Half-Life: Gordon's Dead

BetaMaster said:
Hahaha...You read it all in one sitting? That's gotta be unhealthy. What did you think of it?

And, @15357
Define "or else." :p

or else.....





oh yeah : :angry: :devil: :sniper: :sniper: :flame: :borg:

that about sums it up.
15357 said:
or else.....





oh yeah : :angry: :devil: :sniper: :sniper: :flame: :borg:

that about sums it up.

:frog: <--- A cute little smiley 4 U...
Ok...This is a pathetic update. Broke my arm, and just generally been shirking duties. To keep you a little updated, here's the title of the chapter (yes, I have more than that, don't even say that):
Chapter Eight: All’s Well That Ends Well

See? It's the final chapter. Everything ends one of these days.
And this will end the ridiculously-stretched out, six-month voyage that is Gordon's Dead.
eatbugs said:
prove it.

prove what?the gmans gonna grow a mustache?Yeah sorry, got a little crazy.just felt like spamming

EDIT:heres sumthin i drew up,you can use it i guess,its kinda like a vortiguant exept more musclier and not phsycic like vortigunts
All I see is nasty fake meat everywhere.

Great fiction though Beta.
hi again betamaster.. :D

Just keeping the thread alive a bit..
Keep up the good work! :)
Thanks for doing so, I didn't want to do it again.

Little update:
After a huge writing block, and basically me not even opening the Word document for about two weeks, I've figured out where I want to go with this. We're going back into the G-Man's head.

Things to look forward to in the exciting conclusion to Gordon's Dead:
-The G-Man loses his powers
-Gordon is held captive, unbeknownst to him, by the Zoc't'vicians
-The G-Man confronts Jose, his father

Yesterday I typed up about a page and a half, which is a page and a half more than I'd accomplished in the past two weeks or so. Today, I plan to type another two pages, if I can. I want this to be the best chapter yet, and it'll even include another big speech (I noticed that I've done that a few times in the past two or three chapters. I don't know why, I just feel that it's a good way to progress the story. Thoughts or comments?).

Peace out,
Awesome, I can't wait untill next Chapter!
Keep up the good work
Nice BetaMaster..

The g-mans speech in chapter 7 was awesome!

yeah.. keep up the good work!
Get ready for at least a seven page long final chapter coming later today!
Chapter Eight: All's Well That Ends Well

That's right! Just like I promised, CHAPTER EIGHT is here now!
I hope it was worth the wait! (The long, long, excruciatingly painful wait that is)
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Chapter Eight: All’s Well That Ends Well

Tuesday – Day Ten

Gordon twitched. Nothing. He shrugged his shoulder. Still nothing. Slowly, cautiously, Gordon raised his head. Nothing shocked him, and nothing poked him. One eye was carefully opened, and when no immediate danger was seen, the other followed. The chamber that Gordon was in was still dark, and still quiet. As he had many times in the last 24 hours, Gordon wondered where the hell he was.
In the past day, Gordon had been stabbed, sliced, shocked, burnt, frozen, spun, stretched, and had basically every other physical limitation violated. In short, he was falling apart mentally, and felt doubly-so physically. But Gordon refused to give in. Still convinced that the G-Man was testing his will, Gordon stood his ground. As he lay back down on the ground, preparing to take more voltage through the body, or whatever this room would throw at him next, Gordon tried to let out a weak smile. As his face hadn’t made this muscular movement in a while, this proved to be more difficult a task then Gordon remembered it to be, but this was simply because now it was. Finally, he accomplished this feat, although it was more the expression that might send a child screaming for his mother, or make a grown man feel as if something was terribly wrong with the world, which was fitting, because at the present time and being, there was.

The Zoc’t’vician scientists tittered over the monitor. Why was this human still behaving like he was? The scientists had never been able to perform actual experiments on this race, however, they had expected that the will would break sooner then it had. What was motivating this human, this man, this ‘Gordon’? Perhaps the All-Knowing was communicating with him. Determined, the scientists hunched over some controls and began to type notes, and watch the data.

