Half-Life 2 WILL be available on the 30th (or my mother's a "headcrab")

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Well I am very pleased that this has been a reasonable debate, not some idiotic flame war with one line insults and rebuttals like "IT'S DELAYED. END OF STORY!! YOU NOOOOB! OWNED!"

See, debating can be fun if you just put a little time and thought into it
I may be a headcrab, but I do have 9,999 posts at IGN so I am not that noobish ;)
Half-Life 2 isn't going to be available to anyone on Sept the 30th.
Originally posted by pHATE1982
We havn't resorted to comments such as

"You're gay"
"You're such a fag hat"

We should all be very proud of ourselves :cheers:

It's all been quite constructive really :-)

The sad thing is this thread will get spammed with that once all of them wake up... our poor poor topic will burn to ashes ;(
I stand corrected. Please, for the sake of this argument, back up your thoughts with evidence; you'll seem less ignorant. Um..."OWNED?"
Originally posted by ilove64
Well I am very pleased that this has been a reasonable debate, not some idiotic flame war with one line insults and rebuttals like "IT'S DELAYED. END OF STORY!! YOU NOOOOB! OWNED!"

See, debating can be fun if you just put a little time and thought into it
I may be a headcrab, but I do have 9,999 posts at IGN so I am not that noobish ;)

Yeah I maybe be a headcrab too... but check out the date- May- How often do you see someone who registered in May post? :afro:
lol.... u may be a n00b ilove64... but at this rate of topics you'll be a zombie in no time at all

and i'll be an ant lion, lol
Well to remain ON-TOPIC, because I do enjoy a good argument, are there any other doubts to the evidence or theories we have suggested?
Originally posted by ilove64
Well to remain ON-TOPIC, because I do enjoy a good argument, are there any other doubts to the evidence or theories we have suggested?

Well i still think the steam and retail will be released at the same time. You havn't convinced me yet. (Though who knows what is going on with the marketting idiots)

HOWEVER, that could be sept 30th for all i know.
Originally posted by ilove64
Well to remain ON-TOPIC, because I do enjoy a good argument, are there any other doubts to the evidence or theories we have suggested?

My only doubt is that HL2 may not make it 9/30, even on Steam. I do not have ANY doubt that Valve has something up their sleeve though!
Originally posted by BlazeKun
My only doubt is that HL2 may not make it 9/30, even on Steam. I do not have ANY doubt that Valve has something up their sleeve though!

I agree. Maybe they'll bundle TF2 with HL2 as a big present to us all.

um, maybe not.... scrub that... who the hell knows any more?

I agree, anything is possible at this point. Perhaps they were aiming for HL2 to be available on Steam on the 30th, but as of now or possibly soon they could realize that they just don't have the bandwidth compacity and are forced to delay both releases.

I am skeptical, everything seems so vague at this point. But I shall stand by crazy Steam theory and hope for the best. I still have faith in Valve, but I admit, if HL2 won't be released on the 30th, I doubt I will seek as much interest of downloading it ever again via Steam. I mean, might as well wait for the retail or 9800XT release.
So that was the good news from quik yesterday... HL2 delayed ?

Wasn't supposed to make ma happy ? Well it bloody doesn't !

Any comments, quik ??
If I am not mistaken, isn't TF2 suppose to be a separate game from HL2? I think they could make more money from it anyways if it was purchased separately. In fact, I won't be least bit surprised if the only way you could get TF2 at first was via Steam only.
The alternative argument is:

Maybe they've had to delay the steam release because it's still buggy as hell, and thats why they've delayed the game. The retail version could just be sitting in boxes waiting to be shipped.
I still have trust in NeoMaximus too, I forget his real name, but he has a very credible writing career which landed him a position in the gaming industry. I do not think he would damper his name with fallacies. I still believe him that we'll get something on the 30th and that we won't all be dissapointed. I doubt he means the benchmark because that is a given.
And I really don't give a flying **** about TF2 !

I want HL2, bouhhaaaaaaaa !!!
Originally posted by ilove64
If I am not mistaken, isn't TF2 suppose to be a separate game from HL2? I think they could make more money from it anyways if it was purchased separately. In fact, I won't be least bit surprised if the only way you could get TF2 at first was via Steam only.

It is a seperate game yeah, using the source engine.

I just thought they might fancy giving us a present for being such loyal fans... buy HL2 get TF2 free :-) I'd be happy if that was the reason for delay...
"Maybe they've had to delay the steam release because it's still buggy as hell, and thats why they've delayed the game. The retail version could just be sitting in boxes waiting to be shipped."

