Halflife 2 this fall (Doug Lombardi)

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Dec 6, 2003
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In an interview conducted by Half-Life Radio today, Doug Lombardi of Valve confirms the company is working toward having Half-Life 2 released during the fall:

[Doug Lombardi]
On the ship date, we are planning to deliver a release candidate to Vivendi in August and we're hoping to see the product on store shelves this fall, but we do not have a confirmed ship date at this time.

Nothing new...

It's exactly what valve has been saying all along...

september really sucks though. i was hoping to be able to enjoy it before going back to school. especially now that i have college and shit to worry about and applications and blahhhhhhhhhh
dam, not to pleased...i hoped for september. Come on Valve this is ridiculous
Samon said:
dam, not to pleased...i hoped for september. Come on Valve this is ridiculous

Isnt September is FALL? LOL. THIS IS NOTHING NEW! IT IS NOT DELAYED! The game will be completed IN AUGUST! The game will be release in september! PERIOD!
I'm still hoping for an august 26th release date :(
Gronoken said:
Isnt September is FALL? LOL. THIS IS NOTHING NEW! IT IS NOT DELAYED! The game will be completed IN AUGUST! The game will be release in september! PERIOD!

Gronoken, alot of us have been on this forum for over a year and a half now. Alot has happened since then. All you know about is that valve said august, and its coming september. You really can't speak on a topic u know so little about. :rolling:
There wasn't anywhere they said "Being released in fall" they were only hoping for it.

So i would say that means they're distrusful against VU, cause if it is finished in august and shipped it should be out a couple of weeks after unless VU of course delays it like CS:CZ.

So if VU want's money we'll might see it in late august/early september, if not. Who knows?

But no the info isn't that new
oh well, i guess i'll have to get far cry to pass the summer, w/e i'll get hl2 eventually so it's all good i guess
Guinny, not meaning to pick at you, but I thought the forums were created in May of 03. Wouldn't that make November a year and a half?

On-Topic: I really think they're just trying to narrow the field even more so we fans don't have heart attacks not knowing the exact date of release. It'll get here when it gets here.
guinny said:
september really sucks though. i was hoping to be able to enjoy it before going back to school. especially now that i have college and shit to worry about and applications and blahhhhhhhhhh

I agree with you man.

21 August school starts, and I have some examns fro previous year to catch up :(
Valve dates really don't mean anything anymore. It's just a vague estimation to put the game status in context, to keep the fans in a temporary state of confusion diverting their attention away from anger and to tell the publisher something.
Mr-Fusion said:
Is anyone even taking the Doom 3 threat seriously? It's being eerily under-rated....

What threat? Half-Life 2 will still be as much of a great game regardless of Doom 3.
alco said:
What threat? Half-Life 2 will still be as much of a great game regardless of Doom 3.

No, people are treating Doom 3 as some sort of second rate game.

I need either Doom 3 or HL2 to be released by August. The other one can take till the end of the year to be released. I'm not picky.
EC said:
Guinny, not meaning to pick at you, but I thought the forums were created in May of 03. Wouldn't that make November a year and a half?

sorry for the exaggeration but yea ur right. :cheers:
:O Isn't September still summer? Or part of September summer? I have a very strong feeling we're going to see something like October 31st.

Yeah Doom III hasn't got that much attention at all, oh well... I want it though!
Don't know where this September thing is coming from, DL said FALL, which is anything up to winter (and the good ol' xmas release cash-in).

These constant delays are gonna kill HL2 if nothing else does. Practically every fps being worked on now is using an engine similar to Valve's, it's nothing new anymore - people just want to play the damn games they've come to expect to play by seeing screenshots and movies of these 'new' technologies for well over a year now.

I'm pretty sure Doom3 will steal the thunder as it's due to be released imminently. And then there's STALKER and You Are Empty to look forward to next year which look even slicker :)
If I recall, Gabe said "Summer" at E3, so at this point, nobody really knows what's going on for sure.
I really hope for sept. 1st, but i I don't think it will happen.
Well, this is ridiculous....moving from Summer to Fall....

It is like every interview the date gets further and further away.