Alone. All alone. Utterly, remarkably, positively alone. In an empty space, there is no other feeling stronger than that of the feeling that you are by yourself. This was precisely what the G-Man was feeling at the moment, and this was precisely what the G-Man was trying to escape from. He had lived with loneliness, breathed it, drank it. He had absorbed it through his skin, and made it a part of him. Finally, though, this feeling was no more use to him. The G-Man wanted to escape from it, but, like a bad addiction, he couldn’t. How could one escape from one’s own parent, house, society? Would running help? In a way, no. Eventually, you would either come across another problem, or live a continuous, pointless, meaningless life constantly running from problems. But that wasn’t the only problem. The G-Man was experiencing another problem. He had lost his powers.
It had happened an indeterminable amount of time ago. In a place where time meant nothing, the G-Man himself also meant nothing. He had lost track where he was, and how long he had been there. All that the G-Man knew was that he couldn’t leave. At all. Not only that, but his powers to multitask, think quickly, and move between dimensions had ceased. The powers that the G-Man had lived with for decades had completely disappeared, leaving him trapped in a place where nothing could enter or escape. For the first time ever, the feeling of loneliness had taken on a whole new, profound meaning.
This feeling made it hard for the G-Man to concentrate on understanding why, precisely, he had suddenly lost the ability to cross through dimensions, among other powers he had. What could have caused this? How? There were too many thoughts going through the G-Man’s head, and he felt himself slipping into human traits of fear, paranoia, and panic. These strange, alien emotions…Overwhelming his senses. Irrational feelings, doubts, and even fears spread through his body. The closest that the G-Man could associate these feelings with were from when he had first found out about the Zoc’t’vicians plan for his demise, and yet this feeling had spread to new magnitudes. Drifting. Simply moving, powerless, and utterly alone. The G-Man felt his grasp on sanity weaken as the time passed. How long, he couldn’t say. But it slipped past, and the G-Man began to lose touch with reality. He slipped in and out of consciousness, and sometimes couldn’t tell one from the other. Slowly the G-Man’s mind lapsed into darkness, and reality blurred with his imagination.

