Half-Life: Gordon's Dead

Lifehost said:
Good stuff man, good good stuff. Read all 7 chapters in one go :)

ummmmmm the 7th chapter isnt out yet, is it?
Nope, not out. I was wodering the same thing! Must've been a typo on Lifehost's part, I'd assume. Believe you me, he has no inside sources. Heh heh....

Very interesting. I like the way you have G-man questioning his own fate even though it seems that he has total control in that undeveloped universe.
Im real anxious for chapter 7, it should be out soon, I really want to know what happens to the glorious g man
I know, I know, I lied. Half-Life 2's out, and the 7th chapter isn't up. Please don't hold it against me. I've been busy playing Half-Life 2 (FINALLY, IT'S HERE!) and I haven't worked on the story yet today. Hopefully you'll keep busy enough playing Half-Life 2, and the time'll pass by quicker.
The G-Man rules. Anyone see him in Kleiner's lab? He's there twice!
Ive just read every chapeter....I love it dude!!! ROCK ON!

Cant wait for the finale :D

Keep on writing too!
Sorry dude, I'm a gamer not a reader.


ps. good story though
WOW! GREAT STORY.......... HMM have you finish HL2?
Edit: What is your viewpoint at G man after HL2? (only for Beta Master)
Beta Master - Me and a friend of mine are thinking of getting into level creation/modding, would you mind if we attempt to use your story for a levels? Obviously there would be no release until they were good/perfect and, of course your go ahead/permission.

Sorry bout the double post - just to let you know ive done some drawings to plan out the story....i think it would be really kewl, short, but kewl :D

GAH! I need to know the ending... do it, do it, do it!
Yes, I think it'd be great for you to make a mod on this! As long as you could keep me informed on how it's going, and if you want, I can help with adding on to the story!
I've finished the game, yes, and now I really don't know about the G-Man. At the end of the original HL, I thought that he's a friend, so I decided to write this as a kind of alternate character thing. But now...He seems to help you, but he's got that air to him of a gentle grandfather about to set a kitten on fire. We'll have to keep our eye on him in HL3!
Kewl. I will inform my friend and we will attempt to get started on it asap. I will say im new to Hammer (though I have done maps for UT, UT2k3/4) and my mate has used Worldcraft before. I think it would be quite quick and short...but of course you can add to it. It will keep you up to date as much as pos.

Thanks again (mite b a while till get anything full on, ur warned ;))
Hi BetaMaster, i just love your story, it is just so perfectly written!
Nothing negative to say, it's just so Cool!

Cant wait for chapter 7! :D
I too like it... you’re quite handy with writing. I think you could be a science fiction author, seriously.

Cary on writing.
When is chapter 7 going to be finished? :D

Can't wait :) hehe
I'm really, really sorry about how long it's been. I've been busy with my Language Arts (I'm in the IB program, so it's Pre-IB) because we were given a 50-line speech from Romeo and Juliet we had to memorize, then before that we had a research paper on Shakespeare to right, so, I've been busy...I still work on the chapter, but I've been having a hard time finding the time to work on it for long periods. Rest assured, it's not cancelled, and I refuse to let this die. You might be interested to know that when I finish this story, I'm going to start working on another story, once again revolving around the G-Man being evil. I seem to like him being the bad guy, heheh.
Anyways, long story short, it'll come eventually. Don't lose hope, and make sure you remember what happened in the previous chapter!
Okay :D ¨ Weee :) ¨

And another story :O! Cool.. G-Man RuX when he's evil.
He's busy at the moment... but the end will come :D * GO BETAMASTER * :D:D hehe
This story actually grabbed me, I especially like the focus on the Gman, please hurry up with the ending!.
No, I hath not forsaken thou. I'm finally in winter break, woo hoo, so I intend on making use of this time, and with great haste, finally get the final chapter written. Trust me, I know how you feel, I've had this happen to me with other people and their stories (which I was into). I'm trying to think of a good, twist ending that nobody would expect, but not be too out there (like it's a virtual simulation = LAME), and I don't want to get all nice-guyish (G-Man lets Gordon live = NOPE), so, as always, the ending is the most difficult part. I especially don't want to just end it with Gordon dying, which could go something like this:
Gordon gasped for breath, and struggled to pry off the steel grasp that the Zoc't'vician guard had around his throat. He couldn't. In his last second of life, before he died, he saw the G-Man, looming above him. Gordon's vision began to go black, and a ringing started in his ears. Although he couldn't hear it, Gordon saw the G-Man's lips move. Gordon let out a final spasm, and fell limp.
The G-Man checked to make sure that Gordon was dead. Satisfied, he turned on his heels, and began to fade away to another dimension. Looking back at the dead figure of a man he had known for so long, the G-Man murmured one last thing before completely disappearing.
"Good bye, Mr. Freeman. Good bye."
That might sound good, but not really the angle I want to go at.
Anyways, you've now eliminated three options. I hope I can live up to the expectations!
Ah, but there are many ways one one can die, and more importantly by whom.... :angel:
well betamaster... that ending sounded pretty good to me ... hehe

But if you can come up with a better ending ¨ and of course you can ¨ it will be awesome! :D

can't wait :D
Glad you like that ending, I actually was quite proud of it after finishing it. I might actually make a complete surprise for the ending, and you'll know what I mean when the time comes.
God, I suck. I was hoping to get the ending for you as a Christmas present. Sorry...Now school began, and I'm getting situated with classes again...I dabble in and out of the chapter, but I'm finally progressing positively! My dad gave me an old Cassiopia Palmtop with Windows CE installed, and it has Microsoft Word. That way, I can type the story at school! How cool is that?
I know, I know. You all hate me, and have lost hope. That'll just be initiative to prove ya'll wrong. Mad props to those of you who still have faith, though.
Nah... you don't suck :p you have to take care of youre school :)

But chapter 7 better be good... ( ¨ of course it is dummy ¨ )

hehe.. oh and by the way, happy new year!
Damn this is good. So damn good. So mind bendingly good that i'll become a subscriber to this thread.
oh my god the series is so good! I love how you made the g-man seem evil (I think he is just.....misunderstood :LOL: but man you need to hurry up and finish or the imaginary head-crap will start appering ;)