ppl will buy via steam then,
Originally posted by Ares
"Today, September 23rd, 2003 - a date which will live in infamy - the game Half-Life 2 was suddenly and deliberately delayed by Valve Software." is the quote.

It really doesn't say who said the quote though... Could have just been some random City-17 junkie?
"lol update the topic, its delayed"

Have you even bothered to read my posts or the replies that have followed?
"It really doesn't say who said the quote though... Could have just been some random City-17 junkie?"

According to City 17, this was an authentic reply from Doug himself.
Originally posted by ilove64
"It really doesn't say who said the quote though... Could have just been some random City-17 junkie?"

According to City 17, this was an authentic reply from Doug himself.

Well than that just about proves there is something fishy going on... Does the Jury have a verdict?
Originally posted by BlazeKun
Maybe this is a way of saying "expect a steam release date soon" ? Could be both versions WERE pushed back. Steam a few days/weeks, and retail a few months?

possibly, i can't argue with that...

I reckon the release will be closer together though. I mean they have said "realeased at the same time" so many times i'd be suprised if there was such a big difference between release dates. Even if the marketing b*stards have changed the case.
Okay, for another benefit of the doubt, if they suddenly change the release date at the last second, what is stopping them from changing other statements they have reiterated in the past as well?
Originally posted by pHATE1982
possibly, i can't argue with that...

I reckon the release will be closer together though. I mean they have said "realeased at the same time" so many times i'd be suprised if there was such a big difference between release dates. Even if the marketing b*stards have changed the case.

Does anybody know the date when Valve last said this? Could be that there have been internal affairs between Valve and Vivendi since then which have been cleaned up and a discision has been made. I remember when Valve was full of info and willing to give release dates, then Vivendi said the game was delayed, and Valve suddenly shut up and stuck by "the release date is unchanged" This could possibly be the effect of internal affairs.
Originally posted by ilove64
Okay, for another benefit of the doubt, if they suddenly change the release date at the last second, what is stopping them from changing other statements they have reiterated in the past as well?

Maybe they'll even change the name of the game? pah

i hate them all....
7 bloody days before the release we get this news :flame:

Though it is a bit late for a delay announcement therefore it could all be a lie...
I can agree to that. I can see how Vivendi knew HL2 would be a very huge profit from them and that they quickly organized a deal with Valve to assure the best market plan to get their money's worth. But that's just my mind wandering :dozey:
"Today, September 23rd, 2003 - a date which will live in infamy - the game Half-Life 2 was suddenly and deliberately delayed by Valve Software."

^^This clearly isn't part of Doug's email. The bit he wrote is indented. That quote is just some random commentary by the news poster on City17.
This is the most informative and well thought topic in months btw! Great job to all of yas!
"Maybe they'll even change the name of the game?"

They have the power :P

X2 changed to X2: X-Men United like less than a month before it came out.

Just proves to show you that nothing in marketing is set in stone until whatever you are selling is officially released.
Originally posted by BlazeKun
Does anybody know the date when Valve last said this? Could be that there have been internal affairs between Valve and Vivendi since then which have been cleaned up and a discision has been made. I remember when Valve was full of info and willing to give release dates, then Vivendi said the game was delayed, and Valve suddenly shut up and stuck by "the release date is unchanged" This could possibly be the effect of internal affairs.

I have no doubt that part of the reason it's delayed are due to internal affairs. It might all just be Vivendi being a bunch of tw*ts.
Originally posted by Wesisapie

I think we all have something to bring to this discussion, but what you should bring is silence. :)
Originally posted by BlazeKun
This is the most informative and well thought topic in months btw! Great job to all of yas!

We havn't resorted to comments such as

"You're gay"
"You're such a fag hat"

We should all be very proud of ourselves :cheers:

It's all been quite constructive really :-)
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