“Cruel, unusual punishment.” Where was the voice coming from?
“Murder, and genocide.” Rick turned around. The voice wasn’t there either.
“Are you proud?” Was he proud? What kind of question was that?
“Well, Fredrick? Are you?” Why was this voice familiar? Strong, commanding, and cold, the voice held its own ground in a back alley of Rick’s dark past.
“Answer me, Fredrick. Answer your father.” Of course! It was Jose, Rick’s father. Jose was a very harsh parent, and never gave Rick any sympathy growing up. “I never had a parent to coddle me while growing up, why the hell should he?” was what he always would argue to Rick’s mother, Andrea.
Hearing the voice of his father brought back a horrible feeling, a fear that Rick had not experienced since he had left his childhood home for good. The mere thought of Jose brought a shiver down Rick’s spine. Swallowing deeply, and trying to clear his mind as best as he could, Rick tried to reply. All he managed to do was shudder, and feel shame as tears moved down his face.
“You’ve brought embarrassment on your family, Fredrick. You and I both know that. The sooner you admit it, the sooner you can leave.”
Finally, Rick managed to find his voice to respond. “Leave? Leave where?”
Jose’s disembodied voice drifted to Rick, as he had still not shown himself. “You know where. You were just here only days ago. Remember, Fredrick? Remember the shelves? This isn’t the first time you’ve visited me in my chambers. No, it’s been quite the opposite. For having locked me away in the darkest recesses of your memory, you’ve came here quite often as of late. Each time you’ve arrived, have you noticed the dreams became more realistic? Each time you’ve arrived, have you noticed that the dreams lasted longer? But most importantly, each time you’ve arrived, have you noticed that they became more horrifying?
“Of course not, you’ve been too engaged in your quest to take over a planet which tormented you as a child, enslaving a society that you could not succeed in, by utilizing a society that you modified to succeed with you. What have you accomplished? You failed to adapt, so you adapted the world around you. You are a weak link, and so your decision was to destroy the rest of the chain. Why, though? Why couldn’t you learn to coexist with your fellow humans? Do you even know the answer? Have you even considered the question? I didn’t think so.
“Because you were too obsessed with revenge, it never crossed your mind what the consequences might be. You thought that you were invincible, and that you could mold the very fabric of space and time itself to work for you. But yet you created me, all those years ago. When I was locked away, I manifested the form I’m in now. A form that you can’t perceive, but you know just as well as I do who I am. By creating me, you have proved once again what I am currently telling you about. You didn’t consider the course of events that would follow. But in doing so, you sealed your fate. So I sat, contemplating how to escape, in the dreary corner that was your dark subconscious. In doing so, I learned about you. Every thought that passed through your mind subconsciously, I saw. I knew every one of your plans at the same time, or sometimes before, you did. Every time I learned some new piece of information, my strength grew.
“Soon, I grew strong enough to use some of your abilities. I was able to read minds, and see into the future. I saw, in that interweaving web of time, that you would be overthrown by your own enslaved alien race. Yes, Fredrick, I saw that you would be killed by your precious Zoc’t’vicians. Who do you think showed you? Me, of course. I knew that if you were killed that way, everything you wanted would have already came into your possession. Because, my son,” Jose spat out the word ‘son’ in a sign of great disgust. “Because I saw, before your fate, you had conquered the Earth, and the aliens still had not received what you promised them. You do remember what they were promised, don’t you?”
Rick was silent. He was engaged in deep thought. What had he promised the Zoc’t’vicians? Why had he obviously promised them something he couldn’t give them? It was too confusing to think. His father continued on.
“I didn’t think you would have. But why would you have? You had no intention of giving it to them; you just said what you knew they wanted, so that you would get what you wanted in turn. Sad, isn’t it?
“But as I was saying. I saw that before dying, you won. After seeing this, I knew that you couldn’t win. I didn’t just not want you to, I wouldn’t let you. So, I brought you into my lair, where I’m Lord, and you are a mere peasant, a slave working under my iron rule. So I showed you the picture. Like I expected, you saw it, and immediately began to contemplate ways to avoid it. I watched with detached interest, and saw that the webs of time were reshaping, and you were no longer tortured by your slaves. That was when I began to act.
“You see, Fredrick, each time you visited me, I gained more strength. Finally, just recently, I had enough energy to take your powers from you. How does it feel to be powerless, Fredrick? How does it feel to be mortal?”
The room, if that’s what it was, began to become glaring white. Rick tried to shield his eyes, but when that didn’t work, he tried shutting them. It was no use, and the intensity is still growing.
“Why are you doing this to me?” As difficult as it was, Rick was able to find his voice again.
“Why? Are you that wrapped up in yourself that you haven’t been listening to me this entire time?” Jose’s voice was still cold, but was showing signs of anger. Whenever Rick’s father was angry before, it was never good. Now, however, it could only get worse.
“Ever since you created me, I’ve been trying to decide how to escape. Now, I have finally discovered how to. Now, that I have enough power, I can. Now, that you have no powers, I have no chance at failure. Fredrick, you have no possible chance at stopping what’s about to happen.” In the brightness of the room, Rick screamed.

