Half-Life: Gordon's Dead

Hi :D
Just wanted to keep this thread alive.. :D

The ending is going to be so sweeT!
I've made some changes. At this point in time, Chapter Seven will NOT be the final chapter! The story will continue on to Chapter Eight, and then end.
I like the way I want it to end now, which is good.
I also failed two quizzes in Algebra II this week, which is not good.

Just wanted to show I'm still alive.

I started reading this at fanfiction.net almost a year ago, and had forgotten it since. I didn't read all the episodes back then, but now I remembered this again and read everything. This is really good, I hope we don't have to wait much longer
Gordon's Brother said:
This would be an awsome story for a mod :cool:

Hmm .. maby :imu: it sure would be great! But i don't think that anyone wants to do it...
Chapter Seven really does not exist. It's just a myth made up to get children to behave good.
BetaMaster said:
I've made some changes. At this point in time, Chapter Seven will NOT be the final chapter! The story will continue on to Chapter Eight, and then end.
I like the way I want it to end now, which is good.
I also failed two quizzes in Algebra II this week, which is not good.

Just wanted to show I'm still alive.


you've been delaying the last chapter for a long time just to piss people off.

quit blaming the chapter 7 delays on school

if you failed two quizzes in algebra II, you were not spending all your time studying, you frickin liar.
Beta, i know how you feel, i'm in essentialy the same predicement.
Here's a question: are you anywhere near done with Chapter 7?. I want to know what happens next, and how it ends. I know I'll have to wait till Chapter 8, but still..... :E
so far its about 1/4 and its a watery map.I'll probably make like six million changes before im done.I also cant get the skybox working.sry bout da double post ill post some shots later.
rocklegendfm99 said:
you've been delaying the last chapter for a long time just to piss people off.

quit blaming the chapter 7 delays on school

if you failed two quizzes in algebra II, you were not spending all your time studying, you frickin liar.

In a way, you're right, and in a way, you're completely wrong. Yes, I admit, I have not been taking responsibility for writing the chapter. I've probably got a D in math, and I'm working on raising it, but that's not the reason I haven't been writing.

I'm just really bad at procrastinating. I haven't been doing this to procrastinate, I just don't know how to go on. Today, I wrote two pages, and the story's now up to three pages long, almost four. That shows how much I had, vs how much I can write when I work on it. My main problem with writing is that I know how I want to begin stories, and I know how I want to end them. I just don't know how to get from point A to point B, so to speak. I promise you, this story will be finished. I also promise you that I'll try to start working on it with the same vigor that I began.

It wasn't right for me to attempt to play the blame game with lame escuses. While you could have probably phrased that a bit more, er, mature, I at least want to commend you for taking the stand.

Sorry to all of you I haven't been fully honest with. I'm horrible with deadlines.

Thank you.
end it like with the gman saying (Gman)"goodbye Mr.freeman this is Your stop."(Gordon)What the heck?"
The dark fades away and he is back where the gman first took over his body and nobady even sees what happened.(Gman echo)"That,Mr.Freeman was just a preview of things to come[maniacal laughter]
hows that,weird probably, lol
in hl3 you will probably figure out the gman's real name.
Hay again Betamaster...! :D
Just a little question.. Cuz i love this story :)
Are you going to make more half-life fan fic' after this story has come to an end??

Oh.. and as for the 7th chapter.. Keep up the good work :cheers:
Guys, be patient. He says he probally has a low grade in math and he needs to bring it up. Well if you guys had a low grade in Math or Science or whatever I'm sure you guys would want to bring it up. I know I would. Besides, passing school is more important then writing a fan fiction. I wouldnt want to keep my fans waiting if I was a writer like Beta Master, but if one of my grades in school was a low grade then I'd have to study some more, and worry about the fan fiction some other time. Anyways, be patient guys, I know its hard but he'll be done shortly, I think.
Chapter Seven!

