Halflife 2 this fall (Doug Lombardi)

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i didnt hear anything from gabe or doug or valve! we just heard it from stupid hlradio , Valve have been saying Summer for a while now , so please some1 email !
I'm getting annoyed of all these people wanting to e-mail valve after every little thing happens.

1st d00d: ''d00d is cs:s going to have a new menu?"
2nd d00d: ''I dunno d00d let's email valve and ask tehm a stoopid question so they can spend more time reading st00pid emails than working oh hl2.''
1st d00d: ''rgr that lets go d00d''

Just wait paciently, good things come for those who wait.
Good things do come to those who wait... So do gray hairs :)
blindvomit said:
I'm getting annoyed of all these people wanting to e-mail valve after every little thing happens.

1st d00d: ''d00d is cs:s going to have a new menu?"
2nd d00d: ''I dunno d00d let's email valve and ask tehm a stoopid question so they can spend more time reading st00pid emails than working oh hl2.''
1st d00d: ''rgr that lets go d00d''

Just wait paciently, good things come for those who wait.

This is not a little thing , its the release date , the thing that we are all waiting for the most!
Silent_night said:
This is not a little thing , its the release date , the thing that we are all waiting for the most!

OMG....release date, shit they've lied to us before what makes you think they won't do it again?
The funnyest thing ive noticed about release dates... Everyone and their mother is saying doom3 is augest 3rd... No gold. No word from ID. No word from Activision.... Wont it be a hoot if it doesnt come out augest 3rd?
blindvomit said:
OMG....release date, shit they've lied to us before what makes you think they won't do it again?

We know now that the game is pretty much done , we have cs source videos and everything , u can just tell that the game is pretty much done
blindvomit said:
OMG....release date, shit they've lied to us before what makes you think they won't do it again?

they didn't "lie", they misjudged how much work they had to do. I'm glad they delayed, it's for us in the end..
It dosen't matter if we have videos...if you go to the Counter-Strike Source forums there is a thread about a person who went to go play it at korea and there was only one model available for each team, lots of animations were missing, physics needed major work, its far from finished.
mayro said:
The funnyest thing ive noticed about release dates... Everyone and their mother is saying doom3 is augest 3rd... No gold. No word from ID. No word from Activision.... Wont it be a hoot if it doesnt come out augest 3rd?


Well, if PCG's big secret is a Doom 3 review, I think August 3rd is pretty much official.. the editor of PCG even confirmed that was their scoop (check the link)
blindvomit said:
And they haven't been teasing is with the release date life hl2.

Blindvomit, you don't know Valve's marketing strategy, so why don't you stop being so negative? Why did you bother to register here if all you do is complain?
Six Three said:
Blindvomit, you don't know Valve's marketing strategy, so why don't you stop being so negative? Why did you bother to register here if all you do is complain?

Hey who started this thread? Not me. Who's complaning about the ''fall'' release date? Not me. And once again, just because I register on Half-Life 2 forums that dosen't mean the only game on my hard drive should be hl2 and the only game I should have on my mind is hl2.
blindvomit said:
Hey who started this thread? Not me. Who's complaning about the ''fall'' release date? Not me. And once again, just because I register on Half-Life 2 forums that dosen't mean the only game on my hard drive should be hl2 and the only game I should have on my mind is hl2.

Fine, if you have no interest in HL2 *Go to another Forum*. Stop your whining about Valve, or go bitch to someone who cares.
Six Three said:
Fine, if you have no interest in HL2 *Go to another Forum*. Stop your whining about Valve, or go bitch to someone who cares.

I didn't say I wasn't interested in Half-Life 2 either, so back THE **** OFF.
blindvomit said:
I didn't say I wasn't interested in Half-Life 2 either, so back THE **** OFF.

If you say that you are interested in Half-Life 2, then why do you persist to put Valve down? Why like the game, but not the people who are making it for you?
ApocalypseNow said:
Wow... what a big f-ucking surprize, VAVLe has lied again... hahaha

Come on you idiots its not like you guys didnt see this coming...

like Ive said before...

F.uck Valve

F.uck you :thumbs:
ApocalypseNow said:
Wow... what a big f-ucking surprize, VAVLe has lied again... hahaha

Come on you idiots its not like you guys didnt see this coming...

like Ive said before...

F.uck Valve

They never made any promises this time... Did you just get here or what?
Six Three said:
If you say that you are interested in Half-Life 2, then why do you persist to put Valve down? Why like the game, but not the people who are making it for you?

Because in every ****ing interview I've seen they ask them, when is it going to be released? ''Summer'' they said, now it's supposedly fall...WTF? IF YOU DONT KNOW WHEN ITS GOING TO BE RELEASED DONT SAY WHEN ITS GOING TO BE RELEASED!
I'm surprised this thread hasn't been closed yet. Kind of scary when you think of it.
blindvomit said:
Because in every ****ing interview I've seen they ask them, when is it going to be released? ''Summer'' they said, now it's supposedly fall...WTF? IF YOU DONT KNOW WHEN ITS GOING TO BE RELEASED DONT SAY WHEN ITS GOING TO BE RELEASED!

Get the facts right, Valve said that HL2 would go Gold in the Summer ie: August.