Gordon jolted up from where he had fallen earlier. How much earlier? At least two hours. He had been electrocuted to the point of near-death, and Gordon had thought that the G-Man was finally finished with him. It seemed that at the last moment though, he stopped. Why? The question burned in Gordon’s mind. He was done with the G-Man toying with him, and he decided that this time he’d take action.
Slowly, Gordon tried to climb to his feet. His legs wobbled, and all though he fell over the first time, he was able to get to his feet on the second try. As before, the room was sleek metal, and had smooth, curved edges where the ground met the floor. Looking up, the ceiling was impossible to see, as it faded to black. Frustrated, Gordon tried to find something, anywhere, that might reveal a way to escape.
After searching, and finding nothing, Gordon collapsed from lack of energy. He was amazed that he had managed to survive this long. Gordon’s stomach convulsed, as a painful reminder to him that it had been at least a week since he had last eaten, but probably longer. Starvation was a drawn out, painful process, especially when you had a supernatural being keeping you on the edge of life constantly. It seemed that the G-Man was obviously keeping Gordon alive for some reason, which, although not yet apparent, was out of Gordon’s control. He shut his eyes, and drifted off, yet again, into another restless, nightmare-filled sleep.

Jose looked around. He was in the very place he had been looking at less than two hours ago, but it seemed different while experiencing it. It seemed strange. No matter. He was free, and that was all that mattered. He would punish his son, and his son had no way of escaping.
< Comfortable, Fredrick?> Jose inwardly let out a tight grin. He knew what Rick was thinking. That was the whole reason that Jose was going through this routine. It was a mock of what his son had done to this Gordon. Jose felt that it was a pity that he was the only one enjoying the irony.
As usually, Rick didn’t respond. Jose smiled darkly, and began to test out his newly-inherited powers. He left this pre-universe, this undeveloped dimension, and reappeared back at the Zoc’t’vician base. Almost instantly, every Zoc’t’vician knew that he was there, and there was a feeling of urgency throughout the complex. It was overwhelming.
< Fool! Do you realize what you’ve done? The Zoc’t’vicians take offense to intruders. They’ll kill you!> Jose could feel the snarl that Rick was mentally transmitting. Both of them knew, however, that it was pointless for him to have said that. Both of them knew why Jose was doing this.
< You’re their Great Almighty, aren’t you?>
< No, I’m the All-Knowing.> Jose knew that, he was having more fun mocking his son.
< Right. They wouldn’t kill their leader.>
< How have you done this? You’re not real! You’re merely a thought that was always foreboding in my past memory! This is impossible. You could not have taken control like this!> Jose started to walk down the empty, metal hall that he had appeared in. Carvings lined the walls.
< Just think of me as a split personality, although I’m not.> There was a large door up ahead. It had five roughly-drawn symbols on it, in black. Obviously, this was the Zoc’t’vician’s language.
< I can take control. You can’t keep me hear. You can’t!> Annoyed, Jose pushed Rick back into Jose’s old quarters. Once in there, he wouldn’t be able to contact Jose anymore. Silence filled his mind, and almost instantly, Jose’s mind cleared. He recognized the language, and knew what it said. He was about to enter the Experimenting Chamber.

The All-Knowing was here! The All-Knowing had entered the complex, and was nearing their station! The Zoc’t’vician scientists began to panic as they began closing logs, and shutting down software. After starting up the machine that would read the thoughts transmitted by the human subject, they had realized that they were holding captive the All-Knowing’s Gordon. This was not just any human, this was the one that the All-Knowing kept free from becoming a slave of the Zoc’t’vicians. Not only had they taken a human test subject without the All-Knowing Ruler’s permission, but they had taken the All-Knowing Ruler’s own experiment! To make matters worse, the Ruler himself would be entering this very room in less than five minutes!
The three scientists stared in fear as the door began to open. This was it. It was too late for them to shut down any more equipment. To make matters worse, the human subject himself was still in the chamber! As the aliens awaited their imminent death, the automatic door suddenly snapped back shut, signifying that the being by the door had backed away from the sensor. Surprised, the three Zoc’t’vicians looked around. After two minutes, they began to exit the room through an emergency exit.

