Half-Life: Gordon's Dead

Jul 9, 2004
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Ok, this is a story I started a while ago. I've decided to start working on it again. You lucky SOBs. Lol.
Anyways, here's the story, though it isn't much: This takes place after the Half-Life story has ended. The G-Man disappears, and reappears years later. He kidnaps Gordon and begins to control his mind with new powers.

Chapter One: G-Man Says...
Gordon looked around. Where was he? It was…not the lab. But then, it could never be the lab. Black Mesa was gone. He was back to being a freelance scientist. Although it resulted in a drastic pay cut, he was alive. He couldn’t say the same for his town. Or the nearby towns. Actually, he couldn’t say the same for the whole south-western part of the United States.
Yes, he had failed his mission in protecting Black Mesa. Yes, he had failed in protecting his city. And yes, he had failed in protecting the whole country. But he had succeeded in protecting his life. And that had to be worth something.
Back to the situation. Gordon had been walking down the street to the Philotic Web Research Center, and suddenly he wasn’t. As far as he could tell, he wasn’t anywhere. He had just ceased to exist. It didn’t make any sense, but there was nothing around him. Nothing at all. There wasn’t darkness. There wasn’t light. It wasn’t black, and it wasn’t white. It was just…empty.
Gordon couldn’t feel the ground. That didn’t mean he felt like he was floating. There was just nothing around him. No gravity, no gases, no ground, no anything. Gordon didn’t even have to breathe. It was almost like everything had gone away. Like time had stopped, yet he was still there. But that couldn’t be true. Otherwise he’d still be in the street, only everyone would have stopped.
“Hey! Is anyone out there?” Gordon tried yelling. No answer. He didn’t even here his own voice. No echo, no vibrations, it was just as if he hadn’t moved his mouth but nothing happened. But obviously it had an effect, because a person appeared in front of him, and judging by the perspective, he was about twenty feet away. A light that seemed to come from nowhere, but everywhere at the same time illuminated the human.
Gordon froze. He recognized that face. He recognized that posture, and those cold, menacing eyes. A single word came out of Gordon’s mouth, unheard, but the figure understood it.
The figure made the smallest movement, and a stronger light beamed out, bathing Gordon with a bright, hot, white light. The figure was the G-Man, a mysterious person who had spoken to Gordon less than ten times, yet was a former partner in the inter-dimensional battle.
“Yes, Mr. Freeman, it is I. I’ve handed in my Medal of Honor in return for a much more rewarding power. I am the half-ruler of parallel dimension, one not yet explored by the backwards scientist of America. I have gained ownership of the Zoc’t’vic dimension, which is a dimension far superior and technologically advanced compared to Earth. That is where I gained the power to come here, Mr. Freeman, and bring you with me.” The G-Man smirked, waiting for Gordon to ask the question that they both knew he would ask.
“Where is here?”
“Ah, yes. I knew that question would come into play. The question asked in every sci-fi novel, movie, or game. Now it is being asked here, in the real world. Well, Mr. Freeman, where we are is far beyond your comprehension of the form of where. We have traveled to a semi-dimension, a dimension without the properties of a dimension yet. It is the same as if you had been in your universe before the Big Bang. That is as close as I can explain to you what this is.”
“So this is a universe that hasn’t yet expanded?”
“No, Mr. Freeman,” the G-Man allowed a small, half-patronizing, half-sinister chuckle before continuing. “This is a completely void universe. Every subatomic atom and piece of matter is reading your mind faster than you can think of things. You see, every particle in this universe needs a job. But, Mr. Freeman, they don’t have a job, do they? So, as soon as they have chance for a job, they take it. Almost like you, isn’t it, Mr. Freeman? Already, in the past five minutes that we’ve been talking, trillions of particles have combined to form billions of objects, but because you do not hold the images in your mind, they are simultaneously destroyed as soon as they are created.”
The G-Man looked to his left, where a planet the size of a baseball appeared.
“You see what I mean, Mr. Freeman? I just created a whole civilization, complete with five species, space travel, and of course, a religion where they worship me.”
He waved a hand, and the planet imploded.
“And now, as soon as they were about to launch their first ship to embark on a three-thousand year long quest for other intelligent life, they’re dead. I killed them, Mr. Freeman, but it wasn’t important, was it? I created them; so therefore, I have the right to kill them. For them, though, they had lived for millions of years. Time creates interesting warps in an undeveloped universe, doesn’t it, Mr. Freeman? They had a whole history on their evolution, beginning from small arthropods that breathed through their own skin.”
Gordon glanced around. “Why did you bring me here? I thought that we had moved down different paths!”
The G-Man glared at Gordon, seemingly angry at his short temper. “Mr. Freeman, we had moved down different paths! I have brought you here to pass on a little message for me. It’s quite simple, really. I’ll tell you what to say, and you, Mr. Freeman, will tell the other people about the apocalypse that is imminent for them. Will you cooperate, Mr. Freeman?”
Gordon spat at the man. Or, tried to. The spit simple flew roughly three inches, and them shot straight back down Gordon’s throat. “Bite me,” Gordon said as he gagged on the self-attack.
The G-Man smiled slowly, and chuckled once again. “Well, Mr. Freeman, it appears that I’ll just have to pass the message on to people myself, won’t I?” The man began to laugh.
Gordon didn’t understand what he meant, but it was creepy. Next thing he knew, he was staring as his body, but he was still in his body. The body he stared at melted away.
“Mr. Freeman, I’ve created a new you, a you which I have the power to manipulate. I have combined my spirit with yours, so that we share the same body.” Gordon said.
“What the-! You can’t do thi-“ Gordon started to yell.
“Yes I can, Mr. Freeman. I can, and I did. If you do not cooperate, I’ll just take total control, won’t I?”
Gordon knew that the G-Man wasn’t lying. He knew that if he didn’t keep his mouth shut, then he’d be trapped in the darkest corner of his mind. Knowing that, Gordon shut up.
“Yes, Mr. Freeman, that’s the spirit. Now, let’s get up of here, Mr. Freeman, and prepare the world for their doom.”
Without another word, Gordon was back on the sidewalk, exactly where he had been. Exactly where everyone else had been. Had time stopped, Gordon wondered.
No, Mr. Freeman, time hadn’t stopped. As I said before, an undeveloped universe created interesting warps in time. You really should listen, Mr. Freeman, G-Man said inside of his head. Staying silent, Gordon continued walking down the street.
After all, what the G-Man says goes.
Yup, yup. I'll post Chapter Two once at least one person has commented on it. I have six chapters previously written, and I'll continue it on from there.