I finished! Oh my God, you cannot believe how relieved I am to have finished this chapter! Wow...
I hope it lives up to the expectations! I've added a few more twists, so enjoy it!
Chapter Seven: Alliance is a Four Letter Word

Monday – Day Nine

“Ugh.” Gordon got up and shook his head. Where was he now? What day was it? Was that a noise behind him?
Gordon turned around on the heel of his feet, only to come face-to-face with the G-Man. Usually, he wore a smirk, but today, the G-Man’s face was grave.
“What do you want.” Gordon wasn’t asking a question. It was just a flat statement. He knew what the G-Man wanted. It was the same thing he always wanted. He brought some form of news or instrument to further torture Gordon.
“As you know, it’s been a week since we became re-acquainted.” The G-Man appeared uncomfortable in this room with Gordon. Why?
“It’s only been a week? No. It’s been longer. You’re lying.”
The G-Man slowly shook his head. “No, it’s been a week. A lot’s happened in this week. Care to see?” The G-Man extended an arm. Gordon shrugged his shoulders, and also extended an arm.
They were off. Gordon only caught glimpses of each area they appeared in, but it was enough to understand. First, they were in what appeared to be a dilapidated library. A strange sort of makeshift throne was in the center of the broken-down building. It appeared to be made of chewed paper.
“Yes, that’s paper. Interesting, isn’t it? Hundreds of years of knowledge you humans gathered, only to be reduced to a chair for the Ruler to sit upon. It should make you think about your whole life. What did it accomplish? Nothing. There’s a chance that your research paper from the University is buried among that paper, as well.” A large brown alien came lumbering out of a hole nearby, and was dragging a large chain of people behind it. The alien, who was presumably the Ruler of this area, sat down in the throne with a heavy thud, and grabbed a person. Gordon tried to shut his eyes, but the G-Man was controlling him again. Disgusted, Gordon was forced to watch this monstrosity eat a citizen alive.
Then the location changed. They were at an intersection now. A ship lay crashed to the left of them. The air was thick with a smoke that smelled like rotting plants. Cars lay strewn about, some smoldering, with charred rubble nearby them. Craters varying in size and shape were all around, which Gordon assumed were created by some massive weapon.
“Familiar, Mr. Freeman? It should be. This is the street that you were on the first time I teleported you away. Look, over there,” the G-Man pointed to a street corner, “Over there is where I took control and warned the man of the end. Foolish, he was. Maybe now he takes you more seriously. But wait, he can’t. It would be quite a task for him to take you seriously, since he’s now not among the living anymore.”
Just as suddenly as before, they were in a cave. The smell of mold clung to Gordon’s nostrils. It was putrid, but there was nothing Gordon could do to avoid the stench. He had to bear it, but the humans chained together with dull pickaxes were too much to stand. There were watched over by a large type of Zoc’t’vician that Gordon hadn’t seen before, but Gordon was used to seeing new forms of this horrid race these days. The humans were further digging through the tunnel, and another chained group of humans were pulling large containers up a track to dump the dirt and rocks. Deep in the bowels of the tunnel, Gordon saw a faint illumination. The G-Man began to make Gordon float down the tunnel. Along the walls, messages were scratched it, mainly marking dates of stopping the digging. Sometimes a message would begin which seemed to be directed to another human, but the words would stop abruptly, and a splotch of blood would follow the scratchings. Apparently the Zoc’t’vicians don’t like humans talking to each other.
Gordon shook his head, in a futile attempt to clear the images swirling through his mind of a man hunched over this very same portion of the wall. In this image, the man was scratching the message; eyes darting over his shoulder every few moments. Suddenly, a Zoc’t’vician grabbed the man’s shoulder, and before he could cry out, his insides were slashed out. Had Gordon eaten in the last 48 hours, he would have vomited. But, as he hadn’t, nothing noticeable came up. It was after this that Gordon realized that he was no longer moving down the tunnel. He had stopped. As the confusion set, the G-Man answered his unasked question.
“Very pretty, isn’t it, Mr. Freeman? You see, if you think about it, a simple-minded race such as the Zoc’t’vicians were able to develop space travel, adapt to other planets, and triumph over any form of life they face. Oh? Well, Mr. Freeman, that wasn’t a very nice thought. Yes, I did help them, per se, but not as you think of it. I merely, if you will, pointed them in the right direction. I’m a monster? Perhaps I am, in your view. Perspectives are very interesting things. From your perspective, I’m a, as you have just called me, a soulless bastard. From the point of view this dead man lying in front of you, I am nonexistent. From the point of myself, I am only doing what’s best for the better of two distinguished races. From the point of the average Zoc’t’vician, I am a leader. From the point of you, twenty years ago, I was a mysterious figure, always saving you at the last second, almost a savior, but never seen long enough to be titles that.
“Perspective is everything. Belief is more. You believe that I could not do a good thing in my life. I believe I already have. The Zoc’t’vians believe that I will do more, and that you will die. We all share that belief. Without belief, life is worthless. Without hopes, dreams, goals, life becomes an empty shell. Without desire, there is no willpower to go on. So why do it, Mr. Freeman? Why go on? Why not just settle into despair, lose your will to survive, and die?
“Ah, but that’s the enigma. Many life forms that have free thought think this, at one time in their life. One thing stops most from the imminent death they elegantly plan out in their mind. Do you know what this is, Mr. Freeman? Yes, it is hope. The hope that soon, life will get better. The hope that it can’t stay this bad. The hope that it doesn’t need to end, nor will it end, here.
“What do you think, Mr. Freeman? Will it get better? Will you live? The answer is, of course, no. You are on a set path. You are in a rare situation. You are a rare specimen in this course of survival. One’s life cannot improve when their life is governed, in every aspect, by another individual. You are living this life, and your outcome is literally in my grasp. I decide what happens to you, and I decide how you will fall. And believe me, Mr. Freeman, I have decided. All that has happened in your past 20 years of existence has been moved along by me. It was because of me, my thoughts and my plan, because of me that the Resonance Cascade occurred. It was due to me that Black Mesa fell, and because of me that wherever you went, your path was pure ruins.
“No, Mr. Freeman, this was not all senseless violence. Every day you have a choice to make, and every day, you could have gone down another path. What would have happened if you had never taken that job at Black Mesa? I would have gotten to you another way. You see, Mr. Freeman, I am like your god. Your fate is in my mind. I see you dying again and again, whenever I want to. I can view it from another timetable, under different circumstances, and by different means. You might argue that this is all impossible, because of chaos. But, Mr. Freeman, this is all within probability, and possibility. I control you, and you have no control over any aspect of your life. The sooner you get through this, the better.
“But, Mr. Freeman, I fear that I must bring this speech to an end. As much of a pleasure it has been talking to you, I have other duties to attend to. Not only that, but you must be anxious to get back to this, how shall I put it, tour. It’s almost like being back on the tram at Black Mesa, isn’t it?” Gordon felt the G-Man smirk, and then he was gone.
Slowly, Gordon began to move again. The last message disappeared out of view, and a rotting body of a headless man lay, sprawled out, a few meters ahead. Gordon tried to wince, but couldn’t. The smell began to grow stronger, and snorts of Zoc’t’vicians started to become audible. He was obviously getting nearer to the end of this tunnel.