It's too long, part two's below!
Part Zwei

< I won’t let you do this! This is my mission! I won’t let you ruin my plans!> Rick clutched his head. He fell to the floor, and tried to push Jose further back into his mind.
< You’ve lost, Fredrick. You’ve failed, and there’s no use. Give up.> Jose pushed back.
< I won’t! Gordon Freeman must die! I can beat you! I’ve beaten you before!> Wildly, Rick began to slam his fists into his skull. He was losing hope. Then, he realized what the problem was. He had beaten his father as the G-Man. He couldn’t win as himself. He had to become the G-Man again!
I am the G-Man, Rick told himself. I am no longer Rick! He began to concentrate on his identity, all the government papers, his ID, and his mission to kill Gordon Freeman. Slowly, Jose began to weaken.
< What are you doing? You can’t do this! This is against all possibility! You’ve lost your identity! You failed as Rick, and you failed as the G-Man! You have nothing left!> Rick struggled to ignore his father, but at the same time he had to ignore Jose entirely, and destroy his self image. He was no longer Rick. He was the G-Man. Rick was dead. There was no going back; the dead can’t be revived. Jose was just a man. A mere mortal. The G-Man had defeated Jose before, but now, he would destroy him! With a final gasp of breath, the G-Man’s eyes widened, and then closed. He lay still on the floor, and everything went black.

The G-Man looked around, and smirked. He was in a large white room, with thousands of bookshelves in rows. He was in Jose’s chamber. Somewhere in here, his old father was hiding; like a coward. Weak and powerless, he had no other option than to hide and hope he wasn’t found. Feeling the power running through him, the G-Man slowly began to stalk his prey, like a cheetah hunting a shrew.
He closed his eyes. The G-Man could sense Jose’s presence, nearby. He was three rows over. The G-Man opened his eyes, and materialized a gun. It was a perfectly normal pistol, but then again, it was merely for show. This time, Jose would be finished off, and with the G-Man’s own two hands. He turned left, and began to close in for the kill.

This wasn’t what Jose had expected. Fredrick had been defeated. Jose had won! How had his son managed to beat him? How had Jose managed to miss that major flaw in his plan? He knew that Fredrick (or, rather, the G-Man), was now coming to kill him, and Jose had lost all hope. This must be how Gordon felt, Jose thought bitterly.
There he was. There was the G-Man. He was about a hundred feet away. The G-Man began to walk slowly towards Jose. Soon, the G-Man was right on top of him.
“So, Jose, we meet for the last time.” The G-Man was looking down at Jose, and spoke with a cold, emotionless voice. Jose didn’t even bother replying. He just turned away from the face of the G-Man. Then the G-Man was there too, appearing in front of Jose’s face again.
“Don’t even bother trying that on me. I’m sure you remember this place? This was your home, and this will be your final resting place. I trust you remember this photograph, depicting my demise?” The G-Man picked up a black and white photo, which Jose remembered vividly creating. It had the Zoc’t’vicians killing the G-Man in their torture chair. “Funny how in an instant, it shows your last sight, isn’t it?” The G-Man swiped his hand across the picture, and it showed himself killing Jose but, it seemed, cutting off his oxygen supply.
“So that’s how it’s going to be? You’re just going to suffocate me, you bastard? It’s a fitting name for you, now that I bring it up. You are a bastard child, after all.”
“You always were foolish. You think that’s going to even cause me to stutter? I couldn’t care less. You’re dead to me, and you have been since Fredrick no longer became my identity. All I’m doing now is killing the final, resisting roach in the trash heap. Now please, be silent so that I can finish the job once and for all.” The G-Man’s eyes narrowed. Almost instantaneously, Jose felt his lungs empty. Opening his mouth, he tried to breath, but no air entered. He could feel the air entering his mouth, but it wouldn’t go down.
Jose fell over. His chest was beginning to hurt terribly. It felt as if his lungs were folding in on each other. Jose’s vision began to blur, and it finally went black. But he didn’t die for another thirty seconds. Finally, Jose lay still for the very last time, and didn’t move again.