I love your story man, it gives off a creepy matrix vibe (thats a good thing). Keep it comming.
As promised, after one comment, here's chapter two! I changed the "thoughts" of the G-Man into between tags, because it was easier to tell the thoughts and the speech apart.
Please Note: Later on, there will be intense violence, and some swearing. Just keep that in mind. Thank you!

Chapter Two: Apocalypse Now!
Monday - Day One
Walking down the sidewalk to the institution, Gordon almost felt normal. Almost. He had almost gotten used to the feeling of occupying the same body that the G-Man was, with him watching Gordon’s every move. Almost. Not to mention, he had almost forgotten the G-Man could read his every thought. Almost.

<Mmm-hmm, Mr. Freeman, I suggest you get used to those feelings. I’ll be in here until the day you die. > Gordon could almost feel the G-Man’s sneer. Almost.

<I’ll find some way to get you out of here! > Gordon thought, while he tried to concentrate on the sidewalk and not on G-Man’s snide and depressing comments.

<Snide and depressing? Well, well, well, Mr. Freeman, you have a bigger vocabulary then I thought. Oh, you know what? I think I’ll warn this professional-looking businessman walking by. He looks like he could use the truth. Don’t you feel the same way, Mr. Freeman? >

Gordon didn’t answer.

<You know, Mr. Freeman, it’s impolite to ignore someone. Will you tell the man yourself about the coming apocalypse and the downfall of humanity? >

<No, and neither will you! I won’t let you do this! > Gordon tried not to look at the man, but his eyes were drawn to him for some reason.

<All right, then. It seems, Mr. Freeman, that I’ll have to tell him myself, won’t I? Hmm, it seems like I’ll need you body to do that. Go into your hiding place, Gordon. I can call you Gordon, can’t I? Seeing as I’m in your body, I should be able to be more…personal. Don’t you agree? >

Gordon was about to run as far from the man as he could, but suddenly he lost control. He could still see, yes, but he couldn’t move his eyes. He couldn’t shut his mouth from the coming conversation.

“Nice day to die, isn’t it, sir?” G-Man – In – Gordon said to the businessman.

“Err, yes, I suppose so. By saying, “die”, what are you inferring?” The man looked uncomfortable by this sudden conversation-starter.

“The apocalypse. The death of every human on earth. You’ll all be dying this week.”

“Is there any, um, way to protect ourselves?”

“No, you’ll just all be shot and killed. Or turned into slaves to colonize this world so it suits the Zoc’t’vicians. You’ll probably end up living an extra two to three weeks before you die of exhaustion. Or maybe torture. They could torture you to death, or dissect you. Who knows, but either way, you’ll end up dying.”

“Ok, well, I need to get to work. Bye, now.” Without another word, the man jogged away. About twenty feet away, the man’s briefcase popped open, and three CDs in cases fell out. The man grabbed the first two he found, and ran off without the other one.

<That went well, don’t you think, Gordon? He’ll probably tell his friends about the crazed madman who talked about the death of every human. >

<I hate you. >

<Gordon, Mr. Freeman, Dr. Freeman, if you think about it, you’re the one who appears to be doing this. You’ll be arrested, and then I’ll really have some fun. >

<What are you talking about? >

<Oh, nothing. I just love how I can read your mind, but you can’t read mine. > With that, the G-Man continued walking down the street to the institute. When he passed by the CD, he bent down and picked it up.

<I might have a use for this, Gordon. We’ll have a look-see later on. >

<Just shut up. >

<How about you shut up, and I go down to the institute and “harass” some people about their death day? > Chuckling, he continued walking.

Fifteen minutes later, they were at the Philotic Research Institute, and the G-Man had walked up to the clerk.

“Hello, and welcome to PRI. How may I help you?” The clerk, a blond in her mid-twenties asked, smiling the whole time.

“Well, beautiful, you can start by giving me your number. We’ll trade.” G-Man – In – Gordon smirked.

“Eugh, you’re like 50 or something. Forget it. What do you want, creep?”

“All right, fine, can I at least talk to you about the apocalypse coming that will doom you along with the rest of your pitiful society?” G-Man – In – Gordon stared into the clerk’s eyes, seriously, but also cruelly.

“Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to leave. Either you leave, or I’ll be forced to call the cops.” The clerk was looking slightly frightened by “Gordon’s” face and voice.

“Oh, you’ll call the cops? On what cause? Speaking the TRUTH?!?” G-Man yelled the last word so loud that everyone in the room turned to stare at him.

<Please, just turn and walk away. Don’t do this to me. Please, please, please. > Gordon was so upset he was actually trying to beg with the G-Man, a cruel, heartless being that couldn’t even be considered human.

