Half-Life: The Movie - What do you want?

  • Thread starter Thread starter halflifethemovie
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Friend, you're new here, so I'm going to go ahead and give you a free, good piece of advice that most people learn only with time: don't question Darkside. He's never wrong. Ever.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand:

Can I ask WHY you're making this movie? You didn't answer me in your reply to my other post, instead opting to dodge the question by saying "we don't know if this movie will get made," "I understand people are scared," "I don't feel like explaining it again," and the absolutely wonderful reassurance that you and your team are, indeed, PROFESSIONALS WHO KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING, despite the fact that you're on an anonymous internet forum.

But I don't care about any of that.

What I want to know is why you even want to do this movie? Are you just trying to cash in? Are you a fan of Half-Life? I wonder how much of a fan you can be if you're posting on here for ideas. I wonder what you even have in mind, because you keep vauguely alluding to things you want the movie to have, but then you're going back and asking for input. It seems like both pandering to fans so that you don't screw it up, but more than that you only have the basest outline set up. So I'm wondering why you're even bothering in the first place.

As it stands Valve's probably not going to OK your project. Nothing ventured nothing gained, sure, but this whole thread--and ALL threads on a Half-Life movie--amount to nothing more than a grunion run. "Let's throw out ideas we want to see in a project that will ultimately never come to fruition." Nor would anyone ever really want it to. Despite anyone saying how often they've thought of a potential script for a Half-Life movie, how much they'd love to see it done on the big screen, this that and the other thing, no you wouldn't. You wouldn't.

You know why Half-Life's successful? Because it's an interactive narrative. It tells a story from a first-person perspective that never breaks. Guess what a movie does? It puts the viewer in the backseat. So creating a Half-Life movie to rehash what you've already played through, what's the point, y'know? So you can watch some people act out what you've already done in a condensed form? So you can watch CG vortigaunts getting blasted? Ultimately it'd be a disappointment anyway because crowds would walk out of the theater saying, "That might've been cool, but that's not how I did it in the game." Cue nitpicking.

It's just not something you should aspire to translate to the screen. It reeks of "Man, there's this game I played, I bet it'd make an awesome movie!"

It wouldn't.

I personally thought i answered your question with the best of my current ability before, but i will give it another try for the hell of it.

First of all, we are not here for ideas. We have our own ideas. However, some plot elements in Half-Life are based on perspective and each individual sees an event differently. Thus, this was research to try to get the fan's perspective on the series. How we are using this is probably a lot different then most image. This is just simply base research.

As to why we are doing this. We have very little to gain financially from this. We plan on keeping our paychecks low in order to allow the production budget to be higher and to give more incentive for investors. This is actually a big risk for us. The reason why we are doing it is because it has a ton of potential as a film and a franchise. It is certainly a challenge for us and we like a good challenge. We know if this falls flat as a film our careers are damaged. We know if it does not fail and succeeds like we plan, then we have done something that barely any other production company has ever done. We are doing it however because we believe we can do this right.
So you aren't doing this for money, you're not doing this because you're a fan of the series, you're doing this because you want to see if you can and not screw it up like other game-to-film adaptations? Because it's a challenge? That's the reason?

Well. I'm actually upset that you AREN'T in it for the money. At least people who're in it for some dough have something to collect on. You're just doing it for an arbitrary reason. "It's a challenge and our careers will be damaged if we do it wrong, but if we do it right we can exploit the franchise's potential."
Try to base the movie on HL, without being completely the same. I mean, if it were 'completely faithful' to the game, you'd be spending half the film watching Gordon walking down hallways and shooting stuff.
And damn dark side harsh much? I was just putting up a f:)*king idea. it could work if they do it right. You don't have to be a douche.
I wouldn't be me if I wasn't a jerk. You don't understand, I DO have to be a douche. Every day before I come to this forum I drink three cans of Haterade and punch myself in the face to get in the mood to yell at people's stupid ideas.

It could never work. Not ever. There's no way to "do it right." These guys were used for their faces, not because they had any acting talent. Valve selected people who had striking faces and then tweaked them to the models you see in-game. If you notice, most HL2 characters only bear a resemblance to their real life counterparts because of all the tweaking Valve did to get their faces right. You ever see the guy whose face inspired the G-man? Looks like a COMPLETELY different guy. And the Gordon Freeman model they made was a composite of seven different people. So on top of the fact that these people aren't qualified to act in any capacity, they also don't look exactly like the characters they're supposed to be portraying.

And to say that live actors should be dubbed over by the game's voice actors...have you ever watched a foreign movie dubbed? Even at its best it seems out of place and choppy. It doesn't work. It looks terrible. You'll spend the entire film watching lip movements, keenly aware of just how out of place it is.