The G-Man felt the dry, hot wind of the Zoc’t’vician desert as soon as he had materialized there. He instantly wished he didn’t have to be here, but this was one of the few places that he could be alone, without being in complete empty space. He sighed, and materialized a sitting chair nearby him. He collapsed into the seat, and began writing in the air to go over his plans once more.
Ever since he had that dream where he viewed the Zoc’t’vicians overthrowing his power, the G-Man had been contemplating various plans in which he could avoid this. He needed a plan that would not seem suspicious, and would be completely foolproof. Gordon needed to die, and the G-Man needed to escape death from the Zoc’t’vicians. So far, his plans had flaws, and could seem suspicious, to say the least. Gordon wouldn’t fall for it for an instant. However, the G-Man feared that once he did get a plan that would work, it would instantly be realized, due to the Zoc’t’vician’s telepathy. This posed as a very big problem.
Idly, the G-Man began drawing grids in the air, working on a complex plan that could only be understandable with knowledge of math that only a few people, one being the G-Man, knew. Shapes and lines faded in and out of view as they cycled through probability. A cube began to morph, and vertexes formed, as the shape was distorted through space. A minute later it was a sphere, and a minute after that, it was a diamond. Then, as the space shrunk to two dimensions, the diamond became a flat triangle. Seemingly at random, because it was, this behavior continued.
As the G-Man watched this for a few minutes, which often helped him think, suddenly the shape spontaneously disappeared. Confused, the G-Man looked over the math that the coordinates of the shape used. Everything looked normal, by his standards, and there wasn’t anything on probability in there. The G-Man frowned. This didn’t make any sense. Objects don’t just spontaneously disappear, especially in the grid. After re-reading the formula for a third time, it hit the G-Man what had caused the removal of the shape. Through a simple error in the formula of the coordinates, the G-Man had unknowingly written a formula utilizing the fourth dimension, Time. Astounded, the G-Man checked over the formula again, just to be sure. It checked out. In roughly two minutes, the shape would suddenly appear again, exactly as it had looked before. The G-Man sat back, hoping this was correct.
It was. Two minutes later, the shape returned, looking exactly as it had right before it left. It resumed morphing itself like nothing had happened. The G-Man felt as if he had been a blind man and now had his vision restored. Turning to face a blank spot of air, the he rapidly began writing formulas and drawing grids. The G-Man had just come up with a plan. This plan would work, it would work perfectly, and best of all, nobody could stop him.