<Oh, don’t worry, Gordon, my old friend, it will get WAY worse than this. This is only the beginning of your new, personal Hell. You’ll be wishing you were dead right up until the day you die. Oh, yes, you’ll be begging for me to kill you. But I won’t. And do you know why, Mr. Freeman, Gordon? >

<Because you want me to hate myself, my life, and this world. >

<Close. Because I want you to RELISH dying, along with the rest of humanity dying. I’ll make sure that you go last. I’ll make sure you watch each and every human die before the mighty Zoc’t’vicians. That is why I won’t kill you. >

“Go ahead, babe, call the police. I dare you. Do it. Dial 9-1-1. You don’t have the guts. DO IT!!!” G-Man’s eye’s widened, and the girl stepped back, holding the desk’s phone. She dialed the number, and brought the phone to her ear.

“Hello, 911? This is Pamela O’Mackey. I’m reporting a…” The girl’s voice seemed to drift off as the G-Man began to talk to Gordon again.

<Well, Gordon, now that you’re going to jail, the real fun will begin. Will you help me spread the word, or will I still need to do it myself? >

<Fine, I’ll help you. > Gordon could almost feel the G-Man’s surprise. Almost. Or maybe he had imagined it.

<Yes, Gordon, you just imagined it. I hope you realize that I will still be watching, and if you stop for even one minute; if I feel one weak thought, I’m taking over. Got it? >

<OK, yes, I get it. Just give me control now. > Moments later, Gordon felt power surge throughout his spirit. He flexed his fingers and blinked rapidly. All the while, the clerk was on the phone, and watching Gordon like a hawk.

Maybe this was his chance. Maybe he could run, and the G-Man wouldn’t have a chance to react.

<That’s it, Gordon. I gave you a chance, and you blew it. I’m taking control back. >

<Wait! > Gordon’s mind raced. <I didn’t mean to think that! It just…came. I’m still human, you know. That doesn’t mean I have to listen to the urges. >

<Fine. But, you’re on thin ice now, Mr. Freeman. >

“So, how about that phone number now, sweet thing?” Gordon grinned a scary grin, and leaned real close to her. Oh well, he thought. Since I’m already going to jail, might as well make the most of it.

“Get away from me, you perv!” To Gordon’s surprise, she pulled out some mace and sprayed him in the eyes.

“OWWW!!! OH MY GOD! ARRRGH!!!” Gordon dropped to the ground, hand covering his eyes, and began to roll around. He tried rubbing his eyes fiercly, but it didn’t help.

<God! Help me! > Gordon literally screamed inside of his mind for the G-Man’s help.

<I don’t think I will, Mr. Freeman. I enjoy watching, no, feeling you suffer. > Gordon couldn’t answer. He was too busy sobbing and trying to clean his eyes. <Don’t worry, Mr. Freeman. The authorities will be here soon, and then the pain will be worse than you could imagine. >

Although he didn’t plan on saying it, he just began to scream what the G-Man had originally told him to say…

“The apocalypse is coming! You’re all going to die! None of you will survive! Prepare for your doom! Everyone will fall beneath the Zoc’t’vicians!!! Prepare for the apocalypse! It’s the apocalypse! Apocalypse now!!!”
There you have it. Every three chapters, I'm going to upload a ZIP file and post in on my first post, so you don't have to scroll down. Enjoy! Now, I'm going to bed.....

Chapter 3

OK, screw it. I'm not waiting for someone to reply this time. I just want to post the third chapter. This one's shorter than chapter two (only four pages in Word), and I'll be uploading the first three chapters in .DOC format shortly.
Please Note: This chapter is much more graphic than the previous, near the end. If violence disturbs you, do not read this. Otherwise, have fun!

Chapter Three - Jailbreak
Tuesday - Day Two
“Ughh…” Gordon lurched to his feet and slowly opened his eyes. Where was he?

<You’re in the county jail. You had passed out from the pain or something, and I took control. Now that you’re up, I can begin the fun. Mr. Freeman, I hope you don’t mind, but I’m taking control again. >

<Actually, I do mind. >

<Too bad. It doesn’t matter whether you like it or not. I’m taking control. > Suddenly, Gordon was drawn back from his mind, and all he could do was look through his eyes, hear through his ears, and smell through his nose.

“Hey! Pigs! Get over here!” G-Man – In – Gordon yelled. A cop idly looked up from his newspaper. “Yeah, you. Put down the donuts and get your lard ass over here!” The cop put down the newspaper and stood up slowly; his finger hovering over his tazer the entire time.

“What is it…Uh…” The cop looked at a sheet of paper. “…Gordon?”

“I just thought you might want to know how you’re going to die.”

“Oh, I get it. You go, ‘Oh, you’re going to die,’ and I go, ‘No, please don’t kill me. OK, I’ll let you go!’” The cop snorted. “Nice try, but I’ve been in this business a long time. You can’t fool me.”

“No, nothing like that. I mean, more like…Aliens killing you.” G-Man – In – Gordon’s eye’s widened. The cop snorted again. Angry, G-Man – In – Gordon gave the cop the finger, and instantly disappeared.

“What the hell?” The cop got up and walked over to the cell. “Hello? Mr. Freeman? Don’t make me get the court involved!”

Meanwhile, in the dimension that doesn’t exist

<Where are we now?> Gordon tried to blink. He failed. The G-Man was still in control.