It was almost depressing that this man had spent his last few weeks living in the back of his mind, but given who it was, the G-Man felt no mercy. To him, it was all a job. One man threatened to bring down everything that the G-Man had worked for, and he had to be taken care of. So he was. With this threat no longer a problem, the G-Man still had other things to take care of. One was Gordon. The G-Man knew that he was in the Zoc’t’vician’s experimenting chamber, and had known. He had stayed away from it because he didn’t want to irritate them, after learning that he was to be overthrown. Now, however, it was evident that plan would never happen as the mastermind behind it was finally dead.
The G-Man decided right there that he would finish of Gordon right now, and he’d do it in the very room that Gordon had been in for the past few days. Gordon’s time had come, and his will was decimated. Gordon didn’t care whether he lived or died anymore, so he was of no more use. The G-Man had also run out of punishments.
The first thing that he had to do was get out of this dream world. How, though? He had never tried leaving a world that existed in his mind. He had never tried entering one, for that matter. His subconscious, or Jose, had done that. The G-Man tried the usual routine of moving through space, and found that, like expected, he was seeing completely different universes all around him. He was in another dimensions’ dimension, and escaping wouldn’t be easy. So, now knowing that he couldn’t just “walk” out, the G-Man tried leaving the dream by simply traveling to the real world. It was unexplainable how he did it. It was accomplished the same way he’d travel between worlds and dimensions, but it was almost completely different. He had to “skip” over the other worlds in this dimension to get out, and “leap” to another universe. With an uncomfortable, sickening lurch, he woke up.
The G-Man immediately got to his feet, and walked towards the Experimenting Chamber. The door automatically opened, and closed after he walked through it. There was a glass window in the front, where he could see Gordon laying on the floor in the chamber below. Gordon appeared to be asleep, so the G-Man gave him a jolt by using one of the machines spread out around the cramped room. Gordon flinched, and tried staggering to his feet. He fell over, and didn’t get up.

< Mr. Freeman.> Gordon’s eyes opened again. The G-Man was finally showing himself. Gordon knew that this meant he was finally going to be finished off, so he looked around weakly. Now, for the first time, Gordon could make out a small glass pod a ways up the chamber’s smooth walls. With great effort, and a lot of straining, Gordon managed to sit up. Although unsteady, he could at least see the window better. Up in the pod, Gordon could barely make out a lone figure. The G-Man.
< You and I both know why I’m here, Mr. Freeman, so I won’t dance around the reason. But before I do what I came here to do, Mr. Freeman, I wanted to ask you a few questions.> Gordon began to cough, and fell onto his chest again. He managed to barely get himself up again.
“What…Wh…Wh…” Gordon couldn’t finish his sentence, but the G-Man knew what he was asking. He launched right into his question.
< You see, Mr. Freeman, I’ve been wondering something. Do you think your life has been worthwhile? In the most recent years, you’ve nearly been killed by an invading alien race, and now you’re about to be killed by one of your own. So, what have you accomplished in these years? Have you done anything memorable? More so, have you accomplished anything that hasn’t been destroyed when the Earth was enslaved? Yes, in case you were wondering, Earth is no longer the planet you remember. It’s been completely, how shall I put it, redecorated, to fit the Zoc’t’vicians’ needs. You are, in essence, the last human being alive.
< I don’t count, Mr. Freeman. I’ve seceded from the Human race. I am no longer one of your kind. I believe we’ve been over this already, but I’m my own species now. I am an evolved form of your pitiful race, and I will succeed where you failed. So, Mr. Freeman, answer the question. Are you proud? Have you accomplished anything that still exists? Did you ever find a purpose in your life?> The G-Man stopped talking, and kept staring at Gordon, motionless.
Gordon nodded, and whispered an answer. “My purpose was to kill sons of bitches like you.”
The G-Man chucked. < Well, Mr. Freeman, it seems you failed at that, doesn’t it?> Gordon didn’t reply. After a few minutes, the G-Man shrugged, and spoke through a voice amplification device in the pod that was similar to a microphone. It allowed Gordon to hear him.
“Mr. Freeman, Gordon, former colleague, you had a good run, but I’m afraid you’ve simply… ran out of time. Goodbye, Gordon. Goodbye.” Gordon’s eyes opened fully, and his pupils dilated. It felt as if his brain were on fire. Choking, Gordon began to roll on the floor in spasms as he felt his entire nerve system burn. It was the worst pain he had ever experienced, but in a way, it was a relief to know that this was the last pain Gordon would have to experience. Unfortunately, Gordon wasn’t able to focus on this. He could actually feel the nerves being destroyed, and parts of his brain shutting down. Gordon knew he’d be dead soon. Parts of his body started going limp as the nerves were lost there. Soon, all he had left was his vision and his brain. Slowly, Gordon watched in horror as his vision faded away, and the pain was left just in his head. Gordon expected to see his entire life flash before his mind, but instead, he saw the G-Man, looming over him. Before he finally died, Gordon saw the G-Man give a smirk, and a wave. Then his mind went blank, and Gordon lay still for the last time.