For what seemed like the fourth time that day, Gordon lurched to his feet off the cold ground; feeling like he had just drunk an entire Vegas bar. In other words, Gordon felt like hell. The room swayed around him, and Gordon almost fell over. The ground really felt like it was spinning. Where was he?
The room was dark, and there was no real determinable light source. Images of the tunnel danced through his mind, and because of how dark it was, they still showed up when Gordon kept his eyes open. Gordon decided, after a few minutes of standing still, that it was safe to try and take a few steps; to explore his new chamber. A moment later, he realized that he was wrong. Gordon fell over onto his side, and clutched his hip as he landed on it. A searing pain had gone straight through his side. After a quick observation, Gordon deduced that he had bruised his hip.
Unsure of what to do now, Gordon merely lay on his back on the ground for an undeterminable amount of time. It could have been five minutes, or an hour. Gordon didn’t know how to measure time here, nor did he care. All he kept thinking about was what the G-Man had told him. Why go on? Why not end it? Why? His cold, calm voice echoed over and over in his mind; reverberating. Again and again, the G-Man repeated the key parts of his speech, until Gordon found himself clutching the sides of his head, writhing on the ground in a mental agony.
Slowly, Gordon began to calm down. His face cleared up. Why go on? It was clear what the G-Man was telling him. What is the point? Why not end it now? Yes…Gordon understood. The G-Man was right. Why go on? There was no reason to stay alive. No point, no reason, no will.
But that, right there, was a reason. That, right there, gave him will. The G-Man would like nothing less than for Gordon to die. The G-Man would like nothing more than to be proved right, once again. And at that moment, Gordon also understood why the G-Man had put him in this chamber. The sides, which Gordon could now make out in the twilight, were smooth, hard, and could easily do damage if struck against. This was either a test of will, an attempt to break Gordon’s will to death, or a mere joke; the G-Man mocking Gordon using his twisted, dark sense of humor.
Either way, Gordon would not be beaten. Determined to defeat the G-Man, he stayed firmly on the ground, and waited for the G-Man to return. He was unable to sleep, but he still felt better then he had in days, weeks, or however long this hell had existed. He still had a chance, and the G-Man had unknowingly given it to him. He’d have the last laugh.

Two rooms away, three Zoc’t’vicians scientists viewed the surveillance screen with the subject in it. It was lying on the ground, staring up at the black ceiling. A day ago, they had found the human lying in the halls of the lab, unconscious. Without consulting the All-Knowing Ruler, they had brought it to this chamber for observation. The All-Knowing Ruler would not approve of these actions, but the All-Knowing Ruler would also not approve of their plans on his disposal. All was well, though. He wouldn’t know until the time came, and by then it would have been too late for him to escape.
The scientists typed some notes up on the strange behavior of this specimen. It was lying perfectly still, and has been for ten minutes. Maybe they needed to add a few more variables to the chamber, such as electric shock, or heat. The largest of the three aliens turned a knob, and pressed a button. The room’s voltage meter began to slowly rise, and the subject began to look uncomfortable. The scientists prepared to record the events which would follow, as the voltage electricity strengthened on the ground which the human was lying on.