<We’re back in the undeveloped dimension.>

<I thought you said it was an undeveloped universe.>

<I changed my mind.>

<Look, whatever. What are we doing here?>

<I want you to meet the Zoc’t’vicians. I want you to meet your ultimate doom.>

<Good, so you’re going to kill me?>

<No, but I will terribly injure you.>

<But then you won’t be able to use me anymore.>

<Actually, Mr. Freeman, I will. I can create a new body, and move both of our minds into it.>

Damn, Gordon thought. <OK, so let’s go.>

<Eager to meet your life of eternal pain, Mr. Freeman?>

<No, but I’m tired of you talking.> There was a sudden flash of light, and then, next thing Gordon knew, he was standing in front of a horde of Xen-like creatures.

<Yes, Mr. Freeman, they ARE much like the Xen, aren’t they?> Gordon said nothing. The G-Man let out a series of clicks and whistles. Every creature turned to Gordon and began to walk forward. <Oh, I almost forgot.> They were suddenly in the black universe/dimension again. Gordon had his own body back. So did the G-Man.

“What? Why?” Gordon looked at the G-Man, then at his hands, then back at the G-Man.

“I want you to experience the pain yourself. Anyways, you wont be able to run.” The G-Man chuckled. “Let’s go back to meet your…new life.” With that, they were back on the Xen-like planet. A seven-foot tall Zoc’t’vician stepped forward and grabbed Gordon.

Gordon cried out, but was soon silenced by being squeezed tightly by the alien with both of its hands. Soon, tears were running down Gordon’s cheeks as he was tied to a violent-looking contraption. His legs were tied to ropes, which were attached to a wheel. His arms were tied to wooden planks riddled with holes. From what he could tell, behind every hole was a half-inch metal nail.

Being a scientist, Gordon could see where this was going. Then something happened that he REALLY didn’t like. A leather-like headband was put around his head, also with holes. Directly outside the holes were very thin metal needles. Two additional needles came out of the headband and rested in front of his eyes. Everything was mechanical, and would definitely be very painful.

“Well, well, well, Mr. Freeman, isn’t this dangerous-looking? Let me assure you…it is. You’ll be sobbing for your mommy soon. And when you’re almost dead, I’ll transport you to the void and make a new one of you. You’ll never die. I’ll always keep you alive. Once your spirit’s broken, and your will’s gone, I’ll take you back to Earth, and begin the invasion.”

“Please…don’t do this…” Gordon was having trouble talking between sobs.

“Oh, I almost forgot!” G-Man began to talk to the Zoc’t’vician. The alien being nodded, and strapped a last band around Gordon’s neck. This band also had two needles on opposite sides of his neck.

“Oh, God…No…” Gordon closed his eyes, and began to try and ignore what was about to happen. The G-Man talked in the alien tongue. Following the order was a slow creaking. The creaking sped up, and turned into a whirring. First, Gordon’s legs began to be stretched. Gordon clenched his teeth. He heard and felt one bone pop, then the next. His eyes flew open, and traveled down to his legs. His veins were rupturing, and his legs appeared to be bleeding. They felt like they were bleeding, too. The roller turned one final time, and then stopped. His legs were completely dislocated, and couldn’t move. But Gordon could still feel the pain.

“Hurts, doesn’t it, Mr. Freeman?” The G-Man chuckled and narrowed his eyes. Gordon feebly nodded. “Well, it’s going to get worse. Much worse.” The G-Man began to rapidly converse with another alien. The alien responded. Then a nail by his forehead began to spin, and moved closer. It drilled less then an inch into his skull, and stopped. Gordon’s face was wet with blood and tears. The nail was pulled out. One at a time, this process happened for every nail around his head. Blood pooled around his feet, and Gordon’s muscles began to spasm. Just when Gordon thought it was at it’s worst, the needles in front of his eyes began to move forward.

“Oh…God…Not that…. Please, not that…” The needles move very slowly into his eyes. All Gordon could see was red. Blood everywhere. The needles went into Gordon’s neck, and he blacked out.
Until next time, enjoy!
Forgot about the time limit....You can download the ZIP here...Http://www2.foggysmoke.com/GordonsDead.zip
Holy crap, is this story that unpopular? Or does nobody read the forum?
heh... I will read it now...
hope is good, couse, Resistance is best fan story yet ( :) )
well, my only comment is:

This is great, really great...
G-man is so BAAAD, and he is immortal SOB!

Write more, dude... Just keep it comin'
Chapter 4

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it. I've decided to post Chapter 4 now. Make sure to tell me what you think. Over 70 views, and only two people have reviewed it? C'mon, how long's it take to write a quick response? 5 seconds? Maybe 7 if you go to "Advanced?"
Anyways, without further ado, here's chapter four!

Chapter Four: Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed.
Wednesday – Day Three

Gordon slowly sat up. He kept his eyes closed because he could still remember the pain from…yesterday? It must have been yesterday. Carefully, Gordon peeked through one eye, then the other. He could vividly remember dying, but here he was, fine. Except for some bruises, he was relatively healthy. Gordon looked around his new quarters. It was sparsely furnished, and had a stone floor. The walls were painted black.

In one corner, there was a low table. Next to it was a stool. Hanging above Gordon was a naked light bulb. It gave off a dim light. There were cobwebs in ceiling corners. Gingerly, Gordon stepped to his feet. To his left, there was one door. He walked to it, and tried to turn the handle. It was locked, of course.

Now what would he do? Gordon slowly walked over to the table, and noticed that there were a few sheets of paper on them. A pen lay next to them. Gordon sat down, and began to doodle. He had never been much of an artist, but he created a pretty acute drawing of the G-Man with his insides on the out.

Almost as soon as he finished the drawing, Gordon doubled over in pain. He was feeling the worst pain ever inside of his head!