Heck, if *Lombardi* even says Fall, then we won't get it till Christmas. :(
If this game is pushed I will buy Doom3 and then WAit for HL2 to be in the bargain bin. I swear by it. I will show screens of me and DOOM3. Then I will send them to Valve. I will also show the screens of me buying their game out of the bargain bin. (if their company still exists by then.)
id laugh if they didnt have it out by christmas....

no i wouldnt i would die :(
LoL, if they cant keep summer as they said, they are all liers once again :)
Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer.
hiln said:
Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer, Gabe: summer.

Sure, but one thing is to KEEP HE`S PROMIS!
i cant belive the release date changed from summer to fall

wats next fall to winter and it will keep on goin for years
Evil^Milk said:
Did he promise it would be out during summertime?

He said it would go gold in the Summer.
CR0M said:
Don't know where this September thing is coming from, DL said FALL, which is anything up to winter (and the good ol' xmas release cash-in).

These constant delays are gonna kill HL2 if nothing else does. Practically every fps being worked on now is using an engine similar to Valve's, it's nothing new anymore - people just want to play the damn games they've come to expect to play by seeing screenshots and movies of these 'new' technologies for well over a year now.

I'm pretty sure Doom3 will steal the thunder as it's due to be released imminently. And then there's STALKER and You Are Empty to look forward to next year which look even slicker :)

I can't totally agree with this for several reasons. Doom 3 will be great I think but in no way steal hl2's thunder. STALKER doesn't look very good at all atm, and You Are Empty I've never heard of. What is it anyway?
Six Three said:
He said it would go gold in the Summer.

I'm sure he and lombardi have answered questions like "when is HL2 coming out?" with "Summer" many.... many ****ing times.

edit: from magazines, E3, to fan emails in the info thread...
They said, and I'll put this in caps and big so you all understand;
the game will be DONE, FINISHED, READY, GOLD in summer.
They did not speak about
This might very well turn out to be fall. But that is out of Valve's hands.
This "news" came from HalflifeRADIO anyway! and they seem to enjoy just making up headlines.
just look at it this way, hl2 will be a great game to take away some school stress.
"I was being dry. I hear several different ship dates a day from websites or magazines.

It's going to ship in the summer.

From: Alex
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 3:28 PM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Re: Maximum PC Release Date?

u speak like you dont know? you are the head of this operation arnt you?
anyway can you give me an estimate on how complete you guys are, 3/4 done 9/10
anything also
ive been hearing alot about somthing new coming up within the next few weeks?e3 perhaps?

nice talking to you,

----- Original Message -----
From: Gabe Newell
To: Alex
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 12:11 AM
Subject: RE: Maximum PC Release Date?

Not that I know of.
What is everyone failing to relize here? What made halflife a good game? The single player was nice but you dont play the single player everday now do you? It was names such as COUNTER STRIKE!Day of Defeat! and lets also not forget Natural Selection! *sorry for any bigs ones i didnt mention, those are the main ones i play*

Ive been reading around on the fourms all day since i got off work and from what i can tell from the people playing CS:S is that its no where near done. The physics on pop cans flying 3 feet into the air. Weapon models missing animations and also not haveing charecter models except for one for each team? Their is a bit more flying around but im not going to rain on valves party.

What do we know about Half-Life 2? We know that its almost been 6 years in production. We know that it caused team fortress 2 to be delayed long enough that no one cares about it. We know that Valve's last attempt at releaseing a game was tooken so harshly that the publisher deemed it crap and said no! If you read LOMBARDIS WORDS CORRECTLY he is pulling a microsoft. *paraphrased* We will be delivering the release "Canadate" to our publisher in augest. *end* Ok what do we know about the word canadate? Doesnt microsoft use that word for beta testing its releases? Dont get me wrong guys, im not flameing/bashing im just saying until VU sas its on a darn truck to the stores dont even REMOTELY listen to release dates from game companys that have the ability to get their PR machine rolling just to let the darn thing stop on your foot. Atleast DNF has the courage to say that we have no idea when are game will be done becuase unlike everyone else we dont go to a fortune teller to get release dates.

They should just ship HL2 directly to the museum. It will be a relic, an artifact of an earlier gaming age by the time it comes out.
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