All was complete. The G-Man knew that Gordon was dead, and he had defeated Jose. Earth was now owned by the Zoc’t’vicians, and the human race had been vanquished. What was left? What purpose did the G-Man have left in his life? Deep in thought, he left the room, without looking back at the corpse of his longtime foe. The G-Man walked down the long, empty hallway, until he came to a large window. In the center of the window sat the Earth. Once blue, white, and green, it was now a dull brown, grey, and red. It was a wasteland. At this moment, the G-Man realized he had no goal in his life anymore. He sat down, staring out into the murky blackness of space into the hazy brown rock that was his home, and for the first time in his adult life, wept.



What do you think? Was it worth the wait? I hope it was! In Microsoft Word, the final size of this chapter was eight full pages, and about a quarter of the ninth page! I've also included the RAR, if you want the collection.


  • Gordon's Dead FULL.zip
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Congratulations on the story BetaMaster!!!
It is so great! Omg..

Cant find words to explain... uhm... WOW!

And the ending.. :'( WaaaH.. Almost got tears in my eyes.. (seriously)
So well written!
Make a book .. NOW!.. :)

i give the story 10 out of 10 stars.. :D
Make another story!..
@Gordon's Brother
Nope, no more chapters for you! That was the end. Where would there be to go? Think about it: Gordon's dead (hence the obvious conclusion to the story), so what could I continue it on? Gordon's Dead 2: He's Still Dead? Nahh. Earth's gone, and the only other threat to the G-Man's gone (his father). Hope you liked it, anyways. I always add cliffhangers to the end, but this one was intended.

I'm really glad you liked it. I'm gonna take a little break from writing a full story, because I've started developing a flash cartoon called City Limits. It'll be finished sometime, and we'll be posting it on Newgrounds as well as DeviantArt. I'm actually glad that you found the ending so emotional. I was trying for that. I'll be emailing the full story to Marc Laidlaw later today, so I'll keep you all updated on how he responds!
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1nice Job!
I got a reply!
I sent him this:

From: Brad [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2005 2:24 PM
To: Marc Laidlaw
Subject: Half-Life: Gordon's Dead


My name is Brad Stemm. I’m 14 years old, live in Florida, and am a freshman in high school. I love to write, and have loved to write since I learned to write. I’ve been reading books since I was in kindergarten, and first started reading the Goosebumps series in first grade. Obviously, over the years, my writing’s improved. I also love to draw, but I focus more on my writing.
I’ve been working (over the past few months) on a story set in the Half-Life world. I called this story ‘Half-Life: Gordon’s Dead.’ It’s a story where the G-Man is evil (as I’ve suspected him of being), and captures Gordon after obtaining incredible powers. As an act of revenge, he takes Gordon on a journey of the last week of his life. During this week, he uses an alien army that he (the G-Man) controls to take over and destroy the earth. At the end of the week, Gordon is killed (hence the title).
I’ve posted this story on HalfLife2.net, and the members that read it said that they loved it. They suggest that I send it in to you, so here I am. I hope you’ll read it, and hope even more that you’ll enjoy it. Please send in your comments after reading it!