<Naughty, naughty, Gordon. You should know better than to draw something like this. Didn’t your mother ever teach you good manners for your hosts?> It was the G-Man, of course. His cold voice actually sounded humored by Gordon’s drawing.

“Get…out of….my….head!” Gordon managed to say through gritted teeth. The pain was still there, but not quite as strong.

<You know, Gordon, you’re quite an artist. I just felt like complimenting you one more time before hell breaks loose.> Gordon knew what that meant.


<Yes, Gordon, today.> The pain began to subside.

“What if I don’t cooperate?” As the words left his mouth, the pain simultaneously intensified. It was as if someone, namely the G-Man, had ripped off Gordon’s skull, stabbed his brain with a red-hot fire poker, squeezed lemon juice on the wound, and finally pours salt on the mess. In other words, it hurt like hell. Gordon screamed and fell backwards, writhing on the ground as he raked his fingers at his skull.

<Is that enough to convince you?>

The pain was gone, but the memory wasn’t. “Yes.” Gordon winced at the thought of the feeling, and slowly got to his feet. The stool had fallen over, so Gordon picked that up, too.

<Good. Now, I’m going to unlock the door in one minute. You will walk through it, and then stop. Understood?>

“Fine, whatever. Just go away.” Gordon got up and walked to the door. After he was there for about a minute, Gordon heard the click of a tumbler unlocking. Cautiously, Gordon opened the door a little bit and peeked out.

<For God’s sake, Gordon, you need to trust me.>

“Why should I?”

<So I can surprise you easier.> Gordon pushed the door open all the way and stepped forward. The door slammed shut behind him, causing bits of plaster to rain on him from the ceiling. Gordon looked down the hall to his left, and then to his right. The hallway seemed to go on forever.

<Perhaps it does, Mr. Freeman, perhaps it does. Do you care to find out?> Thinking this was an invitation to escape, Gordon began to run to his left. After five minutes of running, he realized he was back to the same plaster-covered area as before.

“Interesting trick you have there. How long did it take for you to think that one up?”

<If you’re done, it’s time to depart.>

“Where to?”

<Your destiny. Otherwise known as your fate.>

“Back to earth?”

<Yes, Gordon. The invasion begins today.> Gordon didn’t even have time to say some smart-ass comeback. He disappeared suddenly, and reappeared just as suddenly, back on earth. He was in the same city he was in before, and the same street he was on when the G-Man first abducted him. In fact, he was in the exact same place.

“I’ll bet you think you’re clever, don’t you?”

<Walk, Mr. Freeman. Walk down to the intersection of 70th and Maple Street.> Gordon did as commanded. Unbeknownst to Gordon, today Hell will collide with the world.

“OK, I’m here. Now what?” People stared at Gordon as they walked by. After all, he was apparently talking to himself.


So Gordon waited. After fifteen minutes of waiting, a ship landed in the middle of the road. Actually, it crashed. The crash sent flames, stone, dust, and metal into the air. Smoke began to pour out of the wreckage. The explosion caused by the crash killed ten people, and injured many more. Just the wreckage caused havoc, and the day was just beginning. Out came the troops of Zoc’t’vicians, hundreds of them. They all stood in a formation, waiting for the orders. They had very dark green skin, almost black. They stood roughly 7 feet tall, with large, yellowish eyes and too many limbs. In every appendage they held some sort of evil-looking weapon.

Finally a hulking monster, even compared to the other soldiers, lumbered out. He carried an incredibly large gun propped on one shoulder, and used both legs and two arms to walk. The commander, as Gordon assumed he was, barked a few orders in a foreign language he had heard used yesterday to the soldiers. The moment this orders were given, all hell broke loose. Every one of the aliens ran in different directions, killing everything that moved, and shooting most things that didn’t.

Gordon was completely dumbfounded. What could he do? How could he help?

<You can’t Mr. Freeman. The most you can do is wait for the day to end. Or board the Zoc’t’vician ship and wait to be transported back to their planet for another day of torturing. That works too.>

Gordon watched a short battle between an alien and a man with an AK-47. After losing both arms, the man lost. Gordon couldn’t believe it. The human race had really come to an end. Glumly, Gordon walked to the ship, and waited for the next day to come.
Sorry if near the end it got a little fast. Please bear in mind that I wrote this close to a year ago. My writing style's changed a little bit. Anyways, I've began working on re-writing chapter 6, because it didn't make the most sense. I hope to have it done by the time I need to post in, to keep up with the schedule. Until next time,
wow. clicked on this thread by pure chance, glad i did now.

keep it coming, i'm intruiged.
Yeah! I've gotten a new fan by a finger spasm! Lol....anyways, I'll post chapter five once I have most of chapter six done.
Almost done with CHapter 6, so you can expect chapter five to be posted soon!
One more thing. If you read it, please reply! This has had 165 views, ad three people have replied?
Chapter Five

Here's chapter five!

Chapter Five: It’s All Just A Dream
Thursday – Day Four
Darkness. Darkness surrounded him. It engulfed him. It was his very essence. Everywhere he looked, there was the darkness. He swam in it, ran in it, breathed it, and drank it. The darkness flowed through him the way a lava flows through a volcano, bursting to get out.

Right when he was most comfortable with the darkness, it began to leave! Quickly, the darkness began to seep away from him. Why would it leave him? He ran, swam, flew, tried anything to get back to the darkness. It was futile.