To say that the fans would "worship" Halflifethemovie and his team for going this route is the most out-there statement...it's so out there I'm having trouble trying to articulate an insult. I already don't like the idea of a Half-Life movie, but a Half-Life movie without actual actors and live action dubbing? Holy shit, hit the abort button.

Good heavens.

Mate, you're not thinking this through. Yes, the sync is off because it's a different language. Now imagine the same language, yet all the inflection and emotion that one person (be it the voice actor or screen actor) is conveying, all the timing, has to be matched up exactly to the other person. I was using foreign dubs as a reference because there aren't any movies that dub over their own language that I know of offhand. You know why? Because they don't do it. There's a reason they don't do it.

Trust me it'd look the same as if it were a dub of a foreign movie. Just worse because you know they're saying the same thing, it just looks different for reasons you can't explain and it'd piss you off. If I wanted to spend $10 to go to a movie and be pissed off I'd go watch Superhero Movie.
I have sceen a foreign movie dubbed. It looks bad because it's A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE! Duh.
Try it yourself! Videotape yourself saying, oh....I dunno: "I went to the store today to buy some milk.....oh, and oranges.", import the video, mute the sound, record the same line while watching the film to make sure it's as accurate as possible, and merge them together.

One movie where this technique actually works is "Kung Pow: Enter the Fist". However, that is a comedy, not based on an epic computer game.
Actually, the process of dubbing over voices in the same language isn't uncommon. Most films do this (usually when the sound isn't right however, not doing it over with a different voice, though it happens).

That wouldn't be the problem, however, acting isn't all in the voice. So no, that wouldn't work.
Actually, the process of dubbing over voices in the same language isn't uncommon. Most films do this (usually when the sound isn't right however, not doing it over with a different voice, though it happens).

That wouldn't be the problem, however, acting isn't all in the voice. So no, that wouldn't work.

So, what's the current idea for your 'team'? Are you using a first-person angle or a changing camera angle?
So, what's the current idea for your 'team'? Are you using a first-person angle or a changing camera angle?

If anyone wants to watch Half-Life in first person, just watch somebody play the game.

We are making a film. So, yeah, we will change camera angles several hundreds of times.
Cheap acting and over budget special effects. Maybe get The Rock to play as Gordon. Halle Berry as Alyx. I want an A movie budget with B movie writing. Dumb down the story as much as possible- it's important that 5 year olds understand the plot. References to Halo would be ideal. A scene in which is shown through Gordon's eyes, handling a crowbar in the "first person perspective" dealing massive damage to other unfriendlies. Also, if you can somehow tie in the "America = Combine" symbolism, that would be something I'd definitely enjoy.

Ah, the ubiquitous "we". You have a mouse in your pocket?

Yeah and they don't come to fan sites to talk to teenagers about a project that hasn't even been given any thought other than "We want to make a half life movie".

Kind of funny how people continue to take him seriously.

Jesus Que.


Jesus Christ.

ITT independent production studio ie; shitty production values.

Seriously, this is a huge joke. You're probably some CC graduate with a few film nerds with no experience and less talent who talked about the idea in your friend bob's living room for a few hours, ultimately reduced to making a terrible thread on a game forum looking for ideas or perhaps trying to fuel your own ambitions with empty praises.

Now I don't really mind if you want to go make a film- by all means more power to ya. I've a friend who has similar aspirations. But don't come to this forum expecting red carpets because you're a "big hollywood producer". You're welcome to the same kind of criticism that everyone else here is.
I second all that.
jeez, go easy on the guy. this could possibly be legit.... maybe
Why would the guy open similar threads on several different forums just to annoys people?
There should be a part where Gordon bumps into his pal Eli, and he says something about Alyx.

Just sayin'.
Gordon: I touched your daughter at night.
Eli: I'll kill you!
OK... my thoughts.

The OP asked what our concerns would be in making an adaptation of the game successful. I think my biggest concern would be that it'd be nigh-on impossible to create something that is both loyal to Gordon's story and engages a cinema audience. Anyone who has seen a mindless action movie will know that two hours of straight action is boring too - this is how a direct transfer of the game's storyline to film will end up; it's engaging in computer game form as you're making the decisions and have the fun of trying different strategies, but gets tedious quickly if you're watching.

Instead films' appeal to people (and remember a mainstream movie has to sell to everyone, not just computer game geeks) comes from getting audience emotionally involved in the film. I think this would be very difficult with Half-Life as besides Gordon there are no characters for the audience to build relationships with. Gordon is alone! Yes there are plenty of "dramatic moments", scientists getting skewered by giant green monsters or falling down lift shafts or whatever, but there is going to be no way to make the audience care as they are never going to be fully fleshed-out characters... watch a disaster movie - you get to see loads of people dying but there is always a group the story follows and it is they we feel for as one of them gets injured or whatever. So at the end of the day it's still going to be a mindless action film.

