Half-Life 2 WILL be available on the 30th (or my mother's a "headcrab")

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Originally posted by ilove64
The entire post:

"I wake up; drink my coffee; and go off to check my PM's and email. I find literally dozens (across the two) with one common question... "What the F happened?".

I'll be 100% honest with you. I have no clue.

Roughly two weeks back, we were told that Halflife 2 was on track, at least for its Steam release for the 30th, with retail copies to follow about two weeks later.

We were told that it is in everyone's interests to promote the heck out of the 30th, and foster hope that in some regard, people would have access to Halflife 2 at that point.

And in my admittedly teasing way, I did just that, and am left looking like a fool for it.

My thoughts? Anger mostly. As a fan, i'm disgusted. The game was content complete weeks ago as last I heard, and barring a discovery of a huge flaw (NVidia perhaps? I honestly don't know) this decision was likely for purely fiscal reasons. I think developers occassionally get so enamoured with the idea that they've got an "epic" historic game on their hands, that they forget....

1. Gamers are the ones to be served, not vice-versa. No matter how good of a dev you are, you never have the right to jerk people around.

2. The people who work in some proximity to you put themselves out there in an effort to represent a product. It is downright tacky to pull this sort of "stunt", and it is little else, without letting anyone in on it.

So once again, I apologize, and feel as horrible as one likely can. On a personal note, I feel trounced upon, and generally upset at my own misrepresentation to you all."

As you can see, even as a game developer this is very ood. I cannot further prove my theory, this is probably the biggest defense in my case:

This delay has been planned from the start. The 30th, to me, has always been made to promote Steam. It just seems perfectly logical that the retail game would be delayed until the holidays.

I can see it now:

Steam releases HL2
9800XT released with HL2
Mass marketing for general market
Different retail versions released for the holiday season

This marketing seems very, very coherent and it looks like everyone is going to get their bucks worth. I can see why ATI didn't stop with the bidding, they are basically sitting on a gold mine.

And THAT makes me angry.

Do they deserve our money, playing with us and all ?

I reckon the game will surely be great, but Valve is plain dumb if they think they can get away with their false claims, childish behavior, etc.
"as there is no way in hell that I'm paying those stingy bastards at Valve any money at all if this is true"

Well read some of my arguments and this really would work out for Valve, ATI and Vivendi. I also don't think they are stingy. True, they may be playing with our fanboy hearts, but I still think they should deserve our money after 5 years of putting their effort into this game.
i'm downloading the steam client thing now.... not even sure of what it is....lol
"so, HL2 is officially delayed ?

Yes or no !"

Well it's obvious the retail game will be delayed, but it is a good chance we'll see HL2 via Steam on the 30th yet.
Originally posted by ilove64
"as there is no way in hell that I'm paying those stingy bastards at Valve any money at all if this is true"

Well read some of my arguments and this really would work out for Valve, ATI and Vivendi. I also don't think they are stingy. True, they may be playing with our fanboy hearts, but I still think they should deserve our money after 5 years of putting their effort into this game.

I don't agree at all. I need to be able to purchase it from a retail outlet. I cannot download it because of my internet cap. And really, if I have to download it I'm sure as hell not giving them money if they're going to do this stupid prank and marketing bs on us.

But hey! What does one customer matter to them anyway!
Let it go...
It's *not* coming out. It's not it's not it's not. It won't come out for months - the sooner you realise that, the better.
I can understand Neo when he said that some of us will be happy while the rest of us are going to be pretty pissed off, especially those of us who were expecting something else (aka retail).
well i now have steam... it's all updated and spangly new, and ready to recieve HL2
LOL, man, you did a complete 180. In fact, you have gone the extra effort, I don't even have Steam yet :p

Well, I am glad my theory was able to reach out and touch someone, heh.

Oh, and you are an Ant Lion now! Dang, I wish I knew how many posts it took to become a Zombie.
Cool, everybody found my comments useful. Some very interesting posts made since I was last in this thread too.

That post from Neomaximus is one of the biggest bits of information regarding the release date we've had in a long time. Was that whole thing his post, or was that you commenting after it, ilove64? It was slightly unclear.

I've been planning on buying Half Life 2 on Steam since last week, the day after I installed it, as it was all working great and has been ever since. I too have a download cap, but I'm hoping they'll let us choose a preferred content server, as downloads from Ausgamers.com don't count towards my cap, heh.