White! Blinding, white light surrounded him now. It chased away the darkness. The light chased the darkness from inside of him. He felt hollow and empty. His emptiness, along with the light, scared him. It shrunk him. He appeared small and insignificant. When all the darkness was gone, the feeling began to leave him, too. Also, the blinding white light began to fade away, revealing a mountainous landscape.

Where was he? He, who could now identify himself as the scientist Gordon Freeman, tried to understand why he was here, wherever “here” was. To his left was a gigantic waterfall, which turned into a river, which turned into a blue, clear lake. To his right was a shed. Upon closer inspection, it had a door, with a lock on it. Taking out his crowbar, Gordon began to hit the lock. It melted and ran in small streams around his shoes, pooling near the soles. With the lock gone, Gordon could easily open the door. After doing so, he stepped in. It was much larger than it appeared from the outside. Maybe it wasn’t. Oh well, it didn’t matter.

What mattered was the puddle of lock. It was dripping into the shed. Although Gordon wouldn’t normally be intrigued as he was, something compelled him to look at it. The puddle had shaped an image of its former self, only without any real depth, or solidity. Gordon kneeled next to it. He took out his crowbar again, and prodded the puddle. The liquid instantly solidified before his eyes on the crowbar, but maintained its liquid state on the ground. Gingerly, Gordon stuck his finger in the puddle. The metallic liquid was hotter than boiling water! He checked his finger for burns, only to find the metal had once again solidified on another solid.

The metal on his finger was beginning get warmer. Soon it was scalding his skin again. Then it dripped off, and the pain began to subside. Somehow, Gordon knew this puddle would be important, but he didn’t know why. Or how. He just knew.

He stood up and began to look around the shed again. It seemed memories from Black Mesa were scattered all around. To his left, he saw a headcrab, lying on its back. A zombie was slumped against a wall past it. There was at least one of every Xen he had fought.

The headcrab was the most interesting in his eyes. Its legs were twitching at irregular intervals. Gordon walked over, and hit it once with his crowbar, which seemed to get longer whenever he needed it to be. After hitting it, the crowbar shrunk again. As soon as the crowbar had shrunk, the headcrab got up, as if just been woken from a deep sleep. It took a few steps to the left, then backwards.

Suddenly, the headcrab became aware of the presence of Gordon. It began to run towards him, and took a flying leap, screeching the entire time. Gordon raised his crowbar, which decided at that moment to turn into a pistol, and shot the creature in midair. It cried out in anguish as a back leg was blown off. Had Gordon’s aim really gotten that bad?

Surprisingly, the headcrab continued to limp towards Gordon, screeching in a more pitiful then frightening manner. Unfortunately, just because it was now a tripod and sounded weak, it wasn’t. It leapt towards Gordon again with amazing speed and strength. Gordon took careful aim, which he had time to do because the world had suddenly seemed to slow down at least 4 times. He shot the hovering headcrab three times right in the midsection. It let out a deep, slow screech which sped up into the all-too-familiar high-pitched screech of a headcrab as time sped up. The pistol suddenly turned into a shotgun afterwards, too. The headcrab fell on its side, and didn’t move. At this moment, Gordon felt a wave of relief sweep across him. This feeling didn’t last long, though, because the zombie Gordon had noticed before began to climb to his feet. Raising the once-pistol-but-now-shotgun, Gordon prepared himself for the attack.

It didn’t come. At least, the one Gordon was prepared for didn’t come. The headcrab that Gordon knew he had killed had leapt towards him; hole in his middle, and no leg. Yellow blood was all over the ground, and was still gushing from the wounds. This caused the headcrab to have slick skin, which partly helped Gordon not to be dead right now. It slid past him, and skid across the floor. Gordon raised the shotgun, and right before Gordon pulled the trigger, time once again slowed down. Gordon looked around at the frozen world. Some blood from the headcrab hung in midair. Without waiting any longer, he pulled the trigger once, twice, three times and watched in half-amazement, half-bewilderment as the bullets slowly shot forward, broke apart, and eventually hit the headcrab. As soon as the last bullet hit, time sped up again, and the headcrab spun in the air before landing on the ground with a “SPLAT”. Gordon walked over to make sure it was dead. He nudged it with his foot. It wasn’t dead, but very much alive!

What was going on? The headcrab should have been dead long before now. They never acted like this back at Black Mesa. Why wasn’t the headcrab dying?

Gordon didn’t have time to answer these questions. Instead, he shot the headcrab some more until all that was left was a very thin frame and two legs. It stopped moving. Taking no chances, Gordon kicked it as hard as he could. It flew through the air, screeching wildly. Eventually, it landed and skidded across the floor and came to a rest in the puddle of lock. It struggled to get up, but it couldn’t. The lock had solidified around him, leaving him melted to the floor!

Gordon looked over his shoulder just in time to see the zombie swing his arms at him. Ducking, Gordon swore at his stupidity. Why did he forget about the zombie? Gordon hoped that this zombie wouldn’t be like the headcrab, and never die. He shot it in the chest with the shotgun, as he nearly avoided another attack. It fell backwards, and then got back up. Obviously, it wasn’t going to die as easily as it should. The shotgun had transformed into a crowbar again as Gordon was pulling the trigger. Gordon didn’t know why his weapon kept morphing, but he didn’t have time to dwell on this. Crouching, he slashed at the zombie’s legs until the legs were rendered useless. It collapsed to the ground in a puddle of its own blood, but that didn’t stop it. The zombie began to crawl towards Gordon by digging its claws into the ground and pulling its severed torso forward.

