Half-Life: The Movie - What do you want?

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I wants a long movie, like 3 hours or slightly less, so we don't have a movie where gorden is figuring everthing out in one try and Gorden not having any lines.


Gorden? Thats a new one, usually Gordan rofl.
Hi Gordon, my name is Eli MotherF*cking Vanceee

Can't top Danny Glover
The first Half-Life game has a short story.
Its story is simple:one man against lots of monsters.Some scientists,security guards,H.E.C.U. and Gman - that's all people we got.Gordon meets guards and he loses them when they die or they can't reach him.This is not the story for a movie,and I can't name a way to expand it.Gordon is always alone.There is no suspense or depression.He just wants to stop all this hell..but when he stops,the G-man grabs him.
Half-Life 2 has a good "digital drama" as it referenced in HL2:Raising the Bar,but it cannot be reached without the introduction of HL1 story.There is no way the combined plot would be good.
So I don't think "Half-Life: The Movie" is a good idea.It won't be good.
Half-Life has no really cool hero:Gordon is an ordinary man who can't even run without a H.E.V. suit' support.The best movie of Half-Life is a speed run of the game.That's all.
"it cannot be reached without the introduction of HL1 story.There is no way the combined plot would be good." -Oreolek

Well I have an idea. Which should make it alright to not have the entire story on HL1. In the beginning of the movie when he's riding on the tram. It should go up to unforeseen consequences right after the Renaissance cascade. Then cuts a scene at the end of the seven Hour war showing soldiers being killed and slaughtered but a group led by a commander manages to escape.(Adrian Shephard.Maybe) and talking a bit more on the first time he fought the creatures, then switchs to the train straight to HL2. and every now and then in the HL2 story have flashbacks that tell a little more about how it all started. And have some background on the combine take over by having Shephard talk about it.

I also agree on the matter of the helmet is have it kind of like an automated hood sorta like the IronMan suit.

PS. Something you must INCLUDE IN THE MOVIE you all know how the citizens say random shit. the only line i ask you for from the citizen is. "You know sometimes i dream about cheese."-classic line never gets old. :sniper::afro::afro::afro::afro::afro::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:
Well... there's one good thing about this thread... it brings out a lot of newbies that don't know wtf they're talking bout. :D
The first Half-Life game has a short story.
Its story is simple:one man against lots of monsters.Some scientists,security guards,H.E.C.U. and Gman - that's all people we got.Gordon meets guards and he loses them when they die or they can't reach him.This is not the story for a movie,and I can't name a way to expand it.Gordon is always alone.There is no suspense or depression.He just wants to stop all this hell..but when he stops,the G-man grabs him.
Half-Life 2 has a good "digital drama" as it referenced in HL2:Raising the Bar,but it cannot be reached without the introduction of HL1 story.There is no way the combined plot would be good.
So I don't think "Half-Life: The Movie" is a good idea.It won't be good.
Half-Life has no really cool hero:Gordon is an ordinary man who can't even run without a H.E.V. suit' support.The best movie of Half-Life is a speed run of the game.That's all.

Well, one of my frequent collaborators suggested that we start with the Half-Life 2 storyline and briefly tell the Half-Life story in flashbacks. While we toyed with the idea, i made up my mind that the audience would feel like they HAVE to play the games to fully experience the story and that is something i want to stand clear of. The interesting part of Gordon's story is his everyman feel at the start, and thus gets transformed into a hero when disaster strikes and he must choose between survival and being a hero, or death.

Now, compared to recent blockbuster films, is the storyline rather simple? Yes. (we are adding a few details to flesh out Gordon's emotional journey) However the original Half-Life is not at all uneventful or heartless. While it may seem that way, Half-Life 2 told its story in a more upfront and on-the-nose kind of way, making Half-Life story seem dull in comparison, since everything wasn't pointed out to you point-blank the first time around.

I think the Half-Life 2 story is interesting, but without experiencing the original journey of Gordon, Half-Life would be a a cheap cash-in. I don't think people will buy a scientist-turned action hero unless they witnessed his transformation. I think that is the story that most will want to see and that will relate to the general audience. As far as Half-Life 2 goes, well, let's see where Half-Life takes us first.

In the game, the viewer was restricted to one single perspective and the character was not given the element of choice, emotion or basic character. In the film, the perspective will be third person, Gordon will have choices he has to make, emotions he will feel and basic character reactions he will undergo. That is enough to string a story from. From all the hints Valve has thrown at us over the years, the Gordon character was derived from that. We are pretty satisfied with what we have in that regard. However, we plan on adding more after we speak with Valve on the issue.

So, my basic point being, don't worry, what we have for a script has impressed us with how much tension, drama and suspense is available to us to work with in the Half-Life Story. Films such as Alien, Die Hard and 2001 have all proved that the kind of story telling and suspense we are going for works and it works well.
yup i know i think you should do the Half life story i was just telling oreolek a way that would be possible. And please if you do manage to get the chance to make the movie and can make the 2nd one YOU MUST HAVE "Some times i dream about cheese" line it would make the movie so good if you had that one line in there
If he was, we'd all have been called retards and been challenged to boxing matches by now.
Ha, he can challenge...but CAN HE UNLEASHED THE ****ING FURY???

i think not...
All i can think to say is to not keep everything exacly the same, the basic idea of the movie should be similar, but if everything is the exact same, it'll get old very fast. Also, try to at least keep the same monsters, with adding in little to no new ones. True these could also get old, but introducing a new one out of the blue people wont recognize at all seems worse.
Okay first off all what really made me want to play the game a lot was the sounds. I dont know why but the sounds were weird. the combine, overwatch, buttons, gravity gun. Work hard on the sounds.
the gravity gun sound when you right click and your not aiming at anything reminds me of Ravenholm.

Also you should work a LOT on Ravenholm. Try to make it creepy.
I'm pretty sure that either (Most likely) this was fake, or it didn't work out.
I think it takes longer than a cup of coffee to type in all of my credit card details.
he was like jk jk i'm just a guy that wanted to be noticed so i had my username as halflifethemovie

but yeah its been fun just thinking about if a movie was made but it should be left to your imagination because a movie would only disappoint