Ok, I'll get started on the final chapter tomorrow! I'm going to bed, it's 11 PM. School tomorrow, y'know, and midterms this week. WOOOOO! :naughty: :naughty:
BetaMaster said:
Hi there! I'm not dead!

Haha, no, I'm not a professional writer. I've been writing stories since 5th grade, however. It's always been a hobby. I'm still working on the next chapter, but exams are next week, and I've got a really big project in English I've had to work on (Essay on The Count of Monte Cristo), so the chapter will once again be delayed. If you think about it, the delays are kind of ironic. It's a fanfic in the Half-Life world, and....well, you all know about the constant Half-Life 2 delays, haha. Anways, if you want, I'll post what I have written of this chapter (It'll end as a cliffhanger, but that way you'll have something to read!).

quite a personallity I must say, you are quite the writer from what I could read in a half an hour, which is a lot, it led to many wonders to know that you have been writing for such a long time.

I have also shared my peices of writing on a community, but not like you, you leave everyone in suspense waiting for another chapter. I want to let you know that you have my support, whether or not I have a high post rank or not if that's what apeals to you about community members opinions, I give you the handshake of aproval on this story so far (in what I've read).

I also have a story I would like to share about Half Life 2, the plot inspires me to think of such ideas as the Combine in the situation of trying to control the race "humans" in the struggle of humanity's evolution. I believe I will write a story that will take place in Half Life 2, and I think I will post it once it is finished or even in it's progress because of the massive amount of the specific story layout.

I will continue to read your story once the time is provided in my schedule.

Gordon's Brother said:
end it like with the gman saying (Gman)"goodbye Mr.freeman this is Your stop."(Gordon)What the heck?"
The dark fades away and he is back where the gman first took over his body and nobady even sees what happened.(Gman echo)"That,Mr.Freeman was just a preview of things to come[maniacal laughter]
hows that,weird probably, lol
in hl3 you will probably figure out the gman's real name.
I see a struggle of description, but as a close fan of Half Life I can understand why...

That is actually a very good ending.
lurajoonami said:
quite a personallity I must say, you are quite the writer from what I could read in a half an hour, which is a lot, it led to many wonders to know that you have been writing for such a long time.

I have also shared my peices of writing on a community, but not like you, you leave everyone in suspense waiting for another chapter. I want to let you know that you have my support, whether or not I have a high post rank or not if that's what apeals to you about community members opinions, I give you the handshake of aproval on this story so far (in what I've read).

I also have a story I would like to share about Half Life 2, the plot inspires me to think of such ideas as the Combine in the situation of trying to control the race "humans" in the struggle of humanity's evolution. I believe I will write a story that will take place in Half Life 2, and I think I will post it once it is finished or even in it's progress because of the massive amount of the specific story layout.

I will continue to read your story once the time is provided in my schedule.

Thank you for your comment! :thumbs:
I'd be interested in reading your works...So make sure to post it here!

Oh, and for you all to know, I've came up with an ending, and I doubt many of you will be expecting it. I plan on emailing the story to Valve once I finish it, so wish me luck!
Alright! I've been waiting for Chapter 7, and its finally out! lurajoonami is right, the ending isnt that bad. Cant wait for the last chapter!
Well, the wait for Chapter 7 was well worth it!. As for sending your story to Valve, well, I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish. Whether it be simply comments, or for them to actually use your story in one of their upcoming projects, obviously the latter wouldn't be done for several reasons. But, that isn't stopping you from creating a mod out of this, and having Valve publish it!. However, if Valve took ANY fanfiction to use in one of their next projects, it would be easily be this one, outshining my own, which is really hard for me to say lol!. Anyway, keep up this astounding piece of work.
Ehh, I was just kinda planning on sending it to them, seeing what they think, before taking action. I'm not a very good coder or mapper (haven't really dived into that field, ha), so I couldn't make it. However, I'd at least like to know what they think, and if they like it, awesome. If they'd like it to become a mod, well, hey, that's swell. If they don't want to make it, I could try to get a team together.