Gordon carefully aimed and shot it right at the base of the neck twice. The headcrab jumped off, virtually unharmed. Cursing again, Gordon shot it as time slowed down for a third time. This time, Gordon was used to it, and took advantage of the slowdown. He grabbed the headcrab and, hoping time wouldn’t speed up soon, pushed it in the lock puddle next to the other headcrab. Backing away, time sped up again and the headcrab struggled to free itself. Gordon looked around at the other objects in the shed, which appeared to be more of a museum of Gordon’s past.

Nearby was the body of Barney, a guard and a friend from his days at Black Mesa. Other, unidentifiable bodies lay close to him, too. Shuddering, Gordon backed out of the shed. Whatever else was in this shed, he didn’t want to see it. Outside, the scenery had drastically changed. It was now a stone cliff, with a violent ocean below. There was a huge storm brewing overhead, and a man sat on a rock, slouched over and staring out at the sea.

Gordon wasn’t sure whether to walk up to the man, or ignore him. He looked vaguely familiar, but Gordon wasn’t sure where he’d know the man from. Gordon decided to take the chance, and walked over to the man. From the side view, Gordon was shocked at who it was. He was in his late fifties, or early sixties, and looked older, but Gordon recognized him instantly. It was himself, only older and more beat-up! The man paid no attention to Gordon, or even acknowledged his presence. He just stared out at the sea, breathing lightly.

“Why didn’t you do something?” Gordon was surprised at the sudden question. The man appeared to not even notice Gordon was standing besides him, so it took a minute for Gordon to realize he was talking to him.


“Yes, why didn’t you stop him? You had a perfect chance!”

“Stop who?”

“You know who. I shall not speak of his name. He let you live….if you can call it that. Daily torture sessions and no mental privacy is not exactly my idea of a life. You could have easily stopped him.”

“No I couldn’t have. I’m powerless against him.”

“Oh. Is that true?” The older image of himself was stretching and twisting into a new image. In a minute, Gordon was staring at the G-Man. “Glad to know you admit it. Now it’s time for you to wake up. It’s time to feel the pain of life.”

Gordon couldn’t help it. He began to run. Not in any particular direction, just running. Soon, he had skidded off the cliff. He began to plummet. All the while, Gordon could hear the G-Man laughing manically in his ears.

The ground neared closer as Gordon fell closer and closer towards it. Closer, closer, and closer still. The last thing Gordon saw was a rock which had the words “No Outlet” on it, and then everything went black.

The G-Man looked around. He appeared to be in a warehouse. Why? He walked over to a large manila envelope and opened it up. It was a letter he had written while he was at Black Mesa. He had sent it to the Black Ops HQ. It was signed “G. Man” He could remember vividly remember writing that. What had his name once been? It hadn’t always been “G. Man”, or “G-Man”. He couldn’t remember his original name.

But the letter didn’t explain why he was here. Or where “here” was. After examining a few more envelopes, he concluded this was a best described as a warehouse of his memories. There were pictures of his childhood, the Black Mesa incident, his days at the University, and fresher ones of him with the Zoc’t’vicians. Finally, he found a letter he had written in 4th grade to his teacher requesting a seat change. It was pathetically written, with many spelling mistakes and a barely readable handwriting. It was signed “Fredrick Georgio, 5th row, 3rd seat”.

Yes, that was it. Fredrick. “Rick” was his nickname. He had not been called either name in over 40 years. No, it’s been 50. That would make him…63? Age didn’t matter once you’ve been genetically altered by a superior race so your cells would never deteriorate. Looking through, he came across his college diploma, along with his DUI certificate. If it’s been 50 years since he was called Fredrick, it’s been around 40 years since he had a beer.

Fredrick, or Rick, as he decided to think of himself as, continued to walk down the aisles of the warehouse. He came across the obituary of his dead grandmother, father, and mother. He had forgotten what his parents were like. He remembered he had parents, but he had completely forgotten what they were like. After seeing pictures of them, he began to recall. His father came first. His name was Jose. He died at the age of 76. His birthday was August 5th. He was intelligent, but never got his diploma. His family couldn’t afford college, and his final high school GPA was one point below what was needed for the scholarship.

His mother’s name was Andrea. She had graduated college, and went on to be a realtor. She was 30 when she had him, and died at the age of 80. She was terminally ill for less than six months, and ultimately died of lung cancer. Andrea came from a fairly rich family, and always had what she needed. Her parents were amazed when she announced her engagement to Jose. They couldn’t believe their ears. They begged her to change her mind, and offered her many attractive men for her to change her mind. Nothing deterred her from marrying Jose, though. Her parents banished her, and acted as if Andrea was a miscarriage. Andrea was abashed at the harshness of her own parents, but soon grew used to it. They threw away all pictures or records of her birth, and would deny the fact that they had ever had any more children than three to anyone.

Rick didn’t even realize that was crumpling the photo. He looked down at it, released his hand, and let it fall to the ground. Before it hit, though, it burst into flames and incinerated, leaving no trace of its existence behind. Rick began to walk down the aisles again, examining different objects and letters. He began to realize that the artifacts were arranged in chronological order, going from the beginning of his life to now. He passed by a body of a long-since-forgotten uncle. He continued walking, and then he reached the area marking the beginning of the Black Mesa incident. There was a pile of ripped-up headcrabs, zombies, dead scientists and guards, and numerous Xen bodies. Then came the Zoc’t’vicians. There were few bodies of them, but mostly bodies of humans, ripped to pieces from the alien-induced massacres. Rick hadn’t realized that he had killed this many people, but most of them were useless. Anyways, it was time to, if you’d excuse the expression, “take out the trash.”