And this is why a Half-Life movie will be at least as awful as all the other computer game movies.

Interestingly HL2+Episodes could probably be MUCH more successfully made into a movie... you have a cast of characters with relationships that develop through the story and plenty of things to speculate about. Unlike HL1 it might have enough depth to actually make a movie out of.
I love you Darkside. Your posts make my day sometimes.

Also this still seems like a shitty idea to me, please nuke yourselves.
I get alot of mixed feelings from this movie idea. While i'd love to see HL1 expand to a new venue im afraid of watching the storyline be butchered in favor of the 'Holywood formula'.

I'd really like to see a different perspective on the events and consequences played out in a truely dramatic way. All those sequences where we just had to stop and relax for a minute should be highlighted as much as the action, to show the impact on Gordon. I mean we all know that as a game there is a way to win, but fictional Gordon didn't know that. How would escaping death while watching his colleagues die is greusome ways effect this one MIT grad who had every intention of going home that night and waking up on time the next morning. The cascade was a complete upheaval of Gordon's life and put him in situations no one simply walks through. My point is, there's alot of cimematic potential in HL1 that doesn't require non stop action to tap into, you'll just need to look in the right place.
You guys actually believe this!?:rolleyes:

Why not? I always see big hollywood producers come onto internet forums for suggestions. They especially love to point out they are indeed just a friendly hollywood producer, though don't count on them providing credentials, they don't like that.

What they like to do is not do any prior research from the mounds of info that's already on the forum and around the net (producers/writers never like researching) and they certainly would never, under any circumstances get info right from the horse's mouth. And don't count on them trying to create a random account and make posts like anyone else so they could blend in and concentrate on the info. No, telling people they are a hollywood producer is a much better way to get the answers you're looking for. By pointing out they're a hollywood producer, they create a somewhat authoritative, yet mysterious tone to their post. It's an ingenious way to get the straight facts.

So yes, I believe this 100%. :thumbs:
Since i came into this thread at its point where it reached 13 pages, I presume the movie is being done based only on what Gordon has seen?
i dont realy know if anyone has touched on this yet (i went from page 5 to 13, cant read all this stuff) but you deffinetly need to include these weapons

2.)Crossbow (gordan shouldent have to carry it through the entire movie, jest the part in the cage with the icheyoures or whatever its called)
3.)Shotgun or the Military Mp5, this will gordans primary weapon (or maybe a pistol could but that would be very boring)
4.)The RPG (jest for the helicopter part)

The RPG and the crossbow should be the ones that only stay with gordan for a period of time, but the crowbar and the shotgun, should deffinetly stay (like other people said in this thread, gordan is not a covert ops by night and scientist by day so he shouldent do alot of fighting, but when he does, the should move around from the kick back of the weapon, because if anyone hasent, there is a large kick back from almost any firearm the first time you shoot it). But after a while gordan should get used to the feel.

The last thing you should do is only show like two aliens, that would not only show people who havent played the game that theres only two species of aliens that got through but it would also be boring and repeative to see the same aliens again and again without a few bullsquids or Alien Grunts in their.

And dont forget those barnacles, or else i may jest kill myself:D, but seriously add barnacles.
Well if its done right I would see it definately, and I do admire your ambition whoever you are, some people are so shallow to realise that not everything people do is just so they can get a wod of cash at end but because its simply their job and they love doing it.

Personally I think if you can make an exellent script and by some miracle, Valve accepts it then most of the hard work is over in terms of the actual storyline, since if Valve gives it the Ok then they will make sure it kicks ass since, in Valve we trust.
How 'bout the cast? I think that Christopher Walken would be perfect for the Gman.Dylan Walsh for Barney (Sean McNamara from Nip/Tuck) and Morgan Freeman for Eli!
i realy think you should jest call in people until they realy fit, no "you kinda fir" or "i guess you could be gordan freeman...", keep looking around until you find someone who fits the criteria. That will lead to success.
My G-mans let me show you thems


Picks to play G-man.

He has, must, needs will play Barney Calhoun.

Eli Vance
I didn't wade through 11 pages of fanboy suggestions. I just wanted to point out that if the author of the OP were a hollywood writer, he would probably use proper puncuation.

Second, a Half-Life movie with anything but a loose association with the game would completely suck. Perhaps yes, a decent horror movie could be set in the Half-Life world. Heck, The Mist has pretty much the same story and it was great. But watching Gordon crawl through the wreckage of Black Mesa, with oh-so-exciting action bits where he shhots at soldiers and headcrabs, lame.