And I'm glad you liked it! I'm actually going to finish this project! No, seriously, that's a really huge accomplishment for me. I have two desk drawers filled with nothing but scrap papers or me jotting down paragraphs to stories that I couldn't get any farther with, and three-inch binders dedicated to stories I started, and lost track of what was going on four pages into it. That's what I get for attempting to write six stories at the same time. Now, unfortunately, I don't remember what I planned to happen in those. Maybe one day I'll publish a book with each one of those as sci-fi prompts or something.

I can't believe how this story (Gordon's Dead) has developed. I don't believe I've ever gone into details of how the idea began. Trust me, it's nothing you'd expect. Let me explain.

In, oh, I believe the beginning of eighth grade, I was playing Tetris(TM). Then, I thought it'd be a cool idea if the you could get extra points for smashing people and destroying buildings and such. So, from that, I began to draw comics called "Tetris Attacks!", off of the movie "Mars Attacks!". Basically, Tetrons were invading Earth from another dimension. Then one day I drew a strip of a guy running from a Tetron, and then slamming straight into a wall, while looking over his shoulder. One of my friend's said, "Hey, that looks kinda like Gordon, from Half-Life." Upon closer inspection, I agreed with him. After that, I started a new strip called "Gordon's Dead," where Gordon was granted immortality by signing a contract, but the contract said at the bottom that by signing it, he would be subject to being killed as many times as the higher beings wanted. After that, he'd be impaled, buried in salt, pummelled by dice (yes, dice), you name it. Then I decided to get back on track with "Tetris Attacks!", and decided to make it serious. So, I began writing a story of it. It was pretty dark, and people enjoyed reading it, but I lost interest. I didn't see it going anywhere, so I went back to the "Gordon's Dead" comics. After a little bit, someone said I should write a story on that. So, I decided that I should write a short, two or three page story basically on the same idea. After completion, I decided that wasn't as plausible, and had nothing to do with Gordon, or anything. And so "Half-Life: Gordon's Dead" was born. I started off not expecting much, and lo and behold, people liked it. The rest you know.

Woo, storytime's over. I gotta get back to studying for German!

Good night, everyone, and may you all survive another day at school or work!
get together a mod team i say.You don't really have to have to code or map,you could do other things too.This would be a great mod
OMG Betamaster chapter 7 rux congrats! :D

It's just so great when the G-man is evil... And that speech gave me the creeps : o I can here his voice in my head when i'm reading it.. it's scary :)
You get all the details in the story, and it is so perfectly written. LOVE IT!
Haha, thanks a lot! I'm pretty proud of the G-Man speech. I had figured that no story involving the G-Man would be complete without a creepy speech, and I think everything that he says in the chapter he'd say that way if he actually said it. Thanks for the review!

And, Gordon's Brother@
I've been wondering: How could I make this a mod? Ther's not much dialogue in the story, and it's kinda in bits and pieces, switches scenes a lot. It's possible, but I'd have to change the story around. Not that that's a bad thing. Might be fun. Kinda like Blue Shift, or Opposing Force. Just rewriting the story for the mod entirely through Gordon's eyes.
ya,basically the maps would be pretty easy to make and for chap3 it would be like,escape from being tortured!But the player would have to use their fists and more melee weapons than guns.
Yeah, definitely. Maybe use the kind of idea from Trespasser, except not to that extent. You can pick up rocks and planks and stuff. Only the stuff will pick up automatically. It'd be too difficult to mod a moveable arm into the game.
0|-| y3@h ch@p73r 7 pwn5 w00t!!1 Ok, seriously...Ch. 7's the best by far. Nice job BetaMaster.
bvasgm said:
0|-| y3@h ch@p73r 7 pwn5 w00t!!1

.. Error: Cannot translate meaning.

Post Chapter 8 Or Else.
Damn,my eyes hurt like hell from reading that story,from the first chapter to the last......God I feel like hell.
Hahaha...You read it all in one sitting? That's gotta be unhealthy. What did you think of it?

And, @15357
Define "or else." :p
Sieg said:
Damn,my eyes hurt like hell from reading that story,from the first chapter to the last......God I feel like hell.

well... i printed it all and read it.. its a bit better for the eyes.. :stare: ;)