Rick felt no sympathy for the dead humans, but rather felt a pride that he’d issued the order that killed them. As he progressed down the rows and rows of memories, he noticed a change. He began to see things that he had never seen. He was beyond his current time. There was letters written in Xor’k, the Zoc’t’vician language, which he was fluent in. They began very orderly, but began to lose the harshness, and began to seem as if a confused man was writing them. He noticed grammar mistakes and incorrect characters that should have had an extra line or one less line. He was watching his own senility. The pictures were of him marching troops of Zoc’t’vicians around Earth, whipping slave humans. Gordon was in a few of the photos, and every time he was clearly unhappy. There were scars and cuts and bruises covering his body. Apparently, Rick had stopped giving Gordon new bodies as often as he began. Perhaps he had forgotten.
The next part of chapter five is in the following post. It was too long to post the entire chapter here!
Then, he found some more images that made his heart stop. His blood ran cold. There was a sequence of pictures that included the torture device Rick, himself, had hooked up to Gordon many times before. Except there was one difference: he was hooked up. There was blood pouring out of throat, forehead, and many other areas of his body. He had had his skin peeled back on both arms. The skull was completely visible; the skin had also been peeled back.

This was his fate? Was he going to be killed slowly by his own army? Why would this happen?

Rick began to feel really weak. It seemed as if the world around him was melting. No, wait. It really was melting. The shelves around him melted and began to swirl. He fell to his knees. His head really hurt. Rick grabbed the sides of his head.

All of a sudden, Rick was outside of his body, staring at his gaunt face. No, that wasn’t the face of Rick. That was the G-Man. He was no longer Rick. Sure, he could call himself whatever he wanted, but as far as the rest of the universe was concerned, Rick was dead. The G-Man was here to stay.

Rick watched as the G-Man’s head split into two pieces, and fell lifelessly to the ground. They, too, incinerated before actually touching the ground. The body of the G-Man slumped over, and millions of tiny Zoc’t’vicians poured out of his neck. They swarmed everywhere, chewing everything up. They reminded Rick of locusts.

Right before his eyes, the warehouse was chewed to pieces, leaving an inky blackness behind. Soon, there was no warehouse, only darkness. Darkness was everywhere. He couldn’t see anything, but he had the slightest feeling that he had seen this blackness before…
There you go. Hope you liked it. Chapter six will be delayed as we are currently being hit by Hurricane Gene. Please post your thoughts!
top stuff. i liked the quasi-science/philosophy of the first couple of chapters, hope it makes a comeback in some form.

Dude, are you a professional writer or something ? If not, I've never seen any normal person put such an effort in writing a story for people like us :) Thank you. Nice story. Now, give us more. You're teasing us like a stripper doing a lapdance. COME ON!!
Hi there! I'm not dead!
Ecthe|ioN said:
Dude, are you a professional writer or something ? If not, I've never seen any normal person put such an effort in writing a story for people like us :) Thank you. Nice story. Now, give us more. You're teasing us like a stripper doing a lapdance. COME ON!!
Haha, no, I'm not a professional writer. I've been writing stories since 5th grade, however. It's always been a hobby. I'm still working on the next chapter, but exams are next week, and I've got a really big project in English I've had to work on (Essay on The Count of Monte Cristo), so the chapter will once again be delayed. If you think about it, the delays are kind of ironic. It's a fanfic in the Half-Life world, and....well, you all know about the constant Half-Life 2 delays, haha. Anways, if you want, I'll post what I have written of this chapter (It'll end as a cliffhanger, but that way you'll have something to read!).

Wow, i'm enjoying the story, i'm hoping the conclusion isn't too downright depressing though, lol. :borg:
well, this isn't much of a spoiler, but:
No, Gordon dies. Just look at the title. I've always like writing stories that break away from traditional, hero-never-dies stories, so Gordon will not survive. Neither will any of humanity. I'm still trying to decide what to do with the G-Man, though.
I'm really sorry for the long delay. Please don't lose interest in this story! I've been writing when I get the chance, but I just had to trash a few pages because it didn't live up to the...."quality" that I expected from myself. Don't despair! The new chapter will be out before Half-Life 2 the game comes out! I haven't worked on this story in over a year, so it's kind of difficult to start it back up. Once I've finished this chapter, the final chapter(s) will come much easier.

Really good stuff, dont worry about the delay, I cant wait till you release the next chapter..good work.
ive seen this on fanfiction.net! Pretty good, reminds me of the matrix.
Wow, I didn't think anyone saw that story on FF.net anymore! I haven't updated in so long....Thanks!
cmon, master of beta!
give us a chapter... or at least first sentence... :)
Ok, because you asked, I'll give you the first paragraph. This should be interesting.....

[First Paragraph]
Gordon rolled over onto a rock. He leapt to his feet, instantly alert, pulling a non-existent crowbar/pistol from his non-existent holster and aiming it at the rock, which in his delirium was a non-existent headcrab. The non-existent headcrab let out a non-existent screech, and jumped towards Gordon. He yelped and dived for cover. When he came up from cowering, the headcrab was gone. All that was left was a rock, right where it had been sitting.
[/First Paragraph]
Hmmm....No replies. Should I have put that in spoiler tags? Is it that bad?
heh... ok we have First Paragraph...
we only need next 50...

Opter said:
Wtf? Lol...First post, and you're just squeaking....
Don't worry, I'm on my third page, but this one will be much longer. I think I'll just zip it and give you the link to download it, because otherwise it might even ooze into a third post if I was to try and post it here. Don't worry, it'll be coming soon. I finish up this semester's exams tomorrow, then I still have that ESSAY! (grrr) to write, but I'll still be writing when I can. It'll be up soon. How'd you like the first paragraph?