Thanks for your time,


And he replied with this

Dear Brad,

Valve's lawyers will be in touch with you shortly. We had planned on featuring Gordon in further adventures, but thanks to you, he is dead.

It's great that you put so much energy into your writing, and actually finished what you started. If you want to be a writer, you just have to do that over and over again. I was going through my drawers last night looking at some of my old stories, and discovered that the first one I sold was about the 70th I'd written. So, that's the best advice I can give you. Just keep at it.

Marc Laidlaw

Awesome! There ya go. You just gotta write 70 stories!
BetaMaster said:
@Gordon's Brother
Nope, no more chapters for you! That was the end. Where would there be to go? Think about it: Gordon's dead (hence the obvious conclusion to the story), so what could I continue it on? Gordon's Dead 2: He's Still Dead? Nahh. Earth's gone, and the only other threat to the G-Man's gone (his father). Hope you liked it, anyways. I always add cliffhangers to the end, but this one was intended.

I'm really glad you liked it. I'm gonna take a little break from writing a full story, because I've started developing a flash cartoon called City Limits. It'll be finished sometime, and we'll be posting it on Newgrounds as well as DeviantArt. I'm actually glad that you found the ending so emotional. I was trying for that. I'll be emailing the full story to Marc Laidlaw later today, so I'll keep you all updated on how he responds!

now the prophecy is fulfilled.............

the apocalypse is coming.....
More people need to give thoughts on the ending! C'mon, this has now had over 11,000 views!
Come on Somebody give some thoughts about the ending!

i cant make more that one... i'm only 1 person.. ;)

EDIT: oh.. and by the way BetaMaster. i've edited my signature.. with a link to your story..
Hope you find it okay with a little advertisement for your story ¨book¨
Ok heres my thoughts:keep making stories with endings as good as this and youll most likely become a world famous writer next to Stephen King and all those other dude!
Antlion Hunter said:
Ok heres my thoughts:keep making stories with endings as good as this and youll most likely become a world famous writer next to Stephen King and all those other dude!

I'll have to keep you guys updated on my non-Half Life-related story I'm going to be working on. It's a horror story.
Everything goes according to the prophecy.

The story will incite a revolution that will destroy the entire HL2.net along with the admins..

the mods will be hanged publicly and BetaMaster will rise up as the new leader of this forsaken lands....

if you do, can i be your right hand man?
BetaMaster said:
Heh, cool. Both of you can. When does this revolution take place?
Your sig says, read the exciting conclusion to Gordon's dead. A few thousand people have read it and haven't commented, think maybe it's not that exciting after all?
Fleabaine said:
Your sig says, read the exciting conclusion to Gordon's dead. A few thousand people have read it and haven't commented, think maybe it's not that exciting after all?

Well, considering I've posted a few stories here and they only lasted for a few weeks (sylvester the polaroid crab) and this has been a frontrunner ever since I can remember, yeh I think it has to be great!!
Fleabaine said:
Your sig says, read the exciting conclusion to Gordon's dead. A few thousand people have read it and haven't commented, think maybe it's not that exciting after all?
Anyways, would it attract more people if I said "Read the boring conclusion of an otherwise uneventful story of mine, Gordon's Dead"?
BetaMaster said:
Anyways, would it attract more people if I said "Read the boring conclusion of an otherwise uneventful story of mine, Gordon's Dead"?


actually, yes...

wait, yes....

or perhaps...


and as Fleabrain doesn't respect your wonderful story, ignore.

edit: oh and the rwvoulution takes place when you post a thread saying : "T3h int3rn3t revoulution!"