Good point, in fact, excellent point. But I am still thinking about the 9800XT and I am trying to find out how bundling HL2 copies will aid them? I mean, isn't it logical to assume that the 9800XT will in fact be released before the retail.

Wait a tic.

Based on a contract between ATI and Valve, could the release date be pushed backed purposely, like I mentioned, maybe because the ATI cards were not ready to be shipped?
Originally posted by pHATE1982
The alternative argument is:

Maybe they've had to delay the steam release because it's still buggy as hell, and thats why they've delayed the game. The retail version could just be sitting in boxes waiting to be shipped.

I'm a big part of the Steam community... and Steam is anything but buggy for a large majority of the people... The problem is that there is a lack of any really good FAQ's and support pages from what I've seen, so the irc channel gets totally flooded with questions and it gets really stressing on the op's and peon's... We've pretty much seen it all, the massive influx of steam hate channels, people thinking we are valve and bitching us out on releasing a buggy program... To be frank we are just users who have been around for a long time and really know steam well. But still we can't answer it all...

Edit> Forgot to mention that most of the rest of the bugs will hopefully be fixed next update.

Got your attention :p

Okay, NeoMaximus just posted this on the PC boards at IGN. He is apologizing about the delay of HL2. He is totally confused by this email because he was actually encouraged to promote its release date. But he did state something very, very interesting:

"Roughly two weeks back, we were told that Halflife 2 was on track, at least for its Steam release for the 30th, with retail copies to follow about two weeks later."


Told ya, so my theory IS VERY PLAUSIBLE INDEED! The 30th we still might get HL2.
Originally posted by ilove64
"Maybe they've had to delay the steam release because it's still buggy as hell, and thats why they've delayed the game. The retail version could just be sitting in boxes waiting to be shipped."

Good point, in fact, excellent point. But I am still thinking about the 9800XT and I am trying to find out how bundling HL2 copies will aid them? I mean, isn't it logical to assume that the 9800XT will in fact be released before the retail.

Wait a tic.

Based on a contract between ATI and Valve, could the release date be pushed backed purposely, like I mentioned, maybe because the ATI cards were not ready to be shipped?

They wouldn't delay because the card isn't ready, because they could still bundle when it was (i think). I think they are planning on putting some sort of voucher for a free copy of the game in with the card.
Originally posted by ilove64

Got your attention :p

Okay, NeoMaximus just posted this on the PC boards at IGN. He is apologizing about the delay of HL2. He is totally confused by this email because he was actually encouraged to promote its release date. But he did state something very, very interesting:

"Roughly two weeks back, we were told that Halflife 2 was on track, at least for its Steam release for the 30th, with retail copies to follow about two weeks later."


Told ya, so my theory IS VERY PLAUSIBLE INDEED! The 30th we still might get HL2.

Very interesting news. The plot thickens!!
Originally posted by ilove64

Got your attention :p

Okay, NeoMaximus just posted this on the PC boards at IGN. He is apologizing about the delay of HL2. He is totally confused by this email because he was actually encouraged to promote its release date. But he did state something very, very interesting:

"Roughly two weeks back, we were told that Halflife 2 was on track, at least for its Steam release for the 30th, with retail copies to follow about two weeks later."


Told ya, so my theory IS VERY PLAUSIBLE INDEED! The 30th we still might get HL2.

o god... i can't be wrong.... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

ahh well

Oh and in reply to the steam guy. Yeah it may not be that buggy any more, but would the servers be able to handle the transfer of thousands of copies of HL2?
The entire post:

"I wake up; drink my coffee; and go off to check my PM's and email. I find literally dozens (across the two) with one common question... "What the F happened?".

I'll be 100% honest with you. I have no clue.

Roughly two weeks back, we were told that Halflife 2 was on track, at least for its Steam release for the 30th, with retail copies to follow about two weeks later.

We were told that it is in everyone's interests to promote the heck out of the 30th, and foster hope that in some regard, people would have access to Halflife 2 at that point.

And in my admittedly teasing way, I did just that, and am left looking like a fool for it.

My thoughts? Anger mostly. As a fan, i'm disgusted. The game was content complete weeks ago as last I heard, and barring a discovery of a huge flaw (NVidia perhaps? I honestly don't know) this decision was likely for purely fiscal reasons. I think developers occassionally get so enamoured with the idea that they've got an "epic" historic game on their hands, that they forget....