It is a pretty dodgy move to announce this delay now, especially in this way; if it's not a fake email, that is. I still have my doubts.
Originally posted by ilove64
Oh, and you are an Ant Lion now! Dang, I wish I knew how many posts it took to become a Zombie.


and you're on #33

it's a contingency plan, thats all

I still have my pre-order, lol
I did copy the whole entire post and added my own commentary to it. What is unclear about it?
ilove64: I just wasn't sure where NeoMaximus's post ended, and where your commentary started, is all. :)
Oh, yeah, I just cotinued with what he said really boosted my theory on this whole Steam thing. I am surprised more people didn't even think about Steam on the 30th; a lot of people are still infatuated with the whole delay email like it was the end of the world.
Hehe, yep. I hope there's some better and more official information up by the time I get to work tomorrow, or I'm going to be hitting refresh on halflife2.net all day, and I won't get anything done :p (it's still only 9:56pm where I am (Australia), the delay email hit in the afternoon)
Like I mentioned before and where many of us here agree, we really need an email from Gabe stating that the retail and Steam dates have been pushed back. It's got to include both or otherwise we have a good chance of seeing HL2 available on Steam. You wouldn't believe the people over at the PC General Board at IGN, they are stark mad about this whole release date fiasco, but they haven't even considered the whole Steam theory. I would post my theory there but I am saving my 10k post for something with more...substance if you know what I mean ;)
For sure. Most of the people on all the boards are going crazy with it, I think. I've been trying to just sit back and not think about Half Life 2 at all until the 30th, but it's difficult, hehe.
I can't stop thinking about it either. I'll finally be able to get some sleep again when the damn thing is released heh. But my theory has given me comfort and hope. I just cross my fingers I am not wrong. :x
Phate you were debating about steam encryption and you didn't even have it installed on your machine. Hope you get the children error a few dozen times.
Your moms a Headcrab? What would that make you? By the way, cool N64 logo...
"**** STEAM, we're not all on broadband !!"

It's going to suck to play HL2 then on MP, with so much data to transfer, it's going to be pretty mad.

But I guess that means the 56kers are going to fall into the dissapointed people category. ;(
Sorry, just to lightn the mood, I don't believe anyone's said this yet (probably 'cause it's so bad, but hey)
"...or my mother's a headcrab"

ilove64: Son of Gonarch
when people say "but they said the steam and box release would be the same day" they were also saying "the release date is still sept 30th"

why is the steam/box same day statement golden and true but the release date can change? they can have reason to change either :p

none of us have seen the hl2-vivendi contract, and i bet vivendi does have some stipulation saying valve can't release via steam before the box release...but it's still possible...however small the chance
Calmn down ppl the game will be out next week boxed ore steamd
Don't you remeber the last "official statement" couple a weeks ago ?

The game was suposed to be delayed all the gamesites where posting HL2 delayed blablabla we got a official e-mail and so on, and then
Valve sad it will be ready the 30th sept
Come on guys, look what they have done for us:

They have provided us with HL1, a marvelous game that has been embraced by millions of people across the world, and they have given users the ability to create wonderful mods such as Counter-Strike and Day of Defeat.

Fanboi #1

Dude We don't owe them shit.

They didn't do us ANY favors.

THey made a game to make money...and they made a TON of money. Pure and simple.

"LOOK at all they've DONE for uS!!!!"

You are sad dude. Worshipping a video game company as if they ran a whorehouse.
"Fanboi #1

Dude We don't owe them shit.

They didn't do us ANY favors.

THey made a game to make money...and they made a TON of money. Pure and simple.

"LOOK at all they've DONE for uS!!!!"

You are sad dude. Worshipping a video game company as if they ran a whorehouse."

First off, I am not a "sad dude." Second, I am not worshipping a video game company, I am giving them praise for creating a game that has had a HUGE impact on the PC gaming market; few games have reached the calibur of Half Life. And second, you obviously have no idea what it is to create a video game. As an aspiring video game designer, I don't care to create a video game for money; that aspect is hollow and unimportant. I want to create a video game to share my art with people around the world and hopefully those people will have a great experience of what I created. THAT is why people create video games. They made tons of money because their game was good, "pure and simple." If they were designing the game with money in mind it would have turned out like s***. The game rocks because Valve put a lot of their effort and creativity into it, and that is called passion sir, a passion for what they do in life. So, before you go on insulting people, how about think twice before you post instead of coming off as an ignorant, cocky punk that in reality knows jack s**** about gaming.
Very good speculation 64... very well could be right.. i think they want peeps to buy via steam.. and they will if it comes out on the 30th and not the retail version.
I am not in denial that the retail version has been delayed; it seemed obvious from the lack of advertising and retail stores knowing nothing about HL2. However, no one has said anything about Steam, and Doug was specific that only the "in-store" game has been delayed. Until there is an official confirmation from Doug, Gabe, Valve, etc. that the Steam version will be delayed too, well, yes, I am hopeful.
I am inclined to agree with 64.

I also think that maybe Valve is paying off certian larger businesses, Amazon.com, etc.. to print a confusion of dates, when these companys come to Valve for a date. When these sites post they're dates, then smaller sites and companys just use these dates. Similar to what 64 was talking about.

Concerning the email, I believe it's either fake, or it was sent by Valve to further the illusion. Though valve sending an email of this nature might be taking it too far if the second theory is correct.
Argh all this "oh no the games delayed- oh wait IT*S COMING! Argh i read the wrong text - oh shit it IS gonna get here on 30 - oh no wait here it says itw wont" is tearing me apart. I'm gonna become a mental phreak if this continues...
yea it might be released on steam earlier, but not 3 months early..

on the emails: we have multiple confirmations from Doug, including hl2.net staff.. so I dont think its fake, althought it definetely needs clarification.
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