And since when has Fall become official? HLR have no idea what they are talking about..
ooh, if that is true, it's getting ridicoulus. saying "30th of sept. definitely".. blah, blah.. now, they told us summer as the release date, which maybe can't be hold, too. all empty promises! :bonce: especially, when they say nothing and don't inform us about a delay and just keep quiet.

valve should leave it at "when it's done".

but let's see, if this is really true.
Six Three said:
Blindvomit, you don't know Valve's marketing strategy, so why don't you stop being so negative? Why did you bother to register here if all you do is complain?

True that !
lonestar said:
ooh, if that is true, it's getting ridicoulus. saying "30th of sept. definitely".. blah, blah.. now, they told us summer as the release date, which maybe can't be hold, too. all empty promises! :bonce: especially, when they say nothing and don't inform us about a delay and just keep quiet.

valve should leave it at "when it's done".

but let's see, if this is really true.

That's exactly what ID said, no ****ing ''OH YEAH ITS OUT JULY XX OK?'' then july xx comes around and it's not here, then they say ''UH AUG XX''
august xx comes around and still no doom 3, sound familiar?


What ID did was say ''Hey **** you, we'll release it when it's done ok?''-now that right there is an awnser.
blindvomit said:
That's exactly what ID said, no ****ing ''OH YEAH ITS OUT JULY XX OK?'' then july xx comes around and it's not here, then they say ''UH AUG XX''
august xx comes around and still no doom 3, sound familiar?


What ID did was say ''Hey **** you, we'll release it when it's done ok?''-now that right there is an awnser.

And that is why Doom III does not have half the community HL2 has...
Six Three said:
And that is why Doom III does not have half the community HL2 has...

Your point is? Counter-Strike is the most popular multiplayer, but there are tons of games better than that. Just because it has a big community dosent necceseraly mean it's going to be better.

BTW if you are too stupid to notice, I exageratted on the ''**** you well release it when it's done'' but ID did say that they will release it when it's done, and what would you choose, waiting for a game that really dosen't have a set ship date, but is going to be released when it's done, or a game that keeps giving you bullshit release dates, release date after release date?
blindvomit said:
Your point is? Counter-Strike is the most popular multiplayer, but there are tons of games better than that. Just because it has a big community dosent necceseraly mean it's going to be better.

BTW if you are too stupid to notice, I exageratted on the ''**** you well release it when it's done'' but ID did say that they will release it when it's done, and what would you choose, waiting for a game that really dosen't have a set ship date, but is going to be released when it's done, or a game that keeps giving you bullshit release dates, release date after release date?

1. Counter Strike does not have a community.
2. I knew that you were exagerating, I chose to ignore it.
3. Valve has only given 1 "bullshit" release date.
4. Valve has given a Timeframe for HL2 going Gold - "Summer"

Valve has only made 1 mistake, and that was their ambitious first release date. I don't know why you keep insisting that Valve is "giving you bullshit release dates, release date after release date". As I said above, there has only been one official release date announcement.
Six Three said:
And that is why Doom III does not have half the community HL2 has...

hmm, that has actually nothing to do with.

valve can give us release dates. no problem, but if they can't hold them and they KNOW that their scheduling is bad (gabe said so), it would be better to just say "WID". valve repeat it every now and then, "yes, summer; we ship it this summer; release date is summer" only to delay it some weeks later?! that isn't the right way to go.
Six Three said:
1. Counter Strike does not have a community.
2. I knew that you were exagerating, I chose to ignore it.
3. Valve has only given 1 "bullshit" release date.
4. Valve has given a Timeframe for HL2 going Gold - "Summer"

Valve has only made 1 mistake, and that was their ambitious first release date. I don't know why you keep insisting that Valve is "giving you bullshit release dates, release date after release date". As I said above, there has only been one official release date announcement.

OMG...Counter-Strike dosen't have a community...omg...that's what has been keeping Half-Life ALIVE! Don't get me right Half-Life Single player was a GREAT expirience, but truly, how many people do you see still playing Half Life online? For me not many.
lonestar said:
hmm, that has actually nothing to do with.

valve can give us release dates. no problem, but if they can't hold them and they KNOW that their scheduling is bad (gabe said so), it would be better to just say "WID". valve repeat it every now and then, "yes, summer; we ship it this summer; release date is summer" only to delay it some weeks later?! that isn't the right way to go.

THEY HAVENT DELAYED ANYTHING! HLR's claim is purely speculation!
blindvomit said:
OMG...Counter-Strike dosen't have a community...omg...that's what has been keeping Half-Life ALIVE! Don't get me right Half-Life Single player was a GREAT expirience, but truly, how many people do you see still playing Half Life online? For me not many.

Half-Life has been dead for some time now, CS is the only thing of that series that is still widely played... If you call a bunch of 13 year olds running around de_dust farting into their mics and crying "hacker!1!!" a community, you have some issues.
Six Three said:
Half-Life has been dead for some time now, CS is the only thing of that series that is still widely played... If you call a bunch of 13 year olds running around de_dust farting into their mics and crying "hacker!1!!" a community, you have some issues.

But it's still a community.
Six Three said:
THEY HAVENT DELAYED ANYTHING! HLR's claim is purely speculation!

yeah, calm down. :) i know it. it was just for the case IF this blurb from hlradio is actually true.
It's not speculation, unless they lied about talking to Lombardi.
hiln said:
It's not speculation, unless they lied about talking to Lombardi.

yeah, i know it ... :rolling: aah , i know nothing! ;) so what..

why should they publish this, just to give us some false information. it's hlradio, after all. not a 13 year old kid who said on a forum "i talked to doug and he told me "fall" " .
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