1. Gamers are the ones to be served, not vice-versa. No matter how good of a dev you are, you never have the right to jerk people around.

2. The people who work in some proximity to you put themselves out there in an effort to represent a product. It is downright tacky to pull this sort of "stunt", and it is little else, without letting anyone in on it.

So once again, I apologize, and feel as horrible as one likely can. On a personal note, I feel trounced upon, and generally upset at my own misrepresentation to you all."

As you can see, even as a game developer this is very ood. I cannot further prove my theory, this is probably the biggest defense in my case:

This delay has been planned from the start. The 30th, to me, has always been made to promote Steam. It just seems perfectly logical that the retail game would be delayed until the holidays.

I can see it now:

Steam releases HL2
9800XT released with HL2
Mass marketing for general market
Different retail versions released for the holiday season

This marketing seems very, very coherent and it looks like everyone is going to get their bucks worth. I can see why ATI didn't stop with the bidding, they are basically sitting on a gold mine.
Originally posted by pHATE1982

Oh and in reply to the steam guy. Yeah it may not be that buggy any more, but would the servers be able to handle the transfer of thousands of copies of HL2?

Could it ever?
Originally posted by pHATE1982
o god... i can't be wrong.... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

ahh well

Oh and in reply to the steam guy. Yeah it may not be that buggy any more, but would the servers be able to handle the transfer of thousands of copies of HL2?

Doubt it... but in the last couple of days the bandwidth has increased about 250mbit... and should get even higher the closer we get to the 30th
Originally posted by ilove64
Okay, for another benefit of the doubt, if they suddenly change the release date at the last second, what is stopping them from changing other statements they have reiterated in the past as well?

Sounds a bit 1984 to me :cheese:
Originally posted by BlazeKun
Doubt it... but in the last couple of days the bandwidth has increased about 250mbit... and should get even higher the closer we get to the 30th


I'm not a big steam know-it-all, so i guess they were doing this for HL2?

indeed the plot does thicken

edit: look look, i became an ant lion :-) lol
No proof here... But earlier today (or yesterday... gee is it 4:30 AM allready?) I heard reports of a bunch more content servers that were showing up for a few minutes, then they became hidden again. Not sure of the validity of this but it could be in preperation for HL2.
"I'm not a big steam know-it-all, so i guess they were doing this for HL2?"

This already has been discussed over at IGN. Some people think it's just because more and more people are using Steam now so they are slowly increasing the bandwith. Still, seems awfully suspicious so close to the 30th. Hmmm...
Originally posted by ilove64
"I'm not a big steam know-it-all, so i guess they were doing this for HL2?"

This already has been discussed over at IGN. Some people think it's just because more and more people are using Steam now so they are slowly increasing the bandwith. Still, seems awfully suspicious so close to the 30th. Hmmm...

Well after the huge amount of bandwidth taken by people trying to get a low SteamId, the bandwidth usage has be fairly steady. Maybe 50mbit more than after the servers calmed down. But not a huge amount in the slightest.
"No proof here... But earlier today (or yesterday... gee is it 4:30 AM allready?) I heard reports of a bunch more content servers that were showing up for a few minutes, then they became hidden again. Not sure of the validity of this but it could be in preperation for HL2."

Where did you hear this? I am not calling you a liar, but with all these coincidences you just have to be skeptical. But if it is true, well, let us hope...
i'm begining to warm up to this steam released first thing...

maybe i'l cancel my pre-order

Originally posted by ilove64
"No proof here... But earlier today (or yesterday... gee is it 4:30 AM allready?) I heard reports of a bunch more content servers that were showing up for a few minutes, then they became hidden again. Not sure of the validity of this but it could be in preperation for HL2."

Where did you hear this? I am not calling you a liar, but with all these coincidences you just have to be skeptical. But if it is true, well, let us hope...

#steam-hangout on gamesnet IRC. We see quite a bit of info like this, that has no relevant use at the time so doesn't spread farther than our own channel.
I can say for one that I will under no circumstances buy this game if what NeoMaximus speculates is found to be true. I find that concept downright dirty and I'll be proud to acquire this game from other sources, as there is no way in hell that I'm paying those stingy bastards at Valve any money at all if this is true.
"i'm begining to warm up to this steam released first thing...

maybe i'l cancel my pre-order


I hear ya, if this is true you can bet I am going to ask for a refund of my pre-order money. If not, then I'll just move the money over to Max Payne 2 as a down payment :P
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